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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@allquixotic *poke* how's it looking for today? :P
              very fail
                          much user
so pro
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
!!learn frequency 'I AM THE BEST CHATBOT EVER LIVED'
@Edity Command frequency already exists
@Edity Command say already exists
!!learn pokemon 'GOTTA CATCH THEM ALL'
@Edity Command pokemon learned
@Edity Input not matching /CATCH/. Help: User-taught command: THEM 'GOTTA
@Edity Could not process input. Error: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'command.name.toLowerCase')
@Edity Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!forget pokemon
@Edity Command pokemon forgotten.
!!learn Edity 'greet I am Edity, the maker of this command, please ping me @Edity if there are any problems, ps I AM THE BEST'
@Edity Command edity learned
@Edity Input not matching /I/. Help: User-taught command: am 'greet
!!forget edity
@Edity Command edity forgotten.
@allquixotic great timing- I am learning to make a command
!!learn edity '<msg> I am @Edity, grammer checker, exellent windows repairer, and this command maker. Ping @edity if this is broken'
@Edity Command edity learned
@Edity Input not matching /I/. Help: User-taught command: am '<msg>
!!forget edity
@Edity Command edity forgotten.
@Bob I'm here
@allquixotic \o/
When do you want to start?
@Bob soon as you're ready and I can get my BT connected
BT is connected
@Edity umm...... what? what kind of "timing" do I have?
@allquixotic I'm just gonna grab a quick lunch. 10 min?
also, "grammer" and "exellent" are horrifically spelled for someone who's concerned about grammar >_>
@Bob sure
@allquixotic lol
@allquixotic Steam? TS?
@Bob Yes to all
@onebree what do you need 2 gfx cards for?
@PSYCOGEEK yes I remember hearing about this... interesting but my parts are already 2 months old, there was no stench! :) it must be the powersupply or just that smelly paper tray I had on the floor.. it was fresh from an item I unboxed go figure.

my powersupply is... 4 years old?
..anyways I left my case open for that air to air out and it doesnt really smell anymore except a teensy bit from inside the power supply so maybe I did blow a cap :/
interesting. capacitors advertised as solid cannot blow?
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere plug one into a wall socket. they probably blow "different" :-) more solid. a normal elecrolytical cap blows with much fan fare, and confetti and (before they had safety releaces) with force of air like firecracker was in them.
Is there a way to manually get an NVIDIA GPU to drop its power state to a low-power mode, like it does when throttled automatically due to power or thermal limits?
there is still many non-solid caps used in much computer stuff. especially power supplies still, and cheaper motherboards, and less critical locations of motherboard power cleanup stuff.
Any board worth its salt will use high-quality Japanese caps in all the important areas. Lower-quality capacitors will likely degrade over time ultimately resulting in unstable or unreliable performance. Outright explosive failure of capacitors is not exactly common these days under non-abusive conditions, though.
@bwDraco underclock? it . there are many overclocking utilities for either video card to do that. In ATi (for example) you can lock down a low rate right in their own software, and make a profile for it.
I can't get it to drop the voltage like it does when the power state is dropped.
hmm mine does, but not like idle, just like the slightly lower voltage it uses at that rate. Like i set 300-300 as a "green" and it will potentially go to 150-150 and then it starts being less stable.
It drops to something like 1V, but i would have to look closer.
ahh ATi also has that "power" thing, where you can set the limitation based on actual power, even if it is clocked normal
Doesn't seem to be possible on this mobile GPU.
it confused me at first, till i realised what it did
(NVIDIA GeForce GTX 780M)
i believe MSI-afterburner is one of the high recommended ones for nvidia, and rivatuner next , which seemed more complicated to me.
Alternatively, is there a game-agnostic way of limiting the frame rate?
But a laptop is a laptop, so what are you actually trying to achieve , long battery life? Just turn the evil V-sync on
Stable performance without throttling. Underclocking isn't ideal.
stable, tear it apart (every 2 years) and redo all the thermals
put a ducted fan on the ouput , to increase the flow a bit when on the desktop?
Feed the AC unit direct, (ducted) into the input or general area around it. I actually have that possibility here. 1/2 the window AC goes down a simple vent duct , and can be pointed anywhere.
dont bother with "ultra" setting, use High? Adjust:
Ambient occlusion,
Any refection settings
Foilage distance
Turn off DOF and Motion blur
Those things(seem) to take lots of power for little or negative benefits, just gernerally
Play games from 2009 :-) yea what is it, i have played many games that were made back when that GPU power was not available. many of them look Just As Good, some of them certannly are old crappy grafics.
Is cool playing slightly older games on thier "ultra" settings, with my video card clocked to 300-300 :-) when they still look good.
when they look like a 1950s version of doom, not so much :-)
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere electrolytics blow. Other caps may fail in other ways. That said, there's a specific 'vintage' of cheap caps that were more likely to blow and they're still preferred for filter caps.
look up 'capacitor plague'
But what about a Mold smell he was saying? what in any computer would produce a smell that was similar to mold?
I have no idea what that might be
Skyrim is CPU-limited on this machine.
Draw distances were extended per this question:
Q: How can I extend the view distances further?

DMA57361OK, I'm lucky enough to have the game run smoothly enough for my tastes on the Ultra settings - so with all the game-provided settings set to maximum. Most of the time it looks brilliant. However, once you find a large open space, and then can see the distance rendering cut-offs, such as these d...

(DMA57361 is a former mod of Super User. Very friendly and lovable person.)
I hate short draw distances, My EYES dont work like that, they also dont blur :-) as things move faster, and my eyes are not a camera taking portraits , things i look at tend to be in focus :-) For me some of the "work" they do doesnt help reality
er. He was?
Although it does a great job of heating up the room, and increasing my utility bill.
Damn, I must be getting old
ahh, 2011 batch
I guess I didn't interact with him that much
much flowers and grass though are many many verticies, seeing a textured mountain in the distance, may be "easy" for a gpu to render. rendering 30,000 grass blades not so much. So when given the option, i might tweak it back a bit.
First time I saw 3D rendered lower canopy, that looked like it could choke a GPU was Farcry. I was hoping they had some "clone render" technique ??? to pull that off.
It is all so amazing anyways, when just a few years ago, scenes even partly that sofisticated would take an hour to render each one. How far they have come. Watching a game review, i always agree with the things they hate, but we have come so far that early 3D was ameoba , not even caveman
Got a poison ivy rash on my right wrist a few days ago. Not a big deal but it's annoying me to no end.
when hiking, i carry "lava" soap for poisen ivy, poisen oak, immediataly removing the plant oils, much like hot pepper oils, and the huge pain ends quick.
that is before grinding them into the live skin, by scratching the itch
2 hours later…
@bwDraco underclocking is pretty much the standard way
@Psycogeek just wash it in alcohol :P
that too
If i was one of those who carried alcohol for stove . I found out that propane/butane has 2x "btu" or whatever than alcohol, so that sounds lighter.
@Psycogeek But harder to transport
You can just pour alcohol into a bottle
2 hours later…
really. whatever happened to the idea of space planes? why is it not viable to fly normally with aerodynamic lift through the atmosphere , with a plane like item that is space compatable?
then to land it again like a plane, instead of a "pair of pliers" (description used for landing the shuttle)
@Psycogeek cause the wings are bulky and fragile.
then quit strapping it to an ICBM rocket to get it up :-)
would you believe thrusters and a warp engine?
@Psycogeek It's coming back that is the problem. Wings that can survive reentry aren't very aerodynamic.
so there is no possbility to do that like slower?
its gonna be a while then that anybody is flying through the horizon of a black hole , if they cant even cope with the blue marble .
@Psycogeek if you go slower you literally fall
@Psycogeek The shuttle slows down initially by flying backwards and using its engines. Conventional aircraft tend not to perform very well flying backwards.
the only thing keeping an object in orbit is the speed at which it misses the ground
The Space Shuttle was a partially reusable low Earth orbital spacecraft system operated by the U.S. National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), as part of the Space Shuttle program. Its official program name was Space Transportation System (STS), taken from a 1969 plan for a system of reusable spacecraft of which it was the only item funded for development. The first of four orbital test flights occurred in 1981, leading to operational flights beginning in 1982. They were used on a total of 135 missions from 1981 to 2011, launched from the Kennedy Space Center (KSC) in Florida. Operational...
See "Re-entry and landing"
so (your saying) they have to plummet at extreeme into the atmosphere , to get the balance of gravity pull vrses the sudden existance of substance.
Then the only solution to the madness would be a real understanding of "gravity".
@Psycogeek Basically, they're already going very very very fast (sideways). When they slow down, they don't go sideways fast enough and so they fall into the atmosphere. They can't really slow down slower because as soon as you reach "fall into the atmosphere" drag slows you down even faster.
They have to shed speed somehow. Part of that is done by drag, which heats the shuttle up to 1500 C (hence the ceramic tiles). The drag also produces extreme forces which would rip the wings off a conventional aircraft.
@DavidPostill AFAIK it's more that the drag is unavoidable...
It's efficient, though.
Otherwise you'd need a lot of fuel to prodice ~9.8m/s of thrust just to keep it up vertically while you slow it down horizontally.
for a while when they quit doing moon missions and reduced the NASA stuff and the space "race" , i was Ok with it. because it seemed like this planet is not yet ready. When you have to pretty much destroy everything, to really become space born. Space-X landing and re-useing the stuff is at least some hope.
@Bob The drag could be reduced by flying nose first instead of 40 degrees nose up. Downside would be more heat (less drag == flying faster == more friction) and the shuttle would burn up.
Like anything, eventually they will find Much better methods, would be nice if it was sooner than later.
heh. You basically need a ton of fuel to reach space. You actually get better fuel economy with the drop tanks
there's a few projects where they launch rockets off aircraft tho.
@DavidPostill the drag would also be across much more area , if it wasnt a pregnant guppy skipping across the water like a rock :-)
@Psycogeek And more area == more drag == more force == wings ripped off, like I already explained.
then toss out about 50% of the weight by removing the redundancies , and sending up suicide terrorists :-) as astro-nots.
If our cars were built like the shuttle , they would get 10million miles, and you could fix it in your garage with a set of gloves and cresent wrench.
er, it would only run twice a year, and occationally blow up.
Hmm. The thought of a terrorist wearing a huge steerable extremely explosive suicide belt is rather alarming ;)
The big issue with a shuttle is they had a big idea, and when parts didn't work they engineered it by commitee.
And they didn't follow up
@DavidPostill so then what is the deal with the upper atmosphere that they encounter so much substance at once? and not wisping through a bit of hydrogen helium for a while as they enter?
IMO it is because they are entering too fast, because they dont have wings.
@Psycogeek You need to go super fast sieways
You could escape earth's gravity going up, but that's too much fuel and not an orbit you need for an satellite
so it is all about the transition , from low-substance centrifugal high speed spin to defy gravity (orbit) , to crashing stupidly into the high substance , that could provide areodynamic lifts, and be plane like.
@Psycogeek Because to actually stay in a certain orbit you need a certain speed.
Most satellites in LEO actually do encounter some minor atmospheric drag.
But they stay up there for months/years.
Yeah the ISS keeps adjusting orbit(not sure from drag or debris(
@Psycogeek needs some KSP
@HackToHell That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
To go low enough to get to a point where you're really slowing down quick-ish, you're going too slow to stay at that level.
So while you slow down you're actually dropping faster and then slowing even faster etc
actually iirc the lower your orbit the faster you have to go to stay up
but that could be misremembering :P
brb my dinner's on fire
@Psycogeek The drag increases the lower you are in the atmosphere ...
TIL of capacitor plague
Perhaps my Mobo failed in late 2004 cause of that
i wonder how much it would be like going 3000miles per hour in a hypersonic sub, then trying to crash it into the water
@HackToHell its pretty likely
@HackToHell my last motherboard the caps right under the video card were slowly being destroyed from heat. The GPU had not only the normal heat, being ducted mostly out back, but the RAM modules themselves were the main heat source.
with the new idea of stacking ram next to the die, that specific thing would not have existed.
Ahh if i had only known (thermal pics) i could have addressed it, like I had everything else covered.
@Psycogeek the other fun one is when the VRAM itself dies
then you get to wonder if someone slipped you some LSD :P
What occured was it started acting flakey about a year ago, the voltage was dropping on the (overclocked) CPU, so for much time it survived because I cranked the voltage up again in the bios, and lowered the overclock.
@Psycogeek suck yeah
@Bob Seen those in school!
Fun stuff
this time it is probably the Raid card, that thinks it is a whole computer, cooking the same basic area. so much for "cool & quiet"
and really this raid card isnt that much faster than the old stuff was, so what wonderous new method of spinning processing wheels for i dont know. When it aint doing nothing, the processor on the raid card just cooks away. Same thing with the other brand tested.
Might as well be searching for extra terrestrials :-)
@Psycogeek affordable thermal cameras is a newish thing tho
@JourneymanGeek affordable-ish ;P
Though that's really more of a demand thing.
Lots of digital cameras (and sensors) can capture IR... and have filters to block it :P
serverfault.com/questions/541816/… a cooking LSI raid card. Why arent people asking WHY these cards are so hot when they are doing Nothing at all? I wonder if mine in the array of possible adjustments could be told to cool it and lose a few miliseconds.
Infinate Loop - On / Off
Seriously bad programming - Default / Worse
Do what intel would do - Today / tomorrow
There must be thousands of servers that when mostly parked are sucking up enough energy to charge allquixotic prius 10 times over.
I've experienced problem with uploading file on the web. I use Trisquel GNU/Linux and Abrowser as default web browser. In an (on-line) application form, there is option to upload document allowing formates pdf and jpeg. When I've tried to upload pdf document, site shows error "only odf and jpeg files can be uploaded". So, in-spite of uploading pdf file, I was getting such error.
Later on I've tried IceCat and file(s) are uploaded successfully.
So, I want to know what should be the reason for such a problem?
In other words, what is causing (for) problem?
same exact file? uploaded to the same exact location? and only the program used for the uploading differs?
@Psycogeek yes same exact file and location.
I am also surprised when recognized that it was problem with my browser as I never experienced such problem before!
Note that I also tried to clear data (cache etc.) for browser.
my cousin came to our house yesterday and he steal my wifi password with an android software but he didn't tell me what was the software. is there anybody here know
i got some software but they were bullshit
did u have the same experience
sure he didn't just socially engineer it?
Also, what kind of wifi password?
How do you know?
because i didn't told him anything and my password is so difficult
using number + string + #@&
physical access to the device that the password is set on?
no he told me he has a special android software for it
not really enough information to tell then
Doesn't matter what he told you if he isn't willing to show.
i search internet and there was a bunch of android software about wifi hack and most of them were useless
typically wpa2 is supposed to be hard to crack
@JourneymanGeek do you know any software to hace wpa2
Nope. There's no inherent weakness.
Apart from guessing (/brute-forcing) the PSK.
@Sandra That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
There's other issues like physical access as @Psycogeek mentioned and also WPS.
@Sandra It seems about cracking not hacking!
i changed the password again and he did it in afew minutes !!!
i think he didn't have enough time to all aircrak-ng.org
I'd try turning off wifi, not doing it, and making him try again.
@Sandra did he ever have his hands on your own devices ? like did you hand him your phone. let him use your computer?
No never
@Bob so. shitty cheap mechanical keyboards are shitty?
Did you ever upload some piece of software suggested by him
@JourneymanGeek Apparently some people like them :P
he came to our house after 5 years and we hadn't any connection with him
during these years!!
@Sandra I'd totally peek over his shoulder the next time he tries it and see what it is
naw, I usually just socially engineer passwords ;p
@JourneymanGeek Eh, it's either physical access, taking the P/W off something else, or WPS PIN.
WPS PIN is the only 'modern' technical weakness.
Heck, even WEP isn't that fast to break.
@Bob or he's full of shit
would u plz to tell me how he can find out this password with social engineer
Though IIRC you can brute-force WPS PIN in just a few minutes, given a weak AP implementation.
@Sandra "Hi, I need to connect to the wifi, can I ask..."
@Sandra like that :-)
@Sandra I think I just accidentally socially engineered your password
no i'm not crazy :D
@JourneymanGeek This guy seems happier with them :P
it is just a format of my pass
but not exactly
@Sandra What method did you use to determine that he had actually aquired your password? Not what method did he play magic tricks on you with?
because he told me with lough!!
@Sandra are you sure its your wifi he was connected to?
@JourneymanGeek i told you, he revealed my password and told me what it is!!!
@Sandra So, yeah, no idea what it is then
i think he is the smartest one but he don't know anything about software lol
or hacking !!!!
If its simple tool use he won't need to know, but most of us don't break into other folk's wifi networks ;p
@Sandra well we didnt ask what method of security your wi-fi uses? there is a rather old method that was supposed to be really easy to break into using MITM or something
@Psycogeek I did pretty early on
Totally you don't know
@Psycogeek WEP is broken, but not taht fast to get into
You're looking at several hours of snooping, depending on the amount of traffic.
so @Bob is there any software to broke it
10 mins ago, by Bob
@JourneymanGeek Eh, it's either physical access, taking the P/W off something else, or WPS PIN.
@Sandra Yeah, we don't. and we don't have enough information to guess
i think i use wps setting
then turn it off
cause WPS PIN is broken
That might be it
very very broken
more broken than WEP
sorry i just checked
it is WPA2 PSK
WPS is independent of the primary key/WPA auth
iirc something called reaver would do it
what is iirc
if I recall correctly
generally, WPS config is a checkbox somewhere else
lol. this AP puts WEP as a sub-option of "Open"
youtube.com/watch?v=zHSIh3abuEM 2 step process? gain access to the router via unchanged defaults, get the rest of the info from the router itself?
superuser.com/questions/1081793/… , ohh advanced question. "Since any "read" operation on the card will lessen the chance of recovery" wow the things you can learn from "very knowledgeable". did he mean write?
@JourneymanGeek I thought it was the Sandra from SF.
@jokerdino naw
I doubt it at least
didn't match
@Bob The ability to make notifications from apps not make noise/vibrate, without hiding them entirely
@qwertyuiop Doesn't silent do that? Or do you mean with phone audio still on?
IIRC there's a volume control for notifications
@qwertyuiop I can see vibration intensity control for notifications. And a volume control for notifications too.
Or did you mean per-app?
@Bob Per app
I very much like to know what this person was smoking/snorting/injecting
to google everything is fair use , fair to Redirect, cache, collect, distribute , and stuff ads on. google is biggest pirate and spammer on the whole web, and We Love it :-)
Oh, this literally is fair use
Speaking of re-direct, there actually were laws and mutterings about what is legal to link web sites, some countries disagreed on things. Like deep linking vrses front page lining etc, and the ramifications of one site using (linking) to only the best part of another.
I link pron
there was also a big to-do about google cacheing everything. making google the "source" for other peoples works. google cache was much more visable then. Why visit some poor saps site who worked hard to deliver great materials if you can just view the cache .
and the employees at google are treated like KINGS , while the lonely web site, the balancer of power, the all people are equal on the web, are slaves to this master, begging for the 5cents from thier invasive ads.
Google owns us all, and thier self driving death machines will be allowed free reign to the roads, even if thier driving record is worse than yours, because the stats will say (average) the bots are better.
Heck they dont even pay taxes :-) rob from the poor give to me, Google is a huge california economy.
You're ranting
pretty incoherently I might add
ahh ye shall see
history only repeats badly
@CausingUnderflowsEverywhere 2 780s in SLI are more powerful than a single 780, making it more VR compatible/ready
@onebree have you actually tested it with an Oculus Rift?
(I'm not actually interested as I'll be buying a 1080 but I'd be wary of making such a claim without actually testing it)
Tested via benchmarking and other software. Not with a physical device though
@JourneymanGeek "this person" was one of Oracle's lawyers in one of the most ridiculous copyright cases of the 21st century, and she writes in a tone that suggests she is very much a sore loser, because she effectively failed to prosecute her client's apparent offender
eh - I'd sell it on eBay and just say there's no warranty or responsibility for damaged or non functional parts
eBay forces you to accept the terms of their "guarantee" which guarantees that whatever you represent the item as in your advertisement, is what it does when they get it, or they get their money back
does anyone remember the 1997 Sun v microsoft suit?
Doesn't Ebay take 10% of the money for items over a certain amount?
so just say you're selling a bunch of computer parts or something, don't claim that it can actually do anything
Ooh, I'm on the starwall again! \o/
By stealing @JourneymanGeek's line :P
@allquixotic thank you for the advice. We will try to post a listing on ebay this weekend
@onebree yeah, but you're likely to be able to get more and move it faster by exposing it to a larger audience
set a reasonably high Buy It Now price and a very low starting bid
@onebree steam has a test thing if you don't mind testing for the vive.
no goggles needed
@JourneymanGeek that steam program was used.
@allquixotic If you do that, make sure either the starting bid is acceptable, or set an acceptable reserve.
Acceptable as in something you wouldn't feel too bad about if it went for that price.
@allquixotic What would you think is a good buy now and low price? He doesn't want to sell it for lower than $900 USD
...wait, what are you selling?
Oh, full computer.
I thought you wanted 900 USD just for GPUs :P
@allquixotic Have you used any SMR drives yet?
@onebree I said use ebay yesterday ;)
22 hours ago, by DavidPostill
@onebree ebay?
I'm trying to decide between an 8 TB (internal?) Seagate vs a 5 TB external Seagate drive.
Well, two of them.
The 8 TB is cheaper, but... SMR :\
@DavidPostill Thank you.
SMR shouldn't be that much of an issue
@JourneymanGeek Reliability?
Packing data that densely... O_O
8 TB is 225 USD, 5 TB is 130 USD... hey, the 5 TB one is actually cheaper right now o.O
Never mind, I'll just get that :P
> It cooks breakfast too. :)
That's not a very promising review!
@onebree can I get a full spec list?
do you have it somewhere online?
@Bob is my 8 TB Seagate internal ST8000DM0002 SMR? if so, yes
@allquixotic How is it? (write perf)
> Only the 10TB purple drive uses SMR. The rest are regular.
> I have used a bunch of the archive 8TB drives from seagate and wouldn't recommend them. They are soooooo slow.
> Are you sure? The 8TB Purple spec sheet that I looked at in March specifically mentioned SMR as if it was a good thing, and had a very clear workload/year rating that was around 175TB. I did the math and that was only about 11 months of Live TV buffer on a basic Roamio.
I have two in RAID-1 with MaxCache and ReadyBoost to insulate from their true performance so I don't actually know their actual perf
and these are the desktop model, not the archive model
It's hard to find concrete info :\
@allquixotic You had an extra 0 in that model number :P explains the (lack of) Google results
@allquixotic I will have to make a new list. I lost the other one.
Yea... at $290, that's considerably more than the external HDD.
trying to walk my friend through installing a printer driver
I'm somewhat stumped
oddly they don't mention the RPM
@JourneymanGeek so you're on a leash and walking your owner human and barking at him to make him understand how to install it, but he's not understanding you?
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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