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@Edity Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Edity help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, areyoukidding, bababababat, baroo, beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific
boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaaat, caaaat, caat, cancer, caniuse, caution, chihuahuaunravelinginsidearol
@Edity deskflip, fuu, iseewhatyoudidthere, no, notbad, ohyou, okay, troll, trollface, youdontsay
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: rofl, tell, trout
!!/meme troll
@allquixotic The !!/meme troll is not working
!!/meme no
@allquixotic actully the whole !!/meme command is not working
heh. Can be not abuse the bot?
Sure moderator
@Edity before I was a mod, or even a room owner, I was a user here. This is my indoor be nice voice.
@Edity That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: live
@Edity I'm afraid I can't let you do that, Edity
@JourneymanGeek mh?
"Better to have a kind word and a rolled up newspaper than just a kind word"
hello world!
Q: Chipset supports 8gb of RAM but computer is 32bit?

Smarticles101I have a Compaq Pressario SR1222NX that I am looking to upgrade the RAM on. So the max supported RAM is for my computer is 4 GB. This makes sense to me as the 32 bit address limit is 4GB. However... According to intel, the chipset of my computer will support up to 8GB. So I dug around a littl...

@Smarticles101 room etiquitte tends to be that you don't typically link your own questions for attention. You quite literally just asked that question. Its worth waiting for an answer.
If its something super wierd and cool, maaaybe
but this isn't
adding what your processor actually is might help
1 hour later…
Requires special Windows-only software
@ThatBrazilianGuy rs232 port
When's the last time you've seen one on a modern system?
@Bob I won't be able to play SoaSE within the next several hours - according to pv, my dd if=/dev/sda of=/dev/sdb will take another 5-6 hours. And I'll need another hour or two after that to get everything together
I will be able to play - hopefully - about 24-25 hours from right now, when we usually play
Unless not being able to install the last motherboard screw somehow will make my system unusable, heh
@allquixotic ah...
I just got home :P
@JourneymanGeek is the only one here with impulse buying under control, it seems :P
Oh blah AWS lambda api doesn't allow jar uploads
I just automated the jar process using maven
And amazon docs wants to build the zip using gradle
grumble grumble
@Bob ;p
good thing too
@JourneymanGeek lol good luck with that
@jokerdino looks like someone else handled the problem
he did say he is moving himself to Root access
lasted about... 5 minutes?
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek rs232 and 4K?
@RahulBasu yup
though the fact that you can plug in 4 inputs into it is cool
i've noticed some supermarket payment counters you barcode scanners with rs232 in india
I have no idea why they don't switch to USB
actually, most desktops still have headers for a serial port
That's what I found odd
wait, they do?
w... why?
I mean, I haven't used one in the fifteen years of my existence...
Its useful for some sorts of debugging
he came back.
who did?
that guy
@jokerdino for now?
I suppose so.
@jokerdino which guy?
@RahulBasu that guy
someone about your age
The place where my mom works sent over a PC
but the case is giving out serious electric shocks
and the so called technician is baffled
@Psycogeek How to not solder when shooting for stock: reddit.com/r/funny/comments/49dayl/…
@Boris_yo that's been mentioned here at least twice ;p
@RahulBasu because it's easy and it works?
Not like barcode scanners are particularly demanding
@RahulBasu also used for cash register drawers ;p
2 hours later…
@Nick Hmm. I guess by Western standards 3 weeks is already a lot
@qwertyuiop I was a shutin for ~2 years
Why is this room do quiet nowadays?
Its like any other room
there's times when its busy and times when its not
@RahulBasu cause on one here felt like talking? :P
or maybe some of us just weren't here
I was reading a book ;p
@Nick Did you know that you could also do "netsh wlan show profile <wifi_name> key=clear" from command prompt??
It works for most WiFi networks
@RahulBasu Wait, what? You're less than half my age?!
I am impressed!
I mean, the first I heard about you, you were setting some online security test for kids at school
I naturally assumed you were older than the kids :p
@JourneymanGeek Which one
@RahulBasu Also you seem to know a lot of tech stuff for a 15yo. And a lot of English for a non-native 15yo
That's a fun assignment instruction!
@ThatBrazilianGuy chains of command
its one of the frontlines series
Nearly hugo nominated for the last book but politics :(
God damn it! My brand new system isn't booting at all. Put it all together, power it on, and the fans (ALL fans) spin for like 12 seconds then turn off, then it power cycles and tries again in a loop. PSU is used one and known-good (I've used it for years in my old system).
I made sure the cables are tight. I removed the RAID controller and GPU, removed the RAM, unplugged all the non essential plugs from the PSU, verified the CPU is installed right....
12 hours ago, by allquixotic
Unless not being able to install the last motherboard screw somehow will make my system unusable, heh
The only problem I seem to have had is the final screw in the motherboard simply will not under any circumstances install into the standoff, no matter how hard I try.
@allquixotic CPU power cable?
I'm beginning to wonder if this motherboard is even physically compatible with my case
CPU power cable is good. I used the 8-pin CPU plug not a PCIe :P I pressed on it hard with needle nose pliers to make sure it was seated
@allquixotic Can we get a photo of the mobo?
CPU fan appears to be installed well, the nuts tightened down real nice on the backplate behind the motherboard (tho the backplate does physically touch the mobo, probably by design)
Also, could try pilling the mobo out and just laying it a few sheets of antistatic (or paper?)
@allquixotic IIRC there were issues with some heatsinks causing damage o.O
Stupid question: is it possible to stick an SSD into a laptop that has an HDD, and keep that HDD in use by the same laptop?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Depends on the laptop.
Many have a mSATA slot.
On others, you can replace the ODD with a caddy.
You know better than to ask general questions like that!
Bad TBG, bad!
@ThatBrazilianGuy "maybe"
@allquixotic is it not lined up at all or slightly off?
Some cases do this wierd thing where you may need to move standoffs for different board types
@ThatBrazilianGuy :D
I'm flattered!
Just slightly off center by maybe 0.05mm
Can't get it any closer
@allquixotic Any chance of that photo? :P
@Bob he just went offline
@RahulBasu Meh, he'll see it when he gets back.
Q: What determines military victory?

l II was playing a game of Sins of a Solar Empire: Rebellion and all of a sudden it was declared that I won via a military victory. However I haven't finished conquering the other guy's planets yet and I was given the option to keep playing. What are the exact conditions when the game is declaring...

So... apparently the AI just surrendered on me.
I wasn't even attacking them!
Granted, I was building up a big fleet and smashing up a pirate base...
heh. WB is slightly fun to troll
A: How strong would a human-being be if they could turn into living metal?

Journeyman GeekThey probably would have trouble moving. Lets assume a few things - if this is a surface transformation, their muscles would need to adapt to a heavier 'skin' without the stretchiness of human skin. They'd have to overcome weight and friction of their skin plates, or have a surface coating that...

Most of my answers are 'serious' but sometimes I have a little fun
not my worst ;p
@Bob HM. I barely use my ODD. I have to check what's the connector it uses
There's hope!
My model is a different 15R
should be around the same era/adaptor no?
and those things are more or less standard
IMHO, there are no standards when it comes to laptops
Ever tried to buy a battery?
I have a place for that
but cd drives are nearly standard if hotswappable.
there's a massive, loud thunderstorm
Oh... I remember when I was in singapore (2009) a storm started in the middle of the night and I thought the thunder was a bomb blast because I'd never heard such loud thunder before... :P
afterall, I was eight
its one of those sorta rains
with the banshee howl winds
and the rain slamming against the windows
but I absolutely love singapore weather...
I've been there six times ;p
my dad had a company there...
@allquixotic Ow 144p :P gotta wait for YT
(btw your name is attached to that, dunno if you want to delete)
Idgaf right now
Hopefully the end of the video is at least slightly entertaining considering the circumstances
My exasperated "Fuck." was totally ad lib, not planned
Btw it's not the CPU overheating because it's the same duration whether I have the Heatsink bolted down tight as a drum, or not
@allquixotic I hope you haven't hit that Skylake CPU/heatsink issue :\
Especially if you put it on real tight.
You don't happen to have a spare LGA 1151 CPU lying around?
@allquixotic Apparently some people have fixed similar issues (with other mobos) by resetting the firmware -- removing the battery, pressing the reset button, etc., etc..
!! Caat
@Bob what Skylake issue?
1 hour ago, by Bob
@Bob Oh, that. Lol
@allquixotic You've tried reseating the CPU, yea?
@allquixotic Another thing, what did you plug the CPU fan into? Apparently some mobos will power off if they don't detect a running fan.
@Bob plugged it into the plug marked CPU Fan
@allquixotic Is there only one?
Reseating the CPU didn't help and it looks undamaged to the naked eye
@Bob yes
Probably right... shrug
Did you try the CMOS reset?
I'm banking on a fucked motherboard at this point
No, that's next
(is it still right to call it CMOS? don't they store that on NAND now? :\ )
Resetting the CMOS with the jumper didn't fix anything
@allquixotic Battery?
Might be time for an RMA :\
Though, you don't even know if it's the CPU or the mobo at this point do you?
I wonder... if you leave the CPU off entirely does the same thing happen?
@allquixotic is the fan slow at start up? my motherboard complains when i first boot - but if i reboot then it runs
(Got at least one forum thread saying that a faulty 5V to the PSU causes the shut-off-after-some-seconds behaviour.)
Should the motherboard remain powered up indefinitely without a CPU installed?
Is that normal behavior?
I have those LEDs I can look at to tell if the motherboard is on, so, if it will remain on with no CPU socketed, maybe I can see if it's actually the CPU
@allquixotic Uh... no. It should shut off, I think.
Or I can go buy a new CPU and motherboard at Microcenter and just return whichever one happens to be at fault
ER happens not to be at fault
Just wanted to see if it had the exact same behaviour.
i.e. some not immediate, tries to start again
if it's exactly the same behaviour that'd suggest either a mobo fault or inability to detect the CPU (rather than the CPU overheating etc)... not too sure though
you'll probably have to replace something anyway :\
Probably best to get new kit at the store so I can swap shit out - I'm really really doubting PSU at this point though because it was running beautifully in my old system just last night
It really seems motherboard-y to me at this point though
Good morning!
Annoyingly my case doesn't have a speaker so if it's emitting beep codes I have no idea which
@BobEbert Hi!
@allquixotic Makes sense. Swap the mobo first, it's easier to return if it's fine :P
@allquixotic Wait. Does that count POST beeps?
Quick question: Could I use a raspberry pie with a wifi adapter to act as a man in the middle and forward all traffic between the two hosts? I know it is possible, but could I do it only with ip tables with PREROUTING and --to-destination ?
Can you hook up a speaker (or some cheap headphones, if you have) to a header for a peizo, if one exists?
Does that even work?
@BobEbert No, a raspberry pie is for eating.
If, on the other hand, you had a Raspberry Pi, you probably could.
with my ip table restriction?
@allquixotic Do you have a speaker in your old case?
Come to think of it, I don't think I have a speaker on mine o.O
I'll have to order one if/when I change mobos :\
@Bob supposedly external PC speakers that connect to the 4 pin PC speaker header exist but I can't find where to buy one or what it may be called
@BobEbert Assuming the target is using your device as a gateway (e.g. due to ARP poisoning or hosting a rogue DHCP server) all you really need is to turn on IP forwarding, I think.
Might need to do some NAT stuff, I dunno.
@allquixotic Do you have an old 3.5mm cable or headset you can rip apart?
@allquixotic Could go buy a $2 pair of earphones and connect them to the header
orr buy a proper piezo? :P
A: Crash a computer using waves or similar techniques?

Rahul BasuElectromagnetic radiation? Many parts of computers (such as Hard Disks) rely on magnets. Provide a sufficient amount of electromagnetic radiation, and the computer is bound to stop working. If the exposure to these waves isn't for too long, there (probably) wouldn't be any permanent damage, t...

any thoughts?
its probably filled with factual errors...
@RahulBasu , what I would be looking at instead would be induction\
oscillating magnetic field will induce a current
most of devices have some limited amount of protection, due to out habit of p[lacing them in metal boxes (and thus creating a Faraday's cage, but if you attach something to that cage or place inside it, it will get disrupted
um... ok, ill update it soon
also, someone help me out with this batch code:
findstr /c:"foobar" %input%
if errorlevel 0 echo hi!
I'm trying to find the text 'foobar' anywhere in the variable %input%, but the code isn't working :/
You need /G to search in a file
Otherwise it only looks at piped-in stuff
Alternatively, pipe type %input% into findstr
findstr /c:"foobar" /g:%input%
FINDSTR: Cannot read strings from foobar
Oh wait, /G looks in the file for the strings to search for
I guess you have to do type %input% | findstr /c:"foobar"
The system cannot find the file specified.
not was unexpected at this time.
that doesn't work either :(
It works here. Are there spaces in the %input% variable?
If so, you might need quotes
wait, ill check again...
It isn't working for me :(
My complete code is:
set /p input=
type %input% | findstr /c:"foobar"
if errorlevel 0 echo hi!
Works here. Are there spaces in the entered value?
Oh wait, I think I misunderstood what you wanted
Are you treating %input% as a filename, or the string to search in?
the string to search in...
If it's not a filename, you should use echo rather than type
no, i'm sorry, I should have been clearer :(
@BenN thanks a lot...
No problem :)
um... sorry for pestering you so much, but do you know a way to make that echo invisible?
because otherwise the same text shows up twice
The echo is sucked up into the findstr. However, findstr prints each line if the target is found in it
What happens if you tack a > nul at the end?
Oh my god
thanks so much...
Heh, all good
@echo off
set /p input=
echo.%input%|findstr /c:"foobar" >nul 2>&1
if not errorlevel 1 (
   echo hi!
@DavidPostill thanks...
but, what's the '&1' for?
and why 'nul 2>'?
@RahulBasu It throws away any error message
A: Check a string for a substring in a batch file (Windows)?

dbenhamThe SET search and replace trick works in many cases, but it does not support case sensitive or regular expression searches. If you need a case sensitive search or limited regular expression support, you can use FINDSTR. To avoid complications of escaping special characters, it is best if the ...

also, is endlocal necessary?
Answer from dbenham. He is the dos/command/cmd expert
There should have been a setlocal at the start. Otherwise the variables leak to the calling cmd shell
I am dbenham's apprentice ;)
@DavidPostill is there an 'or' operator here?
so that I can use findstr /c:"foo"<or>"bar"
@echo off
set /p input=
echo.%input%|findstr "foo bar" >nul 2>&1
if not errorlevel 1 (
   echo hi!
Will match "foo", "bar", or "foobar" but not "qwertyuiop" ;)
@RahulBasu If you want to RTFM it can be found at ss64.com/nt/findstr.html
um... is there something i can use for 'and'?
so I can check if a string has both foo and bar?
You might consider switching to PowerShell if you need complex string processing
Unless you need your script to easily run on XP, PowerShell is definitely the best for basically anything
New mobo gets "further", the fans continue spinning and the motherboard allows itself to be supplied with continuous power effectively indefinitely during a bench test
But no video even though I have RAM, VGA, CPU, and power...
If you have a string variable $input, it's as simple as $input.Contains("foo") -and $input.Contains("bar")
Except that $input means something special, so you'd have to call your variable something else
@RahulBasu Just nest two ifs
@echo off
set /p input=
echo.%input%|findstr "foo" >nul 2>&1
if not errorlevel 1 (
  echo.%input%|findstr "bar" >nul 2>&1
  if not errorlevel 1 (
    echo hi!
Will not match just "foo" or "bar"
Will match "foobar", "foo and bar", "boofar" ...
@DavidPostill Will not match just "foo" or "bar" Will match "foobar", "foo and bar", "barfoo" ... (source)
@DavidPostill thanks...
This is fucking stupid
Three motherboards, three CPUs. Two pair are brand spanking new
Same PSU will boot my old Z77 board but neither of the new Z170 boards
One Z170 shuts off seconds after powering on and the other just spins the fans forever
This is just completely messed up and I don't know what to do :/
is the PSU old/cheap ?
Er, no. It's one of the most expensive PSUs that existed for desktops in 2012-2013. Corsair AX1200
Power specs haven't changed for CPUs or motherboards since then, that I know of (if they did, they are absolute idiots for making the incompatibly broken spec pin-compatible!)
3 years...
dried out caps
/me only just glanced in
Dried out caps that can run a Z77 system with no problems with 100% stability and under heavy gaming loads???
Somehow I doubt that
are you sure it's the PSU?
No - definitely not
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.

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