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And I want a guitar! Or a shoe! Either way, there's a way to ask, and I also suggest you show what you've tried :) — Dave 21 mins ago
@JourneymanGeek I think that question you put on hold could probably just straight up be closed :p
@SimonSheehan on hold is the new close
We did indeed! :D
Its all... yanno, summer of love and all that
I coudln't resist
@JourneymanGeek Oh really? I see I see. Haha.
Jay Hanlon on June 25, 2013
It pains me when I hear people say that our sites are unfriendly, or that we chase new users away. But it's a hard problem, because our highest priority has always been the quality of content on our sites.  And it still is. We can't lower our standards. We won't.
!!shoedave dave
guitars @dave around a bit with @Dave's shoe!
Not again @ChatBotJohnCavil
A: Excel creating tables which use dates

DaveThis should get you going A solution is to use a SUMIF =SUMIF(A:A,A1,B:B) Assuming A1 is the first entry for 1/2/2015 Or =SUMIF(A:A,"1/2/2015",B:B)

See my first comment :D
!!dave dave
trouts @dave around a bit with a large @Dave!
no more trouting!
and no more dave
Don't you mean no more shoes?
no... I mean no more Dave
Everyone knows Dave, and it's a bit... samey :)
@JourneymanGeek :D
happy wednesday
happy @Bobday
Hey there
managed to hault operations for 10min today
gotta love it
Have Anybody exploited Open HTTP-ALT 8000 ever
Or is it risky if Web server 8000 TCP port is open?
In a Webserver, if Port number 8000/TCP - Http-ALT is Open than is it considered as a Security issue?
I have used Nmap to scan port and found 8000 Open on Server, I think it's mostly used for tomcat but does it impose any security risks if it's open
@GerorgeTimber That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: caaaat
@GerorgeTimber That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: caat, caaaat
Only two key words work ?
@GerorgeTimber Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!/google love
@RahulBasu help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, areyoukidding, bababababat, baroo, beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific
boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaat, caat, cancer, caniuse, caution, chihuahuaunravelinginsidearollofbu
:D Cool bot, is this deployed on AWS or running on someone's local machine
@GerorgeTimber The bot is blocked from accessing google
@GerorgeTimber @allquintoxic runs it from his PC
@qwertyuiop seems to be having a seizure of some sort...
Great, The api.ai is a cool Machine learning AI thing . I really like that
@RahulBasu No, it's taken me all these years to realise the xkcd comic said someone is wrong on the internet
All this time I've thought it said something is wrong on the internet
@qwertyuiop Input not matching /not/. Help: User-taught command: yet! Nope,
@qwertyuiop lol...
@qwertyuiop That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@qwertyuiop google.com
!!info {this_is_impossible}
@qwertyuiop Command {this_is_impossible}, created by allquixotic on Wed, 10 Sep 2014 15:44:07 GMT
Good bot :)
!!trout GeorgeTimber
slaps GeorgeTimber around a bit with a large trout!
!!qasdfdsaq or noitsbecky or Caterina 'Catty' McCatface or qwertyuiop
@RahulBasu Caterina 'Catty' McCatface
@qwertyuiop The bot decided for you^
!!Rahul Basu or Satan or Your Mom
@qwertyuiop Rahul Basu
@qwertyuiop Your Mom
Shit, I've run out of pot noodles
!!journeymangeek or ravi mohan
@RahulBasu ravi mohan
!!Who the hell is ravi mohan
@qwertyuiop Probably
@JourneymanGeek we call you that now ^^
@qwertyuiop his real name...
@RahulBasu :-o
what a crazy busy day
R. Ravimohan (1957–2009) is an Indian corporate executive of financial and risk management. He was known for his credit rating analysis. He worked with CRISIL and was with Reliance Industries as its Executive Director. == Early life == Ravi Mohan did his schooling from DTEA in Delhi, moved to Trichy to join Regional Engineering College and did his chemical engineering, he attended an Advanced Management Program from the Harvard Business School. Ravimohan married Madhuraleckshmi and they had 2 children together - a daughter Hridya and a son Jagad. == Career == Ravimohan started his caree...
But he's dead
@qwertyuiop In india, ravimohan is a sirname, where as ravi is a firstname and mohan is also a sirname ;p
!!is it complicated
@RahulBasu Not a chance
!!Did Rahul Basu just pwn himself
@qwertyuiop All signs point to no
!!Are you sure
@qwertyuiop No
so this company i interviewed at
they scored 4 on the joel test
The who scored what on the huh whaaa?
What is the Joel test
i left the interview feeling better that i had met them
But you're not Joel
!!is burgi joel
@RahulBasu Of course!
!!trout @Rahu
slaps @Rahu around a bit with a large trout!
they weren't a start-up, they've been going for 30 years but nuked all their historic websites in january for "reasons" shrug
it can be really useful
i didn't have the time to dig through that @RahulBasu
anyway, i popped into my friends office which is round the corner for tea and a chat
@qwertyuiop technically, rahu is the name of a demon in a section of hindu mythology
@Burgi fingers crossed...
the company called me while i was there and offered me a second interview this afternoon
the man from the agency said they had cancelled other interviews to fit me in this afternoon
which is crazy
it was very informative
Wait, so they suddenly invite you for an interview out of the blue and tell you that they cancelled other interviews to fit you into their timetable?
they have NO source control AT ALL
they didn't tell me that
the agency guy told me
but yeah
so they must really like me
then you probbly will get the job
how d'you like the place?
their biggest client is in the top 200 companies on the london stock exchange and they are editting files live on the server
@Burgi and your job will be to?
general web development
very much the standard marketing agency type
so like CSS and HTML and JS and stuff?
old red brick industrial building
imacs as far as the eye could see
@RahulBasu more php/asp.net
@Burgi do you mind if I ask you a few questions?
that said there would be a LOT of remedial work to source control everything, set up development servers etc
sure, but i have been on the move since 6am
well, it can wait
i may not be awake if you leave it
just ask
oh the joys of dells website not working in chrome -_-
oh nope
doesn't work in IE either XD
works in FF
and in chrome
must be a DNS issue for you
very likely
the pages load, but the list of results....
Showing 1-0 of 687 Results
hmmm wut?
the homepage did load slowly
yeah, annoying as hell
got another interview friday...
afk, food, tea and maybe a beer
What does beer taste like?
interesting question
british beers (ales) tend to be towards the bitter end of spectrum but they have complex flavours in them
lagers (european and american beer) tend to be much lighter and citrus like and fizzy
Somehow, they don't seem very tempting...
the combined taste is much more bland
i prefer ales, they have much more complex tastes and flavours
i know you are only 15 but before i continue, is alcohol allowed in your culture/religon?
Lol, my internet is so slow, the speedtest website doesn't load :/
@Burgi In culture, yes. legally at my age? no.
i figured :)
need to be 18
same here
there are so many different ales it is hard to describe
when i say bitter, you can get sweet ales/beers
one of my favourites is called hobgoblin, its a classic brown beer colour, bitter but with complex aftertastes
the brewery has an awful website
age gateway
and silly moving object menus
it is quite a strong beer and not one i would recommend on a newbie
i'd probably start on something a bit more generic like boddingtons or john smiths
I'll come back to this thread in 3 years...
in the UK you are allowed to drink cider from 16
Have to go to school tomorrow
because its made from apples...
Can you see those emoji?
for the most part cider tastes like normal fizzy apple juice
Fizzy apple juice?
but it has the added "benefit" of making you wake up on a golf course at 3am
cider is dangerous because it is quite strong (roughly 5-6%) but deceptively easy to drink
6% is strong?
for beer and cider, yes
for alcohol in general no
good scotch whisky is roughly 30-45%
vodka is roughly 40%
absinthe is in the 80-95% range
a lethal spirit
Spirytus Rektyfikowany is 95%
The 9 Strongest Liquors In The World
Absinthe: 45% to 85%
it is distilled in barrels that get "contanimated" with a substance called wormwood
which is a hallucinogenic
i believe the EU have all but banned the sale of absinthe with wormwood in it
Absinthe (/ˈæbsɪnθ/ or /ˈæbsænθ/; French: [apsɛ̃t]) is historically described as a distilled, highly alcoholic (45–74% ABV / 90–148 U.S. proof) beverage. It is an anise-flavoured spirit derived from botanicals, including the flowers and leaves of Artemisia absinthium ("grand wormwood"), together with green anise, sweet fennel, and other medicinal and culinary herbs. Absinthe traditionally has a natural green colour but may also be colourless. It is commonly referred to in historical literature as "la fée verte" (the green fairy). Although it is sometimes mistakenly referred to as a liqueur, absinthe...
it comes down to personal taste.
i can't stand spirits
but i like wine and beer
a good friend of mine only drinks scotch or gin
another friend only drinks american budweiser
I like Guiness, Cabernet Sauvignon and Vodka (with grapefruit or orange) in no particular order (and not in the same session).
yeah right.... ;)
it starts off with a Guinness or 3 then you think "why the hell not enjoy myself..." and the vodka mixers turn up
then some idiot suggests jaeger bombs
afk, suppertime!
Absinthe sent me a bit... 'high' is the only way I can discribe it
very very weird, but nice, feeling
next you are waking up on a strange sofa, fully clothed and quite confused as to who stole the last 8 hours of your memory
I'm noted by my friends for refusing to waste alcohol, even when it's known to have bad effects on me
Such things observed include pouring wine into a jd and coke just to make sure it didn't go to waste
@djsmiley2k it had a similar effect on me
@Burgi pretty much yes
i remember leaving the pub after absinthe, i remember standing outside my friends house waiting for a taxi
my next memory is being in the taxi and looking out of the window and the world was all swimmy and strange
it was what i imagine travelling at warpspeed looks like
i was so poorly the next day
apparently i tried to carry the very pretty barmaid home
that sounds like my 25th birthday
i had about 25 shots, before leaving the house
got to first bar, they had the 82% rum
Had a shot
Next memory is walking down to our usual haunt
then it's being on the dance floor in there falling onto the speaker and someone helping me up
Then some guy trying to throw a punch at me, and him being dragged out, then the bouncers suggesting I go home so i don't hurt myself.
Then it's being at home, wondering how I managed to get there so quickly
the only time i every nearly got in a fight was in sheffield
The number of times people got thrown out of that place for trying to start stuff with me is amusing, we knew the bouncers very well.
one time some guy was so drunk they were just waiting for him to do something
he fell over, and put one finger on my shoe
suddenly 3 bouncers on him dragging him outta there
1 sec, agency
another one :O
got the job
apparently they never ever want to see me in a suit again
16 hours ago, by bwDraco
Not much more to say except that I'm about to graduate with a MS in Computer Science.
(If you intend to star this, be sure to star the original, linked message.)
@Burgi did you ?
what job is it
web developer
in which field does ur company work
i'm going to give the data centre company a poke in the morning as that is my preferred job
but i haven't heard by now so i don't think i have got it
ah i see
@DavidPostill @JourneymanGeek i can give you the agency names if you like
i'm having a beer and chilling out
i just need a date with a cute girl now, lol
@Burgi Yes, please. I'm not they will help JMG unless they are international. Cheers!
i'll compile the list of decent ones
@Burgi Thanks. No rush.
!!s/not they/not sure they/
@DavidPostill @Burgi Yes, please. I'm not sure they will help JMG unless they are international. Cheers! (source)
@Burgi disclose pay too if yu don't mind :P
@Developer i'd rather not if thats ok, i think its a little unprofessional to do that
@Burgi Indeed. Right call ;)
It could well be against the terms of your new contract (which presumably you haven't signed yet)
@DavidPostill I don't agree with that, I was reading that employers can't force this law, it's just there, can't be helpful in court
this law leads to pay discrimination
I can't believe how really can people support it
@Burgi its ok :)
only reason I asked was because i wanted to know how's market is like up north
its probably much less than london but it is proportionally much cheaper to live here
london pays more only if you own a house otherwise you end up with less money then most earn up north
the NHS has a large IT office in liverpool, sheffield and manchester have vibrant digital media agencies and data centres
I might move up there once my 2 year contract is finished
i've had a few people try to offer me dev roles in leeds
sainsburys just opened their digital support HQ here in manchester
their adverts are all over SO
@Burgi yeah, Sainsburys might be okay, but there advt r for java
they are hiring PHP
the COOP have their HQ here and have a massive tech presence here
@Developer employers will not be able to enforce a secrecy clause if an employee is attempting to find out if they are being paid less than colleagues for discriminatory reasons.
@DavidPostill which could always be the reason
the pay difference might come down to length of service or additional qualifications/responsibilities
@Developer Even though pay discussions unrelated to discrimination are not covered, the employee can always claim to have been seeking information about possible pay discrimination, which could be difficult for the employer to disprove.
in my last job my line manager "accidentally" let slip all the pay grades of everyone in the department
i was livid that the less experienced CRM dev was on 12k more than me
the systems analysts that had been there for 10 years were on WAAAAAAAY less than me
it caused a shitstorm
@Burgi not like it would had changed anything...
a month or so later they made 3 of us redundant so....
really :O
that's crap !
just because of you guys knowing each others pay
no but it means they were considering who to get rid of
they are trimming the fat ready to float the company and cash out
that's not good
anyway, u found a job so all good
anyone here knows much about lm hashes
hello hashes
oh wait, nvm
@Developer there is a 3 mth php dev contract in stafford if that helps
also i put my CV on here: cv-library.co.uk
and my phone didn't stop ringing all day yesterday
my skills are in very demand, i just can't move for 2 years :)
need to leave, bye 4 now
I'm back... I couldn't sleep
And for the record, speedtest.net still hasn't loaded
cwjobs.co.uk - this was another decent site

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