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00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

yeah the expanse reminded me of a higher budget BSG sprinkled with good amount of political intrigue
i knew i should have ordered earlier
honestly i live 20 mins drive from the city centre of the UKs 3rd largest city but after midnight i might as well live on the moon
2 takeaways within 10 mins drive have rejected my order because i'm too far away
hopefully the 3rd will accept
i used to live out on saddleworth moor and i got better takeaway service than this!
1 hour later…
@Burgi it's true though. The guy's childish, has a short temper and no self control.
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface please behave
@Burgi do you... Drive?
There tends to be lots of places open super later or even till morning catering to the after-clubbing crowd but they rarely do deliveries
i don't drink and drive
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface EVERYTHING
oh i just remembered
i was wrong about worf
he didn't grow up in ukraine
his adoptive parents were from minsk, which is belarus
although in the context of when TNG was made it would have still been russia
@Bob @JourneymanGeek you guys got time/interest to play a game today? :P
I know it's early in the morning for JMG and noonish for Bob but I'm available
@Burgi -_- there is only like one restaurant chain in town that stays open past 10 PM here.
after 10 the only things open are bars and gas stations... town closes up shop early
@allquixotic what, right now? I.o
Maybe in about an hour, got stuff to do... But iirc jmg is busy (shopping?)
@Bob well, either now, or in the next few hours, kinda around the same time as we would tomorrow
we could do games two days in a row sameish time if it works for the pup
@allquixotic heh... that might work out better for soase
considering how long it takes
I think I'll pick a 6 player map with only one star system and more-or-less a minimum number of planets necessary to have "enough" for 6 players
it'll be tight, and we won't have a lot of resources, but we'll still be able to dig in with starbases
gotta plan out a strategy before we start
@allquixotic dunno if less resources is a good thing against AI :P
holy shit, Civilization VI is apparently being released soon - Steam ad for it
normal or hard?
once that's out I will be disappearing into a void for like a month
I still think we can beat hard AIs, but the key to not instantly dying isn't to build ships or turrets; the key is to rush to starbases
oh yea, played a solo game the other day... those torpedo cruisers take out a starbase like nothing else O_O
starbases provide both an economic and a huge defensive boon
@allquixotic what's the economic boon?
yeah, they're vulnerable to torpedo cruisers, but capital ships and combat frigates or heavy cruisers can pop torpedo cruisers
(I think I put the upgrades on weapons/structure/hanger, not trade ports... built separate trade ports)
@Bob TEC starbases can upgrade themselves with trade ports, which gives you the same benefit as the "Trade Port" stand-alone structure, but encapsulated in your starbase... magnified $$$
ah :\
at some point in the late game, you don't even care how much metal or crystal you have; you just buy what you need off the black market with your extreme credit riches
I went for hangers cause the pirates kept jumping in and attacking trade ships on the other end of the system
@allquixotic fleet upkeep though :S
if you have a very small number of planets, you'll be low on logistics slots, so it's not worth logistic slots to spend on trade ports, you need every one of them for research structures
@Bob hold off on fleet upkeep until you conquer several enemy worlds - keep yourself at 0 or 1 fleet upkeep research until you really have a larger empire
make better use of the upkeep you have by not spamming capital ships and scouts, and get Kodiak heavy cruisers
@allquixotic ah. yea there was a bottleneck on that small system - through a pirate base
I was building up a big fleet to break through :P
Kodiak heavy cruisers are one of the most efficient anti-ship uses of fleet upkeep there is
other factions are played very differently btw, it's just TEC that has this particular strategy
in general the AI will not rush early torpedo cruisers though, so any faction can rush starbases for a cost-effective early defense against attacks
@allquixotic I'm in the middle of laundrydisheslunchprep.
@allquixotic yeaaaaa.... I'll not worry about that for now :P
@JourneymanGeek how will you be in... 2 hours?
@allquixotic planning on sneaking out and checking how long it will take to get to the interview, and doing some grocery shopping
We're low on peas.
No idea how long that'll take
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface how do I override it?
@JourneymanGeek well, if you manage to get some time, the other two of us might be around, so ping us and we'll see
(quite literally its just the dog and the human, and the dog has some... well upkeep needed)
@allquixotic @JourneymanGeek Oh, if it's two hours I might head out for a bit... gotta pick up some more lozenges. Damn coughs.
I took a nap so might be able to do a bit later than that even
stupid thing is its faster to walk there then to take a bus
but I don't want to walk to an interview
1 hour later…
How's that even possible this ISP disabled IPV4?
actually fairly possible
they could use CGN or some transition mechanism for ipv4
@JourneymanGeek No, no, every IPV4-only site just fails.
Never attribute to malice, what you can attribute to malicious incompetance.
I'm both online and not!
Schrödinger's connection
1 hour later…
Would there be a good way to make a browser safe for writing in google docs?
In case something goes wrong, I have an autosave
Google docs does autosave
yea but Im talking to someone in which that failed. so a local copy would be great
if gdocs fails on their end, then my data could be gone right?
I think if the google drive app is installed you can work locally and files will push as available
Much safer?
@user193661 I think it's safer to assume the Google infrastructure will work than your computer
Morning peeps ;)
@JourneymanGeek Hmmph. I go to bed early and miss all the drama :/
@DavidPostill drama? What drama?
There's no drama on RA ;p
@JourneymanGeek I just caught up on the posts I missed ;)
Somebody doesn't like me ...
Naw, someone just needed a reminder on how to be nice.
OMG, those headphones will cost 50,000 Euro or your regional equivalent
are you kidding me....
Some people will pay that
Electrostatics are kind of the rolls royce of headphones, and people will pay big money to have high voltage next to their ears.
this is batshit crazy
It isn't 'just' for the headphones
these look comparatively pedestrian, lol: en-us.sennheiser.com/…
electrostatic headphones need special amplifiers
@allquixotic they are, by some measure ;p
if you wanted to spend a bunch of money on kit, planar magnetic headphones might be an idea.
What was that company...
There's a company called stax that's famous for electrostatics.
And there's some crazy chap in thailand who builds his own
I tend to go for more reasonably priced gear ;)
@DavidPostill You pay for all that precise machining crap and then chuck a vinyl on there that'll degrade every time you play it.
Great work.
@Bob and industrial design that looks like someone welded it together from iron tube, and used a few ikea cabinets for housing.
@JourneymanGeek Entirely possible :P
Does it have magic pebbles?
But of course.
Really, though, I don't think I can hear the difference between a medium and 'good' set of headphones so I don't really care :P
It's mostly the comfort.
And not being totally crap of course.
I think the 90/10 theory is true here
you can get 90% of the quality at 10% of the cost if you do your homework
ANything with the word 'reference' probably has a 0 tacked on at the end of the price. Maybe 3
@JourneymanGeek Yup.
Granted, I don't think vinyl sounds better, outside oldschool mastering preferences
Tubes... are probably noisy in a way people like
@JourneymanGeek iirc the whole warm sound thing?
could probably get the same effect digitally... someone should do a double-blind :P
@Bob warm sound is probably due to the noise the tubes produce
@JourneymanGeek it certainly sounds worse as time goes on!
in a rather literal sense
@Bob wierdly, modern compression preferences were due to the dynamic range constraints of vinyl
then they just wanted to go louder and louder
and modern media has better dynamic range no?
@JourneymanGeek It should!
Or, more accurately, it could
what would be really nice would be a device which let you switch between a few parameters
with vinyl you're probably limited by how far the arm can safely deflect
carbon vs metal oxide resistors, different caps and so on
but blind
with digital you're limited by the driver and the DAC
and maaaaaybe the responsiveness of the amp?
@Bob how far the cartridge/grooves can move
@JourneymanGeek yea, but they can move as far as the arm can support
I don't think the arm moves directly that much
you could make a groove move across the whole record but you'd be hard pressed to find a machine that won't break :P
(or skip I suppose)
I think you're thinking on the wrong dimention
the grooves are on the Z axis
oh? whoops :P
and how deep the groves are would affect amplitude?
that would, yea
how close the groves are together would determine frequency, together with how fast the disk rotates
I believe essentially the needle goes across the track, going up and down on the groves.
In some hands-on tutorial videos, why do people say "what you are going to want to do is..." before they reveal the first step???
cause tutorial videos suck
@Bob I have some friends who say "what you want to do is to type this and that". Why don't they say "type this and that"?
@JesterTran Why don't you ask them?
@JesterTran cause the latter sounds too much like an order?
Try one of those.
"what you need to do" is better
@DavidPostill seems rude..
@JesterTran we arn't mind readers tho
How are we to know what they are thinking?
@Bob eh, depends on relationship with person
@JourneymanGeek it's a fairly common turn of phrase, tbf
@JourneymanGeek I thought if I ask, at least one person in this chatroom would have experienced that phrase and could explain it to me
@Bob but the utter lack of context!
we're in the business of explaining technical matters, not language matters
@Bob this is a technical matter but not an appropriate subject
@JesterTran "what you are going to want to do is..." is not about anything technical.
I could say something like "how do I boil an egg" and the reply is "what you are going to want to do is..."
It is about English language usage.
As opposed to "what you don't want to do, which is to season well with arsenic"
or "Simply come into a chat room to ask strange questions"
and yeah, ELL/ELU seems like a better place
"what you are going to want to do is ask in the right place"
"what you are going to need to do is is find the right place"
"what you are not going to want to do is ask in the wrong place"
@JourneymanGeek it's a chatroom after all, so people will never always talk about the subject at hand
Chatrooms often have a certain 'culture'
I often suggest people listen in first to understand what sort of things people talk about, it often helps better understand what the on topic off topic subjects are, and what people are interested in.
@allquixotic What about 7-11's? They're all over the place in Thailand
Kinda odd, for a country where everything closes so early, for there to be 24-hour chains on every street corner
@JesterTran oh, nothing wrong about asking strange questions
but don't be surprised if you don't get an answer
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface prolly why they are so common
`Chinese Helicopter` is a derogatory term in Singapore?
You guys are *weird* ...
I just realized that I've been spelling weird wrong my whole life :/
I've never heard chinese helicopter
I wonder how its different from banana
If I do a system restore in Windows 10, does it also rollback driver updates?
I think that's one of the points of a system restore
okay. Good
@NateKerkhofs Yes. But you have to pick the correct restore point (ie before the driver update) if there are several to choose from.
Your PC isn't working well and you recently installed an app, driver, or update.

Restore from a system restore point
@DavidPostill thanks. I've found that installing Geforce Experience breaks the bluetooth on my PC
so I'm going to see if just installing the drivers without Experience works any better
first, reboot the PC
Okay, so a moment ago, Windows could connect to my bluetooth headphones, but I then removed them and now it can't find them anymore
I mean, all I did was follow the 3rd bullet point on windows.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-10/…
RAAGHH! I only just did a clean install on this PC and the whole reason why I tried it is broken again already
I wanted to see if it would fix my bluetooth so I could use my bluetooth headphones with it
and it did, my bluetooth is fixed
but now it won't find my headphones
and I know it can find them, because it did so 10 minutes ago
Okay, looks like I'll either have to reset my PC AGAIN (which I'd rather not do, since it'd be the 3rd time today) or I'll have to just use the wired connector with my PC
anyone here tried loading windows in Kali
@Developer Do you mean dual booting or virtualization?
I need to get some passwords out of SAM
I have kali virtual box and windows 10 disk partition attached to it
o-o woo. @RahulBasu ^ should know
dont think he is around
i only need help with mounting disk by the way
Does Kali have NTFS support? If so just use the mount command like with any other disk.
found it
yes there is a package ntfs-3g
found the command to mount it, but it's a bitlocked drive
should I remove that first
or try something with kali
@Developer ...didn't you ask this a couple weeks ago?
Apr 30 at 14:04, by Developer
I want to get cached domain passwords out of vhd
Also, shrug, if it's FDE'd you're screwed.
Unless you have the key.
In which case, why on earth are you messing with kali?
@Bob that videos makes it look like a cake though ?
@Bob trying to learn it difficult way
@Developer The video (or at least the description) assumes that you have the key.
If you don't have the key you aren't getting in. End of story.
i have the key..
Or, if you do get in without the key, then bitlocker is broken and you can easily get lots of money for reporting that (...or selling it if your hat is the darker variety)
@Developer So... you're doing it the hard way for the sake of doing it the hard way? :S
nope, I am just trying to learn kali :)
In which case... you may as well follow whichever that guide is.
Cause if you start asking people here what the best way of getting into it is, I don't think we'd recommend doing anything with kali as a first resort...
I watched these ethical learning courses but they are for beginners, they are using kali for it
@Bob I agree
@Developer Heh, I've looked at kali... tbh, I don't like it.
But to each his own.
Some people do like it.
It's basically a collection of tools stuffed into an annoying UI.
I can get the same tools myself separately...
Q: Is Windows BitLocker secure?

astralbananaNaturally I feel that I have to ask this question, since it's a built-in feature in Windows. Let's say someone has physical access to my PC, is there an easy way for them to access a BitLocker protected drive without physically tampering with the PC (such as hardware keyloggers)?

@Developer ...wow. Most of those answers are absolute shite.
Except the accepted one.
And kevinze's one, which seems to be the only one aware of the existence of the TPM...
@Developer the problem with kali is most people who use it are first time linux users and are totally clueless. And kali has a few design decisions that are a trap for em
A: Why don't you use root for browsing the internet

AibobotKali linux is not meant as a general purpose OS. Its meant to be a standardised platform for deploying specific scripts to do various tasks. Its one of these Very good at what it does. Just not what you need when you want to go grocery shopping. I'm told it runs as root by default which i...

A: What makes Kali Linux different from other Linux distros for it to be used exclusively for hacking and penetration testing?

Aibobot I have been asked to first start using Kali Linux and get used to the bash before doing anything in hacking. No. Just no. "Getting used to the bash" means you're lacking somewhat fundamental skills and knowledge in linux. Kali linux is a fairly focused distro designed for penetration testi...

(aibobot is my sock)
@JourneymanGeek I didn't know you can't delete incrementals in Veeam. I am running out of space and wish to only keep 3 backups.
I checked if you can cancel too without breaking the chain but you can't even cancel?
Veeam still thinks file are there. What will happen at the restore?
I have no idea. I suspect backups after that may fail.
It seems so. I have to remove entire chain.
At least I wish backup policy was backup points based than period based.
@JourneymanGeek "You'll find that with a certain degree of hacking skill, you'd probably end up customising your own environment anyway." so much this :P
I don't really have much 'hacking' (in the pentest/etc. sense) skill, but I do prefer to grab my own tools as I need them rather than dealing with the overload kali presents
though if yo uwanted one on a flash drive on the go I suppose it'd work
@Boris_yo funnily enough that's the consolidation option Acronis removed too
@Bob That's why all versions past 2014 suck now...
@Boris_yo ayup
But I'm now on Win10 which 2014 doesn't support :(
@Bob Eventually I will switch to Win 10 as I have no choice but is it worth it to get Acronis 2014 for a good deal?
@Boris_yo I wouldn't recommend running unsupported backup programs.
hey all
@Bob For now I will use it in W7 until I upgrade to Win8.
sorry about last night btw, i didn't want to do that but it was totally out of order
@Burgi the flag?
yup yup
I was going to kick him anyway. Was entirely appropriate.
"rule of thumb, If it would get you into a fistfight in a pub, don't say it here"
if that were true why didn't he ever complain to HR for bullying AND mention it when he was originally convicted
@Burgi toxic corporate culture?
I managed to find my music feed on youtube again, yay
but... apparently it thinks I'm interested in the trainwreck that's eurovision ;p
is that on tonight?
No idea
someone linked a few videos from past one
which were... odd
and suddenly half my music feed is eurovision
no, they are normal... for eurovision
"for eurovision"
Ok, that was a little dark ;p
i missed it... :(
if voting to leave the EU meant we would never have to hear about or see eurovision again i would vote to leave
They're apparently exporting it to america this year
Clearly a punishment for the upcoming US election
it'll be massive in america
Do the brits get it?
I mean I totally have no idea what is the fuss about it.
we do, we enter it every year too
its meant to be a fun thing to unite europe and show to best of our respective cultures
it is invariably terrible euro-pop that does not sell in the UK at all
I want to make a joke about there not being non terrible europop, but there's some stuff I actually like ;p
No clippy.
Well I suppose MOST of it is rock
other than indica. And Indica's entirely the fault of a norweigian guy
the european countries, despite the EU actually still hate each other because of "history" and tend to vote in blocs
the eastern european countries will all vote for each other
Its a proxy for beating the shit out of each other every 50 years?
france, germany, spain, etc (old europe) will mostly vote for each other
"Oh the singing is terrible, but the ALTERNATIVE is nuclear war"
"I'm tempted to think nuclear war better"
the scandanavians will vote for the maddest thing shown all night
I think the scandinavians get it
what would be the easiest way to get hashes out of windows
*Sam database
soap and water?
the irish will NOT vote for the UK entry and the UK tends to vote for the most artistically "good" act
thought dry water would be enough ? :|
@Developer IIRC the SAM database is a file
so... well
copy it out?
all in all us brits are not mad enough to collect any votes
@Burgi yeah,
@JourneymanGeek IIRC ?
If I recall correctly
if i remember correctly
Also, chat's probably not the best sorta thing for this.
@Burgi UK is alone, Europe is just an abstraction for UK
heh :)
i think if the choice was "become american" or "join europe" we would probably join europe
@Burgi I think the idea seems to be lets stay in europe enough to get the benefits, but out of it enough we don't get borged in
thats the plan
but we need to be in it to change it
If course, the scots are probably thinking the same of the english ;p
hence why i will be voting to stay in
@Burgi but is that what most going to do ?
Other than UK, I consider the EU for all intents and purposes a country in all but name
were u from originally
@Developer as the 2nd largest economy in europe the UK has a lot of swing
How originally?
I was born in a state of innocence singapore. I'm still here now ;p
@Boris_yo: Yo, know any good backup apps that are delta based?
that backup filesystems...
00:00 - 15:0015:00 - 00:00

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