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00:00 - 21:0022:00 - 00:00

quick question about reviewing LQP's...
i've noticed the in the last few that i have been given that @DavidPostill and others have commented on the post. then at the end of the comment is a "from review" and a link to that review.
This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From ReviewDavidPostill 14 hours ago
an example
does that get added automatically?
or are the comment authors adding it manually?
It's automatic
Well, kinda. The one used is determined by your choice in the "Leave a comment for the author?" box when you choose Recommend Deletion
The resulting comment for each choice is shown there too
Of course, people can manually add a From Review link to a custom comment as well, if they so choose
i see
@Burgi Added automatically when you choose a close reason from the dialog.
I also have a AutoReviewComments GreaseMonkey script to add canned comments
how long do you normally give people to improve their posts before clicking NUKE FROM ORBIT delete?
I don't if I'm in the review queue or voting to close/delete. If it gets closed the OP can edit which puts it in the reopen queue,
ah, good point... welp, i've been doing it wrong :(
@Burgi not nessisarily wrong. if you have loads of extra time to waste, and want to give people an oppertunity to correct before kicking them in the teeth, then some percentage of the time they will self-correct, including deleting themselves, but the percentage is low.
so where is the SU question to disable readyboot? or How to make my boot slower , and reduce the thrashing of everything running at one time.
disabling readyboot in services, one time , cause me great greif, like no booting kind of grief.
i've just noticed that win10 has sneakily installed my mother's new printer on this PC as well as hers...
did you get too close to it? :-)
must have
W10 must poll the LAN for new network printers and stealthily add them for you
how would that work in a office with 25 different types of printers hanging about on the lan somewhere? probably no different than the system having drivers ready for 25 different raid cards that nobody owns.
how would linux handle that? you would have to compile each one :-) . how would apple handle that? there is only 1 apple printer :-)
@Burgi win8 did that
@Psycogeek iirc only one universal driver (per major manufacturer?)
Usually talking some pcl version on a standard port
ah, i skipped 8
could always turn off printer discovery
or designate the network as public
i was ignorant of the fact it even did that. all sorted now
@Psycogeek was this what you were talking about? superuser.com/questions/1074954/…
@Bob Doesn't Windows come with a lot of preinstalled printer drivers? Or are they all part of that one brand specific roll up?
@MichaelFrank not too sure. I do know that I've seen a lot of modern printers auto-installed under a generic driver
for the most part, printers actually speak a few common languages these days
the main differences driver-wise tend to be the options available
this sounds highly suspicious:
Q: Finding a headless machine on a restricted network

VoteToCloseI own a Raspberry Pi with Ubuntu on it. It's configured with a wireless card and a microUSB for the sole purpose of charge, and I need to find it on the network to connect to it over SSH. Unfortunately, however, I'm restricted in what I can do. Hostname resolution over LAN is not permitted, and ...

absolutely reeks of xy problem
my first thought was "loop through all the addresses in the subnet until you hit your device" but then i thought "if hostname lookup isn't enabled, how would you know if have the right machine without attempting a log in..."
@Burgi try to log into everything!
@Burgi oh, that's easy. SSH host key
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
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