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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

Probably I've just misread "... underline text. Even when I speak to people ..."
Some people use the quotations with their fingers.. I use underscores with my hands.. I guess that makes me odd.
Nah, you should try swiping with your nose. It brings a whole new context to the word "Facebook"...
then again.. quotes are vulnerable... underscores are not. perhaps using underscores should be used more often.
Eh, "quotes" don't change into italics, but underscores do...
There you go! underscore everything!
man, I'm so tired.
27 mins ago, by Tom Wijsman
Hmm, no, I didn't tab complete the wrong guy, somehow names are just getting trimmed?!
26 mins ago, by Tom Wijsman
I thought you were that, but turns out that you are that Brazilian guy!
> Member for 6 years, 8 months
Well, you live and learn each day, the saying goes...
@ThatBrazilianGuy I've learned that it's not learning until I learned how to solve it.
At the very least; when you type multiple messages, I do get to see your full name. :-D
And netwrok-wide rep ;p
But yeah, guess it is just the low resolution. Would be preferable if they took a bit of the message width for the user name so it wouldn't come to this level of confusion.
Your "Ugh, no!" will still fit!
Inn statement still e
I'm apparently still awake
Also, phone typing sucks
Are you sure?
I blame the edge
Might be sleep-chatting, who knows
At least you butt never texted anyone random words.
@Bob that's about how tired I am
@Bob you're clearly programming for early PCs in your sleep ;p
@JourneymanGeek Sleeping-Bob programs in BASIC.
Either that, or he's sleeping at an Inn
!!xkcd 1172
@allquixotic what happened?
Battleborn happened.
also, Mr. "Inn statement still e", you should be asleep
Ow. Another new/$60 game :P
@allquixotic Yes. Yes I should.
!!tell Bob sleep
@allquixotic Command sleep does not exist. (note that /tell works on commands, it's not an echo.)
australians don't sleep in case the venomous sheep rise up and attack in the night
i rest my case
nothing like validating implicit casts via joins on (char to integer fields) looking for numeric values only to discover that one of the values was a decimal..
10 minutes man 10 minutes.
brb jumping out window
im on the 4th floor
so there is a VLQ post up for review. in its current state it is only fit for deletion. However, it is also the users first post, i want to give them some time to rewrite it. what is the best option in these cases?
good question. I have no idea what VLQ is
very low quality
Ask them to proof read it themselves to see if what they're saying is making any sense. If they have problems reading it.. then ask them to record it via cassette tape and listen to it.
I think I'm on a coding streak...
For programming practice it can be useful, but ...
I use the Explorer one where I ALT+ENTER into the properties and go to the file hashes tab; it automatically reads the hash from clipboard, which makes it very fast to check a hash
One step faster would be a "confirm hash" entry in the right click context menu which computes and then compares the hash against clipboard and pops up right away whether okay
Kept meaning to post this but always was forgetting...
A: How to update Cygwin from Cygwin's command line?

Ben RichardsI felt this need too a while ago. I used to just keep the installer file downloaded so I could just run it to install, but occasionally as Cygwin would be updated, the installer file would become out of date. I ended up creating a Powershell script that auto-elevates, downloads the installer, and...

@ThatBrazilianGuy WTF
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface You have waken up the sheeple!
!!xkcd 1013
...turns out there's really a xkcd for everything. Even for murderous demon sheeps.
@ThatBrazilianGuy o_0
@ThatBrazilianGuy how do you remember the comic numbers?
I wonder if there is a xkcd for "there is a xkcd for everything".
@RahulBasu I have a really good memowhat was I saying again?
Q: Corrupted video drivers causing x to go insane

That Brazilian Guy There's an extra, immobile mouse cursor stuck on the screen. CTRL + ALT + Fn doesn't work. The screen stops responding, but I can still type commands "in the dark" and they work. All the while, I keep seeing the screen as it was before pressing the key combo. If I press CTRL + ALT + F2, it comes...

!!xkcd everything
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface Something went on fire; status 403
HTTP 403. There must be a problem...
!!/xkcd everything
@bwDraco Something went on fire; status 403
!!/xkcd sql
@bwDraco Something went on fire; status 403
Hmm. Is the chatbot blocked from accessing XKCD?
@Bob, @allq, it seems we have a bit of an issue here...
@bwDraco help, afk, awsm, ban, color, convert, define, die, doge, domain, eval, export, findcommand, forget, forgetseen, github, google, hang, imdb, import, info, inhistory, jquery, learn, listcommands, listen, live, mdn, meme, moustache, mustache, norris, nudge, parse, refresh, spec, stat, stats, tell, timer, todo, unban, undo, unonebox, user, weather, wiki, xkcd, youtube, zalgo, ;), ;p, \/s*, after5, ahh, areyoukidding, bababababat, baroo, beatingbloodoutofarockwithahalberd, bespecific
boberror, brainf__k, bunny, caaaat, caat, cancer, caniuse, caution, chihuahuaunravelinginsidearollofbubb
!!/xkcd 1000
Seems to be a Google issue. @Bob, check that the bot isn't getting blocked by Google for automated queries.
!!/google foobar
...nothing happens. Cavil appears to be getting the "We're sorry" page.
See if you can get it to use the Google Custom Search API.
(Limited to 100 queries per day, though; this is probably enough for our use.)
Just completed a CyanogenMod update for my phone. They align with Android monthly security updates, and these include updated vendor images (and often updated bootloader and baseband firmware), so I also need to download updated factory images to flash them. It's something I'm not really fond of doing because of the amount of time it takes.
A: CM13 on Nexus 9: Any app that internally opens a webpage or otherwise uses System WebView crashes

bwDracoThe internal graphics driver was out of date. Updating the vendor image solved the problem. Updating also fixed a non-working camera. CyanogenMod ROMs do not provide updated device-specific drivers ("vendor"), baseband firmware ("radio"; for cellular devices only), or bootloaders. These are stor...

2 hours later…
!!/google foobar
Still blocked.
!!google foobar
@DavidPostill I awoke on Wed, 04 May 2016 00:00:06 GMT (that's about 22 hours ago), got invoked 19 times, learned 1 commands
@allquixotic: Do you have access to the bot?
I run the bot (on my dedi)
I thought it was Bob...
no, he just fixes the code :P
So what's going on? Blocked?
See if you can get a web browser open at the server and access Google from there.
I feel that Ubuntu is giving me LESS memory than Windows
The bot is unable to access Google. It's getting 403s.
4 hours ago, by ChatBot John Cavil
@Caterina'Catty'McCatface Something went on fire; status 403
4 hours ago, by bwDraco
...nothing happens. Cavil appears to be getting the "We're sorry" page.
!!/google check?
Everybody, stop using the !!/google command. The bot is currently blocked from accessing Google; continuing may make the problem worse. Also, don't use !!/xkcd with a non-numeric parameter because that uses Google to search for a relevant comic as well.
(Of course, not you, @allquixotic.)
@bwDraco yeah, that's what's happening
I'm not surprised.
I tunnel through my dedi on OVH and I always get captchas on google searches.
They don't like OVH IPs.
Actually, I'm more surprised that it worked up to now.
@allquixotic ^
We could always use Bing :P (Bing APIs always have a better free tier than Google)
@allquixotic Yup, professional code-fixer here :P
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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