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If any of you live in the US, you might want to write your congressmen to oppose the Burr encryption bill
I don't >_>
and my government does what it pleases. For the good of all singaporeans of course.
This (draft of a) bill would require all creators of cryptographic algorithms and systems to be able to produce plaintext of any communication
It's legitimately appalling that anybody seriously thinks that's a good idea
Dumb ignorant people will think anything is a good idea, if they get told it by someone they listen to
@kerbalspacebecky That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@BenN eh. They keep trying don't they.
Fuckin hell, 2011 was five years ago already
thats almost 6 years ago
Could almost have made a 5 year old kid in that time.
ugh I hate meat fat
its hardly even food its like rubber
@CMDEmu you realize it came from the carcass of a dead animal, right?
be a vegetarian like me and you won't have to worry about meat fat ;p
@PraveenKumar Root Accesses official favourite singer
Q: One laptop charger for laptop and monitor?

chxI have a monitor and a laptop and their chargers together are 91W. Both of them are 19V. So I was wondering whether I could just use a 90W charger and a cheap one male to two female 5.5x2.1mm splitter and adequate plug converters. Is there any danger to either the laptop or the monitor? I am not ...

I have a flag for throwing this back
but I donno
it feels on topic to me
being vegeratian is no fun
actually isn't bad ;p
im ok with slaughtering em, but animal abuse is bad
its not
its nor evil, just indifferent
stopping eating it makes no difference
How's it going, @allquixotic?
@JourneymanGeek It was shipped out by one of their mods, so I guess EE.SE doesn't want it
Seems on-topic to me
someone flagged to kick it back
Rejected. If it gets kicked back shrug 5 close votes would do it
stuff like this is one reason I'm happy I have a 4k display ;)
is this another weapon
what is it
ive seen drones before but there must be something else here
@JourneymanGeek Got the test IPs - steam
@Bob good
@allquixotic Ah. Okay for starting in... I think it was 1 hour?
starting what though?
SCL, one of the RTSes, <insert game here>
my responses to the games on offer: SoaSE ==> fuck yes; SCL ==> alright :); RA3 ==> fuck yes; AotS ==> yeah! :D (kinda warmed up on it a teensy bit)
RA3 probably isn't that great in skirmish
dunno about SoaSE but I should probably run through the tutorial first. dunno if @JourneymanGeek has it
I booted into Windows for gaming night
SCL, obviously would work. AotS should work too :P
I have uncommitted git changes on my Ubuntu dual boot that I need to clean up, commit and push before I leave tomorrow
I'll talk to you guys about that on voice when we start
if you're available now I can just tell you now
you planning to log in to Steam?
eh. I'm on Steam but there's a story behind that
currently set to offline
@allquixotic gitter? or the other Steam :P
I made up for my severe case of dumb yesterday and did 7 project euler problems in about an hour
@oldmud0 nice!
they were really easy
I think that 3-5 problems a day is reasonable, especially given my chronic lack of time during weekdays. Once I get to #51 then things will get a bit rougher.
Hrmm... Sonarr stopped responding on port 8989 and I don't know why. :/
@oldmud0 I'm impressed you're getting as far as you are
I'm educated up to intermediate calculus, technically, but I struggle with novel math exercises for the most part
@allquixotic Same for me, too.
I've forgotten most of my calculus stuff past simple derivatives, sadly.
It's not stuff you use every day unless you're in some sort of job that requires it, and even so, you'd probably be using Mathematica or Maple or MATLAB (with the Symbolic Math Toolbox) if it did.
@Bob RA3 isn't that great at skirmish. Co-op's mainly fun cause we can mock the cut scenes, and the imperial obsession with statues
I favour playing as soviets.
@JourneymanGeek Smash all the things! Except monuments.
Name resolved to


TCP port 8989 (unknown service): FILTERED
Besides the firewall, what else could be filtering this port?
"filtered" usually means the SYN packet was dropped
On which end?
closed would be a RST received
open would be an ACK received
@MichaelFrank simply means nothing received... could be anything
TCP port 6789 (unknown service): LISTENING
though I suppose you'd get an ICMP response if the last hop router can't find its destination? dunno.
It just suddenly stopped accepting connections on that port. Pretty sure I didn't change anything. :/
@Bob: Do you get that green/teal "starting android" screen with the rotating cogs every time you boot your phone?
Also the constant sd card hanging... Fixed it by deleting fsck. Looooong standing Android problem apparently, been around since 2009! forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=601340
@Bob You should, according to the Internet rfc's, but the vast majority of networks and providers violate those rules...
I THINK my external sound card causes my headphone amp to hum
digital audio path ftw
lightning, USB, toslink, HDMI/DP, bluetooth when the implementation doesn't suck... these all have in common that they're fully digital audio paths until you get to the speakers
thing is this happens when the headphone amp is not plugged into the external sound card
@allquixotic bob is back
@kerbalspacebecky nope
@JourneymanGeek It is probably humming because it doesnt know the words :-)
I think even the best amps out there have some hum bleeding in. Bugs me at the theatre they install $big bucks audio systems connected to $$double big bucks audio mixer pannels the size of a dinner table, and walking past the speakers in 80% of the theatres i have been in it sounds more like the speakers are connected diirect to the AC plug :-)
Tis only the signal (that could be hard 4 block away) that dissolve the existance of that noise away.
Nothing special about tube amps either, back when they were more pupular, turn up the volume with little or no signal headed into them, one would swear that the hum eminating from them was displayed by the tube lighting up :-)
Actually I think its ground hum
a test for a "ground loop" (no such thing really) would be to plug all the interconnecting electrical items into the same wall plug.
*ground loop actually a tiny electrical differential between 2 sources causing flow between them when not properly built.
superuser.com/questions/1063616/… Huh? user reports thier system which should be able to funtion on 4gig of ram and a bit of paging. a system that now included compression of the big useless allocated gaps of nothing.
That system somehow sucks up ~70G , pre-allocated, paged, virtual or mindless blocks, compressed or otherwise , something is going badly.
Leave it to someone (not just the answer) to come along and say "It was designed to do that" :-)
I tend to agree , instead with the arguments on many of these Questions, that blowing (virtual or not) memory out your buttox , and getting specific low-memory errors, is not anyones design. There is a problem somewhere.
1 hour later…
Q: What happens if I poison a co-worker who has been stealing my food?

RyanfaeScotlandI must have the worst luck. Not only have I been feeling rather 'backed up*' lately but someone at work has also been stealing my sandwiches! I’m not looking for help on either of these issues individually, but rather on a potential problem I can see me facing if the two issues cross paths. To a...

@JourneymanGeek o.O
(I needed the tumbleweed elsewhere)
@Bob personally I'd just have something outlandish
or ... I know where to buy dried nagas
@JourneymanGeek ?
@Bob donno.
@JourneymanGeek Homeworld feels so strange...
3D movement o.O
"What's this?" "Donno"
its happening a lot when clearing out my brother's room
and he has a crapton of magazines
1 hour later…
Hi is there a place where I can ask for hw suggestions?
amongst others
(we might point you had hardware recs, and/or give contradictory opinions ;p)
Cool! Let me try... :) I'm searching for NAS enclosure where I can run Linux on. I found the Dlink DNS 32x series but they seem to be a bit old.
How many drives?
2 would be enough
it's for home use
hmm. what sort of price range?
The Dlink price was quite nice. If it is a bit a more it would be ok too. Let's say from 150 - 300 €
yeah, somewhere outside build your own x86 box territorry ;)
I'm scared of the fan and power comsumption. otherwise I would like to do that.
rpi is a bit too weak.. isn't it?
also, no sata ports
heard about orange pi which should have sata .. but they are not available
odroid's stuff dosen't either
which is a pity
@Bob weird. Can't remember if mine started after I rooted it or after I firmware updated since both were around the same time. But both my phones do it.
I hope the next generation of single board computers will satisfy all our hopes! :)
at this point, I'm going to point you at hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com . I think a price range, number/size of drives, and you want to run linux would be a start
My 'dream' nas is something built around a HP microserver ;)
Uh yes, let me try that. It's beta but let's see. ..
hehe :)
Just one thing. Has somebody expiriences with a dlink dns 32x NAS enclosure?
(Probably I'll go for a used one)
off the top of my head... no
Ok, thanks for you help! Will try the hw recommendations site...
Sorry about that ;p
kiiiinda quiet, and I think the interesting discussions here tend to be polite arguements over PC parts ;)
@kerbalspacebecky sounds like a botched update/root, yea :S
@JourneymanGeek I kinda dozed off in the middle of the game :P
also don't have much idea about prebuilt NASes
What's weird is both my phones do it. Every time.
If all goes well 24 hours from now I should have a license to kill. Myself.
Also my flatmate just impatiently bought an S7 in Vietnam and is complaining about accidently touching the screen with his palm all the time.
@Bob 0_0
mom just dropped a bomb on me
@kerbalspacebecky Edge? lol.
Well, you did warn him, no?
apparently I need to clear out the hall (which currently contains the contents of two rooms) by friday
I don't paid enough for this ;p
actually, I could actually dump it all in my soon to be old room....
@Bob He wanted the edge but it wasn't in stock.
@Bob Yeah :-P
Though come to think of it I'd have thought the edge on the edge would have been basically inactive unless you were running an edge app.
1 hour later…
sadly enough tho, life without a printer is tricky
trickey indeed. get an All-in_one (he says) , the reasoning people did not, was because they knew one part of it would die, at least eventually. So it would be come an all minus one :-)
The scanner i bought and learned completely how to use, seperated from and many times better than the one tossed in a printer thing, is still around. The most important part , not having to read another manuel, or get learned up on the nuances of another terrible piece of software.
"•Knockoff toner cartridges, on the other hand, are okay! Toner is just an electrostatically charged powder . . . " Not really, there is a huge difference in the toner type for the (few) toner printers i have purchaced. OKI for example seems to love to wax it up, giving a final photo print way more gloss than and HP.
Also if knockoff toners are not a problem, then why does a Drum Set cost more than a whole fricking replacement printer. and I wouldnt be the only one whos drums got mucked up and the prints became muddy looking after only a few rounds of cheazy cheap toner refills.
@kerbalspacebecky nah it's always touch-sensitive
there's supposed to be palm detection but it doesn't work most of the time for me
@Bob Hmm. But do "normal" apps always stretch onto the edge panel?
@kerbalspacebecky yes
@kerbalspacebecky it's not like the first Note with edge
edge is on both sides, obviously
there's this edge panel slide-out thing that i disabled cause it's useless and shit
there's also this edge info thing in standby, that I don't use
Hmm, so the edge isn't a "special" secondary display or anything it's just a normal slightly curved screen now?
apart from that it's just a normal part of the screen
And ink prices are highway robbery, you can justify it any way you want, but it is wrong on many counts. A) it is an enviromental disaster, being in a position to toss out a perfectally good printer , because some stupid cart system fails. B) if it was good business , then why is somone else selling the carts for it, and your still loosing money on the printer. C) it teaches printer makers to make crappy printers D) it keeps competition out, giving the users less choices.
That sounds... gimmicky
it also makes finding the scrollbar a pain in Firefox cause it's a tiny thin scrollbar made thinner by perspective
@kerbalspacebecky ...it is
it's a way of cramming a bigger "5.5"" screen into a smaller phone
By halfway wrapping it around the back? :-P
put it this way: for hardware I'd take a G5.
even for software
it's just that damn locked bootloader
@kerbalspacebecky ?
Why do they lock bootloaders
cause $$$ presumably
and by that I mean carrier $$$
@Bob instead of how much thinner can we make the bezel, its put picture On the bezel itself ? right?
@Bob Carriers be noobs
At least Samsung makes carrier-free versions
In fact America seems to be one of the only places with carrier-specific phones. Pretty much all European markets have no carrier versions.
At most they slap a carrier logo on the back and a CSC
likewise here
in fact carrier locking a phone is illegal
@JourneymanGeek carrier models are often bootloader-locked even if they're not carrier-locked
@kerbalspacebecky verizon (dang widely used) would not even allow my own purchaced sim card phone to be connected to thier network. Even though there is some use of sims in other net devices (like hotspot and laptop pcmia things)
@Bob oh, I've had to unlock my phones before, but the only one I did it on was a HTC, and that was fairly simple.
@Psycogeek Yeah some of our UK networks used to be like that
I am on AT&T for only 1 reason, they would connect the dang phone, such sad, competition bad.
there is only 3 full coverage networks, and i dont think there is customer switchability in any of them.
I Begged to pay them much money , and instead walked out the door.
This whistleout.com/CellPhones/Guides/… on one hand suggests that the new LTE is more compatable, then goes on to explain the usual. All 3 no 4 Networks in some way are either actually incompatable (in small ways), or want to make sure they are not associated with the others :-)
@Psycogeek LTE, thankfully, is actually globally intercompatible.
The only differences are frequency band support, and each generation of phone adds more and more frequency bands.
It's becoming fairly easy to add more bands without needing to remove or replace others, to the extent my European Galaxy S7 supports all Sprint, Verizon and AT&T LTE bands as well as all European bands and most (all)? ASEAN bands
like they said the only problems one would have is . . . the phone part might not work :-)
Like who needs to make calls, the smart phone is soo much more :-) and there is always skype
My European network allows the "phone" part to work on any and every IP network :-P
Also, once a network deploys VoLTE (yes, it's early days, but it's a standardized part of LTE) then any LTE channel works as a native voice carrier
That's part of what makes LTE so much more "compatible"
But LTE doesnt have massive range from/to each cell tower item?
LTE has huge range, better than (W)CDMA and comparable to GSM.
Maximum distance of a standard network is a little over 100km
Put it this way, a lot of LTE networks are artificially crippled, due to the need to not exceed the coverage of existing 2G/3G fallbacks. The few networks that are not crippled this way, I can receive in a plane over Germany.
@kerbalspacebecky TDD?
We have one TDD band by Optus in Canberra only
20 iirc
@Bob Yeah, it supports TDD LTE. Band 20 isn't a TDD band though.
Band 20 is the European 800Mhz FDD band
I've found a way to make the sides of my phone more grippy!
Cover it in coca cola and let it dry. Or peking duck sauce, but that's a bit mushy
gotta go all the way
I have some of that but it just comes off in your pocket
@kerbalspacebecky yea sure, that wouldnt explain having 50 towers in 10 square miles.
@kerbalspacebecky Oh it was 40
2300 MHz
must've misremembered
@Psycogeek that's for capacity.
You get 50 towers in one square mile in places for 2G and 3G too.
@Bob nice. Next EU-wide spectrum bands will be 40 and 42. Sadly 42 is far higher capacity but not supported on my phone.
Q: Students keep farting during my classes,

Karen AngeloI am teaching a Calculus II session this semester. The class period is from 2pm to 2:50pm, on Mondays and Wednesdays. The problem is that my students keep farting while I am going over important theorems and homework problems on the chalkboard. How can I do something about this? The smell...

HNQ too
myshreddies.com/flatulence "Shreddies award winning flatulence filtering garments offer maximum comfort, classic styling and flatulence filtration"
flat-d.com/whatisflatd.html ""The Flatulence Deodorizer is an activated charcoal cloth pad that is placed inside the underwear next to the buttocks to remove the odor from intestinal gas."
Scroll down a bit for LTE bands :P
> 2300MHz (B40) TDD (0000008000000000) – Optus (Vivid wireless spectrum), NBN
3500MHz (B42) TDD (????????????????) – Optus, NBN (trials at this stage)
" The material we use is a high-tech filtering media (16) and was originally developed by the British Chemical Defense Establishment, to provide protection to its soldiers against nerve gas and other toxic vapors associated with chemical warfare." LOL
1 hour later…
no? ok den
1 hour later…
lame, but it made me smile ;)
and it still sounds better than drilling my bones and putting screws in :-)
@Psycogeek talking from experience?
No, luckily.
My body rejects a simple splinter with violent reaction, aint about to be one of those who has screws put in thier spine.
youtu.be/3Hdn0MuCK_0?t=73 (just the 15 seconds there) you see Nice little clone USB power supply , kinda fails the isolation test :-)
@Bob Heh, AU and EU phones will be intercompatible I guess
Mixing Wall power and water , not always a good idea, dropping the toaster into your shower sort of bad idea. youtu.be/vmOoAWrn1kM?t=31 Putting high current heater in cheezy plastic case, and having it automatically power up via water pressure , this had to be a kickstarter idea :-)
So much for all those electric contractor geeks who herass us endlessly about "Your Going To Die" for playing with a bit of power. In the locations that would apply items like this it is probably accurate to say your more likely to die of drunken stupidity , or STD , than to die while taking a shower. So stay clean :-)
2 hours later…
My dad's trying to update the firmware on an old router and he just insists that he has to update the firmware incrementally.
I told him clearly it's not incremental given that all of the images are around the same size..
besides that router was hard reset a long time, what could he lose
and then he started unzipping the firmware files.... one by one...
I just totally lost it, I went back to my computer, ssh'd into the old laptop he was working on and extracted them all for him.
His reaction: absolutely none. He just kept going.
On other news, my crappy 90 pound windows server 2003 monster just lives on. However I have considered downgrading upgrading to Linux.
Finally I found out how to strikeout. It's ---
@Psycogeek is that one of those I'm-really-good-at-one-thing phones?
I wouldnt have lost it, as long as the other person is doing the BS :-) But be it firmware or OS or software the only possible reason a person would want to do every incrament in between, would be to meticulously test each one, to see if anything goes badly. Not including "updates" like OS updates.
Well I didn't really lose it as in get very mad, but I simply became frustrated with him doing it very inefficiently and then asking me how to do X. Then when I show him he tells me to get my hands off the keyboard.
If it is a type of flashing in firmware , where things like power loss turn the thing into a brick, it would be unwise to be doing more of that than nessisary which even includes leaving it be, if it is all working correct.
@oldmud0 That means nothing. Lots of firmware that requires incremental updates are the same size.
Same for software
@kerbalspacebecky Why though?
@oldmud0 Mainly because of configuration files, etc.
Developers for version 3.x may include backwards compatibility for 2.x but not 1.x for example
The files seem to only grow, they never shrink.
Same for example if you consider Microsoft say you have to upgrade from Windows 7 to Windows 8.0 before you can upgrade to Windows 8.1
It's "incremental" although it really isn't
Wait, really? I thought that if you didn't want to keep any files you could just blow right into 8.1
In fact pretty much any in-place upgrade will only allow you to upgrade from X versions earlier.
@oldmud0 That's a clean install, not an upgrade.
as many problems as a sofisticated OS can have , knowing that something will be giving you trouble no matter what you do, i would only clean install any one of them. Just dont need wonderings.
If cleaning up Windows is hard enough, I wonder how bad cleaning up a Linux box can get.
Meh, in place upgrades for Ubuntu versions work fine, so long as you manually SSH in and kill the upgrade process once or twice during the update
The package manager is supposed to take care of all the cleaning up on uninstall (as long as you don't pry stuff out by forcefully removing it), but then again it's just a script.
We get to see people Daily that take 3-4 days of BS fighting some stupid problem, in my county that time wouldnt touch the price of a (non-upgrade) OS.
Now, Windows Update is just an absolute horror to work with.
@kerbalspacebecky ugh, they spend so long focusing on whether the body feels metal or not
I have changed the setting in windows update to get preview builds three days back, but still unable to get the update that has Bash on Windows. Anything else I need to check for?
Oh dear, site is in read only mode :/
It's completely dead for me - all pages fail to load with an error
It is working fine now?
Seems to be back
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.

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