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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

so our dave should be the one to change his name
or we could make them fight it out
beyond the thunderdome style
Dave and evaD?
who is "our" Dave? @ Burgi
Me or "imposterDave" tee hee hee
mind explodes
@Dave He was referring to Dave
Ok, thanks @Bob
Alright i'm changing my name.. Bear/Bare with me. Lets fix all this madness.
You can't
Dave is great
It's 4 letters, D is the 4th letter of the alphabet but can be extended to David (5 characters, the sum of the first 2 characters), 4 letters is also some rude names so it's a little naughty, in the UK there is a TV channel AND, people have websites like this thegreatdave.com (not been to so not sure if safe for work)
then a month later you will turn round and tell us you are actually a "Frank"
I am being Frank yes. I'm really Dave
Im thinking DavidBaseAdmin
You play the bass?
No but i'm a database admin
hmmmm. That sounds difficult but a job shouldn't name you
What DID you want to be
when you were 10 years or so
if another @Burgi arrives I will have to fight them to the death like in highlander
ha ha ha
Well i was hoping to be /sbin/dave
but that wont work..
hang on are we over on our dave quota?
@Dave @Dave and @DavidPostill
Yes, I did consider this, but he is (I think) a David
is having 3 of you like having 3 doctor whos?
was hoping to use dbo.dave too.. :(, not worky
the !!dave command will have to be updated
ah nm.. dbo.dave works not sure how long it takes to propogate though.
Oh dear me it's wrose... much worse
quit and rejoin?
superuser.com/users - Search for Dave
There are about 200 of us
All being annoyed by this stupid thing
Dave's united!, Daves all over.. daves taking over the world..
ha ha
We really need to make the Dave Room. Dave's only
Not a bad idea actually.
Q: How do I ping the right bob?

Journeyman Geek We have two bobs at the moment. Bob (with the fox avatar) is a long time user, and bob, with the green avatar. I'd like to ping Bob, without bothering bob with my pings. I see two ways to do this - It's trivial for me to get the username - so could we have a way to ping a user by user id numbe...

there is another @Burgi!!!!!
@Dave (Both of you!) ^
Oh nice, but I can ping the right dave in my chat.. Assuming im dave and i cant ping myself
Hmmmmm.... I'm not sure with Bob that you'll get enough support. It's only 3 characters and the first character is a b, 2nd in alphabet...
I think you should put a comment explaining it's also affecting Dave
@Dave you can't ping yourself
Which would explain why I can only ping @Dave
@Dave you could!
Could... I. He? Wait what?
@Dave If I reply to one of your posts I only ping you
hmmmmm I see
so the issue is only in the chat rooms?
might be an issue on main site if two people of the same name comments
its just more obvious here
yes, I see that
so if i ping one of the legions of @Dave in a comment on the main site do they all get a notification?
the other @Burgi lives near me...
If you're a @Dave and you're reading this mesage.. come check out root-access in chat on superuser...
i have more internet points than him though!
I'm thinking that we need to alert all... Hi @Steve
ha ha ha, havoc
I don't know any Steve's
May be I am the evil twin....
told you
you need to be involved in the thread somehow
amusingly superpings work per user
so If I modping a dave, I ought to get the right dave, and not all the daves
ha ha ha ha
I assume we normal folk can't do @id or similar?
Is there a strong use case for having non-mod pings which are in chat pinging outside of chat? I mean, if I ping some one here, I'd expect the icon beside the text box to flash (as it does) but not put an alert in my inbox
I'd like ping by chat id in addition to ping by username ;p
hi @notdave @allquixotic
Or, can I turn off chat notifications?
not sure :(
Q: Multiple names means multiple notifications

DaveWhen people chat in chat rooms, with the same name, our inboxes get full. It can also happen if 2 people with the same name reply to the same post (I think) but appreciate this is not common. This has been discussed many times on the SE sites. Can we have an option within our profile to turn on...

@JourneymanGeek :D PUPPY
@allquixotic did I mention what happened with the roomie and the air con install guys? ;p
I just got a BSOD in usbaudio.sys - first time
@JourneymanGeek no O_O
Air con installer was outside on the ledge. Roomie decided it was too dangerous. Barked at him (from a safe distance), mom said it was fine. Huffed and went somewhere else where people weren't that crazy ;p
funny that he was a safety conscious little guy
he hates heights
(and as such, humans ought to stay on the ground too, where its safe)
@Dave Nothing wrong with cygwin ;)
@Dave "Added note This is also a potential vulnerability related to privacy where users are able to easily monitor others actions to know if people are logged on the network and gives the user a front row seat to monitor."
@Dave Yep, I'm David. Anybody who calls me Dave gets a Scouse Kiss ;)
@Dave There's 68 pages of David and only 29 pages of Dave
97 pages worth of Dave/David goodness.
@JourneymanGeek Aren't you on the 29th floor or something? Did he wear a safety harness?
Starting in 90s, NSA used underwater drones, delivered by submarine, to tap undersea cables. https://www.linkedin.com/in/jamesmatkinson https://t.co/ASfgshBEuX
@Burgi I did not such thing. Stop spreading rumours!
!!dave @dbo.dave
trouts dbo.dave around a bit with a large @Dave!
trouts @dbo.dave around a bit with a large @Dave!
@kerbalspacebecky Please enter some output
!!learn shoedave '<> guitars \@'+"$0" around a bit with @Dave's shoe!"
@kerbalspacebecky Command shoedave learned
!!shoedave Dave
@kerbalspacebecky Input not matching /guitars/. Help: User-taught command: @'+"$0" '<>
!!forget shoedave
@kerbalspacebecky Command shoedave forgotten.
@kerbalspacebecky Command shoedave learned
!!shoedave dbo.dave
@kerbalspacebecky Input not matching /guitars/. Help: User-taught command: @'+"$0" '<>
!!forget shoedave
@kerbalspacebecky Command shoedave forgotten.
hey! Do you guys think the new insights.ubuntu.com/2016/03/29/… is worth it?
@kerbalspacebecky Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!> ['hello', 'world'].join(' ')
@kerbalspacebecky "hello world"
!!> ['@', $0].join(' ')
@kerbalspacebecky "ReferenceError: Can't find variable: $0"
> This wiki assumes (for demonstration purposes) that your username is Dave, your user-id is 5318008 and the message you sent has an id of 42.
Where are you reading that? lol
!!learn shoedave "<> guitars @$0 around a bit with @Dave's shoe!"
@kerbalspacebecky Command shoedave learned
!!/shoedave test
guitars @test around a bit with @Dave's shoe!
Three days I've been trying to get it to do that and all I had to do was type / when calling the command -_-
!!forget dave
@kerbalspacebecky Command dave forgotten.
!!learn dave "<> trouts @$0 around a bit with a large @Dave!"
@kerbalspacebecky Command dave learned
!!/dave dbo.dave
trouts @dbo.dave around a bit with a large @Dave!
!!/dave kerbalspacebecky
trouts @kerbalspacebecky around a bit with a large @Dave!
best command ever
Wish we could rate them.
So I save on typing the '@' but have to type a '/' instead. Net saving: None
Or have some sort of karma system in place. Where we can add karma points for users in chat.
You mean a bit like the reputation system on the main site?
yea but managed by the bot for users that come in rooms and say unique interesting things.
like !!addkarma @kerbalspacebecky +1

Karma Leaderboards
kerbalspacebecky - 9001
DavidPostill - 100
Dave - 321
dbo.dave - -3000

@dbo.dave That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
My karma level is over nine thousand?!
You saw what i did there =P
@dbo.dave Yeah, you called me not-interesting ;)
Oh it was just random numbers.. Well 100 isnt that random..
@dbo.dave Why don't you write a query that sums up the number of starred messages we all have (for some value of star==interesting)? ;)
easy peazy
I would hope so for a DBA
Otherwise your fired ;)
totally writing one now there..
I know cloud and datacenter is priority one, but Broadwell-E can't be far off.
(I dont know the db model yet but im looking at it)
I dont see any part of the model related to chat / transcript
Yay 9919 in Agar, and troll'd
no chat within db model
!!shoedave dbo.dave
guitars @dbo.dave around a bit with @Dave's shoe!
Look harder.
PostHistory, posts, Comments tables dont have chat communication within them.
the company has cancelled my project
Is that a good or bad thing?
bad for me
anyone hiring a web dev in the north west of england?
Wait cancelled project = fired?
My condolences.
they've been dragging their feet for ages over implementing it
but thanks
The company has decided that there is not a business requirement for an intranet/sharepoint
so they've canned it
@Burgi :/
meh, it happens
i'm more pissed off at myself for not having a backup plan
i should have started looking a couple of months ago when they stalled deployment for the nth time
So I'm working on a small C# application right now and it was compiling and running just fine at work. I come home and pull the latest updates and Visual Studio refuses to run the application. It says some namespace wouldn't exist in the referenced assembly, even though it was right there
I started messing around a bit, renaming things, removing the references, adding it back and suddenly, it started working
So, naturally, I check the diff...
@Burgi What kind of work you after?
Just web dev or related fields?
Is Ancronis 2016 the best for cloning? That's what I keep reading.
It's for $15 now...
@Boris_yo Which OS?
Personally, I use a ye olde version of Ghost that comes with Win8 PE SE
If it's a lenovo, then it probably came preinstalled with a Cyberlink one-key recovery software
I use this and find it to be good enough...
@Boris_yo there are quite a few giveaways for acronis online though...
@RahulBasu Is it where you have to sell your soul to win?
@Mokubai ideally web dev but the last 12 months i've been supporting the partial rollout of SharePoint. prior to that i was 2nd line helpdesk support
@JourneymanGeek you have a 'link my next chat message as a reply to this' option...
@RahulBasu newegg.com/Product/…-EMC-033116-Index--BackupUtili‌​ties-_-32200094-S0D
i think this link will show my careers.SE profile....
@Burgi nope. 404 error
they've totally changed the careers.SE site, its now not easy to share the profile
Sorry, wrong pic...
Is that a bug?
@Burgi: Its a subbranch of my company that I work for.. I know they're hiring over there in the UK.
thanks, i'll check it out
heh! auckland
Is that far??
its in new zealand
Guess their website is garbage. It doesnt work right.
You should fix it.
but thanks anyway
i need to change my gravater
Your site's awesome :D
@dbo.dave I was about to say the same thing :P
you know how it is, almost everything in life is suddenly more important than your own website
@Burgi Getting such good domains and using them for nothing should be illegal :/
@Burgi Although I know the feeling, I haven't updated mine in ages
well i guess now that i am banned from entering the office i could update it
actually 1 second
@RahulBasu: I have some good ones.. ;]
nope my account is disabled
@Burgi: Ill call over the UK tomorrow and see if we have anything @ our main branch.
Offices are closed
tbh @dbo.dave i think your main office is out of my reach
@dbo.dave It's only just gone 5pm here! ;)
@DavidPostill its 1900
@Burgi: Google HRG on maps.. you tell me. www.hrgworldwide.com
@Burgi So it is. Time flies :/
what is really annoying is the fact i have uncommited code sat on my local PC in the office
@burgi: How far is...

55 King Street
M2 4LQ

from you?
20 minutes, thats very close
Thats one of our main offices where i work in the UK
Farnborough, London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Leicestershire, Manchester
thanks guys
i honestly didn't expect you all to be so supportive
sorry for doubting you all
i do need to go blow up some spaceships for a little while
@Burgi Sadly it looks like our lot up north want electronics guys and managers rather than web devs, sorry.
I can have a look at the internal boards in the morning, see if they say anything different
@Mokubai thanks for looking, i appreciate it
i'll be back in a couple of hours probably
@Burgi linkedin has 98 php labelled jobs in manchester
Welp, April 1st is here already it seems...
@DavidPostill Yeah, he was wearing a safety harness
its april 1?
Looks like I'm going to rep-cap for the second day in a row.
160 rep with more than four hours to go.
Welp, dropped my phone, dented the bezel a bit, but screen did not shatter (multiple shallow scratches, though). I've ordered a case for it.
@bwDraco That's like buying condoms because your partner gets pregnant...
What is it with everybody dropping their phones? I've had 3 different phones in 10 years and never dropped one once, or several different iPods ...
i drop mine all the time. My kid throws it around the house.. Everything is still awesome with it.
Dave's phone^
Nah, it's one of these
guitars 0 around a bit with @Dave's shoe!
Q: Can I ride the unicorn? If not, can I kill the unicorn?

skullyI'd like to ride the unicorn as pictured both in the ad on the right as well as in the game main menu: The unicorn seems to be an unkillable monster and I am unable to defeat it; I have to either dodge or use the photon blaster to set him back a few inches. I tried goomba stomping it, tried c...

1 hour later…
@DavidPostill thanks i was going to check that in the morning
@Burgi Good luck!
I hope people will eventually stop assuming that everything in a computer with a non-English name is a virus
Q: Weird-looking Registry entry under HKCU\Software\Classes (is it a virus)?

Sens4I wanted to set Photoshop as my default image viewer (need a workaround because Windows doesn't recognize it), so I have to edit my Registry. In the tutorial on the official Adobe website, they say to navigate to the location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Classes\Applications\Photoshop.exe\shell\o...

Two more answer upvotes to hit the rep cap, but less than 45 minutes to go!
@bwDraco Please don't ask to ask; if you simply ask your actual question, we will help you if we know the answer or can help you find it. This is much faster and simpler than asking if it's OK to ask. As a rule, it is always OK to ask in this channel. Please go ahead.
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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