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2 hours later…
10 Awesome Q&A Sites to Answer Your Burning Questions - SO and SU are #5 and #6 respectively!
> 6. Super User

Super User is a community that collaborates and gives advice on how to help out computer enthusiasts with their questions. It is geared more towards the power user, hence you’ll find geeky questions and their more geeky answers abound on the site.
but.. the first question in the screenshot is horribly off-topic:
@DanielBeck you're in the screenshot, congrats :)
@studiohack, and the first one is off topic. The irony
@soandos I said that :)
those icky jpeg artifacts...
@studiohack, sorry missed it :)
no worries @soandos :)
@studiohack, I think it's deleted now, can't seem to find it
@studiohack It's a pretty weak article though. The entire description of SU consists of "geek" and the text in the bar at the top shown to first time visitors.
I noticed that @DanielBeck... ah well
3 hours later…
hey guys
what do you think: i5 & 128gb ssd or i7 & no ssd?
@Ell What do you intend to do?
well its a general purpose machine
some gaming
browsing/email etc.
but also i will be doing programming
listening to music
most of those things are doable with an i5
but there will be no video encoding/heavy photoshop usage and stuff
gaming is mostly graphics bound isnt it?
and the i5 will be overclocked anyways
to 4.40
so that should be fine I think
i'd get a k-series i5 with the SSD then
okay, I will :)
Hello folks.
My accounts are still screwed up and I need some help to get logged in. =(
@Ell: i'd also take into account that hard drive prices are currently at a peak
@RandolfRichardson again :/ how so?
@Sathya Well, I couldn't get signed up at all, so I just gave up for a while. And then I figured out just a few minutes ago that I can get signed up from the Skeptics web site (after my account stopped working on the main Skeptics site but not the meta site). A message describing the current problem is here: meta.skeptics.stackexchange.com/questions/1288/…
I still can't get a password reminder sent to me.
I already know what my password is though, anyway, but I'm wondering if the password got corrupted with the merge mishap that seemed to trigger all of this not so long ago.
So, anyway, because of this I pretty much lost interest in SuperUser.com for a while. It just got frustrating so I've been spending more time on Skeptics and other sites in the hopes that the problem would just sort itself out (it appears that it hasn't).
@JourneymanGeek The floods in Thailand seem to have cut supplies down drastically. I recall hearing from one of my suppliers that manufacturers are expecting to have supply levels restored sometime in January 2012.
Prices here have tripled, though we're closer to thailand than most places that arn't closer to thailand than we are
@JourneymanGeek I can't help but wonder if some of the manufacturers are choosing to hold supply levels down until after Xmas so that they can capitalize on the higher December demands that are typical.
oh well, won't affect me for now. I can't build anything for now
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, on average I'd agree with "tripled." I have seen some hard drive prices that increased more than 5 times.
...and then there's the loads of cheap stuff that hasn't risen so much.
@JourneymanGeek Why not? Taking a holiday?
@RandolfRichardson: eh, parents wouldn't let me
by for now, i'm meaning next few years
I need to graduate, get a job, and probably blow a few paychecks on upgrading half my life ;p
I got an email earlier from eBuyer, WD 3TB Caviar D(G)reen Hard Drive for £150.
@JourneymanGeek I didn't realize you were still in school. Heheh.
28 ;p
flunked uni twice as is. My mom basically uses that as an excuse to be a control freak from hell
@JourneymanGeek ...or, maybe the pressure from her control freaking is what caused you to fail? ;-P
Maybe, but she'd gotten worse over the years
At this point of time, i'm having a VERY serious itch to build something, but i'm not even looking at parts prices seriously cause i can't
@JourneymanGeek A lot of unhappily married (and divorced) men I know complain about this theme a lot. Many of them blame menopause.
I didn't flunk uni twice and my mum is still a bit of a control freak...
@JourneymanGeek Oh, in that case, just contact a local Salvation Army (or similar shop that's based on helping poor people) and donate your technical skills to help check, and attempt to make work, donated computer equipment. That should cure that itch for you.
@tombull89 I skipped University.
@RandolfRichardson: can't seem to find any similar charity here
I've been working on the old dell i pulled from the dumpster recently
@RandolfRichardson same ;)
(and i managed to talk them into letting me get a hard drive for it)
@JourneymanGeek That sucks. What the hell kind of city doesn't have any organizations to help people? (I'm assuming you're in a major city, of course.)
Here's the thing. I can do everything i want, with the allowance i get. I am just specifically forbidden from using it for computer stuff. I sneak it in, fudge the prices a little, but that limits what i can do
@JourneymanGeek Oh, well, that's different. I was thinking more along the lines of a North American type of city. Singapore has a more responsible government than we do here (e.g., everyone has to figure out all their finances on their own, yet in Singapore a portion of the wage goes to retirement, education, etc., no?).
in theory yes
in practice, its a large fund for the government to invest in their own bonds
and our metroish railway system recently decided to start falling apart, despite record profits
@JourneymanGeek I guess the problem all of these systems, no matter how good they are, boils down to one thing: Politicians who should be shot because they're -explitive- idiots.
@RandolfRichardson: eh there's a bigger systemic problem everywhere right now
Basically in the old days, your management was people who were within the company a while
@JourneymanGeek Occupy Wall Street. I actually think this is a really good thing.
now, its someone who gets pulled from, often an unrelated company. This means they need to pay more
and generally CEO salaries are inflated
@JourneymanGeek If you look closely enough, you'll probably spot at least one back-scratching/kick-back scheme in there somewhere.
@RandolfRichardson: eh, The Prime Minister's Wife is the head of the local government linked investment company
which owns... oh, both railway/bus/taxi companies
@JourneymanGeek Oh, so you don't have to look very far then. Ha ha ha.
(there's other cab companies)
so.. they all raise prices in sync...
and get record profits
You see, this is democracy's big failing (as much as I like living in a democratic society, I'm also aware of some of its deficiencies) -- followers pick leaders (and the masses tend to lack critical thinking skills, so they often vote for the best salesperson).
well here, we're in the midst of possible change
its just started
if this happened before the election the government would have been in very deep shit
@JourneymanGeek There seem to be a lot of governments in that position.
I think there is a lot more change afoot than people realize.
More so due to their reaction
train breaks down, ventilation fails..
man breaks a window with a fire extinguisher...
they were like 'oh we won't charge him for vandalism'
it wouldn't have been needed if the darned disaster exercises they do every year had a point
@JourneymanGeek Some politicians are just dumb about this though. I guess that's why they got into politics -- not enough brains to do real work.
and managers
@JourneymanGeek Well, there are a lot more decent managers than there are decent politicians.
(and i'm partially a management major. When i eventually go for job interviews, i really need to not use words like 'out of touch with reality' and 'stuffed suits'
@JourneymanGeek I hope this makes you laugh: youtube.com/watch?v=NcoDV0dhWPA
hi again guys
and yeah hdd prices are high, but this is my xmas pressie :D
btw - does it make a difference that my hdd is OEM?
does it just mean I have to buy a cable separate?
Well, They're usually in plain old anti static bags but yes, they don't come with the cable
(then again, you'd get a few with your case)
oh okay
so I shouldnt bother buying extra SATA cables?
sadly every time i see anti static bags, i think of warehouse 13
I only have 1x hdd and 1x ssd
hm, I haven't ever bought any ever ;p
warehouse 13?
also will the motherboard come with cables?
i believe yes
Its been years since i last built a system though
okay thank you :) this will be my first :D
Its a lot easier than it used to be
hates ribbon cables with a vengence
also, tool-less cases are <3
whats wrong with ribbon cables? :P
what other kind is there?
i've only ever seen ribbon cables :o
er.. there's sata cables, and ribbon cables
the oldskool ribbon cables are a pain to actually route in any meaningful way
sata ones are superior, in nearly every way
okay im confused to the defenition of ribbon cable then :P
hmm, no optical drive?
its probably because I've never seen a sata cable before o.O
ribbon cable to me is the classic IDE and floppy cable
only ever IDE
Serial ATA (SATA or Serial Advanced Technology Attachment) is a computer bus interface for connecting host bus adapters to mass storage devices such as hard disk drives and optical drives. Serial ATA was designed to replace the older parallel ATA (PATA) standard (often called by the old name IDE), offering several advantages over the older interface: reduced cable size and cost (7 conductors instead of 40), native hot swapping, faster data transfer through higher signalling rates, and more efficient transfer through an (optional) I/O queuing protocol. SATA host-adapters and devices com...
yeah ive only ever seen IDE and they are a pain!
so much easier - they're an L shaped connector - there's right angled varieties (which i prefer) and straight ones, and the connector is vaguely USB sized
there's also a new sata power connector, same basic design but wider
oh kk
makes routing cables for air flow a dream
also, look at modular PSUs
yeah I have a modular psu :)
Cooler Master Silent Pro Modular 700W '80 Plus Bronze' Power Supply
Motherboards usually come with cables. At least the decent quality ones do.
well thanks guys :)
im off now anyway
I feel sorry for the average consumer with how high the prices are marked up for little things.
I don't care about a ten cent item being sold for two dollars, but a $1.00 item being sold for $25.00 just seems unfair.
It happens all the time though.
one of the reasons i keep everything i can use around
Though its getting a bit silly, two cases for one
when i know for a fact that i would get a new one was i to build a system ;p
(granted, one is a fairly oldschool case with nice THICK metal walls), the sort that they don't make any more
@JourneymanGeek Those are usually fairly heavy.
ya, its off some viglen PIII
serverfault chat is hat mad
as opposed to mad
@JourneymanGeek Are they having a flame war? =O
@RandolfRichardson: ya. I'm suspecting its a PSU outage. Also ever so slightly tempted to stuff a modern system in there
no, just complaining about people without christmas hats in their avatars
@JourneymanGeek I'm an Atheist and that stuff doesn't bother me, but when I hear or read complaints from people about silly stuff like this I often wonder if there's a hidden agenda attached to it.
its just people being silly
if a SOPA bill ever did pass in the US , i would have to route my internet traffic through a china proxy. <-- that was really funny, your just not awake yet :-)
most of my servers seem canada based, which has some advantages ;p
in the few times i traced one of my routes back years ago, to get to a IP in the south my data went to canda first, talk about cheap ISPs
I dont understand what Putz in the guberment thinks SOPA would work, when comcast, my ISP even quit sending out copyright nags for a e-mule download, they didnt stick with that plan for very long (and i dont even know why).
its Ok though, if i was 13 trillion dollers in the hole, i would certannly need to setup another agency to monitor how far down the hole each new doller drops, mabey get my brother a cushy job doing gravity analisis on the hole.
@Psycogeek: its politicians trying to control something they barely understand
There are still no taxes on my net, I thought that was nice. lots of people (virtually) standing together and maintaing an idea i did not think would last. If only i could get them to all call me on the Landline and get the same concencus.
Just for fun try and start a Net rumor that a .8% tax is going to be added to the net , to cover senate campaign finances ???
3 hours later…
in Tavern on the Meta on Meta Stack Overflow Chat, Dec 8 at 21:10, by Popular Demand
@TimStone, I kid you not: http://chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/114 (the "Ask a Super User moderator" room) --> "You are trying to visit a web page that falls under the URL Category Tasteless or Obscene . By clicking the link below, you acknowledge that you have read and agree with [company] (Information Technology Acceptable Use policy)..."
3 hours later…
@TomWijsman There is chat in the URL, what do you expect?
At a client site, the virus scanner recently started detecting the some VNC client/server installer as a trojan. I had it in my Downloads folder because I need to access some Linux servers (and I need a UI for some enterprise-y programs). That was fun.
@DanielBeck Ah, makes sense. Well, then a workaround would be by using the IP I guess...
I expected to see three dancers when I saw the title "Dance with tree", then I saw/heard rise up, then I... o_O
A: Find out what app is using a file under Windows

Traveling Tech GuyI use SysInternals' Process Explorer. Search for the locked file. Not only will PE tell you which application locked it, but also what thread in that application opened it. In certain cases (only recommended if you know what you're doing!) you can get away by killing one thread, rather than an en...

Please check out: meta.superuser.com/questions/787/… – techie007 36 mins ago
Easier to answer than to hunt down similar questions, I guess – Traveling Tech Guy 4 mins ago
I'm SO tempted to start downvoting any 3K+ user who answers an OBVIOUS dupe. :(
@techie007 Please at least explain why then.
Luckily there is a limit on bounties, I first thought I had a big warning... :D
@techie007 I wouldn't call it obvious...
Left you see the questions suggested when the user made the question, at the right side are related questions.
Even when scrolling through them I can't find the duplicate mentioned.
While I do know such question has been made earlier, it all depends on the search terms you use...
The problem is, I sometimes think this question is so obvious there is no way this hasn't been asked before, and search, and find absolutely nothing.
So it's not like there's always obviously a duplicate.
The problem in this case is that the title doesn't match the problem, from a duplicate finding view.
"Find out what app is using a file under Windows" does in no way tell what the problem is.
How to delete a file that is in use by an application? yields a duplicate of the original question as the first result, to give a random example.
Another possible problem is that the original question has a bad title: File In Use when deleting file
Only matched file, use deleting. I'm not really sure whether they use stemming in their algorithm, so it might or might not match using and delete too...
@TomWijsman OK "obvious" may be over the top. But really, like no-one has ever asked this before? He's been here long enough to get 3K in rep. :) OH well, IMO the problem is the user (who answered) says straight out it was easier to answer than just spend time searching, so to me, he didn't even try.
I will say I don't intend to single this one user out, he's not the only one who's guilty -- it's just a little aggravating cause it seemingly keeps happening. :)
@techie007 And that's because it is hard to search for duplicates.
BTW: this is what I used to find the dupe: superuser.com/search?q=delete+in+use+file --- "windows delete in use file" would have been even better.
Q: Give an incentive for finding duplicate questions

Ian RingroseAt present if you see a question that may be a duplicate and has an easy answer you can post the answers or post a link to the duplicate question. (Or the few hi-rep users can vote to close it as duplicate, think of normal users here, not the people that read Meta) It is better for Stack Overfl...

Q: Reward finding duplicate questions - +10, +2, -5

The P.G. Rep Mining Co.This Meta question: Give an incentive for finding duplicate questions deals with various ways of rewarding the finding of duplicates, a tough and increasingly necessary janitorial task. Here's a concrete suggestion: Reward the finder of a duplicate with +10 points if the question gets closed a...

@techie007 Agreed, but you need to actually check all the extensions to the stemmed word delet: delete, deleting, deletion, deleted, ...
So a query of deleting used file results in different results.
When using that search (superuser.com/search?q=deleting+used+file) you get a totally different result.
Where your question is about the 20th result.
In this case the first one might fit as a duplicate too, but if that question wasn't there it wouldn't have been an easy search.
Q: Software for deleting files used by another process

SyncMasterI want a software, similar to Unlocker or something in which we can delete files that are used by another process, for*Windows 2008 R2*.

Q: Windows 7: File In Use when deleting file

SvishTrying to delete a file, and I get an error saying that the file is in use. I've tried to look for it in the Resource Monitor (Disk), but cannot find it there. Is there a way I can see what is holding on to a certain file (or folder) in Windows 7? Like, is there a built-in tool somewhere? I know...

@TomWijsman Nice, I'll read those over. I too have thought for a while that answers to dupes should have points revoked. Really though, you're making excuses for a user who then admitted that he just didn't want to search because it's easier to just post an answer (I'm trying to NOT accuse them of rep. hunting. ;) )
@techie007 If you're not accusing them of rep hunting, what are you doing?
@techie007: It's for which reason I made the user script and will be trying out on a clustering system that finds duplicates for me.
@TomWijsman Note: You've also managed to find multiple possible dupes in a few seconds of work. ;)
It's because deleting used directly yields it, which is by pure luck.
I don't really like looking at the bottom of a search page for a duplicate, though...
@TomWijsman Could you go into a few more details? You'll use the data dumps or what do you mean there?
@DanielBeck Venting that there doesn't seem to much reason for people to actually hunt dupes, or improve existing questions/answers -- making me wonder why I do it instead of just answering over and over and getting rep? I mean why not (other than it's lame and a waste of resources), as it seems there's no real discouragement of it.
It's just a little frustration I guess.
Dec 13 at 17:24, by Tom Wijsman
Downloading all SU questions takes 174 seconds... (Yes, I am using the API)
Dec 13 at 14:11, by Tom Wijsman
Original title: Changing CSS values with Inspect Elements in Google Chrome

211259 - 71% - Google chrome Inspect Element change css values
4640 - 50% - What is the "Inspect Element" feature in Google Chrome?
108769 - 50% - Changing location in Google Chrome when searching
52967 - 50% - Change default CSS of Google Chrome
321542 - 46% - Changing the display/sort order of downloads in Google Chrome
255811 - 46% - Why is Google Chrome home page changing spontaneously?
208225 - 46% - Google Chrome Portable: Changing the default language
@TomWijsman Huh. I feel like an idiot now. Using the data dumps has never even occurred to me...
@DanielBeck Data dumps are old, I use the API to get the latest results.
@TomWijsman Or the API, OK. Still...
Makes it even worse ;(
Because I want it to survive edits as well as work on the newest questions, because closing older answered questions as dupes of other old answered questions makes no sense.
Rather find a duplicate for one of the newer questions to prevent wasted time on answering again.
@DanielBeck: I find that fairly fast (though limited by their rate), it downloads a lot of data and not only the question title.
And besides a daily full update I can do like incremental updates of the latest questions every X minutes / hours till I hit the request limit of that day.
I need to improve the algorithm more (include things like stemming words as well as resolving synonyms) and then get a GUI to it.
And then I let it remember whether I handled a question yet (I place them in a duplicates and not duplicates list) so that I can progress through the suggestions the program gives.
And perhaps further data mining to learn from what are duplicates and what are not duplicates can be done on those lists...
I'm currently only doing it on question titles, I have yet to explore whether question bodies give good results...
Because the similarity would decrease heavily when I add bodies, and the amount of noise increases a lot.
Images, URLs, Code and so on all have to be filtered out of the question bodies in that case, so I will probably not look into that unless it's necessary to obtain way better results...
But well, in the beginning I'll just keep an initial algorithm, stemming, synonyms and a GUI... :)
It's to see whether it would work, not to implement something very complex to see that it isn't working out.
@DanielBeck Why would the API be worse?
If you're thinking about Direct SQL queries as a better solution, that would be awesome though.
Now I just get a load of JSON of which I don't need most attributes... :D
@TomWijsman It wasn't about that. It was a comment on me feeling like an idiot for never having tried using the API/dumps except for a few tiny queries on data.SE. I've been dealing with the search function and Google site:superuser.com for all this time while there was a way to get the complete live data to process it...
@DanielBeck Yeah, though the API lacks of some things that you can only do on the outdated Data Dump or Data.SE. The power of SQL misses there...
Although one could of course store as much data as possible locally in a SQL database.
I haven't used the API much to know of its exact capabilities, there is a new version coming though but I guess it will still be limited.
@TomWijsman I'll have to see whether I can adapt the search engine I wrote for my thesis to this. Unfortunately I didn't need dynamic ranking, so I'd have to add that.
@DanielBeck Ah, in that case using the API could be interesting. Good luck... :)
Argh, no join all rooms link. :(
Taken 13 seconds to get the full list there...
@TomWijsman Why don't you just bookmark the join all page?
or rejoin all or what it was called
@DanielBeck: Because I have application tabs open, or in other words: I don't use bookmarks anymore...
I think I should write an user script that AJAXes the form into an iframe on the current page and clicks on the button and then removes the iframe.
2 hours later…
OMFG. What the heck is Skype smoking these days?
Their adverts peg my CPU at 40% (octa-core) and there is no way a damn IM program needs that much processor power to show adverts.
@Mokubai I've uninstalled skype because of that, it kills my battery so fast.
You noticed it too?
Yeah, big time. Not to mention slower overall.
If I could block Skypes access to adobe flash then I would
I'm VERY dissatisfied by it now
I was just minding my business, about to play a game when I notice my CPU going like the clappers only to discover Skype is being retarded at me. Seems it loads adverts even without the "home" window being open
@Mokubai I hate the silly facebook integration into it :/
I loved Skype 2.6 or so
Any app with FB integration deserves to be killed in the most painful way possible.
I don't get all this huggy-feely Web2.0 rubbish at the best of times
Got friends on Skype, going to see if we can move to Gtalk...
At least I know what Google are after... ;)
@Mokubai: Just use a Hosts file to block these kind of ads.
I had contemplated that, but it sounded like way more effort than uninstalling skype...
It also blocks the ads in other programs like MSN, as well as online ads on websites.
which one is better?
But yeah, pretty stupid that it pegs so much CPU.
I've placed the first one on my router because I think the second one is outdated.
First one mentions: # Last updated: Dec 17th, 2011 at 17:01
Sadly my router is dumb...
Ah, second one mentions: Updated November-23-2011
So well, you have two options but I use the first one myself.
And Ghostery in the browser: ghostery.com
Worst case is one or another necessary thing blocked on a website, but that's a matter of enabling the relevant ad entry.
Ahhh, that hosts file fixed skype. Thanks @TomWijsman
Yeah, it's pretty stupid that a site like IMDB loads their trailers through ad.doubleclick.com... o_O
Hmmm, shoulda asked a question about it... you could have gotten rep then
@Mokubai: No hurry, although a good subject for a blog post.
Not much research to do to write about it. Average length post...
I don't mind adverts as such, I just despise that level of insane stupidity needed to make your advert system that bad
@Mokubai I have the tendency to think that those ads and tracking cookies and counters and such slow down browsing.
Especially because ads are rotating, so it loads a different big banner on every page you visit.
Now it just asks (or, you can choose what works the best on the first one I linked) and immediately gets a host not found response.
Oh to an extent they almost certainly do, you can certainly tell when FB or Twitter or OtherCrappySocialSite has troubles because all their widgets on sites like CheeseBurger make the page stop suddenly.
@Mokubai: Yeah, that's what I use Ghostery for.
I managed to completely cripple the FB integration on most sites using Adblock+
Kills those external site things without killing the external sites themselves.
Adblock+ kind of interferes with the hosts file, I found it to intrusive.
I still thank the user that once hinted the idea of putting a hosts file on the router to off-load the CPU from the computer.
Although I forgot who...
I have to agree there, it is a bit much of the shotgun approach, but then so is the hosts file... I may try Ghostery at some point
I think it was paradroid.
@TomWijsman I would do that if I didn't have a router that would cough and die if I tried it...
Yeah, on a computer it makes the boot slightly longer and probably DNS requests too.
While on the router it just fills all the entries into a dnsmasq server which is probably optimized for this purpose...
Oh god, I can do it, but I don't think I want to. No telnet, only this:
Cheers for that file though @TomWijsman, makes me hate Skype just a little less as I can actually do something to prevent it from being as stupid.
@Mokubai: So no DD-WRT, OpenWRT or Tomato?
No, it's a locked down router supplied by the ISP so I'm stuck with their firmware and hardware. I don't mind too much as their service is fantastic.
Ah, I see...
It's old though, and blocks DLNA between wired and wifi machines, but I'll live...
I'm hungry :(
I'm Mokubai, good to meet you hungry. :)
Even if your avatar does claim your name is Luke ;)
700MB of Modest Mouse later...and my iPod is set for another day
Modest Mouse?
A band, not sure how old they are, but they have some nice music that I enjoy
I would find out if I might like them, but their website is stupid and wants me to create an account first. w/e
Youtube? :P
I never visit artists sites
I just copy-pasted to google their site made me loose interest in listening.
Ah, a video, I shall listen :)
And while it thinks about buffereing shall we play the Country-blocked Lottery game?
Ah, it plays.
Surreal Video
Music Video's drive me nuts :P always a bit odd. So I just keep it on another tab
They seem pretty cool, will check out some of their other stuff
I like music videos, mostly. Lady Gagas are just retarded exhibitionism.
Well, time to go for a bit, cya all later
Have fun
Haven't heard ModestMouse for a while. And I'm very hungry :( Forgot to make lunch today
It is a bit untypical peripheral, but where I can find reviews (or description of types) of laser pointer (for presentations)?
@JakubNarębski: People use Wii remotes for that these days.
Just kidding, although quite possible...
Searching for laser pointers shows some that have this insane number of options: PgUp, PgDn (wia WiFi - I guess it works as an USB keyboard), timer, ...
@JakubNarębski: those are presentation remotes... and lots of them work with RF rather than wifi
Q: EEEEEK! What the Fruit is going on here?

amanaP lanaC A nalP A naM AThis page looks all messed up and the title bar has a (Prod) on it

For all the nerds who enjoyed reading all the statistics in Google's File System paper, here is another paper
Also can be read here.
Nice upgrade Tom.

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