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11:13 PM
lol reminds me of the pastarino
hello need help!!
called 911, helps on the way
tut tuut tuutt
I'm setting up arch linux but have problem with ethernet access, is anyone good with that here?
most of us are good at everything in here.. for instance @qasdfdsaq recently wrote a ipv6 dns server in python that takes shell code and pieces it up as ipv6 addresses, with a client that asks for a bunch of domains and recieves the addresses, maps everything to executable memory, copies them over and executes..
11:18 PM
I must have done it in my sleep
welp could you help me then @qasdfdsaq ?
I don't even understand myself
Who am I? Why am I here?
oh okay
11:19 PM
What is teh meaning of this?
Why is there a strange man in my bed?
bob, @allquixotic recently wrote a similar app that he named 'synstant messenger' that's an entire application that does nothing but send text messages to clients via different dest ports using syn packets.. (theres no actual handshake) ITS PRETTY BRILLIANT.
idk how that is relevant to my problem
They're the smart ones here, not I
I'm simply trying to access the internet using ethernet in my vm
oh okok
I only dream of being like them.
that is above and beyond my knowledge of tcp/ip
one of these days ill learn how to properly set up nat within my VM's and ill be able to resolve your issue when i experience it.
until that day comes... i just wont have a clue! :(
11:26 PM
inefficient and likely to be detected as SYN-flooding
@bob: true.. ;)
That's what makes it so much better than sex.
@bob: but if 2 people are wanting to have a private conversation using it then that type of protection likely wouldnt be turned on both ends.
right? :)
bob can you help for such thing?
it would let off some noise.. but at least it would be private.. and you could even implement a layer of encryption randomizing ports using an algorythm.
gl sniffing that.
11:30 PM
@Dave ...that's not encryption
that has nothing to do with encryption
that's also not secure at all
if you want encryption, then use encryption
use a standardised protocol. that's TLS 1.2 these days, with AES-GCM preferred.
do not roll your own.
im not referring to TLS though.
if you DIY encryption, you fail
or SSL
No data within the packets.. just syn packets and ports.
A = port 23 B = port 24 C = port 25.. etc.. (non reserved iana ports though obv)
@Bob can you help me with configuring ethernet on arch linux?
what seems to be the issue with configuring ethernet interface on arch linux
is the network interface not there?
11:43 PM
I got the interface right from ip link : enp0s3 then I replaced the interface in the netctl/eternet-dhcp saved
then I tried to run sudo netctl start eternet-dhcp but it got an error:
A dependancy job for dhcp.service failed. See journal ctl for more info
:( i hate systemd
just saying that in advance.
what does the log say?
what do you mean
'see journal ctl' for more details
idk where its located xD
sounds like you're missing something that is a prerequisite of that command thats missing. (ie dependency)
11:45 PM
I'm following a youtube guide
type which dhclient in the shell
#which dhclient
should show /sbin/dhclient
or something
no dhclient!
and no ifconfig btw
ifconfig = ip a
you have some knowledge mr dave

netctl is part of the base group, so it should already be installed on your system. Otherwise install it as usual.

Optional dependencies are shown in the table below.

Feature Dependency netctl program
(if relevant)
Automatic wireless connections wpa_actiond netctl-auto
Automatic wired connections ifplugd netctl-ifplugd
WPA wpa_supplicant
DHCP dhcpcd or dhclient
Wifi menus dialog
PPPoE ppp
11:48 PM
and yes I typed that and yes I have interfaces
you need to install dhclient
without internet?
oh damn
or wait, that means I have it already right?
Journeyman geek to the rescueeeeee
11:50 PM
journalctl is a command
its basically a program to view the log. Which of course, should be in plain text
you'll likely see soemthing like 'missing dhclient'
in the logs
'/sbin/dhclient' command not found
how do I run it?
I have no idea about arch
with your fingers
ifconfig is outdated
11:51 PM
ifconfig has been outdated for a very long time!! and replaced by ip a
ip is the command and the equivilent of ifconfig is ip addr
which is the same exact thing as what i just said! :)
just shorthand form
Also, you can tell how up to date someone's linux skills are from that ;p
the logs says so much but so little
Journeyman Geek has written many o'reilly books related to arch linux installs.
11:53 PM
dependancy failed for my ethernet-dhcp
I have 3 copies of them sitting on my desk
@Dave nope
@bob: dont listen to @JourneymanGeek he's lying!
I've done exactly zero arch installs
He has written many books
Then I guess this author listed on my book is not you then.. Darn
11:55 PM
That said, arch has rediculously good docs.
It says @JourneymanGeek though, oh wait.. im just getting old.. my eyes are beginning to give out.
Also if you ever build your own linux bootable usb distro, DO NOT USE SYSTEMD... It's soo slow. (I know from experience)
I don't understand, I followed every step on the guide...

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