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@DavidPostill ugh
@DavidPostill. If I put code here, then some one appears and without reading the question votes for closing it. — ar2015 14 mins ago
I wonder whyyyyyyyy
@JourneymanGeek I've just realised he already asked the same question stackoverflow.com/questions/34746948/… on SO and clearly didn't understand the answers he got there :/
And this is why I hardly, if ever, move anything to SO
@allquixotic heh, have fun? :P
@Bob No.
Agreed. I didn't vote to migrate ;)
@allquixotic :(
I still have a rather romanticised view of snow...
so do I
I've had...
(Non-sensitive info) I have coworkers coming up to the midatlantic region on flights in the immediate future (next few days) for a project, they're coming from an area that is totally unaffected by snow, down in the southern US, and they might not be able to land because we're getting a blizzard right when they are scheduled to get here
ONE day of snow in my life
the blizzard is going to last for between 1.5 and 3 days, and the window for them to arrive to work on this project is.... in that exact timeframe
I have zero idea what a blizzard's like :\
Its like a rain storm.
Just with snow
it's like having very light sawdust-esque stuff everywhere that melts when it gets warm ;p and it has to be shoveled and pushed around
And slippery doom
ah, no, not slippery; that's a common misconception about snow
aside from the slippery doom, it sounds like my afternoon -_-
if you get thick, blizzard snow, it's not slippery at all
you have like 0 chance of falling
the slipperiness comes long after the snow has 99% melted
because some of it condenses to turn into ice
the sun melts it, then at night it gets cold and freezes
once it's ice, then you slip on your ass
also, polar bears.
the main risks to health and safety in a blizzard are... one, if the snow is extraordinarily thick, smaller cars and basically anything that's not 4-wheel-drive might get stuck when trying to back out of the driveway
we have a lot of "anti-snow" (snow plow and salt truck) infrastructure here, but even so, it takes often days for the county to get to plowing community roads
@allquixotic Rain can do the same tho
they plow interstates and major highways several times per day to keep the main thoroughfares clear
We had westie deep tire deep water on one of my reservist days
but small back roads get plowed maybe once and it takes between hours and days for that to happen
oh, and if the snow is EXTREMELY heavy, and dense, it can cause roofs to collapse and old decks to cave in
also, sometimes snow plus wind takes down power lines
@allquixotic You planning to stay home?
for aircraft, basically they worry about icing, both on takeoff, during flight, and upon landing (the runway has to be kept clear)
our powerlines are mostly underground
@Bob I'm planning to brave it in my Prius C, but I'm going to head into work extra early tomorrow
if the forecasted timeline is on-target, I should be fine: they anticipate the snow to start slow late on Friday afternoon
@allquixotic ...ouch. Good luck on your way home.
which means if I get to work at 7 AM, I can leave by 3:30 PM, before the snow has barely done anything
if I wait too long on leaving, I will probably get stuck at work, so it's imperative that I leave on time
Hm. My chocolate melted. #FirstWorldProblems
today is going to be clear though, I don't have to worry about tonight
@allquixotic For the entire weekend? o.O
@Bob yeah... fortunately I can walk about a third of a kilometer to the nearest hotel from work
(worst case)
you know what's funny about that article @qasdfdsaq ?
@allquixotic Topical?
this particular storm is taking a much more southerly track, which means that areas like Washington Dc and Baltimore (my area) is going to get a ton more snow than New York
NYC will get some snow, but my area is going to get snowpocalypsed
I would love a snowpocalypse
so yeah, bwDraco is going to possibly have some neat pictures to share of a couple inches worth of snow
but I anticipate feet of snow where I live
Draco lives in Whiter than the Oscars City?
I don't even know where the Oscars are held
maybe not the city, but I know he's in New York state
on that map, pink is the worst possible color in terms of snow severity
I am right in the middle of the pink area
Long Island and Washington DC are equally pink it seems
don't eat the pink snow?
Didn't you say you were in Maryland?
I thought that was the dangly bit below where it says Philadelphia
Ah wait it is the dangly bit, but it extends left to the pink bit too
@qasdfdsaq I'm in Maryland, yes
@qasdfdsaq I'm half certain you post these things just to see what you can get away with
isn't this the same conversation that happened 24h ago?
(that is to say, I have noooo idea what that has to do with anything, its off imgur, and is pretty much someone being a dumbarse)
@JourneymanGeek It was on the front page of Imgur
Yes it was
It got in my way when I was uploading the New York paper pic
I'm just not sure how exactly it relates to the denizens of root access ;p
I had to get it off my chest
that a pretty girl turned you down?
I wish.
99 problems, eh?
@JourneymanGeek The other half of you is right
I've got 99 problems and they're all related to work.
I expected a perl joke.
It's just like when you go on Facebook for somethin gand scroll a bit and some dumb shit comes up and you just click "Share" autonomously.
i don't have facebook
@qasdfdsaq erm
"when you go on Facebook" ==> NullReferenceException
I hate it when people do that.
"Posting things just to see what you can get away with" requires some actual self-awareness of the situation. You give me too much credit.
@JourneymanGeek I bet you've done it at least once though, maybe while drunk, maybe while driving distracted, maybe both.
i think what @qasdfdsaq is trying to say is that he has an itchy trigger finger
But everyone's done it at least once
@qasdfdsaq newp
@jokerdino Fine. I've got 99 problems at work. I'm going to try to solve one of them with perl. Now I've got T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM problems.
they gave us all new lanyards in work today
@allquixotic That's because you used the wrong language :P
No, literally. If you wanted perl but got that...
@qasdfdsaq I've never shared anything on FB :(

Peter TurnerDoes anyone have a T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM?

:26998766 Eh. Same difference. *runs away cackling*
@allquixotic Ya, PHP. Not perl :P
@qasdfdsaq I did post an otter but it was wrong window, not impulsive link
@Bob I have managers and project leads I've spoken to at my place of employ who believe that PHP and Perl, Java and JavaScript, and C/C++/C# are all so similar as to be effectively the same, so there's no point in distinguishing between them when discussing tooling/technologies.
Meanwhile, actual clueful people know that a server-side JS with Node stack looks extremely different from a server-side Java stack with a JEE application server.
God fucking dammit. This is why I don't fucking use Facebook.
The homepage is still loading, 5 mins after I opened it.
This is quite literally the slowest website I've used in the last year.
And that includes Reddit and other sites under load.
@Bob There may be some synchronous request to a third-party website that's really slow or down or being DDoSed, or maybe the particular node in their CDN that you're hitting is having similar issues.
@allquixotic Nope.
I've accessed Facebook a few times, but I've never known it to be especially slow for what's effectively a web thick client (lots of busy screen elements, expensive image loading, etc.)
Admittedly, it isn't always this bad, but it's always quite slow.
Now, I distinguish between slowness due to network impairments, slowness due to unusually large content downloads, slowness due to a ridiculously large number of separate HTTP requests, and slowness due to high latency due to long distance from the server.
Which of those is likely the cause of your issue?
@allquixotic A combination of shitty client-side and server-side code.
Specifically, the client-side code appears to be synchronous such that half the page doesn't work and does not respond to user actions while it's "loading".
And the server-side sucks because it takes >6s to generate a tiny JS file.
@Bob Takes me like, 2 seconds...
And 50s to retrieve a tiny bit of chat data.
Sure, you can say they're under high load.
@Bob to generate it, or to send it to you? you can't possibly know which of those it is, because you don't have visibility into the server.
Still worse than, say, Reddit under load - at least that semi-gracefully times out into an error page rather than "loading" forever.
if people in the US have excellent load times, it's very unlikely to be the generation that's slow.
could be network impairments plus them not having any nodes in Australia?
@JourneymanGeek It's not even impulsive linking, it's more like, it caught my eye so I did it without thinking
Like if you're walking down the street staring at your phone you automatically stop at a kerb. That's not "impulsive"
Ok, the chat data was a pull req - that actually happened after page load (finally!).
Still, JS was actually 6s.
@allquixotic For 0.77 KB?
The only "network impairment" that could possibly cause that would be severe packet loss.
It's like, walking down the internet staring at the screen and suddenly something makes you stop
Q: How do you copy a single word from an SMS?

Oliver SalzburgI have received an SMS with an unlock PIN for an app. I now want to copy & paste that code into the app. When I press on the message, I only get the option to copy the whole message. How can I only copy the PIN?

In case anyone here is on iOS :P
@qasdfdsaq I don't walk and use my phone....
Did it once, walked into a streetsign...
@qasdfdsaq shareTIME! (source)
@JourneymanGeek See, with more practice you'd have developed the autonomous responses us younger folk take for granted
@qasdfdsaq alas, all I have is common sense...
You're a dog.
dafuq? my SE cookie just got bumped
shrug the actual cause doesn't concern me nearly as much as the fact that it's painful to use on a good day and impossible otherwise.
I don't expect you to understand
!! s/streetsign/fire hydrant, then peed on it, because, yanno, *I'm a dog*/
@allquixotic Did it once, walked into a fire hydrant, then peed on it, because, yanno, I'm a dog... (source)
And that's from the perspective as a user, not a dev.
@qasdfdsaq a small dog. And people trip over small dogs...
So your instincts are geared more towards people avoidance than phones.
@allquixotic My neighbourhood has very few of those...
@qasdfdsaq or general situational awareness
I also have generally higher expectations from them, considering how big the company is and their attempt to start their own ISP.
But AFAICT it's considerably worse than other sites with similar traffic volume.
Hmm... I need an A/C :\
Welp. CVE-2016-0728 affects Android too.
yesterday, by Mokubai
@ThatBrazilianGuy with a bit of exercise you could run/cycle that faster.
@Mokubai: ciclovias here are a joke and car drivers think they're either in GTA or Carmageddon.
How do I say ciclovia in English? Google Translate isn't helping me.
bike lane?
Ciclovía (/ˌsiːkloʊˈviː.ə/, Spanish: [θikloˈβi.a]), also ciclovia or cyclovia, is a Spanish term that means "cycleway", either a permanent bike path or the closing of certain streets to automobiles for cyclists and pedestrians, a practice sometimes called open streets. == Origins in Colombia == Each Sunday and public holiday from 7 am until 2 pm certain main streets of Bogotá, Cali, Medellín, and other municipalities are blocked off to cars for runners, skaters, and bicyclists. At the same time, stages are set up in city parks. Aerobics instructors, yoga teachers and musicians lead people through...
Clippy thinks he's better than Google. Isn't it cute?
yeah, seems like a dedicated bike lane. Or what we call pedestrian footpath.
50 mins ago, by qasdfdsaq
It's just like when you go on Facebook for somethin gand scroll a bit and some dumb shit comes up and you just click "Share" autonomously.
> Did you mean: never?
@JourneymanGeek is a Spanish term...
I wanted the English one. If there's even one...
@jokerdino If we had pedestrians walking on bike lanes it would be... interesting (not for the pedestrians).
@ThatBrazilianGuy Looks like english mugged spanish for it.
> If we had pedestrians walking on bike lanes it would be... interesting (not for the pedestrians). more bike lanes, not only on the beach shore for tourists and wealthy classes...
Ah, yes. Their second-favourite pastime. Stealing words from other languages.
@Bob What's America favorite pastime? Invading Bringing freedom to countries?
aaaand now I'm on a list.
@ThatBrazilianGuy Nah, tea.
You're mixing up the English and the Americans.
America and tea?
I kid, I kid :P
@jokerdino British tanks have hot water boilers for tea...
(I wonder if the broco/warthogs they bought from us had it retrofitted...)
damned civilised way of going to war
@JourneymanGeek Clearly, tea is important. But what about coffee?
Tea > Coffee
@qasdfdsaq You must be British. Or possibly Indian.
I stand corrected. Apparently you are Taylor Swift.
@jokerdino We call pedestrian footpaths pedestrian footpaths and cycle paths not pedestrian footpaths. It's illegal to cycle on a pedestrian footpath here.
@ThatBrazilianGuy FINE So I'm the only one mainstream enough to use Facebook. MEH.
You clearly don't understand my predicament if you've not had the same problem. :-(
@FaheemMitha No I'm Becky
@qasdfdsaq Becky?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Not as bad as the list I'm on
is it worth me explaining to this guy that my comment was a hint for him to improve his answer? superuser.com/questions/537532/show-windows-kernel-memory/…
Hmm, I see the Hardware Rec site is a go. I hope they don't shut it down.
I thought hardware recs has been around for ages
@qasdfdsaq I sense an internet meme I'm not familiar with.
@qasdfdsaq With 573 questions, I hope not.
@FaheemMitha First question was posted 4 months ago, so yes it's been around for ages
@qasdfdsaq Well, "ages" is relative.
This is the internet.
So I've noticed.
@FaheemMitha I had the same problem a few months back ages ago
@qasdfdsaq And was it resolved?
Dec 11 '15 at 9:27, by qasdfdsaq
Who the hell is becky
Apparently not that long ago.
Over a month is ages in this chat room
You can get banned like, four times in that time
One guy even managed to go from "Are you new" to "Banned for 10 years" in that space of time.
@qasdfdsaq Exciting lives you guys have here.
> The latest prime number, discovered using the free Great Internet Mersenne Prime Search (GIMPS) software, is 22,338,618 digits long, over five million digits longer than the last one discovered. The new prime, 274,207,281-1, is also only the 49th known Mersenne prime. The number is so large that a text file containing it occupies 22 MB.
So.. it doesn't fit in a CPU cache very easily :-/
i saw that yesterday
@qasdfdsaq with huffman encoding it's just a couple hundred bytes
Can you do arithmetic on huffman encoded integers? I THOUGHT NOT
@qasdfdsaq probably yes
just like you can do arithmetic directly on FP
also, time-memory tradeoff
Oh god Imgur's full of such filthy shit today
> Visit Singapore and discover a sunny island of many faces, festivals and flavours. Soak up the colonial splendour of the Civic District's City Hall and take in the sights and sounds of the traders in Little India selling spices from traditional shop–houses. At the end of the day cool down with a drink in the Long Bar at the famous Raffles hotel.
> Be dazzled by Sydney’s endless beaches, its relaxed outdoor lifestyle and spectacular architecture from the Opera House sails to the arched Harbour Bridge. Make sure you explore its colonial past in the cobble-laned Rocks district, or further afield, the beautiful Blue Mountains.
Ermm @JourneymanGeek you around?
(Or any other mods)
i can pretend to be one and tell you off if you like?
Wait isn't there a poke a moderator chatroom somewhere...
Second day in a row there's never a mod when you want one. But I figured it out anyway, so meh.
its like that with traffic police
Yeah, it's like they all come out of the woodwork from everywhere, even places I've never even heard of, and come flooding in whenever I don't want them around
has anyone else noticed how grumpy ramhound is?
@Burgi Yes, but he denies it anytime someone accuses him of it.
well that backfired.
that was fun
i did check he wasn't in here before saying he was grumpy
its like someone has dragged him out of bed then chained him to the website
How do you know that's not what actually happened?
he hacked his IoT.
@qasdfdsaq The Assembly
@ArtOfCode Interesting, hadn't heard of that one. I was thinking of chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/114/ask-a-super-user-moderator
i'm slowly going to pack away for the next 2 minutes
@qasdfdsaq Ah yeah, that's the SU-specific room. TA is the network-wide poke-a-mod room.
Surprised to see the network-wide one seems even less active
It is :) It's mostly Seth who watches it.
@ArtOfCode is that like whack-a-mole?
He keeps trying to make us lot help out, but no success so far.
@Burgi Depends how long you like your suspensions :)
Moles don't tend to whack back.
depends on the size of the mole
@ArtOfCode Heh!
in The Assembly, Jan 11 at 2:34, by Seth
we need to get more people to lurk here
And the grumpiness of the mod. Mod without morning coffee? You're screwed.
I don't do coffee.
So is there a secret room where mods debate who to put on the secret list of problem users?
@jokerdino s/coffee/tea/
We are mostly telepathic.
@qasdfdsaq yes no, nothing like it
@ArtOfCode Why does everyone's response always seem to be yes err no
Jan 15 at 19:36, by Ana
@qasdfdsaq Yes! I mean...no! Er...
Can't get a straight answer out of anyone
@qasdfdsaq because they threatened us if we told anyone it doesn't exist
@ArtOfCode Who's "they"/
@qasdfdsaq Who? What? Never heard of them.
._. This is going nowhere
It's okay, there's nothing to worry about. There's no secret list that your name is on about twenty times.
There's definitely something slimey going on here.
oh wow it's @Hennes: hello!
I hate slime.
@qasdfdsaq Nothing of the sort. It's only mildly moist, actually.
This doesn't make sense. None of the information adds up.
YOU don't make sense. Something is definitely getting hidden on your profile page
I'm determined to get to the bottom of this.
And... I don't actually know what Journeyman Geek's name is :-/
and they're secretly deleting the evidence. It's all a coverup!
Way to make it look not dodgy, secretly deleting messages that reveal who you are!
:27003969 Journe Ymangeek
@qasdfdsaq Not secretly at all. I know my real name is on the net, but it's not on Stack and I'd rather keep it like that.
@PatoSáinz I think he might not be real
After all, think about it. He's in here more than anyone else, across numerous timezones, but nobody really knows who he is
@qasdfdsaq you are really misguided
@JourneymanGeek is not one person but rather a team
@PatoSáinz That's... basically what I was implying
@qasdfdsaq And, since it's in chat, I can completely redact it, happily :)
Also dogs can't type. So how is he typing?
@qasdfdsaq that's offensive towards dogs
you ableist oppresor
@ArtOfCode You'll never get away with it! I have it IN MY MIND and you can't touch that!
@qasdfdsaq I'm OK with that, because I can stalk you and redact it every time you post it. And no, that's not an invitation.
@ArtOfCode And you'll never hide Ana's involvement, it's been screenshotted and posted on imgur!
best cake ever
Oh and Mokubai's involved too!
@qasdfdsaq Remind me to tell Stack that so they can talk to Imgur and get that one removed.
The internet is an infinite headed hydra. I'll copy it to Facebook. And Twitter. And Photobucket. And Megaupload. And Youtube And ... and... and ... some other popular online media sharing site.
@qasdfdsaq Anyway, apart from people doing weird creepy things on the Internet...
What happens if an ICMP error message can't reach the host? Does it generate another error message to send... somewhere?
@duzzy Then the host is in the dark and never finds out
Does it just drop?
(This is why some puritans [which I agree with] say blocking/dropping ICMP breaks the internet)
Does the ICMP error message have the same TTL as the packet that caused it to be created?
Didn't routers in the path respond sometimes?
Unless it's IPv6, which doesn't have TTLs
I haven't really been learning IPv6 yet. The CCNA seems to only barely touch on that.
IPv6 is dark magic
Well, that's actually very convenient, because I'm a wizard.
As much as I hate IPv6, I wouldn't go that far.
@duzzy an evil wizard
it's dark magic but it has some cool features tho, yea
Namely massive address space
Namely no more NAT
Its ip addresses are a lot more difficult to memorize and work with, it seems.
@duzzy well I'd have to relearn CIDR and subnetting with ipv6
@PatoSáinz I've seen people putting IPv6 behind double NAT.
@PatoSáinz CIDR and subnetting works exactly the same with IPv6.
@qasdfdsaq yea but I'm kinda slow with it in ipv4 (never practiced it much by hand)
@qasdfdsaq Does double dog NAT come next?
@qasdfdsaq I do use facebook (apparently 95% of the country thinks internet == facebook == email, so I have to use it even for freelancing. sigh). This I do.
> some dumb shit comes up and you just click "Share" autonomously.
This, I don't.
@qasdfdsaq oh god why
@qasdfdsaq I... I was going to say something... I think...
@duzzy I thought it went double => triple => triple dog
@ThatBrazilianGuy :-/
@qasdfdsaq It may be. I've been out of the loop for a while. :(
@qasdfdsaq I got distracted
.@femsplain https://t.co/m3u6eP61Ri
@PatoSáinz You too?!
How many more?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Infosec Taylor Swift
not regular taylor swift
@qasdfdsaq lol
Oh look Ramhound's posting misinformation again -_-
@qasdfdsaq Moaning about it here won't fix it...
@DavidPostill I'm too lazy to fix it today.
Normally I'd just correct him but I'm busy doing my actual job
@PatoSáinz Yes, it is me, Le clerck Hennes
@Hennes I got that reference!
For once
Allo allo is classic :)
Don't you just love a bit of PEBKAC to end the day on.
I'm off.
@qasdfdsaq Later ;)
Will none hear the cries of an old woman?
Lieutenent Gruber is back.
There are some old friends here to see you.....

They are finally eloping!
This will stun the art world. Even more than my mariage
You stupid woman. DO you not see? I am eloping
Felines of New York Unite!
1 hour later…
I'm looking for advice on hypervisors and not sure where to ask. Is here an appropriate place?

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