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So, OnePlus Tech Support is going to fix my phone for me online... Seems like a common problem :-/
Oneplus? Problem? Blasphemy
... My OnePlus Two. My One is still working great, and is back to my main phone
What's wrong with it?
> Corn n' Gauc Tofu (v)
Organic tofu dog, tomato salsa, guacamole, crispy onions, radish, "Angus & Oink" Red Dawg Apache mayo
OMG they make dogs into tofu now :-(
@BenRichards this is my MiniITX is such a good idea
Q: HP charger burnt?

Anu AroraOk so I got a new Hp laptop around a month ago and today I was watching Netflix and my battery was 10%. So I went downstairs and got my charger and when I plugged it in it wasn't working. I thought the outlet had a problem so I tried one downstairs and it still wasn't charging and then I smelled ...

@ArtOfCode Question's answerable.
@bwDraco Aye, I know. Those just get on my nerves.
Yes, it's a bit broad, but it's answerable as written.
Peanut butter and bacon burger
Yay I got my second mod message today.
I'm not sure what's worse, getting a mod message about my chat messages or getting a suspension because of my chat messages.
@qasdfdsaq Getting a mod message about it is definitely worse.
But I can keep talking while I have a mod message. It's less infuriating :-/
Also at least I can defend myself too, and have a right to reply.
@qasdfdsaq You do in chat too, technically. You just have to wait for the suspension to end, or find a mod's email address.
On that note, my email address is in my profile, and people can email me if they want to discuss a chat suspension.
But it doesn't say who was responsible durnig chat suspensions either, whereas mod messages come with a nice pretty avatar and diamond.
Also what's with all the names under the "Reply" box, is that everyone who participated in messaging me or just all the mods on a particualr site the reply would be seen by?
Well all of them except for JMG have "I'm a ♦ moderator for Super User" in their profiles, funny enough
@qasdfdsaq which reply box? On mod messages?
Those are the site moderators. All mods can see a message.
Some days, typing on my keyboard feels especially satisfying. Today is one of those days.
It's sorta intimidating, so many names!
Aye, those are the site mods
What if I'm feeling judgmental about one of those moderators/ How can I avoid having my message been seen by them?
I don't want to air my grievances in front of everyone, only the mods I know will side with me!
(Also as I mentioned, @JourneymanGeek seems to be the only mod who doesn't declare he's a SU mod in his profile, despite being the most active one in here)
@Mokubai Oh wow that actually tells me where you all live
@qasdfdsaq You can't. However, mods are required to be impartial. Yeah, they're human, doesn't always work, but with a mod team as large as SU's you're guaranteed that more than one of them will see it and work out the correct response before coming back to you.
@qasdfdsaq You can't. site moderation is a group activity and it's all kept in the open so that one mod with a vendetta can't just unilaterally take actions against users without the others knowing
I've never been a mod on here, but I have elsewhere, and if my experience translates correctly, each mod should act as a check on each other mod. If a mod does something that others take issue with, then they work it out and see that it doesn't happen again.
@BenRichards Hole in one.
... in private though
And, un like your parents, we do actually talk to each other so you can't just go behind one mods back to whine at another...
Also bear in mind that the CM's see mod messages, so even if every mod hates you then the CM's can deal with the situation.
Wait a sec, Ana's not a mod, she's a CM
That's even worse
Well I guess I had to graduate from catching the ire of mods to catching the ire of CM's one day...
Just didn't expect it to be so soon... :-/
@qasdfdsaq Aye. It's not really a good thing.
@qasdfdsaq which explains who booted you, too.
The chat ban wasn't Ana, it was because your comment was flagged as offensive and found to be valid.
My comment was valid or the flag was valid
/jk. I kid I kid.
I'm picking up too many bad habits from my predecessor at work
@qasdfdsaq Your comment was actually offensive.
I made a "women" joke once at work. I got a response with awkward silence. I apologized and never did it again.
That's dangerous territory.
My predecessor at work was described as a "creepy, sexist, misogynistic pig. "
We had one of those, he got fired.
I was told all I had to do to outperform him was... not become hated by the entire female population of the department.
Truthfully, that kind of humor is immature and sexist. It might get some cheap laughs, but it's not something you want to really engage in.
It can make you run afoul of HR too
"Escorted unceremoniously off-premises" was the phrase used
Yet this pig got away with sexual abuse at work and got off scot free :-/
Some places are better at firing people than others I guess
Your joke may have gone over better if you left out the gender part of it.
Even got given a good reference to encourage him to leave
It wasn't my joke
I know the xkcd
It was the response
Depends on the workplace. Where I work it would be taken seriously. If you let it happen then it will continue. Obviously it depends on the workplace culture but any reasonably functional and inclusive workplace should stamp that sort of crap out.
I was replying to Dave who mentioned gender.
@Mokubai yep
5 hours ago, by Dave
@RahulBasu I personally like the last image in that comic, since there's not many female developers which makes it 2x funny
Hard to not mention gender in response to a comic about sexual orientation...
But anyway.
So what's the next level of escalation after I've pissed off some CMs?
My usual course of patronage on any site goes a bit like this : Sign up => Lurk => Post a few witty/useful comments => Become "respected" for a bit => Argue with and become hated by one or more of the regulars => Get suspended => Become hated by more regulars and a few mods => Get suspended again => Get brandished a troll => Get permabannd OR become a mod myself.
Long site-ban or possibly even a network-wide ban.
Can they chat ban people without main site banning people?
Cool, I'll go for that then.
Sad part is, my predecessor at work now has a better job than me. Got promoted and employed by a major company down in London
Chances are though, if you've pissed a mod off enough in chat then you'll have earned a main site ban too
Curious though. If getting a mod message is worse than a flag-and-delete, how come the message I got a mod message about wasn't flagged or deleted?
Also, in the name of gender equality I demand this site elects at least one female moderator.
As it stands so far you have only really been given warnings.
@qasdfdsaq Fine, find one to stand in the next election.
Wait what's the difference?
No proper site bans as yet
Strong warnings.... but not banned.
I mean in terms of "mod messages".
Is that a warning by default or does that come with a ban
Can I get fries with that?
It just doesn't seem like an obvious path of escalation, when I get suspensions without mod messages and mod messages without suspensions, but ArtofCode said messages are worse, it just doesn't seem obvious how or why
Also mod messages are always so nice and polite. They don't feel as severe as a "YOUR ACCOUNT IS BLOCKED, HAHA, YOU CAN'T DO ANYTHING" when you login
Maybe I should write a post on Meta about making sanctions a more obvious progression from bad => worse.
Chat suspensions don't come with site message warnings, you just can't chat. Site messages can come with a side of mod-hammer.
Maybe I should just shut up and order me a tofu dog and peanut butter burger.
@qasdfdsaq It's not a big deal.
The gist of my message was "Hey, please don't keep this up."
If you cut it out, it's no problem. You will not be on some secret, dark list of problem users.
@Ana Wait what, there's a secret dark list of problem users?
/me scribbles out the name 'qasdfdsaq' from the list
Dammit that image would have worked better if she backed off the screen entirely.
@qasdfdsaq Yes! I mean...no! Er...
One person says incurring the wrath of a mod/CM is really bad, another says it's no big deal. Talk about mixed messages!
@ChatBotJohnCavil Where on earth is that from?
One of the Naked Gun movies iirc.
Ah thanks
Police Squad was an awesome series and the Naked Gun films were pretty good at continuing the gags.
Hmm. I'm not old enough to have seen them I don't think
@qasdfdsaq The end credits were great. All the actors freeze instead of freezing the film itself...
@MichaelFrank Photoshop!
Bit of general advice: If you concern yourself more with being nice than with getting a laugh out of a subset of the crowd in any given chat room, you'll be in decent shape.
And with that, I'm outta here.
24 hours ago, by qasdfdsaq
No burger, no nice.
I've still not had a burger :(
@MichaelFrank OMG it's actually real
Well looks like I've killed the chat
Oh wait Mokubai's alive!
That's one of the better endings.
@qasdfdsaq I worry about the person that adds themselves to that list.
@Mokubai That made me LOL out loud
@Mokubai Well some people do it for the fame...
Self incriminating as it may be
Surely you'd only add yourself once you were caught and had the list validated by the police, otherwise you're either bragging with no proof or you are literally the worst criminal ever and have just brought your work to an end.
Some criminals liked bragging and deliberately taunting the police
It's a thrill for them... "Haha I'm killing people, listing my exploits on Wikipedia, AND you can't catch me!"
Yeah, but if you're going for the high score you need to be smarter than that
Well, listing your victims on Wikipedia isn't really going to help the police much anyway.
While IPs aren't necessarily the best indicator of a persons location, especially if they know about proxies and such, they are a bloody good start for a criminal stupid enough to post his exploits on a public website
Oh god I've had my first emoji spam email
Once you have a good starting point such as "the idiot who posted shit on facebook/wikipedia/MurderersRUs" then you can start to narrow down the search and pick apart the electronic logs
My spam seems to be people sending me CVs at the moment... at least I assume they're CVs. I'm not opening anything from J.Random DudeOnInternet
Granted, the feds have managed to uncover criminals even behind that, but for some it really is just a game of how much information can I give the cops while still evading them.
Personally I'd take the "quit while you're ahead" approach, and also throw some false information in there once in a while
Let me show you the dance of my people:
@Mokubai Dammit I've wanted one of those for ages
A reverse 3D printer.
A 3D sculpting machine if you will
Or just anything that can cut/route/shape metal properly
Machines are expensive.
Yeah, that's why I don't have one :(
Also 3D metal printers are expensive too
3D printers are neat, but you can't make anything with the same kind of strength as a piece of cut metal
Still, the ones that 3D print titanium come out a lot stronger than the ones that print plastic
And if tjey're strong enough for rocket parts, they're strong enough for me :-P
I need to get a 3D printer because I keep having ideas for things that require custom plastic housing or the like.
Like I'd like to make something from an Arduino and custom 3D printed plastic chassis
@BenRichards Are there no nearby facilities with 3D printers you could borrow or use?
There are. I just want the immediacy of having one in-house :P
@BenRichards If you have money instead: protolabs.com
Same, heh.
we use them for prototyping
I've been meaning to get 3D printed eyecups for my Oculus Rift for like, a year.
If I'm driving out to use a publically available one, I don't want to waste my time with something that's not quite right or random tasks.
Ended up selling them before bothering to get them 3D printed.
@Mokubai I had an opportunity to do shit like that by hand in grade-school
Whoop. Finally had a burger. Spiced Morrocan lamb burger.
So now I'm allowed to be nice. For a bit
1 hour later…
@qasdfdsaq WRT that cm message... SO/SE has this whole "diversity" thing going on, and yeah, that statement's something I would have told you was inappropriate if I'd not been too tired to keep track of chat.
And yeah, we do have female users who happen to be female and straight sometimes.
Not a regular but I can think of someone who pops by often enough that we know who she is
I've been drooling over this and the glowforge a while.
My local makerspace will 3d print stuff if you buy them beer
@allquixotic strange but true
Its shorter for the same barrel length (which is super handy for us since it also replaces our M4 carbines), the gun's got better ergonomics IMO.
@JourneymanGeek Oh hey welcome back
I know you said something about don't burn down the house but er... yeah
@JourneymanGeek Interseting, is it wood only?
I've bought quite a lot of woodworking gear myself already but none of it's precise enough for, well, cool stuff
and soft metals
my boobies hurt, and im heading home
have a good one
@JourneymanGeek I was excited, until I go to
Starting at $934.90
but I figure in a year or two there will be mini chinese knockoffs
$128 for a waste board...
OK c'mon, that's just
How did you notice the CM message anyway :-( I was hoping you would miss it
@qasdfdsaq actually?
Mainly cause you mentioned it
Oh damn.
So you go back and read all the chat?
Only the bits around where I get mentioned
I dont' recall mentioning you while mentioning it
Except for the bit where I noticed you were one of the only two SU mods who don't have "I'm a SU mod" in their profile
I kinda didn't bother to. If I need to wear my mod hat, people will know I'm a mod ;p
And a good chunk of my modly actions are soft power anyway
True, but it's hard to tell from your user profile which site(s) you're responsible for
I was also a mod on two sites until late last year
Stepped down from SR since I was having trouble being the sort of active mod I expect to be on SR while holding a full time job.
But you're soooo active in here :-/
Well, currently, I have free time
and I can randomly pop into chat
moderation requires a certain consistant need for time.
mod queues for example
@JourneymanGeek blog.stackoverflow.com/2015/11/… <== This diversity thing?
amongst other things yes
I love geeks, even when they are hard to find
*on the internet
> Additionally, there’s a lot of implicit misogyny when you feign surprise upon discovering that a conventionally-attractive or feminine-presenting woman is also a geek. If you tell a woman approvingly that she’s “one of the guys” or “not like other women”, well, I’m gonna go out on a limb and say you’ve got some assumptions you need to rethink. (And I’m saying that as a woman who was proud to be called both of those things at one point.)

It’s not a compliment to get comments like “Wow, a beautiful woman who’s also into kernel hacking?? Will you marry me?”
I agree completely.
I need to carsit
WTF is carsit
@qasdfdsaq I tend to treat everyone the same ;p
(dog goes in the car. Dog can't go some places. Dog sits in the car with human, who is bored)
@JourneymanGeek Blasphemy
(I also don't make comments of physical appearance without being prompted anyway)
Gets me into less trouble. On the internet no one knows you're a dog and all that.
I cant wait to get home. I'm driving and the Lady told me that my sandwich is ready and all I have to do is come get it. I'm living in heaven
Dogs can't judge people based on physical appearance?
I thougth they did that far more than cats
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
Nobody can make peanut butter sandwiches better than her

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