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who was it that said the most simple and most obvious answers , might be more true than cosmic rays :-)
no less makes a good (pull it out of your butt) blog noise :-)
radon gas could cause bit-flip ? there is a lot of that stuff down here. much of the wiki info doesnt get past the scientific and medical of the radiation, for any real fact based stuff.
lets see 100 years later, 25% of everything we thought we knew was wrong. I think that means i am going to be dead before 90% of what we know is correct?
Ram Row Abuse. google.com/patents/US20140059287 constantlly abuse adjacent rows of ram, to get a bit-flip from influencing the stuff physically next to it.
Sexy rays!
that reminds me .. kinda:
have there been any news regarding the EM-drive thing?
was it proven to be a hoax?
i think they need to quit worrying about how fast one can go in space, and worry more about how one can "accelerate" because there isnt a lot out there to slow you down after :-)
Ermm and how does one go fast in space? Yeah that'd be acceleration
Once you acclerate to a given speed you'll likely keep going. The idea behind drives like that is slow consistant acceleration.
right that one.
which just leaves that tiny problem of decelerating , so we could fix that by crashing into softer planets :-)
Decelerating is exactly the same as accelerating in a different direction
If you can accelerate, you can do exactly the same amount of deceleration. If you can decelerate, you can do exactly the same amount of acceleration.
On Nasa using russian rockets , I assumed it could have some to do with using the rockets for better purposes . and there is is "It should be noted that utilization of Russian engines was not a strictly technical
decision, but was also tied into US government policy in the aftermath of the
collapse of the Soviet Union. Namely to engage the Russian aerospace ind" http://www.spacefoundation.org/programs/research-and-analysis/whitepapers-and-analysis/fact-sheet-russian-rocket-engines-used
They arent using rockets to get to space, they are using rockets so the humans on earth still exists :-)
Oooh spaceX webcast
Ooh spacex are doing something
"Furst launch since our hiatus following the anomaly"
Euphemism for... first launch since our last rocket blew up.
@allquixotic These guys are pretty good science communicators
. . . Namely to engage the Russian aerospace industrial
base in a peaceful manner to assist in larger non-proliferation efforts.
I'm impressed they have professional science communicators in on what is basically a space-geek webcast.
it needs flash :(
@JourneymanGeek actually, if you can achieve 1g acceleration, you can made long-term flight more viable
though "shielding" is still a problem
@tereško until you start reaching relativistic speeds
and you can do artificial gravity without constantly linearly accerating.
you mean rotation
@Psycogeek at least one russian commercial space launch company uses old ICBMs slated for destruction.
@tereško yup
that actually has multiple issues, major one being the rapid decrease in faked gravity even at the hight of 2 meters
Actually getting kinda nervous about this launch now
linear acceleration does not have this flaw
@JourneymanGeek besides, if you could achieve linear 1g acceleration, without a need for propellent (I am still hoping for EM-drive being a real thing), reaching relativistic speeds is viable
but hitting something at 0.1c is kinda .. emm .. bad
basically, if we solve acceleration problem, the next issue becomes the protection
That's what she said
and I have not heard of any tech which would provide us with something like that
I don't think we can make sci-fi style force fields
1g is also a LOT of acceleration
@tereško one Idea I heard was to use water for shielding and reaction mass.
Water is a great idea for radiation shielding
we have hand no problems achieving 1g+ acceleration, sustaining it has been an issue
But speed is irrelevant for radiation shielding so I have no idea what he's on about
let me elaborate, @qasdfdsaq: if Earth was hit by a ping-pong size metal ball at 0.1c, it would destroy a city
@tereško There are no ping pong balls in space
Also wooooooo!
SpaceX just landed the Falcon 9
Saw a slight tipple at the end but woop woop, successful landing!
The Oort cloud (/ˈɔrt/ or /ˈʊərt/) or Öpik–Oort cloud, named after Dutch astronomer Jan Oort and Estonian astronomer Ernst Öpik, is a theoretical cloud of predominantly icy planetesimals believed to surround the Sun at a distance of up to around 100,000 AU (1.6 ly). This places it at almost half of the distance to Proxima Centauri, the nearest star to the Sun, and in interstellar space. The Kuiper belt and the scattered disc, the other two reservoirs of trans-Neptunian objects, are less than one thousandth as far from the Sun as the Oort cloud. The outer limit of the Oort cloud defines the ...
Table tennis, also known as ping pong, is a sport in which two or four players hit a lightweight ball back and forth across a table using a small, round bat. The game takes place on a hard table divided by a net. Except for the initial serve, players must allow a ball played toward them only one bounce on their side of the table and must return it so that it bounces on the opposite side. Points are scored when a player fails to return the ball within the rules. Play is fast and demands quick reactions. Spinning the ball alters its trajectory and limits an opponent's options, giving the hitter a...
oh .. right, now I remember why you were in the ignore list
it was because of the excessive amount of stupid
bye bye
And finally he shuts up
U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A! U.S.A!
Oh wait.
Now where were we.... Ah yes, SpaceX just made history
@JourneymanGeek bottom line is this: no amount of reaction mass would help. Hell. At high enough speed using water as a reaction mass would end up causing secondary fusion or something :P
@tereško Wrong. Why don't you leave that speculation to people who actually know about physics.
@tereško You need reaction mass for almost any sort of propulsion
the nice thing with water is its cheap
and serves as shielding as well
@JourneymanGeek And you have to take it with you anyway
the bad thing is its heavy
@JourneymanGeek this is why I have been hoping that EM-drive turs out to be legit
@JourneymanGeek TBH the heavyness is what makes it effective as shielding... as reaction mass, not so much
hell, you could probably drink the water, then replace it temporarily with waste water pre-reprocessing
@qasdfdsaq but you need to carry it with you anyway
and if you can find it somewhere with lower escape velocity....
Or Mars
or we figure out how to capture space rocks
Boy am I glad SpaceX finally managed a successful landing
Coincidentally it's the first and only launch I've actually watched ;)
@JourneymanGeek Solar sail?
That landing was AMAZING!!!
One of the coolest things I've ever seen live-streamed!
@duzzy no kidding, that was awesome
@duzzy It wobbled
I'm still excited after watching it. I can't even imagine how the people there feel.
@duzzy They're probably over being excited after the last few blew up
Well, the first two they didn't expect to be successful.
The last one obviously had nothing to do with the landing.
but it was just so cool.
Now if only they had HD + HDR cameras xD
Yeah, I wish it had been done during the day, too.
In case anyone missed it.
Ooh it's on Youtube already
@qasdfdsaq Actually, I'm pretty sure spacex does 4k
I get to watch the wobble again
The whole thing, leading up to the launch.
@JourneymanGeek Resolution isn't everything ;)
says you ;p
youtube.com/watch?v=KgaWHnY2Ph8 one small step for man, one giant leap for recycling.
As exemplified by the fact my 10-year-old 8 megapixel DSLR still outperforms most 20MP phone cameras
@Psycogeek Oh nice.
Ooh there might have not actually been a wobble
@qasdfdsaq LOL. Just got myself a compact camera (on Christmas money) to serve as a companion for when my DSLR is overkill.
Oh wait, there was wobble
Not just me imagining things
@qasdfdsaq mumble mumble heart of a falling star mumble
@JourneymanGeek The huh the hwat?
That's what it looks like. ;p
For the last five years, I've carried a DSLR camera with me pretty much every day. I guess this will not be the case any more.
If you're curious, it's a Nikon COOLPIX S9900.
I'm looking at a mirrorless eventually
Still a bit concerned at the drastic course corrections it has to make while just a few metres off the ground
It's hard to tell because of the shakeycam footage though
But that's what made the last one blow up on the barge
Initial impressions are very positive. Base ISO image quality is surprisingly good, 30x zoom gives some nice flexibility.
Noise and detail smearing can be a bit problematic at ISO 800, but that's pretty much expected on any compact of this sort.
It's well within reason.
@qasdfdsaq I felt trying to land on a barge was dumb
I am going to put a SpaceX logo on my plastic garbage bins , and see if the suckers can land them without breaking too
I heard it was some sort of regulatory stuff
That they'd have to demonstrate reliable targeting before being permitted to overfly populated areas and land on land
It also has manual exposure controls, USB charging (though not while operating), vari-angle display, Wi-Fi, GPS, NFC, and decent battery life.
Not the smallest camera, but the size is just right for me.
Autofocus speed is very good, shutter lag is surprisingly fast.
@JourneymanGeek Eventually?
@qasdfdsaq extended 3 month rule ;p
and I've not seen anything that's had me go "Hey, I totally NEED that"
Hehe I see
I've got a canon point and shoot I use for "non shit photography"
(I assume you're too new to have heard of the 3 month rule? ;p)
So, a new camera hasn't even hit the point where I look at options
When I get a new job, maaaaybe
but when I pull out my point and shoot something like twice a year its not a good investment for me
Much the same reason I've not bothered looking at new cameras lately either
My current DSLR is too old to even insure, but since I rarely use it these days, I cba looking for a new one
Back in the day when I used to shoot 1,000+ shots a month, I was constantly on the lookout for new stuff
(unlike say, computer hardware... )
even then I don't have gearititis.
Chances are my DSLR will shoot more pictures in Singapore next week than it has for the last two years
Other than two gaming periphrals, almost everything I bought is currently in use.
(Orbweaver... is super awesome for some games. Bought a 30 dollar joystick as a trial, and didn't really feel it)
Looking behind myself the wall is covered by boxes and boxes of gear that's not in use >_>
actually, if I could map the thumbpad as a mouse...
(I injured my clicky finger)
Still waiting for brainwave-reading HIDs myself
(Not RSI ironically, hurt myself moving boxes)
Heh. Is it broken or just sore?
Sliced my WASD finger open a few weeks back... made gaming a pain
Also, it seems the "biometric" data in my "biometric epassport" comprises a 17KB jpeg of my face.
As it turns out a £128 biometric passport is... basically as advanced as a Facebook profile pic.
huh. Can "solar storms" affect screens?
@user19679 Prolly not
unless it fries all the rest of your electronics too
Though what you class as "affect"
@qasdfdsaq don't think its broken
@qasdfdsaq @JourneymanGeek Oooo yes and no
Well it might make a VGA display flicker.
Unlikely to break anything
@user19679 IMO fear of solar storms is a bit overblown
@JourneymanGeek Tell that to the bit flips that crashed my ECC-equipped xeon server that's never crashed in its life till now!
Unless nasa or some smart aggregation of boffins goes "MAJOR SOLAR STORM WE ARE ALL GONNA DIE "
Except when that Nyancat bash script triggered the OOM killer by forking too much
@JourneymanGeek They have been known to screw up electricity grids
@qasdfdsaq my screen went "static". It looked like a really old TV from a shack in the woods.
I'm pondering a JFD.
@user19679 a modern LCD panel would never do that
Junk food day
<== Every day
I buy a large bag of chips, a bottle of coke, and watch a movie, and drink coke out of a proper glass ;p
i think the sky falling effects more thing. you should see how hard it is to work a capactive screen in the rain , while walking 2 dogs
@JourneymanGeek Oh no. I hope my phone isn't on the way out xD haha. I've only had it for 4 months
"Noise" on a TV is picking up analog signals it can't process.
@JourneymanGeek that's the one ;)
A modern display would go "Oh? No signal? I'll just go blue"
A phone totally should not do that.
@JourneymanGeek You mean the voice of god the afterglow from the big bang
@qasdfdsaq I was actually thinking the sheer amount of noise we pump out too
Nah that's quite distinct (as in, interference)
Most TV static is thermal noise and CMB radiation AFAIK
Well, I'm not an EE
And thermal noise is just quantum dots trying to ruin your day, i.e. god
Except in an alternate universe where I can math.
I was nearly an EE. But not.
I apparently have the equivalent of 1/4 of an EE degree
@qasdfdsaq is that like you can charge $160 an hour, but still cant fix anything?
or you can fix it as well as they do, but only get $40 an hour for doing so?
I don't charge shit
Shit would be a strange thing to charge.
Sex wouldn't, not in Dutchland anyway
In any case, this thing is head and shoulders above that piece-of-crap Fujifilm FinePix S1800.
Not a real substitute for a DSLR, but my initial experience is very positive.
God who'd have thought hair buns would be so complicated
That's not easy or quick
why us? next week are you going to make us watch a video of gonad cornrows?
Don't geeks often have long hair?
...they do?
yea but, they only put it up in a bun after they get the operation
Well my IT department has tons of them, and engineering second
@Psycogeek you need an operation to be a geek?!
lots of em are bald.
I need it for purely practical reasons, to stop it getting sucked into computer fans when I'm working
And WTF are gonad cornrows and how are they less offensive than peenus?
@qasdfdsaq no , only the most dedicated of geek , more like eunuch monk type, not to be confused with unicorn kind.
I'm confused.
@qasdfdsaq the site is rated PG 13, it is no less offencive, just within the qualification for the ratings for the site.
So why do I get flagged and banned for saying peenus but it's fine to talk about gonad cornrows?
now if the site was rated G, i would have to refer to the last 45 disney movies for my sexual inuendos
@qasdfdsaq because you do not know when to stop
I stopped after the letter "s"
I said one word. All day. Instaban.
you havent stopped whining about your hand slap though?
I'm whining?
It wasnt even today
@qasdfdsaq depends on whether someone flagged it
and whether someone noticed.
Did you notice the gonad cornrows? Can you explain what they are?
Before my imagination mentally scars me for life and I have to flag this whole site?
@qasdfdsaq why dont you flag that, and continue causing other people misery?
@Psycogeek You're the one causing people misery! Talking about gonad cornrows but refusing to explain what they are
Your becoming your own contradiction.
Yet another evasive non-answer
dont blame me, i live in a country that says things like "freedom of speech" right before they cencor everyone and everything, I have no such problems with your unicorns, or opinions
Are you incapable of physically answering simple questions and only able to spout inexplicable gibberish?
Guess I'm gonna have to ignore you until you learn to put together cohesive English sentences...
yes please do
but dont tell me next time, because it is more confusing that way.
my, we're grumpy today.
I'm not grumpy, I just don't like confusing gibberish
Also SilkAir - yay or nay?
I just ignore @Psycogeek when he dosen't make sense, but I don't see the point telling people
Silkair's SIA's regional wing
Bob seems to get agitated when I don't tell him
so, not quite budget, but not quite super lush either.
Oh I don't use the ignore option
I just ignore him.
They're the only people with a flight to Thailand at the right time I need, but it's silly return pricing
aka £244 one way, £231 return -_-
Then silkair's fine
We sometimes use em to get to india since they fly straight to a little airport in india near where my gran lives
Ugh. flash
My dad's trying to help someone who's going through pre citizenship propaganda indoctrination.
Damned thing dosen't work on FF on my old laptop, despite installing shockwave and flash
but it works fine on chrome
and I have no idea what's wrong
"citizenship propaganda indoctrination."?!
And is it a modern Firefox? Cause IIRC modern firefox has dropped support for flash and plugins and some shit
Ooh SilkAir includes baggage allowance
And once you add baggage charges and what not TigerAir ends up costing the same as SilkAir
So basically the same shitty way "full service" and low fares airlines work in Europe
Its a modern firefox on linux
@qasdfdsaq silkair is a full service airline ;p
and tigerair is exactly the same as your shitty low cost airlines.
Well, color me impressed with the performance on this S9900. Autofocus is lightning-fast in all but the worst conditions.
Shutter lag is nearly zero.
Hmm looks like the Firefox/Flash thing isn't happening till the end of 2016 anyway

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