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@user19679 "An account can have a 100 point bonus awarded for being in the same "network" of associated accounts if any of the associated accounts has 200 rep or more. "
it's a really useful rep boost
you'll need it
Does anyone know where the Bank of Rep is? I need to make a loan so I can make a bounty. Don't worry I'll pay it off next week
It is in the street of answers.
What's the interest rate
@DavidPostill Oooo. I didn't realize any of my accounts even had a rep of +200! It must have been thanks to Health.SE... or Biology.SE!
@oldmud0 You have enough rep on all your accounts to offer a bounty ;)
@DavidPostill I know, it's a joke. I need 10k rep loan to pay off a favor for one of my old friends
He says he'll do bad things if I don't get him the 10k soon
He says he can bypass the system, mass downvote me
Q: Calling all bloggers.... Again

KronoSIt's that time of the year again... Where I've completed my finals, my work tasks have slimmed a little and I think to myself I can get the blog back up and going again. So here we are! I'm calling for all Super Users that would like to contribute to the Super User Blog. Where do I get starte...

@allquixotic ^^^
I could blog about food.
... and then I pricked the sausage onto the 68040 heatsink spikes and it got slowly cooked... etc etc
Donna Choi on December 21, 2015
We believe that all programmers need and deserve jobs they love. Last week, we added a Jobs tab to Stack Overflow in order to help you do just that.
Stupid flags
It's like those prudes who call the regulator to complain every time Jeremy Clarkson says something racist or whenever someone goes on TV wearing anything displaying cleavage
I would complain for insufficient cleavage! ;-)
Then again, I do not watch terrestial broadcast at all. Not worth watching.
He said the C word! Flag!
*flags @qasdfdsaq for referring to "the C word"*
People can say the F word but I get flagged for saying something that isn't even a word.
Oh, then I could deny my own flag :)
who flagged what?
flags @allquixotic for referring to the Q word
*Qs @qasdfdsaq for flagging to the refer word*
Grammar check, Yoda needs his
the new Star Wars didn't really have any Interesting Language Characters like the other movies. We had Jar Jar's Gungan accent, we had Yoda's Yoda Species accent, we had HK-51 in KOTOR ("Statement:", "meatbag", etc.) but nothing in TFA
flags due to speaking about the S-movie. :)
There can be only one three! ( 4 5 and 6)
It would be nice if I could know how many people are currently writing an answer for a question
A: Fixing an AMD R9-280X

TerryThe only advice that can be given is to get it replaced where you purchased it from but if you have been suffering for 6 months i think you may be too late. Try it in another computer, if it doesn't work then you need a new one.

Another point awarded to consumerism.
oh! Standby time: 792 uur. Tempted to get something like this (for phone calls) and a tablet (for everything else). afuture.nl/productview.php?productID=4605342
is windows 10's hybrid shutdown a UEFI thing?
And it's been there since Windows 8
@barlop No, I have BIOS and Win10 shutdown works as advertised
ok, thanks
I suspect UEFI supports it better, but that's about as far as it goes
something something skip POST something something type stuff in UEFI...
With Hybrid shutdown..the computer is still in Windows, right?
@oldmud0 If you know about netbios, take an easy shot at superuser.com/questions/1016420/host-equivalent-on-windows/…
I did a backup with acronis recently and saved the log, but the datestamps are some really long int that I cannot easily comprehend. Any ideas how to read it?
so .. both SSDs in my RAID-0 are dead
.. I wonder is it somehow related to the Kelvin S24, that died on me about 16 hours earlier
Not as if one dying instead of both would have made any difference
could it be that RAID was compensating for failing drives?
@qasdfdsaq actually it would have made a huge difference, since right now I am no a live Sabayon system, instead ofg anything installed
hell, this firefox is running from RAMdrive
Uh what?
Sabayon , it's a "live CD" distro
What has that got to do with SSDs?
I have no drives where to put windows
if only one of them had survived, I would made a temporary windows installation on it
I see
Or you could use any spare drive...
.. if I had one
It doesn't seem like relying on the remaining drive in a failed RAID array is altogether the smartest recovery strategy...
well, there is that too
Then again I dont have a recovery plan at all
my recovery plan was: use old ubuntu live cd to download sabayon live cd and dump it in usb
.. it's not much for a plan to begin with
I had to make shit up as I went
at least I managed to boot ubuntu 5.10
14.10 is probably the oldest I have
I had a pile of those ordered years ago
they were sending free CDs
Also one of the biggest overlooked advantages of having a second PC is for situations where your main won't boot
I have "second pc"
it's a dead laptop (hdd died), which is what I used to test the SSDs separately
and since the AIO also died, the PC now is fucking loud
I blame solar flares or some shit
Both my desktop and server crashed yesterday for the first time in months
@qasdfdsaq High bogon flux density lately... many things have been breaking.
Curiously at work there are only a small group of people who can recreate certain problems. Give the exact same stuff to a different group and the problem is impossible to replicate.
We tried to rule out that issue with a third control group and a video of what the first were doing to make it happen. Apparently not PEBKAC or PICNIC.
Quantum Bogodynamics is the only rational explanation.
@Mokubai hardware related problems?
A: Fixing an AMD R9-280X

allquixoticIf you're willing to risk breaking the card entirely (beyond any reasonable hope of repair), you can try certain things that may or may not help. Your success or failure with these remedies depends on certain things: Whether or not the remedy you're attempting is able to fix the specific proble...

@tereško We since dismantled it, sacrificed a goat to Cthulhu, and then put it back together again. It worked flawlessly for everyone after that. Quite possibly something odd going on.
I would actually suspect static electricity
different people conduct it differently, and groups of people, with "matching" choices in clothing materials might end having strange effects
Yeah, but letting the static electricity out (sealed box) usually doesn't work.
If it got static'ed then it's a more permanent problem
@allquixotic underclock and over fan. if the problem is a ram issue slowing down the thing is one part, but with the automated fan control, you really want to also, or firstly increase the overall cooling beyond the fan graphing (manually) to lower the temps beyond what the automation would react to .
Baking which is always stupid , COULD always be preceeded by fully fixing the thermal crap in the card, because the process of baking is the process of re-assembling everything better than was done on an assembly line.
How many cards were fixed by baking ? probably about 2 , how many were fixed by dissasembling fixing the thermals, and reassembling much more carefully , all of them :-)
the baking part is just the placebo to get you to do the real work :-)
@allquixotic TBH, I think it probably is a VRAM issue
Based primarily on the fact that those kinds of glitches are exactly what happens when I overclock my VRAM too far
@Psycogeek "Fixing the thermals" most certainly doesn't fix "all of them"
so low clocking the ram itself, the fan would still respond to the GPU use, and likely to better cool the ram. low clocking the gpu the ram , which (probably still) is not part of the fan control could still be doing what it does, Die under crappy thermal pads :-)
I am still looking for the specs that say the place to put your electrolytic caps is in the 100*C breeze , let alone any caps that have survivability after being cooked to death in the oven.
> Saints Row: Gat out of Hell
@Mokubai Can you please nuke this (already flagged) spam. It contains a NSFW link to adult content. superuser.com/a/1016471/337631
@DavidPostill done
@Mokubai Thanks ;)
This is the chart thing i could find for the last 7 days of solar activity , post reaching the planet
@Psycogeek I thought it was your ECG for a moment ;)
damn, this song makes me feel so fucking old
@Psycogeek looks like we passed through a solar eruption over the last few days...
if i read all the stuff correct, about thursday a dual coronal mass ejection spewed out, and travels at ~500mph and reached saterday?
it was all a bit confusing as different things travel at different speeds, and at 500mph it would take till like next year , , , i donno, so the sencing on the actual equiptment that sences it on the planet, i thought would best represent the reality at this end.
so anything that got messed up this weekend, a person could blame it on the sun, and avoid those questions about thier holiday drinking problems :-)
wait what?
there was a magnetic storm recently?
@Psycogeek From Wiki:
Coronal mass ejections reach velocities between 20 to 3,200 km/s (12 to 1,988 mi/s) with an average speed of 489 km/s (304 mi/s), based on SOHO/LASCO measurements between 1996 and 2003. These speeds correspond to transit times from the sun out to the mean radius of Earth's orbit of about 86 days to 13 hours (extremes) and 3.5 days (average), respectively.
that could explain my hardware problems
I have about 400 euro of dead equipment
does your insurance cover "Acts of sun"?
@Psycogeek The numbers look huge until you realise that the speed is averaging 500 kilometers per second rather than per hour....
@Psycogeek warranty laws don't take sun in the account
@Mokubai, I have been reading too much sci-fi ... those number to me actually begin to sound comprehensible :P
We are 8.2 light minutes from the sun, around 150 million kilometers
so by the time you see it, it is already done :-)
btw, I strongly recommend Lost Fleet book series (there are also audiobooks on torrents)
@Psycogeek wrong
matter cannot move a the speed of light , there is not enough energy to .. emm .. shift the "movement vector" (for lack of better term)
@tereško Yeah, I read too much sci-fi and space news. These small distances seem almost laughable to measure when you consider the size of our local supercluster and then think that it doesn't even register as a small dot when you think about the rest of the universe.
@allquixotic Eh... the last few times I tried Linux (usually Kubuntu) I had to put out too many fires to use it as a daily OS.
Felt about as stable as Win10 TP :\
basically, the vector for movement in time and vector for movement in space is the same one
@tereško they see the spew , it had already happend, the StuffStorm after taking time.
you are just experiencing different projections on the same "speed"
@Psycogeek well, yes, but you said:
4 mins ago, by Psycogeek
so by the time you see it, it is already done :-)
which was . . . not worth disputing :-)
as much as we a concerned, it isn't really done till the "blast" has left inner solar system
Well technically you see the blast in 8.2 minutes when the photons from the ejection get to us, you feel it when the protons hit the atmosphere several days later when your power goes out‌​...
"Solar protons get blown into space and can travel at speeds near the speed of light in extreme events. They are the first particles to arrive at Earth." When the ejection is pointed to earth. It was not in this case. I was reading before of what make up the items they class as "cosmic rays" and galactic cosmic rays and extra galactic cosmic rays, and still couldnt figure out Easily, what the item it is that effects computers, for the purpose of determining what blocks or slows such things.
99% of the StuffStorm is (after years of being wrong about it) specific things. and much of that interacts First with our atmosphere.
like alpha particals, they couldnt penetrate a computers plastic case even, but they will also decay.
alpha radiation is not what damages electronics
it's the excitement of earth's magnetic field
you could say "it makes the magnetic lines to snap"
... and that's how you get inducted current
at least that's my understanding of the effects
at first i would have thought that "cosmic rays" were gamma, but so to did they "However, no correlation was found between the incidence of gamma-ray bursts and cosmic rays"
and who are we to say that the early scientists were not talking about "incidents of gamma-ray bursts" which they could refer to using cute words like Cosmic rays anyways :-)
I was just hoping to know 1 thing, What makes it to my computer that is supposed to bit-flip (specific) and how many mm of lead, or feet of concrete , or layers of gold would protect against such bit-flipping things. Seems like such a simple thing to ask, without having to get a degree .
Someone at space.stackexchange.com or chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/9682/the-pod-bay might be able to help with some of these questions.
There are questions related to the effects of space weather on spacecraft computers, so there are people with knowledge in that area.
@Mokubai pauli effect?
"Another effect was slightly more mysterious: The SRAM at the top of server racks had a significantly greater number of transient errors than that at the middle or the bottom of the same racks" from "Elevation plays a role in memory error rates" networkworld.com/article/2172130/data-center/… Wild speculations from only 2 big fricking computers run at 2 different places, which can include everything from diff humans power&budgets
could also be explained (more easily) by thermal issues. The stacked servers for sure, but even the cooling of differenet types of air , inc air "pressure" AKA density of the air makeup for cooling, and even quantity of stuff like Moisture in said air.
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
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