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Yeah that seems about right
ahh, found the company
I find most processors peak at around 2x their rated TDP
@qasdfdsaq Hm. 14 AWG (16 BWG/SWG) should take 10A.
Not sure what gauge speaker cables normally are.
I find that OCers can overdo that :-) more times, but it has never seems practical :-) for that last 2-5%
@Bob ._,
Fairly thin
Probably 18 or 20
I'd just use mains wires if I wanted to do 10A
Mine were probably 20/22
dirt cheap and he UK ones do 13A ;p
Also works as speaker cable at a pinch
Yeah mains wiring is also a lot thicker and harder to work with
I know my ethernet cables do 1A with AWG24 or 26
> The European Commission (EC) has accused Qualcomm of abusing its market dominance to fend off potential competition, in breach of European Union antitrust rules. Investigators have been looking into unfair business practices by Qualcomm in Europe over the last few months.
In July it opened two formal antitrust investigations looking at the company's use of exclusivity payments and predatory pricing in the EU. Earlier this week the commission sent two Statements of Objections outlining its preliminary views.
Now what was I saying about Qualcomm?
@JourneymanGeek Oh, sorry. other sources say ~10 AWG preferred (for longer distances).
@qasdfdsaq They have a strong business model ? :-)
The 60A cable that came with the UPS didn't seem much more than 3-4mm OD
And AWG14 supposedly has 3mm OD typically
@qasdfdsaq 24AWG is fairly common and probably the lower end of acceptable for 2A @ 5V over 2m.
(USB charging cables :P)
Eh I had issues with 5v 1A over 50m of AWG 24 Cat5E
But that was sorted by switching to 12v 0.5A
> The EC suggests that "under the proposed rules, the provision of the online content service will be considered to take place in the Member State in which the consumer resides. No separate license would be required to cover the temporary use of the service in other Member States." With the new legal mechanism service providers could offer "cross-border portability without the need to re-negotiate the licenses existing between rights holders and service providers," the document says.
@qasdfdsaq Ya, never said they were 100% clean :P
Hopefully this'll pass and they can stop blocking iPlayer outside the UK
Ahh EU. I want to hate you, but you do cool stuff
@qasdfdsaq I'd so abuse my dedi to get stuff then
Well, I suspect the proposal if implemented will impose checking your country of residence
ala if you have a UK TV license you can stream it outside the UK. Rather than currently, if you have a UK TV license and you walk across the border to Ireland you're forbidden from streaming UK TV shows
@qasdfdsaq they don't really check your address tho
@JourneymanGeek Not yet, but they will probably have to
I don't even remember them making me sign onto iplayer
They'll switch to checking the registered user's address instead of just using source IP I assume
Or at least require registration for use outside the UK
Go home clippy, you are drunk.
I want to hate clippy
> It looks like you're trying to hate clippy.

Would you like help?
@qasdfdsaq How could you :(
...Toshiba got in on the action too?
Good job I never used the bundled O.S.
I took the SSD out of my new Lenovo before I ever powered it on.
Annoyingly it's a 5mm SSD, which is a fucking pain
A 5mm SSD, surrounded by 6mm of foam padding. Couldn't fit my Samsung 850 EVO in there without tearing out the foam
And even then the clamps and screws wouldn't go in, so it's just dangling there
@qasdfdsaq Double-sided tape?
guys. why can't i include more than one pre-formatted, (fixed width font) block of text in my answers?
@Bob I used blu-tack in my last machine but tbh, I don't care
It's not moving anywhere while clamped that hard against the case and foam on the other side
@qasdfdsaq True, long as it's reasonably snug it should be fine.
It literally bends the outside of my laptop's casing
It's not like there's any spinning ceramic plates inside :P
@qasdfdsaq O_O
@tjt263 You can.
The last SSD in my previous laptop I couldn't be bothered screwing it in so held it down with some tissue paper jammed against the sides of the bay
If you have two right next to each other you might need to separate them with some other content in between.
i thought so too @bob but its not working for me
@tjt263 got a link?
Only Bob gets to do it cause he's special
well i haven't posted it yet because it won't cooperte
co-operate even
Either put an unindented non-whitespace character between the two blocks, or use the HTML tags instead of Markdown (<pre><code>blah</code></pre>)
post it, link it, and we could see if we can fix...
I've tried both of those things
Oh, I just use pre codes a lot of the time.
and combinatins of
@qasdfdsaq I've never actually installed a 2.5" SSD in a laptop.
Still lugging a HDD around for bulk storage.
SSDs go in the mSATA slot(s)
@Bob I did that with the x229
7mm tho
wait i used <pre> but not <code> ill try it
I got bored of the SSD + HDD for bulk storage combo in my last laptop and just went all-out and got a 1TB SSD
New laptop can't fit multiple drives, so I suspect I'll need to get an external for backup
@qasdfdsaq I'm considering just taking the HDD out now, and keeping the larger stuff on a portable HDD.
It's heavy, it's noisy and it uses more power.
@Bob How big is the SSD?
My laptop is usually passively cooling (fan stays off unless something pegs a CPU core), but the HDD is whirring away :\
@qasdfdsaq y'know, I can't remember. Probably 750 GB.
Not even particularly big.
@Bob Well these are a new class of faults, remote code execution vulnerabilities in the bundled software rather than just shitty Snapfish/Dellfish root certs
Yea, was 750 GB.
I have a 240 GB (840 EVO) mSATA in there too.
And a spare mSATA slot.
Might move the other 840 EVO 240 GB mSATA from the old laptop (currently used as cache). That'll give me a nice 500 GB of SSD storage.
RAID would be overkill :P
I usually run my laptop in RAID-1 now
Then I can wait till the next sale and pick up a cheap SSD for the bulk storage.
Lost enough irreplaceable data on shoddy SSDs already
@qasdfdsaq I just keep reasonably up to date on my backups.
RAID makes management a pain.
RAID makes management easy
compared to carrying around a seperate backup disk and remembering to plug it in every night in a different country >_>
@qasdfdsaq Firmware updates? TRIM?
I don't do either
I've always had trouble with those under RAID.
And tbh, I use Windows software RAID, which allows both easily
And the 840 EVO has issues with aged data too.
@qasdfdsaq Oh yea. That's an option too.
Windows software RAID makes ready-to-go backups pretty easy too
Hm. But then I'd be sacrificing half my storage.
@qasdfdsaq or just backup over a network ;p
Just add a mirror, break the mirror, and now you've got a complete fully functional clone you can swap out the disk with
@JourneymanGeek A bit hard if you're 4000 miles away from home and have shoddy 1Mbps hotel Wifi
(And have to upload 30GB+ data per day)
@qasdfdsaq I prefer incremental - gives me a bit of history in case the latest copy is screwed.
Incremental's still not gonna help with 30-60GB uploads though
Unfortunately, my current backups don't go back far enough to avoid my driver issues :\
@qasdfdsaq Ya, I don't travel enough for that to be an issue.
Nor do I have that much data to back up daily :P
I only use my laptop when travelling
And my DSLR can easily pump out 100MB of data a minute
@JourneymanGeek You're catching up - you'll probably overtake me by morning :P
@qasdfdsaq Ah. Photography. That explains it.
I wonder if I should spec my next build so I can take an Oculus Rift away on holiday with me
Then again, why would I need an Oculus Rift while on holiday
Have you used one?
Several. I also own one.
How is it?
Meh. Resolution is terrible.
I'm probably the type to get nauseous :\
Haven't had a chance to try yet, though.
Also my eyes are the wrong separation so I need to get some 3D printed replacement eyepieces
I'm generally one who never gets motion sickness IRL but the Rift did give me some bouts of it
I suspect most people will have it worse than me.
TBH the resolution is the real killer atm.
It's like looking at a 640x480 display, on a 100" TV
> 1080×1200 per eye
Well, next year. This year it's more like 960x1080
I get seasick, playing HL2 with all the leaping around made me queasy. But other games are fine
@JohnB I had to give up shortly after starting Portal.
Most other games are alright. Mirror's Edge was fine.
The orientation shifts coming out of a portal, though...
Oh boy, I would think Mirror's Edge would be the worst for me :P
@qasdfdsaq What have you done with the Rift so far?
With 4K smartphone screens starting to proliferate we'll hopefully get decent resolutions around 2048x2048 per eye. That'll be borderline acceptable
is that playable with a third party driver thingy like VorpX?
@Bob Bought a load of VR games I've never played, and watched some porn.
Heh. Second rite of passage.
Surprisingly long list of games.
TBH porn has been a huge driver of video technologies for decades now
Lunar Flight is a blast with it
I'm looking forward to Eve Valkyrie all of a sudden, having never been interested by it before
I kinda lost interest and stopped keeping track on VR around when Facebook acquired the company.
Also have Euro Truck Simulator, Project Cars, and Elite Dangerous
Honestly my biggest trouble right now is keeping the lenses clean because my eyes are in the wrong place
Need to find me a 3D printer.
Or just wait for the final version which will have adjustable IPD
I avidly kept up on VR stuff leading up to the DK2 release and a while after but now I'm just waiting for the CV1 and Vive to be released before I care again
I know some of those words.
Dev Kit 2, Consumer Version 1 :P
Vive is HTC's headset
Whatever happened to Valve's attempt?
Delayed, again.
that's the Vive
Oh, they went with HTC...
it was fairly obvious that their original release projections were way too ambitious, especially with all the delays Oculus has had
Temped to sell my DK2 now
Reports are it's hit absurd prices on ebay
Looks like the UK is set to get 4G coverage on par with that of Sweden or Norway
Hey guys
How do I time a davfs2 copy? (also asked as question on site)
OMG, who added the paper clip guy to this site?
@barrycarter Clippy is the chat mascot.
@Mokubai The horror, the horror.
@Hennes Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
How do I say taytaytay ?
@Ohnana That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
dat latency
plz bot
!!learn taytaywtf <>http://www.stack.nl/~hennes/Untitled.png
@Hennes Command taytaywtf already exists
i guess he's just ignoring
That was the image I tried to upload
@qasdfdsaq That didn't make much sense. Maybe you meant: taytaytay, taytaytaycat, taytaywtf
Also, it's !!listcommands
@qasdfdsaq help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, export, findcommand, forgetseen, github, google, hang, inhistory, import, jquery, learn, test, why, hello, friday, after5, theanswer, caution, nicethings, goaway, status, poptart, routertroubleshooting, networkingproblem, meta, rlemon, no, foxno, yes, orlmente, fixit, uio, taytaytay, ping, say, facepalm, hv, ohhh, whocares, snore, toostupid, bababababat
plz, whee, lol, ittts, gates, potato, pissed, evil, ohmy, cancer, theplan, thisplanet, win, suatmm
self destruct?
!!unban ohnana
@qasdfdsaq You do not have permission to use the command unban
!!ban ohnana
@qasdfdsaq The user will be thrown into mindjail in 1 more invocations
i didn't use the exclamation points for a reason
Oh but you did
Once again, please don't abuse the bot.
did i do something uncool?
oh good
/pets chatbot john
Aussie Vaccine dodgers
!!trout @Ohnana
slaps @Ohnana around a bit with a large trout!
!!trout @Dave
slaps @Dave around a bit with a large trout!
raagh feesh fite
@qasdfdsaq To be fair, it's better for kids to get chicken pox earlier rather than as an adult...
@MichaelFrank but doing so sets the kids up for shingles later on
and chicken pox can be fatal
Time to google who this taylor person is
@Ohnana Huh... I did not know that.
@MichaelFrank To be fair, it's better for kids to not get chicken pox at all.
@MichaelFrank yeah, shingles is apparently torture
ty parents for making me get the chicken pox vaccine before it was required
@qasdfdsaq Agreed. But it's a lot worse as an adult.
on that note, get your boosters! chicken pox vaccine can become ineffective
I've had chicken pox... I wonder if I can get a booster?
it's also mostly pointless
step 1. get chicken pox as a kid
step 2. don't get shingles generally unless v.unlucky
1. get vaccine...
2. forget to get boosters
3. get shingles, possibly go blind or something
32% ready with preparing!
@Insane My PC updated yesterday. Nothing broke. ;)
You only die from chicken pox if you're already very ill, or get very very dehydrated. (or like under 6 months).
@MichaelFrank I saw my girlfriends PC when it happened and the UI looked really disgusting.. like borders and crap?
I forget exactly what it looked like but it wasn't the same
@djsmiley2k I have a 3 month old currently, it's been interesting to see what happens to her mother when she got her 6 and 12 week shots.
@MichaelFrank as in?
I have a 22month old.
I presume the shots are for the baby, not mother?
@djsmiley2k She cried more than the baby did.
(I'm UK based, so presume nothing is the same!)
and yea, shots were for baby.
my daughter had pyloric stenosis
she'd have hourly bloodtests from her heel
not cry at all o_O
@Insane They improved the colour scheme for explorer windows.
I hope to god this isn't crap.
Hi guys, thanks for your help... @bob / @JourneymanGeek and I think a few others, but, that is what came up in search...
Android. Next time you update, please don't spend 30 minutes optimising my applications...
These were the 6 audio inputs! -
@WilliamHilsum Cool!
I would think that would be difficult to play not being able to feel the keys and all. However, interesting idea
@Dave "Where there's a will, there's a way." - Billy Banks, Tae Bo.
and @TomWijsman - missed your comments - sorry!
@MichaelFrank Would you rather it took 3 minutes launching apps each time instead?
@qasdfdsaq Or only on the first launch.
@Dave i just wanna grab both handles and throw the coffee in my face
@MichaelFrank No, every launch
The whole point of the optimization is to speed up... launches
It's basically compiling the program. As opposed to running an interpreter
Yea, okay. Fair enough. But it still seems excessive. 3MB Security Update, better recompile every app again!
@qasdfdsaq Dalvik used JIT, not interpreted.
ART is AOT though.
Not sure if it even has a JIT option anymore.
There's very few pure interpreters in use nowadays, anyway.
@MichaelFrank Probably some low-level change that required relinking of libraries or something
> Out for delivery
Now I just hope it follows typical Amazon theme and (a) doesn't require signature and (b) doesn't get stolen.
Just spent a couple hours trying to fix a broken Win 8.1 install.
None of the tools on a Windows 8, 8.1, or 10 recovery disk worked
The exact same commands on a Windows 7 boot disk I made 4 years ago, worked first time to repair a Windows 8.1 install.
Writing a Windows 7 bootloader onto a Win 8 install works better than a Win 8 bootloader.
@qasdfdsaq That actually works? Interesting.
Back when Win8 previews were out, I dabbled with dual boot. Didn't work with the Win7 bootloader.
Though there's a good chance it was the whole VHD boot :P
I've always known the boot sector code was the same
The bootloader is supposedly different
It's as if the bootloaders on my install disks have been switched round, as in the Windows 8.1 one doesn't work with Windows 8.1
Also just found a random 500GB hard drive I didn't know I had and I have no idea where it came from
Oh, no wonder. It's not mine.
That'll be why I have no memory of buying it

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