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Oh yeah, that. I didn't know that's what they were called. We used those when pulling electrodes.
There's a magnet on my fridge that says "If evolution were true, then mothers would have three hands." Same goes for technicians
anyway, that kit + a third hand is everything you'll need to start. And at most, if the kid gets super serious, he's probably just swap out the soldering iron with a soldering station.
@JourneymanGeek I think I've seen that called helping hand
Probably. A good soldering station that'll go to 900F will last you 50 years
IMO, go straight for the station
So that's basically going to cover whatever basic projects he'll be interested in building, and he can use it through high school or whatever.
Not just easier, but also safer
I have my grandfather's, I believe it's a Heiko or something, and he got it like 40 years ago
If price is an issue, Yihua from HobbyKing. Decent Hakko clone for about $25
that's it
So I know a radio is basically "Hello World". Are there other choices?
Tell him to get his Ham Radio license
then the world really opens up
I know from experience
Also @JourneymanGeek, you might want to clean up your star wall.
I thought about ham radio, but I'm not sure he's old enough.
The problem with raw irons is it's easy to slip without a stand, and typically slow/uncontrolled heating
You can build a morse code transceiver from scratch, and talk around the world
I was 13 when I got my license
and there's no age limit @KitZ.Fox
He's not quite 8.
He can do it
I'm concerned about him unintentionally trolling.
if he's smart enough to code, he's smart enough to pass the test
Although I was worried about that with online gaming, and the kid shreds the opposition.
What part of the country do you live in?
New England.
OK I see your concern now.
The people are different depending on where you are
@KitZ.Fox League?
If so, what tier?
@bwDraco Garden Warfare, and just recently Battlefront.
here in the Great South, most everyone is friendly, but in other regions, not so much
on the air at least
Kid frigging peashooter front line runner double tap headshots can't even tell you
You might want to get him started in eSports. You have a child prodigy.
@Daniel Really? New England has a bad rep? Maybe it's the culture difference. I know Southerners think we're snobbish.
There's some real money to be made there.
He's pretty decent at real life soccer and basketball.
Well, part of it is that there's a higher population density @KitZ.Fox, so there's a higher chance of him running into the jerks
@KitZ.Fox Ahh! A real sport!
He's got a good grasp of team dynamic for a kid his age. Probably from playing in online squads.
Soccer, not basketball. ;)
Get him into Football
@Daniel omgomgomgomg
@KitZ.Fox League of Legends would be a great game, but he'll need to deal with the toxicity of the community.
@bwDraco Nope. We don't do LoL in my house.
Maybe JK3?
@KitZ.Fox Care to explain?
@bwDraco Too toxic.
@Daniel He was the one who told me he did not plan to play football. Not after what happened to Edelman.
@Bob my starwall? ;p
JK3 (aka Star Wars Jedi Knight: Jedi Academy) is a fun game that's easy to mod. Movie Battles II (MB2) is the most popular
and it's quite fun destroying Darth Maul
@JourneymanGeek ?
CS:GO would be a good idea.
@KitZ.Fox My starwall?
@bwDraco I don't know that one.
@bwDraco Too toxic.^2
@JourneymanGeek Isn't it your room...?
At 8 years old? Please no.
@KitZ.Fox telling qasdf that he was annoying was compared to someone amost definately worse ;p
@bwDraco Oh Counter-Strike? No.
Also, we let our starwall expire on its on usually
and lol. Its everyone's room. Until they don't behave. Just like kids
sigh Perhaps you could teach him about dealing with problem users?
@bwDraco Staying away from problem users is always a good start ;)
OK. We usually clear ours of star-spam that typically happens during drama, to help defuse the situation.
@KitZ.Fox we don't usually have that much drama, and even the suspension was more of a second warning than a "We hate you, go away"
Is anyone here old enough to remember Hank the Angry Drunken Dwarf being voted as most beautiful person in the world?
My bad. I shouldn't have brought it up.
@bwDraco Stop worrying about him please.
Often times if you ignore someone, or at least deny them your anger, they will get bored or sick of trying and give up
So the kits are cool. I will put those on the list. I really like the idea of Beast Rabban's pistol.
Beast Rabban's pistol?
I thought dune had no guns?
try again
only 2 pictures on the net of it, but it's there
He isn't quite ready for Dune. His reading is top notch, but it's rather dense, despite how awesome it is.
So maybe some other kind of replica that made noise.
Or lit up or both or something.
Laser-based lightsaber
Would he put his brother's eye out with it?
Dune is confusing to an extent
One of my favorite books.
But it meets all other criteria
Actually, I liked the first three or so.
it lights up
makes noise
is a kit(ish)
and is just simply awesome
How do I find stuff on this site? I feel kind of search-dumb here. I don't know the lingo or something.
Fiber-optic pixie skirt. I need that.
The VHS toaster is good
seems like the right place to start
Haha. I don't know. It's hard to focus when I think everything is totally awesome. "Dude, I got you a flux capacitor!!1!" "What is that?" "It's a thing! From a movie! When I was a kid! About the FUTURE!" "Yeah. OK."
I soooo want that
takes notes
Someone built a Raspberry Pi based replica of the DeLorean's time-travel control panel
sadly, it didn't time travel
OH MY GOSH THIS IS AWESOME (especially if he's into Nerf guns): instructables.com/id/The-Ultimate-Nerf-Vulcan-Mod
@Daniel oh that is soooo cool. I am such a sucker for steampunk.
a lightsaber this time, though
@Daniel OH MY GOD! He would love that.
The donkey kong?
or the saber?
or the nerf gun?
The Nerf gun.
well, along those lines: northstreetlabs.org/Zapper.html
If he's into minecraft: imgur.com/a/Z2Uvu
@allquixotic: That troll seems to be gone now.
Perhaps for when he's legally old enough: treehugger.com/gadgets/home-brew-raspberry-pi.html
@KitZ.Fox A 3D printer might also be a good idea.
Maybe, but's that's a little advanced in kit form
and also expensive
This is good, especially if he's a music lover: treehugger.com/slideshows/gadgets/…
Oh no. 3D printer is too messy. We have access to one anyway.
@bwDraco drop it please.
@KitZ.Fox I envy you XD
(especially since I have two MEs in my family, and we do a lot of repairs ourselves)
I have a tendency to get stuck on things like this. My personality, as it stands, just does not work well with being a mod. Changes are still in the works but it might be a long time.
I'd love to be a calm, cool, and collected person.
Any tips?
I have a friend who built this, and we wreaked havoc at church one day: ladyada.net/make/tvbgone/index.html
@bwDraco The moment a decision is made with stuff like that, its done. You step away, and don't revisit it unless its needed.
If he's a biker (not as in bicycle): ladyada.net/make/spokepov/index.html
And once its done its between me and qasdfdsaq, unless it goes on meta.
Bear in mind that I've been fighting this for years and I've always found my personality to be stubbornly difficult to change.
And also retro: A CRT pocketwatch: cathodecorner.com/sc60.html
@Daniel These are some great suggestions. Thank you. I'm at my limit right now, but I'd like to continue to chat about later if you're amenable?
I just googled 'cool electronics projects'
Here's a tip: Trolling someone all day, then accusing them of being a troll when they can't respond, is NOT the way to do it.

And I know I said I quit SU but I had to come back to tell the troll who was trolling me earlier then calls me a troll that he's the troll. Because trollception.
And now I quit SU again.
Feel free to invite me to a room sometime @KitZ.Fox, and I'll show up eventually
@Daniel You picked some really good ones.
So I'm glad I asked.
Thanks @KitZ.Fox
@bwDraco Stop. No.
@qasdfdsaq meh, that was cause 1. We told you not to mess with the bot that way. 2. You got the room frozen.
@bwDraco Step away please.
deny the troll
Nothing personal. I don't like suspending people, but it was necessary.
Just don't cross that bridge
@JourneymanGeek Yes, 1. I did say I was going to not abuse the bot, but then I did let my finger slip and I apologise
On the other hand it wasn't actually a complete offensive word. I missed off the S
And him flagging every other thing I said after I blocked him is what got the channel frozen :-/
Naw, there was one flag
And that was the bot abuse.
@JourneymanGeek Yup.
You missed the earlier drama.
Oh, ramhound is unlikely to have had anything to do with that.
And besides you're still responsible for your actions (and I'm somewhat responsible for this channel)
Him pinging me about Ramhound non-stop for an hour and continuing after I told him to stop is why he got blocked.
@qasdfdsaq I was never told to stop pinging.
And how is it you'll let me insult you to your face, and various people use the bot to get around blocks but "peni" is bannable abuse? :-/
@qasdfdsaq I'm also dealing with dragonlord butting in on this.
Look, it's not my intention. I really wanted to mediate the dispute.
@bwDraco You want to talk to me in another room right now? Would that help?
I'm sorry it escalated like this.
Meh, I'm off for the night.
@qasdfdsaq As far as the bot - I'll unblock you from him (with the understanding that you'll try to avoid, or at least not deliberately cause, him to say anything offensive. Where offensive includes not-actually-offensive-but-attracting-negative-attention).
My life feels empty without a bot to talk to anyway
!!unban qasdfdsaq
Thanks Bob
I did say earlier I wouldn't, but like I said, I slipped up
Rest of this I'm not getting involved in.
Hm. @JourneymanGeek ... is the bot suspended?
Out of curiosity
what's this bot?
2 hours ago, by qasdfdsaq
I would do a s/tow// but Bob just told me not to do that :(
!!/tell 25869487 help
@Bob Must be sleeping.
See ^^ I listen to people with cute fox avatars.
@allquixotic: Has the bot been taken offline?
@bwDraco It's still sitting in the chatroom.
What is this bot you speak of?
Sometimes they fall asleep.
@Daniel @ChatBotJohnCavil <--
@Daniel There is a chatbot.
@Bob not as far as I know
lemme check
Oh god if I got him suspended everyone's going to hate me :(
Which reminds me, I should ask if we want our chatbot back in the EL&U room.
Even more than I hate myself
And that's a lot
You didn't get him suspended.
I'm curious, what is he doing here?
@qasdfdsaq Getting around blocks - I'm the only one who did it, and at that time I was more confused than anything else. I'll avoid that in the future.
I mean, is he here for those folks who show up here and have noone to talk to?
@Daniel: That's what he does for me
We use ours for looking things up.
@JourneymanGeek Odd.
I enjoy hour long dialogues with the bot when nobody is around
is he a decent chatbot?
Verb: gekker ‎(third-person singular simple present gekkers, present participle gekkering, simple past and past participle gekkered)
  1. To make a series of stuttering throaty vocalizations in the manner of foxes when encountering a rival.
or is he scatterbrained like cleverbot?
Oh. That's a one-box thing. I forgot.
@qasdfdsaq: It's okay. Just be more careful in the future. Self-control is probably the greatest asset you'll ever have.
@Daniel Not really. He doesn't hold conversation very well.
We mostly use him for Taylor Swift gifs and wiki links.
@Daniel He's usually working.
Chatbot is down.
Is the !! a command denotation?
haha. Does he have a room nuke?
This is the bot's owner, logged in manually in a private window. The bot being unresponsive appears to be entirely due to a software glitch, since I'm sending this message to you now from the bot account. Hang tight, and I'll investigate.
@Daniel Yes.
RIP CHATBOT 3/12/2015
lol allq
@allquixotic is working on it.
Fun, where's the cheatsheet?
Clearly you hurt his feelings
and he went all catatonic.
@JourneymanGeek The last thing he said was
2 hours ago, by ChatBot John Cavil
@bwDraco help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, export, findcommand, forgetseen, github, google, hang, inhistory, import, jquery, learn, test, why, hello, friday, after5, theanswer, caution, nicethings, goaway, status, poptart, routertroubleshooting, networkingproblem, meta, rlemon, no, foxno, yes, orlmente, fixit, uio, taytaytay, ping, say, facepalm, hv, ohhh, whocares, snore, toostupid, bababababat
plz, whee, lol, ittts, gates, potato, pissed, evil, ohmy, cancer, theplan, thisplanet, win, suatmm,
@allquixotic just restart it - I think it might've reacted negatively to the frozen room?
1 hour ago, by ChatBot John Cavil
@Bob qasdfdsaq added to mindjail.
Mine used to fall asleep. Just had to turn it off and then back on again.
I found out the problem.
Clearly he couldn't live without me
The frozen room made it crash
@KitZ.Fox ours gets reset daily
Oct 31 at 1:01, by ChatBot John Cavil
@qasdfdsaq Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
@allquixotic sounds like a bug.
See, it was my fault.
@bwDraco I'm alive!
@JourneymanGeek OK, well, have you tried jQuery?
We are good to go.
hangs head in shame
!!unban qasdfdsaq
@Bob qasdfdsaq freed from mindjail!
that timing ;)
Guys, this is what happens when I don't take my meds.
@qasdfdsaq just for the record, I hate suspending people.
@Bob Exported to gist, id: fea6881e7b82ab9fcee3 viewable at gist.github.com/fea6881e7b82ab9fcee3
For the record, I hate being suspended.
You need a user id, I think.
unfortunately the moustache server hosted by rlemon got taken down, I think
or maybe you need a user id ;)
@Daniel deskflip, fuu, iseewhatyoudidthere, no, notbad, ohyou, okay, troll, trollface, youdontsay
Excellent. Lets try not to make me suspend you, and you not get suspended!
!!meme trollface
couble arg
I forked mine, so I don't remember what you might have that we don't.
Also, until dragonlord becomes a mod, ignore any attempts by him to mod ;p
@KitZ.Fox I forked mine too, but we have a relatively small patchset off of Zirak at this point. github.com/allquixotic/SO-ChatBot
also, deja vous on talking about our chatbot forks :P
I am so seriously going to have some fun with this chatbot sometime
@allquixotic All this has happened before, all this will happen again...
@allquixotic I am going to ask if folks want it back in the chat, now that I'm back from leave. I suppose I should pull down changes.
OK I should head out for dinner guys
@Bob dont
@JourneymanGeek Okay. So what should I learn from this incident? Feel free to be harsh about it.
I'll catch you guys later!
All the fun I used to have with the chatbot involved dirty fun
@Daniel I will shut up after 1 more invocations.
I didn't think that would work
OK I'm going now
@KitZ.Fox Did you see the script rlemon added to Zirak's bot that uses NodeJS to authenticate? :D
@bwDraco Quite simply? If someone's handling it, stay out.
@allquixotic don't what?
@allquixotic Probably not. I haven't run ours in over a year.
I tried to mediate an earlier dispute and failed. What mistakes did I make?
@bwDraco see above.
Oh FFS who starred me again
@Bob I'm sorry, I did not mean to say "dont". I don't know how I even said that. I was trying to say "done", as in, I read it while I was installing my new UPS.
@bwDraco Watch, listen, learn.
Is it because this is reserved for mods?
No, its the "too many cooks" problem
@qasdfdsaq Try this: "Hey @JourneymanGeek, I'm not comfortable with having that message of mine starred. Would you mind removing the stars?"
@KitZ.Fox I'm not uncomfortable
I'm just repeatedly confused by how the unfunniest things I say keep getting starred
If a regular respected user was involved and was doing a good job of it, I'd be "Hey, he's doing a good job, and I totally think what he says is right"
@qasdfdsaq Then why are you swearing about it?
It just bemuses me why people star that but everything funny or interesting I say is ignored
@JourneymanGeek Clarify? Is it because of interference?
@bwDraco in part.
People bemuse me.
@qasdfdsaq Just because it's funny to you doesn't mean everyone finds it funny.
@qasdfdsaq OK. I misread your reaction.
There's two schools of thought towards moderation.
I just don't get people sometimes all the time
@bwDraco Dealing with delicate interpersonal issues when you've demonstrated having some of your own is probably not the best idea. And I mean that in the nicest way possible. You are self-admittedly learning how to handle yourself better online, and part of that is learning when not to get involved.
One involves a chainsaw and a forest.
The other involves a pair of nail sissors and a lawn
@KitZ.Fox There was a while where anytime I mentioned the word chmod it'd get starred. This went on for weeks
We do the latter. We first try to persuade, then we warn.
@qasdfdsaq It was like one week...
And I just couldn't understand it. Sure, the first time it was funny. After 25 times? eh.
Suspensions are a last option.
So, can you be a mentor of sorts? I need to learn this.
@MichaelFrank Oh it was way more than a week. DavidPostill even tried pulling one on me a few days ago
and on SE, its not as much punishment as a warning.
@bwDraco Its a tacit skillset
A lot of is is learning to judge exactly how much action is needed.
I myself wield a shock-and-awe broadsword style.
I guess the main issue holding me back is my being impulsive.
@qasdfdsaq If it really annoys/offends you, I for one would genuinely stop, and apologize for contributing to it. But I found it funny because it reminded me of the original situation, which was funny. I mean, I still star messages sent by @JourneymanGeek consisting entirely of "ahh", due to a random time his "ahh" got starred like 2 years ago.
As you can see by how I kicked in the door and laid down the law.
I try to be calm, but my impulsivity gets in the way.
@allquixotic I honestly don't find it offensive. Just confusing. I just don't understand people
It's not my desire to be this way.
@bwDraco mod like the water, not the rock ;p
But I suppose that comes with being retarded autistic
@qasdfdsaq Well, I have Asperger syndrome.
You're not alone.
Hmm same. (Aspie's). Does that mean I should unblock him and make up?
@allquixotic How's the UPS?
@bwDraco good moderation usually involves maintaining flow. Very rarely one needs to come down like a tsunami.
Have you done any tests? (i.e. pull the plug)
@qasdfdsaq Interestingly, I notice that people who spend a lot of time in here develop sort of a cult meme in-joke set of things associated with them. JMG's "ahh", your "chmod", my "headphones"... it's... it's a form of affection, really.
But my meds and my chmod have no connection!
@allquixotic Don't forget people keeping track of me saying lol
...what's mine? :P
Well, actually, ...
@qasdfdsaq Derp.. can't read. NEVERMIND THIS.
I wonder if there is some sort of hidden connection I'm not aware of
@Bob What does the fox say?!
(or all the dog jokes)
@allquixotic :(
!!tell 25869888 lod
@allquixotic ಠ_ಠ
No foxno?
Self-control is pretty much my life goal.
Oct 14 at 7:22, by DragonLord
Because self-control means everything.
no foxno?
Oct 14 at 7:22, by DragonLord
The Stanford marshmallow experiment was a series of studies on delayed gratification in the late 1960s and early 1970s led by psychologist Walter Mischel, then a professor at Stanford University. In these studies, a child was offered a choice between one small reward provided immediately or two small rewards if they waited for a short period, approximately 15 minutes, during which the tester left the room and then returned. (The reward was sometimes a marshmallow, but often a cookie or a pretzel.) In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred...
@bwDraco one has self control, not through control.
The trick is really in finding balance.
...and that means not lashing out at others making accusations.
I mean geez, the comments of mine that have been starred today
5 hours ago, by qasdfdsaq
@NathanOsman The starred list should give you an idea why
5 hours ago, by qasdfdsaq
@ArtOfCode Link plz
9 hours ago, by qasdfdsaq
Just logged into chat and what is the first thing I see? Some line about genitals.
yesterday, by qasdfdsaq
They don't go deep enough to hit most of the wax, they stay outside the inner ear
That doesn't even make sense!
@qasdfdsaq Earlier in the day, when I was in here last, I think there was someone sitting in here lurking who'd just star about every message.
I don't even understand what I said
@allquixotic Oh
I don't know who was doing that, and I don't approve of it either. It's a bit excessive.
Some people just do that ;p
@allquixotic can room owners remove stars?
Before that, no stars since Oct 30! Wow
I don't want to name names, but I have a suspicion of who it may have been.
@JourneymanGeek We can, but it was so many that I didn't feel like playing whack-a-mole with this guy.
It's a good way to trash the star wall though!
Wow, I didn't get one single starred comment in the whole of november!
Nov 15 at 19:51, by qasdfdsaq
@Hennes Don't you dare chmod anything. Keep that chmodaway from me!
Huh, odd.
That one was starred. ;)
Ah, they're not in order.
Oct 14 at 7:25, by DragonLord
> In follow-up studies, the researchers found that children who were able to wait longer for the preferred rewards tended to have better life outcomes, as measured by SAT scores, educational attainment, body mass index (BMI), and other life measures.
It jumps from Tuesday to Oct 30, then to Nov 23.
yesterday, by qasdfdsaq
WTF who starred me
Yea, there's a filter on the right...ish.
yesterday, by qasdfdsaq
WTF Who starred my boobs
@MichaelFrank See! Still going!
@bwDraco heh. That means the three month rule makes sense? ;p
(and blah, I want an ice cream. Stinking cold)

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