When you use inspect element, and define the source it lists it as using markdown - how does that work? I would of figured that, the source code would stay the same.
@R.Doto your paragraph makes no sense and is not proper english "Instantaneously, I disabled 'secure boot', as it is advised here, likewise. Albeit, to no prevail, as seemingly it doesn't even get that far -- explained/shown below! "
it's completely irrelevant whether after reading that link I waited 10 minutes or 10 hours before disabling secure boot
to even use that word, suggests that it makes a difference (besides suggesting that i'm computer capable of operating "instantaneously".. even computers can perhaps at best operate concurrently or in parallel)
for example writing about doing x as advised.. is noobish thinking.
And by the way, that post that suggested that, was incorrect. I wouldn't call it advice, it was just something to try, and it was too wrong to even call it "advice".
chat has a 2 minute editing limit for non-moderators on chat lines, FYI, so anything with a "pencil" next to it was edited very shortly after it was posted, unless you're talking to a diamond moderator
If you ever tried listening to deepak chopra, or listened to somebody refuting him, you might see or hear in the refutation, that the words he says exist and make sense individually but put together or in context, it's meaningless.
I'm pretty sure the session establishment logic that's sent "in the clear" when you're accessing a stunnel server over an HTTP proxy is identical to establishing an HTTPS connection except for the exact endpoint of choice
if you wanted to really keep the IDS/firewall guessing, you could host your endpoint on EC2... there are so many sites directly hosting stuff out of EC2 servers with an EC2 RDNS entry that they couldn't possibly block every EC2 site without crippling peoples' Internet access, and it's hard as hell to selectively block individual EC2 sites
mine's on a well known hosting provider though, so, more obvious if they did some manual digging or wanted to apply a blacklist filter
@barlop the HTTP CONNECT verb is sent when you are trying to connect to an encrypted tunnel, be it SSLv3, TLS1.0, TLS1.1, TLS1.2, etc., through an HTTP proxy, and it doesn't matter what the application layer is - it could be anything, really
as long as your "in the clear" negotiation with the endpoint looks just like establishing an ordinary SSLv3/TLS1.x tunnel against a server that you're going to do HTTPS with, which stunnel deliberately does look exactly like that, they can't tell what's inside your encrypted tunnel
you can hide where you're actually trying to connect to by bouncing off something else that's innocent-looking, but ultimately it will know your first hop outside the LAN
I'd actually call HTTPS more of an explicit TLS, since you don't first establish a regular unencrypted connection and then negotiate "up" to encrypted, usually -- you directly establish the TLS handshake first
STARTTLS in implicit FTP is more like "Hi there! (in the clear)" "Hi there, I'm also in the clear!" "Gee, wouldn't it be nice if we made this encrypted?" "Yeah...." "!(@#$*#@$)($@#$)@##@$$39402431343%$!#413904234"
> While the implicit method requires that a Transport Layer Security is established from the beginning of the connection, which in turn breaks the compatibility with non-FTPS-aware clients and servers, the explicit method uses standard FTP protocol commands and replies in order to upgrade a plain text connection to an encrypted one, allowing a single control port to be used for serving both FTPS-aware and non-FTPS-aware clients.
Implicit => TLS is always assumed. Explicit => TLS is negotiated via the protocol itself, and is not compulsory.
HTTP/1.1 introduced support for the Upgrade header field. In the exchange, the client begins by making a clear-text request, which is later upgraded to a newer http protocol version or switched to a different protocol. Connection upgrade must be requested by the client, if the server wants to enforce an upgrade it may send a "426 upgrade required" response. The client can then send a new request with the appropriate upgrade headers while keeping the connection open.
== Use with TLS ==
One use is to begin a request on the normal http port but switch to Transport Layer Security (TLS). In practice...
both ways are possible :P but yeah, I got my implicit/explicit backwards
I wonder if you need to update the EFI binaries on the disc.
Does Windows 7 even support Secure Boot?
> The following versions of Windows support Secure Boot: Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows RT 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, and Windows RT.
I get a red bar when trying to install windows 7 DVD, and it freezes.
I read here https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/aee2b86b-ab1d-409a-b8ca-e0f6a4c90b3c/windows-7-pro-installation-media-stalling-at-startup-screen?forum=w7itproinstall to turn off secure boot. But I have. ...
I thought if you were an insider from beta, you don't have to be signed in? Because I didn't get the update to build 10586 from being stuck on 10240. Only got it after a day or so after I signed in.
Helpful links?
@Bob Windows 7 does not support Secure Boot, while it was part of the standard, they Microsoft didn't quantify any support with its OEMs until Windows 8
@JourneymanGeek I'm a bit of a mix. Client computers have hostnames but I also know the IPs and tend to just use those directly (the hostnames are pretty bland/default shit). Servers have proper hostnames I can usually remember. Networking devices (routers, etc.) are just by IP.
With my current setup, I have my main AP/consumer router near no other internet connected equipment, cat5 drop to a switch to the room where we used to have our computers (not any more) homeplug over that to my desk to the asus router.
(And I need to get into the asus router cause my brother needs to change his password for it, and I need to instruct him on how to do so)
Ideal setup? Leave the ONT where it Ethernet cabling to the other end of the apartment (or homeplug), Ethernet to to either my current room or my brother's room (which I'm eventually planning on appending annexing)
I've got so many routers I've got a separate subnet for them. Router one is .11, router two is .12, router 3 is .13, etc. Goes all the way up to 53 at the moment.