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I've never heard of a Psychiatrist having a CEng. Did he specialise in electro-shock therapy? ;). And MBCS, CITP as well?
Dr Douglas Wilson, BSc BSc BA BA PhD DSc FIS FIMA CMath CEng MBCS CITP FSB C Stat C Biol FICN FSCH
Multiple degrees?
Hopefully one of those degrees is English
Wait, what's the C stand for ?
@DavidPostill Talk about serial academic
I did know a woman once who had been at the university I worked at for 30 years
I assumed charted but that's not easy
@JourneymanGeek C == Chartered
and no idea what a charted mathemathician would be
Charted? He drew a chart?
Ok. the gent's a nutter
Its late and my spellcheck dosen't catch that misteak ;)
Mis-steak xD
"The Chartered Mathematician (CMath) designation represents high levels of professionalism and competence in mathematics. It is awarded by the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications to practicing professional mathematicians who demonstrate, as well as their professional status and competence, a commitment to keep pace with advancing knowledge in mathematics and its applications."
If I ever open a steakhouse, I have to name a dish mis-steak
To be a chartered engineer, least here, you need work experience as an engineer, 2 exams, and a interview or three
All those degrees. You have to collect them all.
wow that dude is amazing, so why did he leave his e-mail address open to robots , you wouldnt think he would have time to also deal with spam.
Maybe he has a secretary/PA?
@qasdfdsaq Be careful, I am a CEng ;)
@DavidPostill I'm talking about people who spend 30+ years constantly doing degrees, and never actually, y'know, getting a job using them :-P
CEng doesn't make you a degree collector. BSc BSc BA BA PhD DSc FIS FIMA CMath CEng MBCS CITP FSB C Stat C Biol FICN FSCH on the other hand...
No use leaving the university , if you can keep getting drunk and they now Pay You.
The threshold update seems to have broken the touchpad on the stream 11
@JourneymanGeek that is already on SU?
Not yet
Will post in the morning if I cannot fix it
Its wierd tho
NO mouse is seen, at all
Even with an external mouse?
I need to dig one up
but usually a device should at least be seen no?
It's not unusual for the cursor to not be visible when it's never been moved
Or do you mean in device mangler
device manager
or under mice
Ah. Well... I'd expect the "not being seen" part is associated with it not working :-P
I was however using the windows 8.1 driver previously
since the windows 10 synaptics driver was broken
I THINK there's another driver that needs to be installed to
I'll fix it tommorrow
It's odd seeing you talk about "tomorrow" when I just got out of bed. Then I remember the timezone difference.
Yeah, its a little after 10 here
I swear i saw a @DavidPostill answer on win10 threshold touchscreen messup, really bad people not able to get in. But he has so many answers :-) and win10 search came up with So many touch problems.
It indicated that MS know about it, and some specific update should be avoided for a while.
Oh, I think I know how to fix it now
And I think the drivers in question might already be on the laptop
but yeah, its not urgent
superuser.com/questions/999003/… nope that was the win7 update. got that all wrong.
what? No shaming the unworthy?
Hmm. "I can only use the Registry to remap keys due to security restrictions at work." that is one strange security policy.
@tereško It depends on what you define gaming as.
If you're just in for enjoying it like a movie; then yeah, there's some value to that.
How can I remove swear words from books on Kindle?
@TomWijsman "not having a raging headache" seems like a good start
Q: How can I remove swear words from books on Kindle?

SuperUberDuperHow can I remove swear words from books on Kindle? I really dislike books I buy that have bad/dirty words. There must be a way to stop them appearing.

Read the book and put white paint over all locations on the screen which may contain swear words.
@DavidPostill thats obvious, (looking at the profile) get only jesus books.
Or "That is goddamm easy. Just checkmark the swearword filter"
me wants to swear in the comment section of that
Aye. Want to. Did not do.
Being an adult can be a PITA.
@tereško The other edge of gaming is that there are occasions where you want the lowest milliseconds response and not have to rely on some in-between frame, this is where movie (talking 24 fps) vs serious gaming (talking 144 fps) makes a world of difference (6 times).
@TomWijsman I hope you do realize that games are no interactive movies.
amazon.com/gp/help/customer/forums/kindleqna/… amusingly, someone else suggested whiteout.
@tereško I hope you do realize that you are changing subject.
1) Set the frame rate limiter yourself if you want your games to feel like a movie
2) High-end cameras in professional sports are also 60fps
3) WTF dudde
@TomWijsman You could, but most game reviewers consider games that just drag you along as a spectator are bad
@qasdfdsaq That mostly rests on the strength of the story.
And of course to each their own.
for some reason, my brain is telling me 24 fps is the standard cause of the limitations of film
@tereško I doubt that is scientifically proven.
@Psycogeek Well spotted ;)
You can have really open worlds, you can have really linear storylines... you can have visual novels that literally give you no control apart from clicking through them.
None are inherently bad.
@TomWijsman google: "simulation sickness"
@JourneymanGeek 24fps 180-degree shutter is pretty much a universal standard now
@tereško It's on google, it must be true.
@tereško Mostly FOV and vision disagreeing with other senses (especially balance)
If you want simulation sickness, try a VR headset
@Bob same effect can be triggered when image is constantly stuttering
@tereško True. Flickering would be bad too.
@qasdfdsaq and almost always has been for movies
@tereško That's about simulation, not about fps.
It's nowhere near as glamorous as this guy makes it out to be: youtube.com/watch?v=FHCYHldJi_g
but the why I don't remember
@JourneymanGeek Yeah. It was originally just what the hardware could do, but now it's deliberately simulated in order to act like... old cameras
@qasdfdsaq Here I sit looking for an open world game where you don't spend your time watching yourself travel from place to place, but rather, constant interactive action.
@TomWijsman what the fuck are you talking about?
all games are simulations
@TomWijsman Just Cause 3!!
15 mins ago, by tereško
user image
But it seems like you've changed subject already.
@qasdfdsaq ahh that
@tereško But not all simulations involve fps. ;)
I can get simulation sickness is real life too, but that's not what your image is about.
@TomWijsman frames per second, not first person shooter ;p
@qasdfdsaq Act like, look like... :P
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, because 60 first person shooters would look worse and reduce graphics.
@TomWijsman Isn't that just called a hangover?
@TomWijsman are you aware that you are making no sense?
@tereško Are you aware you're a troll?
@tereško Are you aware that I started with "it depends on what you define gaming as", it's not like I'm trying to make sense, am I?
There's multiple layers of trolling going on.
@JourneymanGeek Trollception?
@TomWijsman emm ... what definitions there are?
@tereško I already gave them.
Interesting and related:
...and the one that introduced me to bladed shutters.
@TomWijsman gaming is an activity when you use sort of input to control activity on a screen in order to overcome some challenge
@tereško And how is that related to your picture? It's not.
I am sorry. I am so sorry.
Or, when that is not enough:
Here, have one from 5 years ago, surrounding by sentences about gaming:
Sep 15 '10 at 23:53, by TomWij
.. so, this level of ignorance was not caused by a recent accident
@tereško You'll have to become friends with me first to figure that out.
The first seconds of that are just taking traveling to the next level.
No, I don't want traveling. :(
Driving a car backwards out of a helicopter and falling out of it ain't going to make me interested.
Unless the purpose is to drop cars on structures; in that case, yeah!
And your video starts with travel too. :(
@TomWijsman Only a few seconds of it. After which it then becomes a video about strapping rockets to a cow's butt
@qasdfdsaq Oh, u mean I can watch other stuff travel instead of myself. evil laughter
@TomWijsman Stick to chess. You don't have to move, only the pieces move ;)
@DavidPostill Voice-commanded chess? Or does that still count as moving my lips?
@TomWijsman If you play blindfold chess you don't even have to watch the pieces move, or even touch them.
Blindfold chess (also known as sans voir) is a form of chess play wherein the players do not see the positions of the pieces or touch them. This forces players to maintain a mental model of the positions of the pieces. Moves are communicated via a recognized chess notation. Blindfold chess was considered miraculous for centuries, but now there is greater recognition of people who can keep track of more than one simultaneous blindfolded game. In simultaneous blindfold play, an intermediary usually relays the moves between the players. == Early historyEdit == Blindfold chess was first played quite...
@DavidPostill You've just made my day, reminds me of blindfold rubik's cube, but chess is more challenging.
@TomWijsman Hehe. I used to play it many many years ago ;)
I'd have a hard time making legal moves in blindfold chess, let alone winning
@allquixotic How's Fallout going? :P
Looks like you've been stuck in there for a few days straight.
It's a trap!
Bethesda wants all your time...
...I should probably sleep
@allquixotic Making legal moves gets easier if you vigoriously exchange pieces.
@allquixotic You are allowed to "try" different moves to see if they are legal or not. This lets you improve your mental image of where pieces are actually located on the board. Of course if your move succeeds you have to make it.
OMG. Working Start menu! \o/
@Hennes Done ;)
@OliverSalzburg you should add more and see what it takes to break it
@Bob No thanks! I'm happy that it's finally working :P
@OliverSalzburg but what if it's 4096? :P
hmmm writing a user mode driver for an old webcam sure sounds like a nice way to get my head deep into driver making
and suffocate
I have the pcb right here in front of me, it's clearly labeled "EZ561" but I think I'd have to reverse engineer it
the circuit looks relatively simple
@Bob It's 2048
> In build 10240, the Start menu could only contain about 500 items, be they live tiles, program shortcuts, links to readmes and uninstallers, or anything else. Any items above this number were simply ignored; not shown in the menu, and not accessible to the menu's built-in search. 10586 increases this limit from 512 items to 2048.
1) Main (head) road.
2) Head gone (weg)
@Hennes LOL
You need to wear a hard hat around construction sites ;)
@qasdfdsaq They could have made it like 2^15 or something :/
no, that would give malware another attack surface..
@oldmud0 Not making it 2^15 would be worse
With a reachable limit, malware could perform a denial of service attack on your start menu
@qasdfdsaq @oldmud0 I am 100% certain I have never had an attack (dos or otherwise) on my Start Menu. ;)
yes, I am going to dos your start menu
and then I will ping your RPC to death
finally, I will start 20 different AV scanners on your hard drive at the same time!
@DavidPostill Is that your actual face in your avatar?
@qasdfdsaq It was last time I looked in the mirror ;)
Although I haven't shaved for a few days (head or chin) ;)
It's odd how practically nobody has an actual headshot in their avatar
@qasdfdsaq Why interesting?
@qasdfdsaq I have nothing to hide.
Seems like only about 20% of avatars are faces, and about 50% of those are cat/dog faces
@qasdfdsaq I read that as that as cat/dog faeces the first time ;)
You and your dirty mind...
Oliver Salzburg has a headshot too
3rd glass of wine
Yeah, a couple of faded people have faces
And @dave
But there's still twice as many cats as human faces, and twice as many completly non faces
I love cats too, but I prefer to be me ...
Gah I guess my avatar's cached
Nah I think it's site caching
well shortly after I spelled the death of your computer, mine bsod'd
wouldn't the easiest way to crash a windows computer be to just run for(;;)new uint64_t;
Oh hey
It refreshed itself and changed my avatar
Here are my last owners (before I had to leave NL earlier this year) :/
them cats, sleeping on them cases
my cat sits on my homework
Should I get an entry level SSD or a GTX?
Yay my avatar's fully loaded
So I wonder how long I can keep layering these facebook fad overlays before it turns to garbage
I mean, even 120gb goes for $50 these days, but then again I might want to save my money for a card that will let me place Space Engineers at a decent framerate... and that supports dx11
GTX... what?
Space engineers, now with planets ?
nvidia geforce gtx
they're practically the only nvidia line of cards good for gaming
And Nvidia Geforce GTX what? 930? 980? Titan-X ?
nothing in the 900s range, that stuff is way above my head in terms of price
900 range is the ONLY range
Unless you wanna buy used/second hand gear...
I recently grabbed a 960, but I tend to keep my cards for 5 to 7 years
If you want a lot cheaper, AMD might be better (pricewise, not power usage wise)
uh, some people can't afford $500 video cards
Nobody even mentioned $500 video cards
This was less than half of $500 (assuming US$ and no AUS$, Ca $ of any other dollar)
The 960 is like $200
220 Eur for the 4GB version with extra cooling.
EUR 192 for the regular version
At least, a few months ago. I assume it has dropped since
It's around £158 inc. taxes in the UK. $240 USD if you don't account for the fact rip-off Britain basically converts $USD prices to £GBP on a 1:1 basis.
So order it elsewhere. Assuming shipping does not add it back
Or go for a GTX 750
I saw that for € 136,80
Hmm. GTX 960 doesn't actually appear overpriced here right now.
750 was my other choice
but why the transition to displayport over HDMI?
Why not. It fits on the plugs of monitors
Meh, I wouldn't bother with the 750, since the 950 is about the same price
Rather than on TVs
Dp simply is better than DVI (or HDMI which sort of is DVI plus sound)
Wait, nvm. Goddammit the £GBP is pretty strong right now
This is a few months old table. Dutch prices
Few years back it was €1.1 = £1
Now it's €1.42 to the £
@Hennes Heh, I see you plan your electronics purchases out on a spreadsheet too :-P
I plan for months before I buy.
dollars per euro-pound
Ignore the 5870 on the left. It was my old card
Heh, 5870 was my last card too
Only replaced it last year. Damn that was one good value card.
And low power (well, low power compared to other 5 year old cards)
these days I sav Eur 30/year just by swapping to the new card.
That was my justification for the 5870
"It'll pay for itself in electricity savings in 2 years". Everyone mocked me at the time.
5 years later I was like... HAHA Now who's laughing
Google: 1 (U.S. dollar per Euro) per pound = 2.3741581 kg-1
Gah. Nvisia software sucks.
We have a new driver. Upgrade or install. Ok, doing a CLEAN install and WIPING all profiles.
@qasdfdsaq Don't remind me. I still have a large stash in euros in my Dutch bank account :/
Mine is like, "hey let's install GeForce Experience even though your card isn't supported!"
@Hennes Heh. Better than pretending to upgrade and then just blanking your monitor.
Then you have to go to safe mode, run driver cleanup, then reinstall manually...
I never had any problems with my olders cards (a trio of Matrox G200's and the AMD)
google at it again: 1 (U.S. dollar per pound) = 2.20462262 U.S. dollars / kg
Per KG.. That is weight pound. Not sterling
Dumb question of the day
Q: ISP - Multiple modems?

DanielI recently moved my furniture around in my apartment, causing me to relocate my cable modem to another wall that has the coax cable port. Without having to call my ISP i instantly received the same signal that I was receiving on the other wall. I ran a speed test and it's the same Mbps that I was...

@Hennes I know right
@DavidPostill I have a good cause for those euro's. Let me get my postbank number.
@DavidPostill Not quite sure what he's asking. Hmm sounds like a close reason.
(I know. ING these days. And the postbank blue is rather orange)
@qasdfdsaq Nah, that was the old build.
@Hennes Haha. What UKP exchange rate are you offering? ;)
It's not really that dumb. Most people don't understand how HFC works
(1 (U.S. dollar per British pound)) * 1 (U.S. dollar per Euro) = 1.64033408 dollars^2/euro-pound
So @OliverSalzburg's "working start menu" means either it was raised above 2048 or he changed something else :P
@Bob Old build was 512...
Sep 29 at 19:13, by Oliver Salzburg
…by raising the limit to 2048 (wtf?)
Meh, the question seems clear. OP has two location with a coax connection.
Probably connecting to the same cable.
(s)he wonders if using two modems means up to twice the speed.
@qasdfdsaq That was an even older build.
Wait, maybe not.
Which I doubt will work.
Which probably is not legal
And which runs into the challenage of actually routing across two modems
shrug I'll look this up some other time. I need sleep.
@Hennes Sure it will
But the second modem needs a second broadband subscription to work.
Ah, Oliver was probably talking about the pre-release preview at the time.
You can't just grab a random unauthorized modem off Ebay, but buying a second modem from the ISP is perfectly legal...
I thought he meant it was already raised in an actual update back in Sept.
I have 10 modems. Can I get 10 * speed from my single cable connection? I think not ;)
@DavidPostill Depends what speeds you're paying for. Under the right conditions, yes.
In the UK the coax capacity is around 6Gbps. Only about 800Mbps is in use on most nodes at the moment, though most are in the process of being upgraded to 1.6Gbps. The remainder is used for CATV/VoD/test systems/VoC
who would be the Ryanair of ISPs, nickel-and-diming you for everything?
Depending on the node layout, if you have a 10 x 50Mbps subscriptions then yes, you'll get 500Mbps. If you get 10x 150Mbps, you won't get more than 800
KPN with their 'Hi' network.
Free of charge dial in.
If it does not work, call our **1 EUR per MIN helldesk**
single cable connection != multiple cable subscriptions
@DavidPostill In the UK you can't get a second modem without a second subscription. So to be able to connect two modems in the first place you'd need two subscriptions.
It's the same in most countries actually
The U.S. is an odd exception where you can buy modems independent of ISP services. Some weird regulatory requirement.
@qasdfdsaq And as a result of standards.
@oldmud0 What has that got to do with anything? All cable modems conform to standards...
@qasdfdsaq Exactly. That's exactly why it's a dumb question ...
@DavidPostill I disagree. Again most people don't understand HFC.
You can have multiple subscriptions on the same line on HFC.
You can't on xDSL.
And it's not as if ISPs make a big effort to publish the technical differences between xDSL and HFC broadband services
what's all the buzz about bringing internet to obscure areas with weather balloons with antennas?
@qasdfdsaq I know you can. The OP has only one subscription. Is that so difficult to understand?
@DavidPostill That's got nothing to do with the question
You're also assuming (without basis IMO) that he only has one subscription and doesn't intend to get another one
He doesn't say "Can I buy a modem off Ebay and get free service".
The question could just as easily be interpreted as "Is it possible to get two services without getting a new line installed?"
"if I have hooked up another modem to the original coax port, will I be receiving the same Mbps on each modem?" looks clear enough to me.
All that's clear to me is he doesn't say where he wants to get a second modem from.
@Hennes stop using XP! =(
Xp ?
you have the Windows XP UI
This is windows 7 x64 ultimate
why does it look like it's from 2001 then?
It takes some effort, but you can tweak it to the well known trusty win98 look and feel
I was so sure this was going to get starred. Time to mention chmod. :)
What? XP? Huh?
@Hennes Don't you dare chmod anything. Keep that chmodaway from me!
chmod / 0007 *
@allquixotic Turning off Windows Aero will do that. ;)
I have my Windows 7 machine at work set the same way.
@Hennes Now why on earth would you do that. That's just retarded
I am pushing it a bit. But I do like a nice clean single colour background.
Either dark blue or light gray
And If at all possible the windows should look clean and crisp. So no rounded corners on the windows
I like my women like I like my desktop backgrounds. Clean, and single coloured.
But hopefully not grey or blue. That would be bad (unless it is paint)
Oh ffs who starred me, Hennes was trying to get starred.
Heh. Not me. But we all know which command you can not mention.
@qasdfdsaq If you ask nicely I will remove the star ;)
"It is too late to undo this operation"
@DavidPostill So it was YOUUUUU
@Hennes How'd you get the gradient in the title bar?
No idea. Most of this was configured over 5 years ogo.
And the upgrades tend to keep the old config.
@Hennes Like that cool Windows 1 to Windows 7 video that was going aroud.
Windows Classic has a title bar gradient
@DavidPostill Not for my machine, I can't set the second colour.
@MichaelFrank Hmm. I didn't do anything special. I just prefer Windows Classic ;)
@DavidPostill So do I. I was just curious how the gradient was set, since I couldn't do it here.
Although I am on a VDI at the moment. That might be it.
@Bob I found your doppelgänger! superuser.com/users/300646/bob
I request more girls

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