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That was annoying
found an old answer someone had edited a link shortened link into, which is now spam
and I know the old user was legit
Yeah. And added a pristine link. Original answer suggested he rtfm.
Who's running the new Windows 10 build 10586 right now?
I'm fetching the upgrade right now.
This is a full system upgrade, folks. It's about as big an upgrade as moving from Windows 8.1 to Windows 10.
Some off-the-cuff math indicates that the download is close to 3 GB.
Its big
but my connection is fast
This isn't an update more than it is an upgrade. Indeed, Microsoft considers this to be a full OS upgrade.
At least it isn't the ordeal I went through on launch day. DSL sucks.
We're now on cable Internet and it's still slow, but it's $15 a month for service that consistently runs 3.5 Mbps downstream. Much better.
Oh, it quite literally is
and it disabled speccy apparently
Meh, more like Windows 8.0 to 8.1
@qasdfdsaq heh, that was a pretty major update
@bwDraco . wow, i didint know, major is right.
so with 28gig games, and 3gig system updates, i would like to (now) see the cable company saying "95% of people only use 3-6g" (in thier dreams)
@Psycogeek TWC service is unmetered.
with comcast there is still a meter , you can discover usage, just no longer a cap at the moment.
they were actually going to "kick people off the network" if they did not comply. I adjusted slighty but did not comply. if they had kicked me out, i already had access to a business plan for more money.
One of the hallmarks of TWC Internet service is that it's unlimited.
Of course, don't abuse it, but anything short of 24/7 torrenting should be okay.
these people probably had to re-think it when they found that 20% of thier money goes into trying to get new subscribers (ads tv ads affiliates) and thier plan would be to dump subscribers who probably pay regular and , dont complain, and maintin thier own wiring and all.
I doubt it was so much about the whining and petitioning on the web, more about the bottom line.
@Psycogeek That's a deluded cable company if I ever saw one
Average usage in this country is 100-200GB per month. That's average
sounds about right
when that was going around the web, the problem was finding anyone with that kind of usage, , , who was On the web :-)
@JourneymanGeek Heh. Was wondering what the hell the H******** S*** was about but it became pretty obvious like 2 seconds into the video
especially if you get all your entertainment online
Which is partly why it's so absurd
@Psycogeek everything is the web.
@qasdfdsaq the absurdity is why its so funny. Everyone knows what the H******** S*** is
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, but just seeing that h******* s*** as a title, you wouldn't immediately think of the H******** S*** because you're not used to seeing it censored. Your first instinct is to try to think of swearwords that fit, yet there aren't any
S*** dosen't fit?
Yeah but I was thinking Horse Shit, and that doesn't work
You're not trying hard enough.
Homophobic shit just doesn't make sense
Hah, who named a piece of space debris WT1190F
forums.hak5.org/index.php?/topic/… here is the letter, see the 3rd paralaugh
@Psycogeek Well, that was over seven years ago
@qasdfdsaq american ISPs supposedly still suck.
Current average usage is increasing 40% a year. Back in 2011 it was less than 50GB
and the cap went in, took some time, held for a year or so, then came back out, all taking time.
I have no idea what I use, but certainly more than that.
Oddly enough mine hasn't increased much since 2008
Back then I was using 600-700GB. These days maybe 800-1000GB
My desktop only really uses 150GB/month, and that's with Youtube running something like 8 hours a day.
@qasdfdsaq oh i am so sorry.
Lol? Why?
watching yousatube 8 hours a day
Meh. I like to have background noise on.
I just use it like leaving the radio on in the background, except adblock doesn't work on radios
Someone broke the opera house
back when i was installing big screens ages ago, people would always be showing how they can get radio via the cable , i am cringing as the dudes were running 300watt tv (blank screen) that used a 300hour bulb (halogen projection) to watch radio which was available on the radio with big ass speakers in the same (expencive entertainment) room.
But this year i am getting thier carbon credits :-) I couldnt believe it when I saw the credits on the Power Bill, tracked it down says they are carbon credits , i am like For ME?
laptop users should be getting my carbon credits , because my computer isnt saving anything.
Some african tribesman who has not needed powered gadgets for the last 20 years, should be rolling in them.
Carbon credits?
Huh? What?
I dont know completly, thought it was all about Industry, and countries, and mass consumption and all, not regular peoples.
all my crasy power saving experiments paying , , , for themselves finnaly. One of the few houses in CA that barely needs any AC in the middle of summer, and barely ever has the heat on in winter. All lighting is either LED florescent or is only on for a few minutes , all automated to motion sencing.
not whole house solar yet, because my observation showed that the real key to solar is not making more, but using less, so why not use less. plus batteries to go actual off-grid are anything but enviromental or saving.
comcasts flex plan, that i think is still in play. they dont like to show anybody any pricing unless you specify an address :-(
If customers choose this option and use more than 5 GB of data in any given month, they will not receive the $5.00 credit and will be charged an additional $1.00 for each gigabyte of data used over the 5 GB included in the Flexible-Data Option
super economy e-mail & a bit of web plan. , that will get you $5 back if you ignore the web, and Kill you in overages if you (or anyone else in the house) accidentally uses the web.
A: Mouse movements 90• rotated (Definitely caused by hardware)

lucadem1313Try rotating the computer -90 degrees. The calibration of the mouse and screen is off. You could also try flipping your USB port sideways or using a vertical mouse pad.

^ funny answer of the week
IMO Its not an answer, but its funny ><
@qasdfdsaq They have some pretty massive projectors across the harbour.
It seems I have a lot more space in my linux box than I thought...
do you intend to download the internet?
clearly, my brix is the internet.
@JourneymanGeek initially I suspected it, but it's empty
@tereško I deleted the internet.
Of course Its mirrored ;p
for some reason it reminded me of people who talk about "deep web" or "dark web" on TV
(its beta software called mountain duck. It lets you mount anything cyberduck mounts as a network drive)
Not mine, as i use a trackball.
I've never heard of mice needing caliberation.
Hey guys. So I successfully connected the router to my ISP router now ... with wpa2 on my second one and disabled DCHP so I do not break things. Unfortunately, my friend wants both router to be wifi accessible because she actually wanted to set up the second router for her sons to use and the ISP router for herself. I did that and all was good. But now the internet speed massively dropped. What else should I do to maximize the speed of her wifi?
@journeymangeek @hennes @qasdfdsaq
Changing channels .. etc?
Ya. They need to be on different, far apart channels.
IIRC 1 5 and 12 should be preferred on 2.4ghz.
@qasdfdsaq Try this for background radio if you're on chrome ... really good! streamus.com
@JourneymanGeek How come I keep reading 1 6 and 11?
@Elizabeth HDRC (He Didn't Recall Correctly) :P
Yup. This is a full Windows version upgrade.
@Elizabeth How are they connected?
@Bob Yes
Have you tried removing the second one to see if speeds go back up?
But I need the second one. I chatted with the others about it earlier on setting it up and all.
@Elizabeth Yea, this is just a test to narrow down the cause.
It could just be peak time congestion on your ISP's network, since you're talking internet speeds.
                                DSL   Ethernet                       WAN   LAN
Telus (ISP) -----------------     Modem     -------------------------  DLINK   -----------4x Ethernet ----------
               (DSL cable)        with                                 with
                                  build in                             build in
                                  router                               wireless
                                  and build in Wireless
Another option to check would be to test speeds between two locally-connected devices.
Just so you know that is how I am connected
@Bob You're right it could be the peak times.
You're saying it's slower with the second one connected => best way to confirm is to remove the second one and see if speeds go back up. If yes, then the second router is the cause and you can try to fix that. If not, then the cause is elsewhere and you just saved a bunch of time trying to fix a router that's not broken.
Okay ... give me a sec .. I'll try it now.
Just did it. It does seem to speed up.
No lag ... choppy videos .. etc.
Does this mean the router is the cause?
Probably, yea.
You're always connected to the first one while testing, right?
What are some configurations should I do?
That's doubly odd. JMG's guess of interference is probably right :P
@Elizabeth It could be a bad cable between the two devices
@DavidPostill Well, if she's always connected to the first one then simply having the second switched on/enabled shouldn't have that effect.
I have a feeling it has something to do with my config. Is there any special configs I should keep in mind when setting up such a router? Other than not breaking things by disabling DCHP, placing it somewhere more open and changing channels?
@Bob Missed that bit :/
Best Practices?
@Elizabeth Wait - you disabled DHCP and connected via the WAN port?
Unless you bridged WAN & LAN on the second router (or selected some kind of wireless AP mode that does it automatically), I wouldn't expect anything connected to the second one to work at all.
But it shouldn't be related to the slowdown.
The most basic setup would involve connecting a cable between the LAN ports of both devices and enabling DHCP on only one of them. That would be enough to get you onto working WiFi. Don't know if that's what you did or something else.
@Bob Yes. I disabled DHCP because JMG and others suggested its good practice to not to break things.
Yes. I have a AP mode.
@Elizabeth Yes, that would apply if you connected LAN ports together.
However, if you connected via the WAN port then (unless you disabled NAT and/or bridged the ports) then devices on the second router won't see the DHCP server on the first one.
Given that your setup works (albeit slowly), that probably isn't an issue here for whatever reason.
@Elizabeth Yea, that would do it.
So... did you end up checking the channels as JMG suggested? :P
haha. I see I am causing confusion once again. Just so you know my setup does have DCHP on my ISP router ... that's why I was suggested to disable the second routers DCHP so they do not interfere. I don't think I connected any LAN ports because all devices are connected with wifi now.
Though I did not know to disable NAT. Why so?
The second router is connected to my ISP router/modem with a cable to the WAN port.
@Elizabeth I meant NAT on the second router. Normally disabling NAT on a consumer router would imply bridging the WAN port. But your AP mode probably already did that.
The fundamental problem is that NAT would block DHCP so devices connected to the second router wouldn't be able to see the DHCP server on the first one. (And NAT only applies if you connect the upstream device via the WAN port.)
@Elizabeth That all sounds OK. To recap your test machine is connected to the ISP router wireless and appears slower when the 2nd router is connected?
Again, this is all pretty irrelevant to your slowness problem, so you can probably ignore it given that your setup seems to otherwise work.
@DavidPostill This is correct.
@Bob It's okay. I always love to learn! :D
@Elizabeth Then changing the wireless channel on the 2nd router is the next thing to try.
Window decorations have changed: Titlebar is now colored.
So I just tried changing the channels to 1 5 and 12 suggested by JMG, as well as 6 and 11 that I found from google search. 1 seems to work the best so far ... not the greatest but the best.
@Elizabeth Well, if you wanted more info: DHCP uses broadcast, which works within one subnet. NAT (as implemented on consumer routers) creates a separate 'private' subnet on the inside and treats the upstream device connected on the WAN port as the 'public' network. DHCP won't work across NAT (or any other kind of inter-subnet routing) without a DHCP relay server.
Compressed files no longer show up as blue—they are now indicated with two arrows "squeezing" each other at the top right corner of the icon.
Same goes with EFS-encrypted files; they now bear a lock on the top right corner.
@Elizabeth You could grab a copy of inSSIDer and check relative noise on each channel.
You can try to dodge interference by changing your router to another channel. You can blindly choose a channel (going with 1 or 11 is probably your best bet) or you can make a better-educated selection by checking to see which channels nearby networks are using so you can use a different channel.
You can check with a free program like InSSIDer or Vistumbler, or use the Web-based Meraki WiFi Stumbler. If you don't have access to one of these applications on your laptop, you can use a free app like Wifi Analyzer (on Android devices) or Wi-Fi Finder (on Apple iOS devices) on your smartphone or tablet to scan for Wi-Fi networks.
Is there any other configs that anyone know of I could do to my second router so I could maximize and optimize my internet speed?
interference from other routers in the vicinity is a common source of connectivity problems, especially in densely populated areas such as apartment complexes and shopping centers. Other radios that use the 2.4GHz band--for example, baby monitors and cordless phones--and other electrical devices (such as microwave ovens) can interfere with Wi-Fi signals, too.
@Elizabeth Well, the problem here is that simply having the second router connected somehow slows down the first. That is... rather unusual to say the least.
WiFi interference is the most likely reason.
Other configs might affect the speed when connected via the second router, but shouldn't affect anything connected directly to the first.
+1 ^^^^
Hm... another possibility: do you have any devices actually connected to the second router? If something else is using your connection while you test, that'll affect your speeds.
When I did the testing, I had one connected which was used for the testing. While I got all the others to disconnect.
What I did was I first connected to the first router to do a testing and next connected to the second to do speed testing on that.
...I'm confused. Didn't you say earlier that you only connected to the first router?
The overhauled environment variable editor is sweet, especially when editing PATH.
Back to the damaged cable theory ...
@Bob That's when you told me to disconnect the second router.
I had to reconnect to change the channels on the second router.
@Elizabeth So - can you test with the second router connected to the network, but with your testing device connected directly to the first router?
Also, better if you can compare actual numbers (e.g. speedtest.net) rather than "it feels choppy/laggy".
@Bob No I had to connect to the second router wifi in order to access the router's ip address.
I can not test the second router and be connected to the first.
Now I'm confused.
@Elizabeth Oh. nonono
The test I'd like you to carry out is:
Always have your testing device connected to the first. Two scenarios to test:
* Second router switched off.
* Second router switched on.
When I say "test with the second router connected to the network", the goal is to have the second router powered on and broadcasting, to see if there's interference.
But your testing device should always be on and connected directly to the first router.
Might as well do a pingtest.net as well as a speedtest.net
Because if the simple act of switching the second router on/off (without connecting your testing device to the second router) doesn't cause issues, then we can go back to @DavidPostill's suggestion of a dodgy cable.
And no other PCs/phones/tablets connected during the testing.
Or even something misconfigured on the second router.
:P Sorry guys ... first time doing such a network testing.
No problem. It's always hard to advise about remote diagnosis for networks via chat ;)
Problem is I'm home right now. So I can't do any testing at the moment. (I was setting this up for my friend.) Can I ping you guys tomorrow the results?
It only slightly easier by phone. Reminds me of a 1.5 hour support call I did once. It took that long to talk someone over the phone into how to set a fixed IP address for a videophone on his network.
The doggy cable shouldn't be a issue though .. because the cable was newly brought.
@DavidPostill I think I know what you mean. That's why I was afraid to ask for help on this chat in the beginning ... knowing that IT is not a easy subject to explain to a complete noob
or even the ones who are seniors tend to have issues understanding each other because the industry is so diverse
same with programming.
@Elizabeth You are doing very well, so don't worry. The problem with my call was that the guy was so slow the config screens on the phone kept timing out and going back to the previous menu ... :/
Anyhow, so glad I did. This community was so tolerant of my confusing questions and answers! :P
I will be around tomorrow ...
@Elizabeth You never know :P
New != good, unfortunately
@davidpostill @bob Thanks a mile! Will ping you guys.
Other test you can try: (assuming Windows) open command prompt and ping /t when connected to either router (try both).
Also try connecting to the second router and ping /t ip_of_first
goal is to see how many dropped packets
ideally should be 0
(/t means run forever until cancelled)
@Bob What does this result indicate?
@Bob That's partly why I suggested using pingtest.net as well as speedtest.net ;)
@Elizabeth You can just watch the stream of results and check for timeouts. Usually a bad connection will have at least a couple every 10 or so, though it does vary.
@DavidPostill Yea, but there's another one that can be done here that pingtest.net can't do:
connect to second router and ping second router. No timeouts? Good. Then, while connected to second router, ping first router. Timeouts? If yes, then probably a dodgy cable :)
@Bob Yep ;)
I've also found keeping a constant stream open to a known-good server ( is usually good) to be helpful when diagnosing network issues - pingtest.net won't always catch the more intermittent spikes
(not to mention it requires a java applet, which is pretty ugh)
@Bob I was trying to keep things simple for the time being ;)
@Bob Gotycha! What if the config is not setup the best? Anything to keep in mind. For some reason I'm afraid that my second router's settings might have interfered with the first or the other way around.
@DavidPostill True.
@Elizabeth Normally there really isn't much to do there. Much less anything that'll cause slowness without preventing connection entirely.
I'm a bit paranoid with settings / configs at times :P
Maybe some stuffed up QoS settings, but that's unlikely on a brand new router unless you specifically set them at some point.
(And most consumer router QoS pages are a headache to navigate :S)
The router has been used by my brothers, but has been reset.
A factory reset should take care of those.
Account is extremely old on Stack Overflow and has had no recent activity until now. Flagged as spam; account may be compromised. — bwDraco 1 min ago
@JourneymanGeek ^^^
:D Great. So no settings worry. Anyhow, should I enable the DCHP server back on ... like the way it was from factory setting .. since @bob mentioned this is only needed if I was to connect devices to the LAN ports.
@Elizabeth Nah - if it works just leave it.
I suspect you have the WAN port bridged anyway. Whether from the AP mode or something else.
(Bridging the WAN port effectively means you can treat it like another LAN port)
Embarrassed to admit, but I don't really know what bridging or bridged means. I did research but no luck on finding the definition.
"What is bridge mode?

Bridge mode is the configuration that disables the NAT feature on the modem and allows a router to function as a DHCP server without an IP Address conflict."
@bwDraco says "member since today"? not same geronimo? there is 2 of 'em and yea looks like a duck waddles like a duck. Oh i see, on SO
@Psycogeek Check the user's Stack Overflow profile.
What is Bridging Mode in Wi-Fi Networking?
@bwDraco thats weird, he was a really active SO user :-)
@bwDraco what makes you think its spam?
Well, this was borderline and I'm very tired. The activity is suspicious, though.
See the updated comment.
I'm not really convinced its spam
Also, taking it slow on the flags today ;p
I need to do as wolves do and catch my own dinner go heat up some frozen prata for dinner, and I've been a wee bit busy with family today ;p
I think my flag error rate is too high (even at less than one in 50).
see, this is one of them judgement calls
Is he a satisfied user? Is he a spammer?
Delete but decline the spam flag?
Am I sure enough to say yes or no? (No I'm not)
Is it urgent, and can I let another mod handle it? No and yes ;p
Hi guys!
This might be a silly question, but please help if possible.
It dosen't feel like a compromised account
@AbhishekBhatia your smartboard again? ;p
I am trying to read data from com port but it is showing nothing
@JourneymanGeek yeah. Sry still stuck!
@JourneymanGeek ask him :-) if he doesnt come in and tell you . . . well
@DavidPostill @bob Thanks for the links. Helped a lot. Got me learning about repeated mode. Seems to be a better route to go.
@Elizabeth IMO, that's a worse option
Only use it as a last resort if you can't run a cable.
How come though? From what I've read: While operating in bridging mode, wireless APs utilize a substantial amount of bandwidth. Wireless clients on bridged Wi-Fi networks generally share the same bandwidth as the bridge devices. Therefore, clients tend to perform slower in bridging mode than otherwise.

In Wi-Fi, repeater mode is a variation on bridging. Rather than join multiple LANs, repeater mode is intended mainly to increase the range of a single wireless LAN by extending the same wireless signal.
In my understanding it allows you to use a second wireless router to connect to your main wireless router Wi-Fi connection and it repeats / re-streams your Wi-Fi connection thus expanding the Wi-Fi coverage / signal strength.
Or I'm all wrong again? :P
@Elizabeth It will halve the wireless speed of the 2nd router.
"There is a downside to using a repeater vs. using an access point (or setting a device in repeater vs. access point mode), however - it sessentially halves your wireless bandwidth, as it has to use it to communicate with both your main AP and the clients. Although range extenders/repeaters reach areas beyond the range of the central router, they also bounce back all the router's traffic, creating congestion and slowing the network."
Oh .. :P never mind. Should have asked before spending time to research.
@Elizabeth I think you're mistaking "bridged Wi-Fi networks" for bridging in general (as a networking concept)
Please tell me if this makes sense.
I am trying to capture data from com. and it is showing nothing! Why?
I connect via a wired usb. It works fine.
Would this exclamation of bridging be correct? : Bridge mode is actually composed of two wireless routers acting in a Master/Slave relationship. The Master router is the one connected to the Internet; the Slave router uses the Net connection of the Master for access to the Internet; the Slave is configured as the Bridge. Two separate IP networks are created using different IP addresses.

Once the two routers are bridged, the Slave router-connected devices, both wired and wireless, can access the Internet on the Slaves own IP network by using the Master's physical Ethernet connection to the
*Pulling my hair
@Elizabeth ...now you're confusing me.
50 mins ago, by Bob
(Bridging the WAN port effectively means you can treat it like another LAN port)
That's all you really need to worry about in this context.
"wireless bridging", "Wi-Fi bridging", etc., are somewhat related but ultimately irrelevant when all you need to care about is how the wired network works on a consumer router (at least as far as whether you should be connecting two via the "WAN" or "LAN" ports)
Most consumer routers treat the WAN port as a separate network from the LAN port - and perform NAT between then.
When you bridge the two together (and/or disable NAT, usually one option controls both), you treat the now-connected ports as one network.
Anyone faced similar issue before?
@Bob consumer router = dlink router?
ISP router = ?
@Elizabeth They're almost always consumer-grade routers.
@Bob Now this makes sense. When you say bridge .. you are referring to the ports?
I didn't understand this in the beginning because I didn't know that WAN and LAN are treated as different networks and perform NAT between them. Only thought this is between routers ... not ports.\
@AbhishekBhatia where some virtual or 3rd party card device for (old) parellel or SCSI or COM ports did not work the same with something as the original ports they are trying to simulate. yea, happens. Then all that stuff became obsolete , thank god :-)
@AbhishekBhatia what seems weird here in your question superuser.com/questions/1000819/read-data-from-com-port , i thought before you said "wired USB worked" , then in the Q "Now I connect the device directly through com port it works perfectly" If anyone is going to be able to answer it (Not Me) you going to have to have a full explaination of What the Freak your even doing, connecting and logging with and reading and , everything.
@Psycogeek Thanks for the reply!!
I had a mistake in the question
Please check now . :)
I am NO knowledge of drivers. What I was trying to do to make work: read data from port in python and move the mouse.
But I get no data. :(
are you sure that win10 didnt add in some new layer of stuff , that would require a diff driver? I notice the driver has kept the compatability info up to date . Still workd for vista 8.0 8.1 , but no 10 shown. either it doesnt work with 10(yet) or they didnt update again to say it did. that is one thing you could ask them. or research how MS screwed up that , by researching any changes made to the os in that area.
@AbhishekBhatia Your question doesn't tell us anything about the wireless stuff which sounds like it is the actual problem
@Mokubhai Thanks for the reply. Please tell what information I should provide.
What it is you're actually using for one thing. Maybe a sketch showing how you have everything connected in both configurations so that we can get a better idea of what's going on. Perhaps use gliffy.com/uses/org-chart-software to make a chart...
actually, the other question has some of that information
@AbhishekBhatia What connection does the whiteboard itself actually have? A USB one? If so then why do you have a USB to serial converter? Did it come with the whiteboard or did you get it separately? Is it supposed to work? If so then who said it should?
@Mokubai Thanks for support! I have added more details. Please check now superuser.com/questions/1000819/read-data-from-com-port
@Psycogeek Do you think it should work on ubuntu VM?
Otherwise my main main is to work on ubuntu only.
@AbhishekBhatia So your problem is not with the whiteboard, but whatever is in that little box. Given the weird number of adaptors you have there I don't think it was designed to work that way...
How can I fix this?
As mentioned before, if we knew, we'd answer.
@AbhishekBhatia I'd ditch whatever contrivance that is and look for something like amazon.co.uk/Cablematic-Icron-WiRanger-USB-Wireless/dp/…
If wired USB "just works" that is.
@Mokubai its also worth mentioning the drivers only go up to XP
and I suggested trying XP on a VM and passing through the device that dosen't work.
That'd be a good thing to try. I'm more concerned by the sheer number of adapter cables, they look wrong to me.
Anything that needs an A-A adaptor, then an A-B cable was not meant to work that way in my book.
back in parellel connecting the coolest diagnostic thing was a straight through adapter that only had Led Lights on the Data lines. That saved me 2 time, and now sits alone and forgotten in an adapters box. I luv it when the flash reader shows lights, the "switch" shows i-o and connect, the little light that lives by the nic.
What would we do without leds on the modem(s), showing the ISP has abandoned us :-) And now my Raid card has a Kitt-Car led sweep on it. Charge led on the phone shows just how charged.
Cool stuff comes with diagnostics built in like it should be.
hard disks used to have lights on each unit, then eventually one could add a light, now nothing :-( but it is SSDs that could really use them anyways, as silent as they are.
the standards should insist on at least 2 lights, 1 says it is plugged to power, the other shows any indication that there is I/O. because that is just the way it should be, and the people who dont agree get free roll of black stickers.
the OC motherboards added in leds in a row showing Ram, Sata and couple others, really great for diagosing, especially when the Code Leds only show like last items inited . I cant see mine , because the cables hide it :-P but its great .
Am I supposed to confirm this every time?
I don't remember this prompt from before.
@Boris_yo Click "Allow". You'll see.
Maybe this was implemented in new update.
(It'll pop up a window with "Allow and Remember for this site")
@Boris_yo What you're supposed to do is uninstall Adobe Flash and then curse every website that relies on it.
Maybe there's whitelist of trusted websites?
@Boris_yo You make the whitelist.
That's how you deal with it or you don't have it installed?
(especially anyone who tries to convince you that you should trust them, because trust is earned not begged for)
@Psycogeek Including yourself ;)
@Boris_yo I have not installed Flash. Hate it.
@bob This prompt also appears on subdomains. I guess I will allows on root domain and it will no longer ask me for each subdomain?
@Psycogeek Each subdomain is considered separately.
You could turn off ask-to-activate if you really wanted, but I don't recommend it.
@Mokubai One doubt that I have is that in addition to the driver working correctly. Should there also be written a separate pairing mechanism.
@JourneymanGeek ^
@AbhishekBhatia have you tried it in a VM and passing through the dongle to it?
yeah I tried to run on Ubuntu VM , didn't work
an XP VM
and you could grab one off modern.ie to test
Sry, can't try now. I will do tom and update. The setup is in somewhere.
@JourneymanGeek What I did try was to use the one available online for ubuntu on VM. It installed perfectly but didn't work. :p
Another guy working with me tells that there should be also some code to pair the wireless thing in addition to just the driver installation.
heh, second system getting updated to the nov update
@Psycogeek Trust me, I'm a doctor.
@qasdfdsaq you do realise that piece of paper with "qasdfdsaq is a docter" dosen't make you one right?
@Psycogeek Standard allows you externally fit two lights. Or rather, there's a way of doing it.
I've got an Akasa hotswap dock that has a LED that lights up when a drive is drawing power, and another that blinks when there's data. Not sure how it's done, but it has funny power cable.
@JourneymanGeek Ah but can you prove it?
@qasdfdsaq and cutlery hurled by ladies of somewhat damp disposition does not make you a monarch either.
"Trust him he's a doctor... and a professor... and an engineer
Our guest columnist takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the German obsession with letters after your name "
@JourneymanGeek Dafuq?
"Some Professors have three degrees, meaning that are called Herr (or Frau) Dr. Dr. Dr. Professor. "
A: How can one differentiate between Dr. (PhD) and Dr. (MD)?

akidIn Germany, it is common to denote the subject area the doctor was obtained in, such as Dr. med. for medical doctors, Dr.-Ing. for engineers, or Dr.-rer-nat. (rerum naturalium) for sciences like chemistry.

@qasdfdsaq ok so you got drunk at college for 4-8 years , why would that cause me to trust? if you mean medical doctor, havent trusted one in 20+ years, and i have less malodies than they do. so that still worked.
@Psycogeek I don't drink.
@DavidPostill I do know someone with a lot of titles after their name, not so much before.
I went to a psychatrist once, found out what crasy really was, instant cure.
He signs his emails Mr Whats My Name MSc PhD CEng MBCS CITP

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