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@OliverSalzburg but if you have both it is like a little war going on for who gets your money and your computer, sort of a territorial war. who keeps selling them the ammunition.
so apparently the new samsungs 950 PRO is insanely fast
an M.2 form factor with 2,500MB/sec read and 1,500MB/sec write speeds
so I heard
You'd need a setup with m2 and NVMe support tho
it seems like SATA III isn't quite enough anymore
I wonder if there will be a SATA 4 or if it'll just jump to some other form
oh nevermind
it's called SATA 3.2
16 Gbit/s
got a HNK
but.. that's still not enough
@Leathe: in theory, SAS is faster
but not something you find on typical consumer devices
SAS 4, yes
22.5 Gbit/s
parellel sata 40 lines of serial communication in parelell , save those old pata cables :-)
also, @JourneymanGeek HNK?
hot network question
A: Unplugging USB hard drive can damage computer? Seriously?

Journeyman GeekI believe the technical term is "covering your rear". Its unlikely you will damage your pc, and somewhat unlikely you'll kill your hard drive (though sudden power stops are bad). However, you might cause data loss, if a transfer is in progress. That said, if the drive does die, this gives the...

makes sense.. while K = Q
(The selected answer is probably technically better but mine covers the hard truths ;p)
life is too short to remove USB safely
funny thing is I wasn't expecting that to be a HNK
I answered it cause It amuses me to say "The technical term is" then use a very non technical term to answer
@Psycogeek Actually, the only thing that changes if you remove anti-virus software from your computer is that overall performance increases
@OliverSalzburg there still might be consequences of having removed said software, not immediately, but perhaps a bit later on. :P
@Leathe You mean, like sustained performance increase?
In my lifetime: Virus infections: 2 Virus infections prevented by anti-virus software: 0 Annoyances caused by false-positives: over 9000
Just don't click on paypal-customer-service.asdqweppsy.ru and you'll be fine
@OliverSalzburg true. but the average user probably needs it more than you ;P
@JourneymanGeek Funny that nobody has mention WAN address. I think the OP asked the wrong question. It should have been "How doI get the WAN address of my internection connection from the commmand line". Then all the confusion about public/private address goes away.
I think wifi interference?
The ISP provides a WAN address. It can be either static/dynamic and public/private depending on how the ISP has configured his network to connect to the user and privide his internet service.
@Leathe The average user also apparently doesn't know what "delete" means, so, there.
@Leathe The average user will install anti-virus software and then still click on links in phishing emails because they think they're safe
I would never advise a client against installing AV, but I personally feel like it's a major rip-off with more drawbacks than benefits
I'm pretty clueless
@DavidPostill: "WAN" address has no real meaning to me
Its a simplification of "what's the other ip address of my gateway"
@OliverSalzburg: I just tend to go for free and 'good enough'
@JourneymanGeek Definition: "A WAN address is the IP address that your router uses to connect to the Internet."
@DavidPostill: What if you're behind CGN?
I gave those specific examples simply cause the concept is entirely meaningless.
When I had the same problem I ended up scraping the ip address from my router. Would have been useless if the router had been behind another nat.
Then your WAN ip address is whatever is provided by the CGN. The hard thing to define is where is the edge of your local LAN.
But that won't be his public ip address
That is defined by the ISP's network configuration.
And I've run double and triple nat (for reasons) before.
The real question should be "How do I connect reliably from outside my lan, to inside the lan, without relying on an external service to work out where the hell I am?"
@JourneymanGeek I don't like snake oil. Even if they are free, I'm not going to put magic crystals on my desk to prevent me from getting spam either
In that case he doesn't have a public IP address. He has a private one. It is then the resposibily of the ISP to route all traffic correctly to that address.
@DavidPostill yup
but buuut
your router dosen't know that
nor does your pc
hell, I don't think my PC (in the lan) will or needs to know my public ip address.
Exactly. That why his question is impossible to answer.
My router knows its ip
Without using an external resource.
Oh, I don't know
Does that mean my ISP doesn't know who I am?
@Clearquestionwithexamples His network knows how to get packets to your router.
I could probably confuse him though
the isp must have a secret name for me
Put her in the.. Recycle Bin
@RecycleBin: I'm going to clean those up. And well... please watch the language
people use the chatroom at work
oh sure lets all watch the language
I know parents can be frustrating and all
@RecycleBin: The alternative is some random person who has no idea what is happening seeing it (or someone who does) flagging it.
So. We're cool if you want to complain. Just say it out, properly. Instead of randomly breaking out into profanity, please.
well now I dont know what to say
how would you say it exactually
Maybe actually say what happened?
i dont want to its personal
uh huh
So, no one's going to have any idea what it was about anyway.
nobody will care
@JourneymanGeek You missed one ******* just before you said "sigh"
Sorry, I'm only canine human.
let that stay, otherwise my joke makes no sense :(
not that it does with it.. but
In which case, what exactly was the point of that?
I typically complain about stuff here since, well there's a sense of community.
but I'm usually pretty clear over what it is, and I don't randomly break out into swearwords.
well this isnt some stupid little issue
But it is without context to us, or anyone here.
it would be either way more like
> as of Noveber 2nd, it will be possible to install windows 10 by using a Windows 7, 8 or 8.1 key
@JourneymanGeek ^ maybe you should've waited
win 10 is free so why do we need a key
and it sucks
@Bob: >_>
I just upgraded a Vista machine to 10. Didn't see a free option
for the upgrades?
its obvious that win 10 is free
I have time at the moment, and its pretty painless.
"free upgrade" != "free".
oh upgrades, like patches on their half arsed OS
those sort of upgrades.
@Bob: starting a clean install from a windows 7+ system is pretty painless for me.
how exactually do you get the upgrades without a win7 or 8 key
@JourneymanGeek Just an extra install involved.
@Bob: comes back to I have time ;p
in the case of one system, I hadn't booted it up in a while. The other is essentially 'disposable' in terms of what's on it.
and windows installs are pretty quick off of USB keys, especially if you can't be arsed to update em.
@JourneymanGeek So you're saying I should upgrade my 8.1 lappy? :P
I should probably do it on the less-used tablets first to get a feel for it...
@Bob: I'm down to one unupgraded box
using the media creation tool is a good idea
and lol. I'm 2 points away from repcapping cause someone downvoted me today
@JourneymanGeek Hm? What was that? :P
@JourneymanGeek Happen to know how I can get both 32-bit and 64-bit installers?
@Bob: If you use the tool, you can make a universal USB key for both arches
@JourneymanGeek Ah. Link?
I'd prefer an ISO image I can chuck on my YUMI drive.
> There are two versions of the tool, one for a “32-bit operating system” and one for a “64-bit operating system.”
microsoft.com/en-us/software-download/windows10 download the version for your os, but it'll generate a liveusb for both
ISO image...
Nice. Thanks.
I think @Ramhound had an answer with ISOs
> If you create a USB and use it to install, make sure to remove the USB as soon as setup begins.
or at least before it reboots
So it reads the whole thing into memory?
Language defaults to "cestina"
MDC also converts to ISO I think
yeah, that's normal
@JourneymanGeek MDC?
I donno I just seem to have fatpawed a TLA
...dammit. I have to select an edition?
media creation tool thing...
Yeah? >_>
Tablets are on Win8.1 Core.
Desktop and laptop are on Win7 Pro/Win8.1 Pro.
...yea this isn't gonna work
Most of my boxen are pro
@JourneymanGeek Tablets came with Core and I didn't wantto pay for the upgrade.
They're fairly lightweight use anyway.
Oh, Theia's core windows 8 for bing
but that's the only non pro box I have
oh, and Ash (the Dell) was windows 7 starter
dammit apparently making an all-in-one installer won't allow upgrades
According to this anyway superuser.com/a/949247/117590
Are you making an all in one ISO tho?
@JourneymanGeek I want to.
Basically I need a single installer (because YUMI only supports one Win7/8/10 installer per drive) that's capable of 32-bit Home and 64-bit Pro.
I don't really care about any other combination but that already basically covers both 32-bit and 64-bit, and also Home and Pro.
So basically an all-in-one excluding Enterprise.
wait. If you're going to run it from the usb key live...
I wonder if you can just chuck the contents of the drives into folders
I have two tablets with 32-bit Home and two other devices with 64-bit Pro.
@JourneymanGeek I'm just grabbing "Both" "Pro" for now and hoping I can hack it into working.
@JourneymanGeek Apparently there's a DreamSpark download for "Windows 10 Multiple Editions 32/64-bit" -_-
I wonder if that would allow upgrades.
I think I still have access to DreamSpark.
Probably not worth the trouble.
I just did it per system
@JourneymanGeek You and your fast connection -_-
what's features on demand got?
> This download allows organizations to pre-configure Windows 10 installation software with these features prior to deployment. This download can also be used to install features from local media.
God I hate how they've renamed MSDN and MS AA and Technet stuff to Dreamspark while also having free Dreamspark that's nothing like it
why the fuck did you suspend my account for no reason for!!
@JohnB Please don't add fuel to the fire...
@RecycleBin: Were you warned? Yes.
and I didnt after that
what exactually do you want??
What kind of suspension is it?
are you saying swear or dont swear
@Clearquestionwithexamples: chat suspension.
for no reason
Oh so he must be unsuspended
@RecycleBin: I felt it was distruptive. You were given multiple polite warnings.
@Bob I would consider that to be far from fuel... it's a funny statement
and didnt I stop then
Well, not really.
@RecycleBin What do you need help with?
yeah I did until now
Well, its also the rather out of context, insulting remarks about your mom.
im sure ive seen all of yous swear just about too actually
In context, sometimes, maybe.
oh now youre just making up silly rules
shrug I felt it was valid. I made a judgement call. I believe other users here would agree as well.
I dont see it in the rules
To put it simply: "offensive" is generally poorly defined. Many people consider profanity itself offensive. Personally, I don't - but profanity itself is not the only cause of offensiveness. Specifically, IMO, remarks attacking other people are generally in poor taste at best. Calling someone a <insulting term> is not good. Doing it repeatedly, over multiple days, after a warning? I can see why the suspension happened.
well maybe you should take my place then oh wait you dont have the guts!
I didnt insult anybody who is in HERE
@RecycleBin How exactly do you know?
Nope. You just randomly burst in saying bad stuff about your mom.
yeah I know that
And when we offered to listen you said no one cares.
We're community. We talk about our issues. When I lost my job, this is the first place I complained about it.
even if so whats the point
Would it be acceptable to yell at random people on the street that your mother is a cow? No.
thats a bit different
I'd be very grateful if you remembered this is in a sense a shared space.
and youre not random people
Oh crap that's what I've been doing wrong all this time
Clearly if we don't care we are.
You really cannot have it both ways.
Wait does the "Do I have to be nice" apply to just chat or the main site?
@qasdfdsaq: its a bit of a universal rule.
er.. ahem.
Yeah, I'll get my coat
however I really do try to tell people when the cross the line
Note. ^ that's actually acceptable
its in context, and actually is part of the flow of the conversation.
People often complain about me being too blunt, to the point of being rude, but I usually just say "It's not my job to be nice."
@qasdfdsaq: niceness here is in terms of a certain degree of respect
But if being nice is actually a requirement of the rules, then it's actually me who's been doing it wrong all along
@qasdfdsaq: amusingly, it says that in a LOT of places.
you can be respectfully blunt
Most forums I've moderated on just require people to be not an arse, but not explicitly nice.
or sarcastic
oh such as whining on for me to get win7 and when I do saying stupid crap when it screws up
@RecycleBin: we do it to each other too.
yeah, everybody does it and im tired of it
even on the main site
in other websites
Oh can I do this @Jou
Nope. Bleh.
@qasdfdsaq: that works
there's no other people with the same letters.
How do I @ someone without having to type or click on their entire name?
Oh haha a clippy just popped up
Start typing then hit tab
@qasdfdsaq: @ + enough letters to be unique, then tab.
Once I get to @Jou yours is the only name left in the list
sorry ;p
It used to be the journeyman geek...
Well the one above the chat box anyway, dunno if it counts inactivem embers too
for about... 5 minutes? ;p
Nope, just doesn't work at all for me :(
You can't @ yourself
hm. Maybe I have a addon?
I give up.
if I type @J I can keep hitting tab to cycle through all the J names
the fact is I just cant help it but complain
Oh duh, you have to tab through them.
Did that work?
but only when its about certain things
@RecycleBin: complain productively
@qasdfdsaq: yes
@JourneymanGeek: Awesome!
I have the PONG sound turned off tho
TIL, how to @ people
power move there
but I dont know how to word it meaningfully enough
Ended up hiding under the bed a few times XD
that pong sound is annoying
and even talking about it annoys me more
Facebook's pong sound has changed recently and now sounds similar
@Bob: maybe ;p
That lets you keyboard-reply to direct messages (including your own).
By @OliverSalzburg :P
I have that
then forget ;p
See I was brought up in a previous generation, before all this @'ing and #hashtagging business existed. I was brought up in the generation of /me actions
Mine does that
Well that's not good.
@qasdfdsaq pshhh, name tabbing worked in most IRC clients as well. excuse: rejected ;P
I never name-tabbed in IRC
I used to use IRC but it sucks
you haven't lived
@JohnB Click the little speaker icon at the top right (left of "all rooms") ;)
@qasdfdsaq: se chat modifications stackapps.com/questions/2105/…
@JohnB That I can agree with
I have an IRC window on the left of this ;p
@DavidPostill ah yeah I always forget about that
IRC ops are a-holes
and most users too
Speaking of IRC, I'm getting real tired of HexChat popping up every few seconds :S
@RecycleBin: I used to run a IRC server
Might do it again actually
well Ive kicked that habit now
@Bob: o0
why would it do that?
@JourneymanGeek A while back there was pretty heavy spam over on #firefox. More recently? Not a clue.
people try to get into your account, people spam you, people are very rude
Seems to be my laptop constantly reconnecting and making ZNC ping me.
Oh, I've not had that happen
ZNC seems to be a TINY bit less reliable than when I ran it at home
but I don't need to worry about a reboot taking it down.
ive seen some oddballs in IRC
this explains it perfectly encyclopediadramatica.se/Freenode
@RecycleBin: The glory and horror of IRC is its almost truely anonymous
No logs UNLESS you want it
flags are piling up for the earlier messages
ED is foul.
people do /msg nickserv yourusername abc and it keeps pinging the user 'yourusername' , abc is not the right password of course
@JourneymanGeek About as anonymous as your cloak.
aaand he's suspended again :\
@Bob: naturally
could anyone help me with group policies?
That's an odd thing to star
@user3201911: we don't typically do live support.
And well, if its a specific question, wouldn't it make sense to ask on SF?
okat :/ haha
A: Is it there any way to force "Passwd" command to ask existing password everytime?

Journeyman GeekThe moment someone has physical access, breaking into a system is trivial - they could hit you with something as simple as getting into single user mode or something fun like konboot. I could walk up to your system, reboot it, and get in fairly trivially. However, I'm not the threat here. You a...

I had too much fun with this...
@user3201911 You can ask and we can try, but no guarantees.
okay i will ask ^^
Especially with anything enterprisey.
My clients are not showing up in the group policy, but there are showing up in my Active Directory, what did I miss or do wrong? ^^
Ok, not a clue. Sorry.
no problem :)

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