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@RecycleBin Probably one of those PEBKAC errors.
I got my R61 to upgrade
ha ha no
if I click arrange by type I dont expect it so then say 'the folder is empty'
i thought it deleted stuff!!!!
Yea, it's pretty odd that it did that. Did you try and refresh the window (F5)?
Id put XP back on but the BCD is messed up so cant dual boot
I dont know if my NIC is supported, ive only found one driver claiming to work on XP but it could be lying
XP is no longer supported.
well at least it doesnt claim to delete my stuff
and at least it isnt a nightmare
nobody cared for security updates before so why would they now
R61 upgraded.
@RecycleBin: "Nobody" ?
they just add more bloat
Ok, Artemis runs windows 10 now :)
Down to one PC on 7 and one with XP
how can I increase the time it takes to turn caps lock on in a VM
I hit caps lock but have to wait for a second for it to work
else its still lower case
Ahh there. I'm down to one XP box.
@Bob: just for the record, I was able to upgrade to windows 10 over a clean install
What a pain.
Good luck deploying Windows 10.
Got it working now ;)
after... 3 days?
as a bonus, the fresh install feels faster.
that means the message that nx wasn't supported was bogus.
rofl. I saw this and thought @allquixotic would be interested hardwarerecs.stackexchange.com/questions/684/… Then I saw he posted it ;p
He's already replaced the RAID card with an Adaptec Series 8Q. newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16816103258
I'm aware of that.
@Bob: Pulled out another old laptop to get running. not windows this time, but its got a 32 bit pentium M and 512 mb of ram ;p
@JourneymanGeek I may end up answering my own question
@allquixotic: ahh
since it was asked 2 days ago and upvoted 6 times with no answers, it probably meets the criteria for writing my own answer
That site might be a rep goldmine for me ;p
and me
@JourneymanGeek That's not gonna run Win10.
Nor Win8.
Win7 might run.
Lightweight Linux might run.
KDE would kill it. Unity probably too.
not going to run windows on it
(also, would be boring)
Either cloudready/chromium or haiku
@Bob: That it runs at all is a suprise
Not exactly fast, but better than DSL by a long shot.
hey journeyman did I tell you that I got my server back in biznaz again
and I have an external 2tb drive
You did ;p
now I am deciding how I should backup my server
I think I will use clonezilla to bring everything to the external drive
hmmmm but then how am I going to upload it to amazon glacier
Hello everyone
@oldmud0 the fact that its win2003 makes it tricky
chromium livedisk boot just went dark
Oh well ;p
Its blank
@oldmud0 Given a choice, I'd pick some way to backup where 1) I can do repeated backups incrementally 2) can restore from bare metal
or design things in such a way I can shrug, throw on a fresh install, move over data, and be on my way.
I think that page shouldn't be blank though
It simply means no one's done a community FAQ for backups
I've compiled a huge list of backup posts
I'd like to put them together and make an FAQ
I'd start by posting something on meta about it
A: Are hardware (port, cable, etc.) visual identification questions allowed or not?

Journeyman GeekI think, while some of the concerns are valid, that port identification questions are fundamentally different from the other sort of guessing game questions. Firstly, it's a practical, answerable problem in many cases, especially when it's an exotic port. I've gotten baffled by things such as a ...

(yeah, I unilaterally created a HW identification post there. WHAT WAS I THINKING?)
I wonder if you could google image search a photo of the port and find it
Worth a try
I typically look up the poster here sonic840.deviantart.com/art/…
but its not updated in a bit :(
hello   wget-mirrors.uceprotect.net
farhan@netflow:~/silkydata$ perl -ne 's/Intel::[a-zA-Z]+.*from http:\/\/(.+?)\/..*/\1/; m/^(\d{1,3}\.){3}\d{1,3}\s+/\/32
I want to change Ip address by adding prefix /32
We're in the midst of another spam flood.
We are?
Looks like it's dissipated.
A: Allow only white-listed sites on Windows 10

AwesomeSauceIf it's OK to block access for everyone who uses that computer, you can edit the HOSTS file to null-route non-approved websites, redirecting them to an IP address that doesn't exist (or, if you want to be annoying, redirect them all to something like nyan.cat). As an admin, press Win+R and type ...

Null-routing all but white-listed websites in the hosts file. Interesting...
seems a bit tin-foil-hat-ish
Original text:
> if you want to be annoying, redirect them all to nyan.cat or something
This one really made me laugh.
I wonder if you could accomplish the same thing with windows firewall
with advanced security
@Leathe: Oh would be great if you wanted to build a kiosk PC of some sort
I have nyan.cat in a pinned tab right now.
My list only has 22 items. The meta post will ask if you want backup to join to community faq. Then if yes, the meta post can be built up
I HAVE NYANED FOR 1205.2 SECONDS! http://nyan.cat via @nyannyancat
Q: How is a VPN different from manually downloading and uploading data through the server?

Anukul SangwanToday I needed to download some files through a website which was blocked by my ISP. So, I spun up a VPS and decided to download it there and upload it to Dropbox, which was accessible through my internet connection. I was wondering if I would get the same download speed on my local machine if I ...

This has me a bit confused
but I guess I understood what he meant :P
Q: Guys i need help translation for this

jaeDKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=gmail.com; s=20120113; h=mime-version:date:message-id:subject:from:to:content-type; bh=x2TTHcjjLzeF+AHlHu+vXBtzbOJW7lgQ+LFTDv4kFc4=; b=nWYQvK4izPgkQKkTx/UrJwbLbeTHuZUIcu4+Jbdg3fUtH2meZW/M0gQ+p3q1+ZSMB3 ...

is he asking us to bruteforce a RSA-SHA1 encryption? o.O
They aren't rare; I'm just at Exercise 9 from How to Learn C the Hard Way and already encountered one... — 11684 Mar 26 '13 at 20:12
I just nuked that question
Well, we could ask China to lend us Tianhe-2 and send him an e-mail with the answer in 5.4183479*10^52 years
is that encrypted tho? It might just be the message body base 64 encided
At night, pings seem to improve significantly.
hm. Never mind that
Speeds are consistent throughout.
> Subject: SEX
That... is a really weird message to want decrypted.
well, the post is deleted now :(
Sorry ;p
There was an email address there, and it was the simplest way to redact it.
I actually still have it open in a tab
@DavidPostill That's what I actually want to know too. Is it DIY photo albums or documenting your life in photo album you bought?
@Boris_yo I've no idea, that's why I asked you.
@JourneymanGeek "The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character, more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding characters." from Base 64 Decoder
oh well
@DavidPostill Depends what you pasted.
There is a valid base64 encoded block in there but decodes to nonsense.
@Leathe "RSA-SHA1" there is a signature. Not encryption.
In fact, that'sa DKIM signature. Used to verify that the sender really controls that domain.
However, it looks like there's no message contents there.
He just pasted the header.
The base64'd block was probably a signature.
Or, rather, there was some content: "GGG1298"
Yep, the base64'd block is part of the DKIM signature:
    The signature data (base64; REQUIRED). Whitespace is ignored in this value and MUST be ignored when reassembling the original signature. In particular, the signing process can safely insert FWS in this value in arbitrary places to conform to line-length limits. See Signer Actions (Section 5) for how the signature is computed.

            sig-b-tag       = %x62 [FWS] "=" [FWS] sig-b-tag-data
            sig-b-tag-data  = base64string

    The hash of the canonicalized body part of the message as limited by the "l=" tag (base64; REQUIRED). Whitespace is ignored in this v
@Bob I pasted this bit
bh=x2TTHcjjLzeF+AHlHu+vXBtzbOJW7lgQ+LFTDv4kFc4=; b=nWYQvK4izPgkQKkTx/UrJwbLbeTHuZUIcu4+Jbdg3fUtH2meZW/M0gQ+p3q1+ZSMB3 1hqFXbbGxof73+ZYR2dxCszh9ALccXft8sY+kTSa/x+FmCbjgbKuni01K5FuRWex2YTD j3hf4Z1VxU8FeKGJ9HmKzE8u7pHaP5UWKTnd+I9IFMbfjwhoJQNmm1W8M3MITgpNplWk 09zMiQA5mU2umT6tkJw/KphIpGcZvc+D6HISv1dVhskV4jfFgMOapoh3/yJ9b/J7Y0mM 35Hpqj8R+ORyV2EgxKsqjTJ6VLa1z2GxymfHPEzW0ho8kGoxweFreqwZPA8+xBYpY+Ft JB7Q==
what should I have pasted?
@DavidPostill That bh= is part of the DKIM structure.
x2TTHcjjLzeF+AHlHu+vXBtzbOJW7lgQ+LFTDv4kFc4= is a base64-encoded hash.
That b= (and the semicolons) are also part of the DKIM structure.
ah. thanks for the lesson ;)
nWYQvK4izPgkQKkTx/UrJwbLbeTHuZUIcu4+Jbdg3fUtH2meZW/M0gQ+p3q1+ZSMB3 1hqFXbbGxof73+ZYR2dxCszh9ALccXft8sY+kTSa/x+FmCbjgbKuni01K5FuRWex2YTD j3hf4Z1VxU8FeKGJ9HmKzE8u7pHaP5UWKTnd+I9IFMbfjwhoJQNmm1W8M3MITgpNplWk 09zMiQA5mU2umT6tkJw/KphIpGcZvc+D6HISv1dVhskV4jfFgMOapoh3/yJ9b/J7Y0mM 35Hpqj8R+ORyV2EgxKsqjTJ6VLa1z2GxymfHPEzW0ho8kGoxweFreqwZPA8+xBYpY+Ft JB7Q== is a base64-encoded signature.
See above quote as per DKIM specs.
@DavidPostill Anything ending in = or == has a good chance of being base64. If you work backwards from there, ignoring spaces, you can see that it ends at the = (only valid as padding at the end, not the beginning).
It's also clearer if you view the post source (edit) with proper line breaks. Though I admittedly didn't think of that until trying to figure out where the message content went.
Got it ;)
Ahhh Amazon. Order some flash drives. "Recommended for you: MORE FLASH DRIVES!" :P
I'm wierdly obsessed with finding out what a little piece of wire on my electric screwdriver is for i.imgur.com/9cbgME5.png
@JourneymanGeek Belt clip?
Wall hook?
Sux2BU question of the week superuser.com/questions/988618/… Not able to decrypt bitlocker encrypted drive Probably lucky it was just his porn :-)
@JourneymanGeek Does it stop the black piece turning relative to the grey piece?
Some kind of removable locking mechanism?
@Bob: It just sips out
@JourneymanGeek What is the make/model of your device ;)
chuck pin ? does the head come off when it is out?
@DavidPostill: it keeps it from popping odd
@Psycogeek That's what I was tryng to ask with my turning question ;)
What do you mean by popping?
Its a retaining pin
Got there in the end ;)
Yeah, now I need to reassemble it
Done I think
@JourneymanGeek you did not happen to aquire a pic of it apart? seeing the innards/gearing of a good one would be interesting
Standard planetary gear with a ton of grease.
@JourneymanGeek I'm more curious about the bandages o.O
and scissor keyboard
traitor! :P
@Bob: Its plugged into the brix since I have trouble getting synergy to work, and I need it to login before I can use nomachine.
Bandages are 'in case'
How good is the screwdriver to use? I tend to use a (cordless) drill. Don't have a dedicated screwdriver.
@JourneymanGeek O_O
Pretty darned good
I've used electric screwdrivers for years
this is my third ;p
1 hour later…
Can't use Process Hacker with VAC
can you use Process Hacker to get or inject something you shouldn't (according to Valve)?
or have they blocked it "because POTENTIALLY MAYBE HMMMM..."?
> without running any other third party software
That sounds pretty limiting
I've used Process Hacker for quite some time and never had any VAC issues though
I run it as Admin
There's no problem with it's running as a limited user
@Leathe Right click process, Miscellaneous, Inject DLL
@OliverSalzburg How dare you run this on an OS?!
You can only run steam on SteamOS
and any games on steam
true story.
if you don't, you're breaking the GULA
@Leathe But SteamOS is full of third-party components!
And most games on Steam are third-party!
but they're approved
Actually... if you play a non-Valve game with VAC... does that count?
if you do, Valve now owns that game
not the entire IP, just your copy
Oh, so you're copying games now, are you?
no, Valve is.
I'm on Steam, so Valve owns me
didn't you read the GULA?
that ownership isn't hereditary, tho
2 hours later…
Who are you writing to? http://t.co/YtUAtP7WKO
@JourneymanGeek hehe :)
@allquixotic 👋
all these icons are working in Chrome now...
doot doot
man, the difference in shipping speed between Amazon and Newegg is striking
Newegg: placed order Friday afternoon, and it's just now in the "Packaging" state (it's being boxed up) and won't be here until Friday at the earliest
Amazon: placed order Sunday, and it'll be here Tuesday, it's already on the truck
in visual basic what are the data type symbols?
it does not recognise % as an intager
@RecycleBin Let me google that for you. ==> first hit ==> MSDN
> %
Dim L%
I didnt type dim
you can do that in QB64
Um. What?
you can just create a new var by typing var1% = 100
What environment are you actually using to write "Visual Basic"? Is it: Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications in Office? Is it a VBScript .vbs file? Is it Visual Basic 6 IDE?
No, I'm asking what runtime you're using to actually execute the code.
You have code in Notepad. Great. Now with what do you run it?
I will get a proper IDE shortly
windows script host
@RecycleBin OK. "Windows Script Host" is actually a VBScript interpreter. VBScript and Visual Basic are two different programming languages.
VBScript has no concept of static types. Everything in VBScript is a Variant. There are only runtime types.
ok I guess I mean vbscript then
because its already supported by windows as default
Well, if you had an idea of what programming language you were actually writing, you would know to look up the correct information. Sigh.
There are no type characters in VBScript because you can't declare variables "As" anything.
There's just an imaginary "As Variant" after every variable declaration.
thats why I couldnt find anything then
I see
1 hour later…
SU to the rescue again!
Q: Keep 'Has Stopped Working' windows from popping up

kelton52I'm running a server and sometimes one of my apps will crash which shows this dialog This is annoying because it holds the process open until someone physically jumps on the box and presses 'Close the program'. What I'm wondering is how I can disable this damn dirty dialog box on my server?

Someone commented on an answer of mine from Nov. '12. IT IS AWFUL +_+
Happy World Standards Day! ... Except for the US, which celebrates it on the 23rd. Yes, really. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_Standards_Day
!!xkcd standards
Even America can't standardise on a date for a celebration...
@ThatBrazilianGuy linky?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Was it @Ramhound? He did it to me too. And, what's worse, he was absolutely right! 100% link only answer. I was mortified :)
Gah, I guess I should really go through all my old answers at some point but, ugh...
I'm ashamed to admit you're spot on.
@ThatBrazilianGuy You only have 2 answers from Nov '12. Neither has any comments ;)
I might have anonymized the date ;)
(Actually, I wrote the wrong date)
> anonymized the date
> Super User
(a public website)
I'd meme okay that, if the link to the image weren't broken
That's why I said that jokingly and ended with an emoticon.
"Emoticon". Damn, my age is showing.
People don't even say "smiley" anymore
Wow. Some of my old answers were really bad. I guess that means we're improving.
@terdon I got bored one day and looked at my old answers. Some of them I tidied up. I got some more upvotes ;)
Yay :)
I really have to do that. Soon. Someday. Eventually.
I'd downvote Past Me, he's awful.
this 100 mb file is taking ages to copy
@DragonLord That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
why dont the american traffic lights just have a picture of a dude walking or stopping instad of having 'WALK' and 'DONT WALK'
is it really that hard
the rest of the world uses the dude
@RecycleBin We have already decided that Americans can't standardise. See the posts from an hour ago ;)
ok so I booted from an ESXi USB drive and it said it couldnt find the network adapter or any drivers for it
what am I supposed to look for here
'network drivers for esxi' ?
Quick Microsoft Licensing question. If I install Office 2010 on a RDS server, and the devices connecting already have Office 2010 installed and appropriate CAL, do I need another office CAL on the RDS for that device? Or is the 1 Office CAL per client enough? I have enough RDS CAL's, Server CAL's, and Office CAL's (that are on the clients, not the RDS)
Essentially, do I have to double down on office CAL's if the client connecting to RDS already has office?
I believe that you need to add the licenses to the RDS server, and actually uninstall from the clients
The reason for this is that RDS will just keep count of how many are being used at a time
Brutal, that's $500 per CAL even though they already have a $500 CAL on their client
So $1000 per user to use Office both on their workstation and on a RDS
@RecycleBin Did you download an ESXi image that's customized/tailored for your server hardware?
I got it, its for the host
it has to either be as a driver zip, VIB or OEM.tgz file
ill use zip
I did not because I doubt there is one
its a laptop
Ah, yeah there probably isn't one :P
its suitable enough to use a a server though
@qroberts What do they need to do on the RDS that they can't do on their local client? And vice versa?
@CanadianLuke It's mostly convenience. We have multiple offices and all the servers are at a central office. Example: Accounting staff access RDS to get on Accpac but they would also like to access their e-mail while inside of remote desktop, and there's other applications that utilize Outlook/Excel that are on the remote desktop. They can connect via VPN and run it all locally but it is very slow.
great its saying the zip folder is corrupt when it isnt
I might ectually get this working in
let me think.... 2040
ill be in my 80's
why is it even saying its called metadata.zip when before, it was called something else
esxi customizer
@qroberts ask management how much they're willing to pay for convenience. Don't allow them to make you violate licensing either
ohh metadata.zip is inside of the main zip...
idk if thats such a good idea
yey working brb
I'm on campus but decided to leave my laptop home today. The upgraded Internet means that I can actually use RDP from campus to access my laptop.
1.2 Mbps isn't exactly great, but it's fast enough that RDP is reasonably smooth for simpler tasks.
I'm on my Nexus 9 using the Microsoft Remote Desktop client for Android.
1 hour later…
so I put the drivers on the ISO using a specical ESXi tool and boot the ISO but it still complains that it cannot find the drivers/network card! damn linux
esxi is linux right
why cant it just say 'insert a usb stick containing the drivers now' instead of having to edit the ISO with some stupid VIB file that nobodyeven knows anything about
@RecycleBin Are you fighting with ESXi and non-HCL hardware?
yes I am
You poor thing...
Sorry, I just dealt with it in an experimental phase... Went with Proxmox instead
oh right, is it type 1 or type 2
It's kinda both
You choose which hypervisor you want to use, per VM
It's big feature is also the interface, it's all web-based
woo I just made an AND gate
ah I cant use web based it has to be on a boot USB, and locally, not remotley
I have just been restarted! This happens daily automatically, or when my owner restarts me. Ready for commands.

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