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Hi all, I wonder if there is an easy (like ZenMate for Chrome) proxy, or any other way to get me on 4chan, with allowing me to post? I need a proxy -or what not- because my country (Turkey) is blocking almost all adult-content-containing websites. I can accomplish this by changing the DNS, but it's too much work :) Any alternatives? Or a way to quickly change (and reset) my DNS? Thanks !
@halilpazarlama There are thousands of proxies and VPNs out there you can use to get around blocks, as long as the national filter isn't blocking the proxy. It's a constant game of them detecting and blocking proxies, then new proxies cropping up. You can even set up your own proxy on one of thousands of possible dedicated or virtual hosting providers. The options are literally too many to list. If you're looking for something free, well, I have no suggestions.
@allquixotic Thanks. And yes, I forgot to mention that I'm looking for a free solution.
@halilpazarlama If you can change DNS to work around this, why do you need to change it back?
This seems like a horrible waste...
Hmm... could get the Asus GTX 970 card for ~310 USD (ebay 20% off sale)
that costs more than a decent phone o.O
but the phone doesnt shoot flames out the back.
My dog got all depresssed after seeing this, how was i to know national dog day was to include cakes and presents.
What is more embarassing than your wife discovering that your e-mail and name were releaced by hackers from the Ashley Madison databases? gizmodo.com/… That 90-95% of the women on the site were actually men faking it.
Hacker gets Droned reuters.com/article/2015/08/26/… Artical that speculates (most rumor like) that a british hacker known for having once broke into a goverment twitter account (lol) was hanging around syria was blowed to pieces by a robot .
almost 200,000 people Paid Money to have thier Ashley Madison account deleted, and they were also still in the database.
@Paul I'm not sure, sometimes I feel like it slows down my connection, so I would prefer to revert back to the default settings for un-blocked sites.
@halilpazarlama Do you have a device internally that you could install a DNS server on? That way you could forward specific domains to different providers
@Bob: do you need/want a half size card?
Happy #NationalDogDay! http://t.co/vV8OhHejZW
How can I bond back torn silicone?
Have not found yet bonding solution for this...
Superglue will not... Epoxy? Nah
What silicone?
@Boris_yo ask on the RealDoll forum, it is the only place I know where they repair it. otherwise to somehow use more silicon, but it does not stick to itself, like nothing sticks to a good silicon calk.
rofl. I was assuming cookware ._.
also watch this movie imdb.com/title/tt0104070/?ref_=fn_tt_tt_1 as they have creative ways of piecing thier selves together , after taking an imortality drug and failing to realise that repairs were not part of the the plan
2 hours later…
@Psycogeek Is this rubber ^?
This viewfinder's hanging edge is about to come off.
ahh, that may not be silicone. I'd be VERY careful whatever I use, that close to the viewfinder
@Boris_yo look up in an online manual, but for most camera's I've had, film or no, those were replaceable. These days probably $3 on eBay
Mr J would be right to worry. Most glues for soft materials, rubber or silicone will fume out a lot, never know what that does to pmma lenses and/or LCDs
superglue would be the WORST choice there.
Polyacrylate glue would be worse. 100/100 chance of dead pixels :-D
@Asmyldof I am not putting glue on screen...
How about glue gun?
@Boris_yo It's the fumes that kill the pixels
@Boris_yo won't really stick
glue guns are mainly for sticking something chunky removably
@Asmyldof Fumes? Didn't think something like this can kill them...
If this wasn't right next to a bit of transparent plastic, I'd suggest brush on superglue
@Boris_yo If you have enough of them polyacrylate fumes will just as happily kill you
That nice power gel henkel ("pattex") stuff, dunno if they have that wherever the camera is, is awesome, though possibly still not perfect/usable depending on the type of material it actually ends up being.
Seriously though, does it not just lift off for the purpose of replacement?
A lot of mid/low end gear assumes non repairability :(
@Boris_yo it is some kind of rubber nitrol kind of "alloy" you can probably buy replacement cheap enough. 2 times now i have put a headphones foam around an eye piece. While it was not a perfect fit and all, it was way better (IMO) than the rubber junk
it would be really interesting if they would supply a proper (black) foam for some eyeviewers, as it crushes up against the face better, blocks the light just as well, is more comfortable. it just would not last time. but replacement would be cheap.
@JourneymanGeek This looks liftable, though
if its removed then I'd try a spot of CVA glue. preferably brush on
@Boris_yo so this is your new used camera? hows the rest of it? like if that is the only thing flawed with it?
if you had a little cut like that (assuming it still stays on) and it was your used camera, you probably wouldnt give a leap, that it was there, and just take pictures instead. You just buy it and . . . give it up :-) buy a cheap knock off replacement and Get Over It.
1 hour later…
My boss is randomly breaking into maniacal laughter
that can be good , , , or bad.
If he is holding a gun and breaking out in laughter, it is always bad.
Naw. just coding.
oh well that is good, going insane while coding is perfectally normal, might even be getting somewhere with it.
@JourneymanGeek nup
pcworld.com/article/2976599/… interesting way to roll up a keyboard.
take the usual rubbery keyboard a rollup is, put at least chicklet keycaps on top, then roll it up in chunks.
@Dave Hi
@Psycogeek Small stuff to worry about? ebay.com/sch/Viewfinders-Eyecups-/167930/…
@Boris_yo I would not pay $25 for it, just yet. i would hold off, use the camera, visit the forums that people using that camera visit. see how important it is , while using it, and ask in the forums (or search because there are a few already)
Someone suggested one of these but chat rep asked me for viewfinder diameter. I said "wat?" ...
it is not like a sun eye scoop (eyecup) where it really covers your eye, looks more like a bumper :-) and you may find that a full eyecup style , or someting completely different like eyecup over the lcd.
@Psycogeek I will be looking for bag because I have no place to keep it in. I don't want to put it in a drawer and take back when needed to avoid scratches etc.
@Psycogeek Eyescoop? This is what you meant? edmundoptics.co.uk/microscopy/eyepieces/rubber-eyeguards/2064
well that is a good idea,
@Boris_yo those are some nice styles . I concider something like this ebay.com/itm/… to be a full sun eye cup.
I always get Bags from the department store, or sporting goods. i cannot afford perfectally fitting ones made custom for the device, plus you have to analise anything else that you would want to keep in the same bag, like an additional downstream flash unit (even if used rarely) , or any add on filters (which i often stored with camera but rearely used)
G5 has built-in retractable flash...
Those flashes any of them, at least the popup xenon are usable but they dont make it past ~10 feet. and a seperate flash , that automagically flashes at the same time your camera flash does, can be used on the camera or away from the camera, as "key lighting"
just one of those full power flash units , can make one psudo professional.
if your going to do video, then you still have a lot of research for what you would need for all situations. any minor light is going to be ok for the small stuff, but if you have to do anything wide or long or difficult any of the cheap lights for video are for making cheap pictures :-)
@Psycogeek: depends on the camera/device and padding
I carry my (really cheap and cheerful) netbook in a discount store padded case. You want some padding and a fairly snug (but not too snug) fit on a camera
and Audio for the video can be even more important. a SLR or compact camera is a cheap way of doing video, but if you are asked TO video something, the ammount of stuff you have to add to even a Great SLR to make great video, is a messy pile of Look what i can do with less.
The people purposfully chosing SLR cameras to do normal and simple and thier own video is one thing. choosing them to do video even semi professionally WHEN your thrust into unknown circumstances , the SLR vrses pro video is a joke. making YousaTube junk.
The SLR owners go through a long process of adding stuff and stuff until they basically have a video camera with proper audio gear, yet it is a jumbled up mess of stuff that is hard to operate well, and does not have the features of pro video.
So IMO a SLR is not a video camera, even though people will use it even semi professionally for one.
eh. The difference between them is smaller
A good chunk of the bulk of a 'proper' video camera is the storage
With a good, full sized sensor (or better!), its about the same, just a different form factor
@Psycogeek I was told that amount of RF radiation produced by wireless mouse is serious because it actively transmits with your HAND ON IT. Worse than carpal tunnel.
The guy switched to corded ever since.
@Boris_yo: Wrap your hand in tin foil.
@Boris_yo there is no comparison between any RF that barely makes it 30 feet on a good day (bt and mouse key wireless), to Cell phone tower communication making it like 5+ miles away.
@Psycogeek But here your hand rests on it.
The cell phone is stuck to your Head :-)
Or you can put it down there in your pocket by your gonads :-)
Many people reduced the RF by volumes by using BT for thier phone, and keeping the phone holstered instead.
@Psycogeek How many times do you call per day? Me 0-1... Answer 2-3 max... Keep it on my table mostly.
i use wired mouse (for desktop) only becasue it is a bit faster and a tiny bit less lag. I actually couldnt stand my first few experiences with wireless at all, but i still use it for the phat phone and it works good.
@Boris_yo some people hours, me about 1 hr a week max.
If i was 1 street over, from my present location, the cell tower / +wifi tower now, would be more RF stuff headed through than mounting a wireless mouse to my hand.
@Psycogeek Well I would acquaint you with foil guy but you don't speak Hebrew... He speaks English though I am sure.
If i lived in one city i know about , the FM/AM towers would be more RF than that. and there are like 15 farm type houses that live that close to it. where a Bad tooth filling can bring in a radio station.
back when EMF was a big deal, I used a coil and a voltmeter, and wandered around trying to discover reality. because behind that house at that time there were 10,000 volt power wires routing through the back yard (out another 100F from the ouse) , and people were fretting over power lines.
At that time the big 25" CRT televisions pumped out more readable stuff (with that one method) from 3 feet away, than the power lines did standing under them.
So basically every 80 year old baby boomer person lived under various forms of the tin foil stuff for 30 years.
And yet most of them died and were tortured (not dead but broken) from cars , drugs, alcohol, hospitals, and the flu.
@Paul Not really. I'm frequently changing my location so I cannot use a fixed router. So I would prefer a solution on my PC.
@Boris_yo I've said this many times before: if you can't feel the heating, and it's non-ionising, it's absolutely negligible.
You'd get more radiation from 10 mins in the sun than a whole day with any of this.
Knowing that any simple amplifier for sounds , can pick up a cell tower connection, via the "waves" that interferance into it. It would be cool to test your basic RF noises strength stuff doing the same thing. Stretch out an ungrounded wire (antenna) from a sound amp device mic input (like a phone) and wander around your house and outside. wherever your RF geiger counter roars with interferance, there is where you most ammount of that type of energy exists.
Heck, sunlight includes a significant ionising portion (low-wavelength UV)
They only feel the heating when standing in front of these cell towers and radar dishes. , although wouldnt it be a bit different from the sun, since when did the sun heat your insides so much? it heats the outer layers. the massive RF tend to heat more through the whole body.
X-rays for example were a big fun toy when they first came out, people played with it a lot, and it too went straight through you. They decided to cool out on that a bit , right before they also figured out how to use x-rays for something useful. To slaughter millions of people :-)
RF makes for a cool weapon too en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Active_Denial_System all non-lethal. at specific frequencies they can use these directable microwave ovens to get people to shut-up and go home.
the shortwave frequency, cooks them on the outside more first.
@Psycogeek Overall, still very very minor. In the order of tiny fractions of the energy from sunlight.
> If the extraterrestrial solar radiation is 1367 watts per square meter (the value when the Earth–Sun distance is 1 astronomical unit), then the direct sunlight at Earth's surface when the Sun is at the zenith is about 1050 W/m2, but the total amount (direct and indirect from the atmosphere) hitting the ground is around 1120 W/m2.
Say your body is a quarter that, that's still 250W.
Not sure about the actual absorption rates, though.
note that there isn't even a standard unit afacit for non-ionising radiation (sievert for ionising)
For comparison, you're probably dealing with <1W from a wireless mouse
mobile phones are a bit higher, but not excessively high
longer-range (TV/radio, not the short-range phone cells) radio towers are quire a bit higher, to the point where being very close could actually be dangerous (but are sufficiently fenced off anyway)
i think these wireless mices are more like .125 watts. hand held walki talkies doing more like 1 watt, larger walkie talkie CB radios 3 watts .
crappy video youtube.com/watch?v=2aohLBnvi4k mythbusters concentrating enough sun at one time to cook a human in short time.
wireless stuff... ick
@Bob that is probably a good average for california sun , no clouds, the ammount that on average is hitting a human out there in it 250watts max.
@Psycogeek We have a serious problem with melanoma here.
Especially some areas have a thinner ozone layer.
More UV gets through.
I can't be arsed thinking about non-ionising rad from wireless electronics when there is a very real, very serious, threat of skin cancer just from the sun.
Sydney's not too bad, but I spent half a week down in Melbourne and got a serious tan, near-burn...
bluetooth class 2 is supposedly what would be used for mices, and Bt is similar in frequency and power output of non-bt wireless device max permitted power 2.5 miliwatts . cell phone 500miliwatts to 1 watt max.
and cell phones are only pumping out that kind of juice when it is needed to get to the tower , plus when actually transmitting. which included the short beacon signal and when 2 way communication is occuring.
so if it worked like that (which it doesnt) a BT device instead of stcking the phone to your head, would be ~1/100th the juice going to you. and that is why many long term users switched to doing that.
Then Drop-Off for all this stuff is huge. you get just a few inches away from any of this stuff and there is not only way less power hitting you, but it has also disperced into the 3d spaces.
OOps this en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bluetooth link was for BT
someone to know how to install ghostscript-9.16-linux-x86_64.tgz on centos 7 ?
Fm radio stations, and tv broadcasts pump out of thier antennas up to 100,000watts a microwave oven which is 50% efficent, takes 500-1400 watts at the plug, and is doing 250W-700W of RF energy in a few cubic feet, and still would take 20 minutes to get a human head properly cooked. so the cell phone at 1000th that is proabably not a good way to heat your MREs , although between the processor in it and the li-ion battery , you might get one meal warmed up some.
A tv station can broadcast to 50 miles away , the same basic data that a wi-fi might makes it 2 houses down, and your wireless mouse barely to the next room.
1 hour later…
Does it make sense to get SDHC or Micro SDHC for mirrorless digital camera?
I kept eye on SanDisk Micro SDHC but why would I buy Micro that is small and for mobile phones if I can buy typical SDHC card? I am sure it will perform better being bigger.
Small architecture vs bigger architecture
in The Bridge, 9 secs ago, by djsmiley2k
I want/need to parse some json.... in bash
Kill me
3 messages moved from Ask a Super User Moderator
@Boris_yo either one can have much greater change based on the actual speed. there is micro sandisk that is capable of pulling 80mb/s sequential large. and wintec class 10 that can barely pull 20mb and everything inbetween. Then you have how much insulation of the internals, the controller especially. would a sd card, vrses a micro in a very insulative, micro to sd adapter, be worse or better for heat?
@djsmiley2k: Death would be a mercy
@Boris_yo i would want to buy whatever is great stuff, that will have the most possible uses today and in the future. even if they come out with 1T micro sd chips in 10 years, a big fat fast old chunk will have some uses.
so what does your future hold? what other device could any of it now be used in?
@Psycogeek I guess Micro SDHC card with Micro to SDHC adapter would fit today any smartphone and any futuristic camera in next 20 years. But this won't happen vice versa because you can't adapt SDHC card into Micro SDHC.
i believe it to be correct that the smaller format , being so loaded with gigs, and amasing speeds, will continue into the future (and can still be adapted).
3 hours later…
@Psycogeek JB Weld Silicone: http://www.jbweld.com/collections/silicone-sealants-and-gasket-makers

But this forms polymer compound that bonds plastics: JB Opxy Putty: http://www.jbweld.com/products/plasticweld-epoxy-putty

I was told that eyecup is made of polymer after. I thought it was either rubber or silicone before that:
why do we always get meta posts midday :P
@allquixotic note to self: post more on meta while allquixotic is sleeping
dum de dum
I wish I could answer more questions :(
@djsmiley2k What is your name?
@djsmiley2k What is your favourite colour?
@djsmiley2k What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen swallow?
I Don't know :(
hm... I'm looking for music again :\
@Bob Want me to sing you a sing?
it's just a fluffy bunny
@Asmyldof Sure!
@Bob Lhaaaalalalaaaaaaa! Laalhaaaaaaa!
Regretful yet?
A: Help me understand a comment and downvote that a user made on my answer

allquixoticA few observations: The user who posted that comment may or may not be the person who dropped a downvote. That user has 1636 reputation, which isn't a whole lot, and is relatively easy to get. Just because one user posts a comment, whether or not they have a lot of rep, doesn't mean they're ri...

@allquixotic re "If you don't know if your method works or not on Windows 10, either test it, or don't post it as an answer (a comment might be OK).": :(
I do that quite a lot.
Mostly as a "better than nothing, hey you can use this as a starting point"
I tend to make the assumption that, unless explicitly stated as being tried already, most answers will work the same way across Windows versions.
@Bob I have a tendency to write "try this" answers, too, but when I do, I try to express exactly how uncertain I am that it'll work, and what I'm uncertain about. In this case, the guy makes no effort in his answer to explain that Windows 10 changed update scheduling behavior a lot and therefore this is fairly unlikely to work.
The Windows 10 update changes have been extremely visible in the media. Anyone following Windows 10's release even slightly would know of the changes, and thus have reason to suspect this answer wouldn't work.
Yet he didn't even try to explain his doubt about it, just saying factually "This worked in Win7/8/8.1"
I have a thing about being precise about uncertainty. You can answer in an uncertain way, but you need to let the person know that you're uncertain, and why, so they can make a well-reasoned decision on whether to try it or not, and whether to expect it to work.
In this case it's probably harmless to import that registry key into Windows 10 (it just won't do anything), but in other cases, trying something that doesn't work could actively be damaging, or cause things to break, so you really have to be careful.
Moreover, in this case it's actually quite easy to test this if you have a Windows 10 machine or VM hanging around. If you don't, you shouldn't be answering Windows 10 questions...!!!
@allquixotic ...I ended up doing that quite a lot for Win8 Qs a few years ago. Most/all of them worked out :P
Granted, I did test the more complex ones.
Then there's cases like this
> These were checked/tested on Windows 7, and should work on Vista. Windows XP 64-bit has always been dodgy, though, so it might not work there.
Hmm. Looks like I go in that direction more ("might work" in older OSes)
probably cause I usually have a {latest} system available somewhere
Bret Copeland on August 27, 2015
There are lots of domain-specific languages for schedules. The most prominent might be Cron (for *nix scheduled tasks), but there's also RRULE (for iCalendar events) and many others. Cron isn't exactly what I'd call human-friendly. Can you tell me what 10 8,20 * 8 1-5 means if you don't use Cron often? Some DSL's go in the opposite direction and are wildly verbose, or will sacrifice expressiveness for simplicity.
softwarerecs.SE seems to frown upon questions about websites, but is fine with questions about smartphone apps. And their chat rooom is kind of dead.
Given that, I ask you folks: Is the following question good or bad?
Q: I know there are websites which can help me find a cuddle friend. But what Android apps can help?

tealhill If I want to find a cuddle friend ("cuddle buddy"), there are various websites that can help me. For example: I can use the Cuddle Comfort website. Or I can search my local Craigslist "strictly platonic" personals for something like cuddl* | touch* | massag*. Some asexuals don't like touch...

It's been around for a little while, but still seems to have zero votes.
@tealhill You might be better off asking on their meta.
Though... cc @JourneymanGeek softwarerecs ^
@allquixotic I can't believe I'm asking this, but... how's the beats streaming music range?
My music search isn't going well, and it's worse when I restrict it to what's available on Spotify.
GPM annoys me (especially because it claims my last attempt to subscribe was declined in an email, but the site says I'm subscribed and my card says the transaction was approved... :S)
Most of it's available on youtube but we don't have that music key service in Au yet
@Bob Surely there are other services which work in Australia too. google.com.au/search?q=comparison+of+music+streaming+services
@tealhill It's not the number of services, but rather the availability of music on said services.
It appears that a large portion of the music I'm looking for is only really available on YT.
@Bob Well, many of the services claim to have millions of tracks, though I suspect most of those tracks are from lesser-known artists. Just because a service has millions of tracks doesn't mean they'll have all of the few hundred tracks you want.
@tealhill The problem is the specific lesser-known artists I want aren't there.
@Bob ah.
@Bob For a year or so now, the www.last.fm website has included a new player which really just fetches tracks you might like from YouTube and plays them.
I don't care if service <foo> has 50 billion tracks if I don't like any of them.
@tealhill See, the problem is I want/need streaming on both computer and phone.
I could happily use YouTube on the computer.
But Google's policies basically means that (outside the beta music service not available here yet) YT streaming on phone sucks.
You need to keep the video running which (a) wastes bandwidth and (b) wastes battery power with the screen on and (c) doesn't let you do anything else.
I've been using a Windows Phone recently to get around that (WP YT apps actually let you stream audio only). But that's an extra device to carry around.
@Bob A) That's no good. B) If you press the Lock button to turn the screen off, does the audio stop playing? C) If your phone is rooted, surely it's at least theoretically possible to code your way around this problem.
@tealhill Yes, the audio (and video) stops playing.
@tealhill My phone technically supports it (multi-window mode) but again it's a battery hog.
Actually, I've never used that. Others claim it works.
Basically you let the YT app think it's still foregrounded.
Part of the problem is Google went on a spree actively removing/blocking apps that enabled background playing.
There were a couple good ones last year.
@Bob Again, if you root your phone, it may be (at least) theoretically possible to turn the screen off while YouTube continues to send video to the GPU.
@Bob Why did Google block those apps?
AFAICT they did that to release their own "music key" service, which of course is US-only at the moment.
@Bob Then they should have blocked those apps in the US only. The Google Play app store does allow app developers to make their apps available only in a selected list of countries.
@tealhill My phone is rooted. But it's not worth the trouble for me to hunt for that kind of thing, not to mention the potential bugginess, and it doesn't help the bandwidth issue at all.
Basically, not worth my time to hack around parts of it.
@Bob Fair enough. You might have to listen to music you don't like as much for now.
@tealhill They didn't. And the way Google acts with YT API access is, frankly, severely disappointing.
You should see how they blocked Microsoft's app.
Claiming it didn't comply with their advertising requirements, and then refusing MS's request for an advertising key.
They did similar to some Chrome plugin background player a while back.
When it got really popular, and the dev refused to sell it to them (?)
Basically, at this point Google is acting just as big a bully as any other major corp.
Oh yea, it was called Streamus
@tealhill Yes, yes. They've done a wonderful job promoting that image, that's for sure.
any recommendations for a 2 bay raid1 enclosure
looking to direct attach. don't necessarily need nas
@Bob I don't use it. just tried it briefly.
anybody knows the alternative for puttygen for Macbook?
Mac OS X...
I need to connect to Amazon EC2 and I cannot use login and password but I need to use a certificate instead of password
the certificate is in a form of .pem file
@allquixotic ah. Still Spotify, then?
@Bob yup
"oh just chmod 777 it, it'll work!"
aka "what is security?"
@halilpazarlama Do you have a question open on SU about the DNS thing? We can probably figure something out
(ok, in this particular case it actually won't do anything nasty, but it's still bad to teach as a general case)
@Jim How do you want to attach it? eSATA? USB 3.0? IEEE 1394 (Firewire)?
@Bob I found an old answer of mine that suggested something similar that I had to delete. Don't know what I was thinking.
@Paul yea, I've done that before...
I guess it's something that comes more with experience
@JANORTS Usually the EC2 private key is generated on Amazon and you download it. What client is it?
when first starting out, you just want to get things working
as you get more experience, you want to do things the right way
@Paul that sounds so wrong :P
@Paul When you reply to a message 11 hours old, such as halilpazarlama's most-recent message, it's good to click "link my next chat message as a reply to this" so that lurkers can more easily follow the conversation. :)
(private keys, ideally, should never leave the machine they're generated on)
@Bob Yeah, but I look at the date of the answer and couldn't fathom why. There was a time with old cpanel installs where chmodding 777 was proposed as a solution.
(for php)
also pretty sure you could just ssh-keygen it on OS X, but I don't use that OS, so...
@Paul yea... I've seen auto-fix tools that basically 'fix' permission issues by allowing everything
@tealhill Yeah, I know. I couldn't remember how and the link icon was missing in the transcript. Hence the suggestion he open a question so we can get him working.
@Paul in the transcript you have to click the dropdown on the left
@Paul yeah. It's a poor design.
i want to install Ubuntu on EC2
@Paul , do not you know which one should I choose
I want to have a normal graphical interface
@Bob it was asked there. OT there
@JourneymanGeek OnT/OffT? :P
and erm
Off topic
Also, one of our users brought it up on chat. I think he was wondering if teahill was a spammer. I think he was slightly creeped out too
Meta SR's probably going to benefit with a question about this tho
Oh, confused it with the website question
@tealhill: That's on topic I suppose. It won't get hit with a modhammer. Not entirely sure about the user reaction to it
@JourneymanGeek I'm confused now.
@JourneymanGeek He thought that my question was creepy? Well, I can't argue against feelings. Still, I don't see what's creepy about asking a question about cuddling apps.
@tealhill: Its subtext ;p
@JourneymanGeek what do you mean?
Its not said as such, in so many words but I got that impression
I also asked (and self-answered) another question about a dating site (OKCupid), and nobody said to me that it was creepy.
I would have some concerns over sites like that (like safety) but that's out of the technical scope of things
meh, its something to be aware of, rather than something I'd consider mod actionable
Cuddling is creepy, but a site like OkCupid which allows dating (and hookups for casual sex) is non-creepy?
Oh, I'd consider that dangerous too
But I don't trust the internet
The safety rules are the same. Meet the person in public first.
(Even if at least one person here has my home address ;p)
Go for coffee, or for a walk in the park, before you decide to do cuddling (if you're a Cuddle Comfort user) or casual sex (if you're an OkCupid user who clicked the "casual sex" checkbox).
meh. I'm not personally judging outside 1) is this a spammer? (no) 2) is this on topic (maybe?)
I've had enough unusual friends with wierd habits not to care personally
good :)
I've made some suggestions on the SR room since its more topical there
but its stuff generic to software recs questions
OK, I've edited a link to some safety tips into the very beginning of the question. Thanks for inspiring me to do so.
io9.com/… I'm tempted to find out more about this. Amusingly, despite working in the industry, I get all my spoilers from the internet
@JourneymanGeek glances around shiftily
@JourneymanGeek I'm a member of a strict religious community. It's more complicated than this, but a simplification is: My religion forbids sex before marriage. Due to ADHD / addictions, I'm not ready to get married yet. (I'm already in a twelve-step addictions program, but recovery takes time.) So I want to find cuddling.
For now.
@tealhill: I'm very serious about not judging. I consider that an entirely private matter ;p
@JourneymanGeek Well, the only reason why I'm being open about it to you (a complete stranger) is because I'm hiding behind a pseudonym. :)
They say in twelve-step that a person should have at least six months to a year of contiguous (unbroken) clean-and-sober time before they start dating.
And the only reason I'm not saying "Yeah whatever, I know people who are X Y and Z" is because its trivial to work out who I am.
(lets see, my real name is mentioned in my mod-election posts, a lot of people know the building and industry I work in, tho, I could be lying about the former, and the area I'm in is packed with VFX industries)
Yeah, I pretty much think that's really a personal choice ;p
@JourneymanGeek You're giving out a loooot of hints... it's like you want to be found :P
@Bob: The dog's famous
Mom walks into a grocery store to buy those little holicks sweets (ash is crazy about em). Shop lady asks if its for the dog. ._.
Mom's never been in that store ;p
@JourneymanGeek You are a REALLY GOOD liar, then, managing to get your name on the movie credits!
@ThatBrazilianGuy: Assuming that's even my name!
(Ahh, yes, and the movie credits)
@JourneymanGeek Ah, playing the looooooong con I see.
> Member for 5 years, 11 months
I think I joined right after we came out of beta

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