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tried it on another pc @KronoS?
3 hours later…
new experimental review route, please check it out and give us the feedbacks
if we find an answer (or something else we can't vote on) that is inappropriate do you want it flagging for mods?
yes please
lovely; any particular place you want feedback delivered?
meta.so ideally since this is still experimental. but, it's hugely important because..
Posted by Jeff Atwood on November 29th, 2010

I recently had a long discussion on gaming meta regarding “Help me remember this game” questions. I’ll spare you all the gory details; my general conclusion was this:

If we get an excellent user who asks a good, thoughtful [game] identification question and sticks around in our community to participate, then it’s worth allowing it in those rare cases as a high quality “getting to know you” fun question.

This reminded me of a conversation I once had on Server Fault Chat about mod rewrite questions. This is a true gray area in our network. It’s tricky, because any given URL rewriting question could legitimately be on topic for multiple sites, each with a different core audience: …

are these new posts awesome? or are they sucky, lame, spam?
we want awesome folks.
the others.. not so much
lol, fair enough
the quicker we can get that feedback cycle going, the better it is for everyone
I'll try and have a nose through the list at some point today :)
of particular interest is patterns. What makes a post very likely to be bad? or good?
some ideas: length. does it contain an url. does it contain the word "thank".
to potentially find them automatically?
we're probably going to do an answer EULA of sorts with some heuristics
good stuff
If you overclock your CPU, in my case an i7-970, and you get to a stable FSB / Base Clock let's say 166Mhz is it safe to say that you can lower the VCore and still have a stable setup? Just to lower the temperatures?
yes, but run prime95 to be sure.. and go SLOW, make small changes
Go slow on both vcore and fsb? Or is it "safe" to raise the FSB untill I reach something that boots?
5 hours later…
@IvoFlipse Ya I have and same issue happens...
@JeffAtwood do you want us to comment on the new user posts to help them out?
@FilipEkberg slow FSB increase, don't touch vCore till it's needed.
mornin @Sathya
@KronoS morning
any changes to your USB problem ?
@JeffAtwood should (decent) answers on questions which already have accepted answers be allowed (!) ?
@Sathya no haven't really been able to check it out much... wife accidently downloaded a virus that tanked my home pc
I'm at work right now wiping drives... I have 16 of them :0
@KronoS aw shucks!
@Sathya so what are we exactly doing with these review questions/answers?
@KronoS I'm flagging some obvious spam / offensive answers as such
@KronoS the /review is like a subset of links we have at 10k tools.
@Sathya nice... I'm slowly but surely working my way up to that
@KronoS :)
wow MAC displays are pretty darn good
they are ?
I'm using one right now.. and it's really nice...
although my boss says that it's going to tank out on me here in the next few days
So i'm testing it...
So if I use the same password for all of my accounts (which i don't) but it's a secure one with numbers, symbols, and letters upper and lower case... is that ok?
@KronoS cool
@KronoS not really.
@KronoS why don't you use a password manager ?
like LastPass
I'm getting it right now
have it generate a (different) password for each site
and have a strong, unique password for lastpass
and remember only lastpass's password.
let lastpass remember & fill in the passwords for others
if you don't want that approach, another way is
to prefix/infix(!?)/suffix password with site
ex if password is kr0no$ & site's superuser have password something like
@Sathya that's good to know... I didn't realize that LastPass generated passwords for you
I hate stupid meddling people
@KronoS we all do.
@KronoS Any particular meddling people, or all meddlers in general?
@KronoS is your problematic USB device connected directly to the machine or through another socket on a hub or monitor?
this one guy at my work... just had to "try to fix another VIP's printer issue" and made it worse...
@Mokubai it's directly connected...
@Sathya how do i use last pass on my USB drive... meaning it will fill in all my passwords when i plug in my USB drive?
@KronoS synced over web
also export as csv, import as csv
does it sync to the USB? or i just have to install last pass on every pc i use?
@KronoS you will need to install lastpass on every system
got it
@KronoS actually, if you use Chrome & Chrome sync
Chrome sync will auto sync the extension
and then LastPass will autosync passwords
so really, you just have to setup Chrome sync
@Sathya oh nice
1 hour later…
Hey does anybody know how to stitch PDF's together?
@KronoS should be a SU question
on the same
@KronoS pdfsam (pdfsam.org) is an excellent tool to mangle pdfs apart or together
Q: Stitch multiple PDF's together

KronoSI am looking to stitch together multiple PDF's together into one file. Is there a program/way (open source prefered) that can do this for me with little hassle? If you share a program please give reasons why it will work and not just a link.

@Sathya just did... @Mokubai go ahead and give your answer
@KronoS answered
@Sathya saw that... gracias
@KronoS I've put an answer up, but I have to admit the geek in me loves the way @Sathya uses GSView and Notepad :)
@Mokubai hehe :) it was something I found, not something I cooked up :)
so I hear delicious is going to be shut down
Is Yahoo Shutting Down Del.icio.us? http://tcrn.ch/g26dvL by @alexia
What actually is delicious, I've managed to avoid it so far so never got round to fining out what it was supposed to do...
@Mokubai social network centered on bookmarking
i just about busted laughing in my quiet workplace
@KronoS, I lol'ed and the wife gave me an odd look...
just as long as she doesn't give you this....
image blocked :|
@Kronos at least their internet was unlimited ;)
will be hitting Best Buy later to pick up Nexus S. hope it's in stock :\
I have been meaning to create a new website for my company for the past 5 years or so... every time I sit down, more work comes up and it is about time I did something... in the mean time - ezpcltd.com - Classy/nice or trashy?
@KronoS Wow, whos bill?
background. ditch the background
atleast keep it a light solid colour :\
ok :( I have been messing around with image generation, trying to create high res images and then just use the middle part so you see more on larger screens...
I am going to have some sort of image as background on the final site (I think) just haven't decided what - but you think it looks better without one on that?... doesn't have to have an image I suppose...
@Wil actually it does w/o the b/g
hour and half on chrome & i've already hit 250 tab limit.
@sathya wow
@Wil heh ;)
Honestly, I think it looks a bit boring now, but I wasn't that keen with the background.... just couldn't really do much better - would rather get on with the site than spend ages doing an under construction thing!
anyway, got rid of it...
@Wil put on a gray background. or light gradient one. don't put a pattern
I tried a gradient before, but it causes problems on larger screens - looks mucky when the gradient finishes...
@Wil ah
its ok when there is content, but on a basic page, looks worse than the pattern!
(I still didn't think it was that bad!)
lol, can't do grey - :( messes around with clipping on the logo (which I also am hoping to get someone to do soon!)
@Sathya Won't bother you any more - like it now! think it is better than the pattern...
@Wil I found it online
@Wil current one is neat :)

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