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00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

(I know I'm a fan of this but they fixed many of the things that were annoying me. And resize on restore!)
not scary at all for all this to be happening on a production system :D this is perhaps the most interesting tidbit of dmesg I've ever seen
> [474047.689065] Freezing user space processes ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
[474047.690521] Freezing remaining freezable tasks ... (elapsed 0.001 seconds) done.
[474047.692751] kpatch: successfully applied 54 hunks to 'vmlinux'
[474047.692754] kpatch: successfully applied 1 hunks to 'kvm'
[474047.692777] Restarting kernel threads ... done.
[474047.692837] Restarting tasks ... done.
[477874.566259] net_ratelimit: 2 callbacks suppressed
[477890.664575] net_ratelimit: 2 callbacks suppressed
[635216.664320] net_ratelimit: 2 callbacks suppressed
more kernel surgery:
> [474047.688707] kcare: allocated 108032 bytes for patch at ffffc901c868a000
[474047.688748] kcare: verifying patch...
[474047.688749] kcare: verified successfully
[474047.688750] kcare: allocating memory in module space...
[474047.688768] kcare: allocated 108032 bytes at ffffffffc09c4000
[474047.688780] kcare: 836 relocations to fixup...
[474047.688784] kcare: fixed 836 relocations
[474047.688784] kcare: jumping to ffffffffc09cbbe0
[474047.688786] kpatch: starting at ffffffffc09c4000 (Linux version 3.16.0-41-generic (build
so I'm running a kernel that's been patched at runtime, and my RAID controller has had a firmware update and restarted itself without rebooting the operating system
next they'll tell me I can upgrade from Windows 10 to Windows 10.1 without rebooting ;-)
> Each CacheVault product has a Gas Gauge Integrated Circuit (IC) that maintains an accurate record of the available charge on the SuperCap. Through ongoing long term testing, Avago has determined that an update to the Gas Gauge firmware is needed to prevent a situation where the SuperCap is prematurely declared Fault status. This update is recommended to be performed on the next available maintenance release for the CacheVault product.
Thankfully, the Gas Gauge IC on my CacheVault is not faulty.
The purpose of the SuperCapacitor is to ensure that any writes that are "in-progress" to the storage array in the event of power loss, can be transferred from the "volatile" components of the RAID controller (the RAID processor, the DRAM, etc.) onto the non-volatile NAND.
That way, upon reboot, everything can be restored to a "sane" state.
yup. I have backups again, hurray
I'm really hopeful that this firmware update solves my periodic crashing problem
that was a huge hole in my uptime, because it'd often fail at times when I couldn't conveniently KVM in and fix it
I'm currently at 9 days... the median time between crashes so far has been about 25 days
root@debian:~# uptime
 14:42:09 up 20 days,  2:34,  1 user,  load average: 0.08, 0.05, 0.06
@allquixotic ^ not too bad :P
I think it's been continuously up since I got ZFS installed and the weird KVMoIP issue resolved.
@Bob I highly recommend KernelCare. It's inexpensive, better than ksplice, and seems perfectly reliable for rebootless security updates.
They support Debian Stable as well as Ubuntu LTS kernels (among others).
@allquixotic Does it work well with KVM?
Also, how would it interact with ZFS root?
@Bob It shouldn't matter if KVM is loaded. In fact, it's smart enough that even with a custom compiled ZFS kernel module loaded into the kernel, it's able to do rebootless updates.
Hm. 30 day trial.
They explicitly support running it with custom filesystem drivers and hardware drivers. Probably not fglrx, though, because that thing is literally an OS of its own.
I might stick it in a VM and see what happens.
That's after I get the migration sorted, though.
The only downside of running it with KVM is, if you want to take all your kernels rebootless (physical AND guests), you probably have to pay for multiple licenses
In your position I would only use it on the physical host, because that's the greatest pain to reboot
rebooting a guest is... meh, and much quicker than the host, too, since there's no preboot crap
@allquixotic I can probably live with rebooting the guests as necessary.
yeah, exactly
@allquixotic Agree. I don't really have anything preboot, but shutting down and then starting all VMs is a pain.
you still have all that PXE stuff pre-boot :P
the PXE option ROM takes like 30 seconds even if you aren't booting into it
at least, with the SP-128
Much worse in my vserver setup (which probably has thousands of bugs since it's running an unpatched kernel...) where a reboot can take down networking permanently, never mind kernel patches breaking vserver.
@allquixotic I have Debian set as first in the boot order, IIRC
PXE is useless for me anyway AFAIK
Unless it (OVH recovery) can read ZFS
@Bob it still has to load some kind of firmware in an Option ROM into the NIC upon boot, even if it doesn't try to boot to PXE. Ever watch the KVM-o-IP boot sequence?
@allquixotic Hm. I see it loading some onboard SCSI (?) controller, but nothing PXE?
I can't remember now anyway.
When I boot up, I get hit with the LSI RAID Option ROM, then the NIC Option ROM, then the UEFI "I'm actually the motherboard trying to boot!" screen, then the PXE trying to find out if it needs to boot up the recovery, then finally my OS
@allquixotic And, yea, watched that boot sequence far too much while installing ZFS.
oh yeah, and that on-mobo SCSI thing too
@allquixotic I think that in the event of host recovery being necessary, I might have to borrow a Windows VM off you again -_-
Or maybe spin up an EC2 instance.
you know what's funny? you could actually load up SmartOS over PXE to recover files from your ZFS :D lol
@allquixotic ...or that. Non-Linux OS.
SmartOS, after all, is based on IllumOS, which is where the ZoL guys get their ZFS code from!
Hey, why did all my devices attached to a switch just disappear? :-/
@Bob yeah, but it still has ssh and cp ;-)
and tar.... actually, use gtar ;-)
@bertieb Physically? You might have a magical switch.
Or the LHC fired a micro blackhole into your switch
It's magical in that the blinkenlights show connectivity on both ends; and yet
and yet?
@allquixotic It ate his text, too.
In all seriousness... have you tried turning it off and on again?
Are said devices responding to ARP queries?
peel back the onion by verifying each layer... first touch the live twisted pair and make sure it shocks you ;-)
@Bob Seems like there is a big shadow under the whole control section of the YouTube UI. I think that's what I remembered earlier
@OliverSalzburg There is, but enough of the background bleeds through to make the tiny timestamp difficult to read.
At least with specific backgrounds.
Yeah, it is pretty tiny
@allquixotic and yet [there is no connectivity]
oh, one strange consequence of getting a SP-128 instead of a SP-64, @Bob - I was expecting nproc to return 8, but it returns 12 :D I thought I was just getting a MHz bump with the CPU.
MHz bump and 2 more cores and twice the RAM :P
@allquixotic and more expensive :P
I miss my 12 physical cores, though :(
in my case I can actually use them, since ARK: Survival Evolved's game server is using some extremely recent technology and seems to be architected in a very smart way; it's highly multi-threaded, uses TCP for reliability but with NO_DELAY flag, has awesome netcode to minimize chattiness while still being responsive, is fully 64-bit, no memleaks...
Failed to start dhcpd.service: Unit dhcpd.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
it's interesting how I can only somewhat enjoy a game's actual content, but find it absolutely marvelous to play mainly because of how well-designed it is - a software engineer can appreciate well-designed software
(I've been keeping my eye out for second-hand graphics cards)
@bertieb systemctl -a | grep dhcp
At about 160 USD for a single card, that sounds about the typical range.
WTF, now Analytics works all of a sudden
loaded failed failed
Another problem solved by waiting and doing nothing \o/
@Bob that's high though
they're $220 USD new
@allquixotic Typical range for Australia*
@bertieb so the service is "loaded" but it failed to load?
@allquixotic Yay systemd ?
@allquixotic I'm pretty sure it was running before (definitely was the other night) too
@bertieb Yes. Yay.
@allquixotic You're looking at 250 USD here, minimum.
Need to figure out where the files have disappeared to
I'm envious of your systemdness
From one store. The next cheapest is about 330 USD.
@Bob are you fed up with Australia yet?
@allquixotic Eh... some good things.
@allquixotic I can tell :P
Hardware (and software!) purchases take a chunk out of my wallet, though.
I'll come to AUS and you can stow away in the cargo compartment of the airplane within a large, mostly-empty box that also contains a warm blanket and an oxygen tank and a mask that will fit over your muzzle
I'm sure the airline will have no problem with me shipping a live fox to the US
US customs might though
Anyway, yea, as far as AU prices go 220 AUD for "lightly used" is actually pretty decent.
Still, I only just ordered the new SSD so the GPU can wait a few months.
when US customs decides to question you, they're going to ask you what you say :|
and start playing the song as a method of torture interrogation, repeatedly, for 72 hours
@Bob I now have a potential buyer with $0 shipping, in that my dad wants to buy my old components off of me which will help me afford to upgrade
I'll probably end up doing that ...
@allquixotic nice
if I can get him to pay for my R9 280X upfront, I'll sell him that and be able to buy the 980 Ti at a reduced "price" since some of the money buying it won't be my money
If I wait long enough I might be able to catch a GTX 970 cheap :P
mobo upgrade is more important, actually
I need more SATA ports
(gonna be using a PCIe x1 card for the time being)
@Bob By that logic, just wait until 2030 and buy a lightly used system that's been in mothballs for 6 years containing two TITAN Xs in SLI, an i7-5980X and 128GB DDR4
for about $100
Starting dhcpd via init.dworked... yay systemd I guess
@allquixotic Heh. Thing is, I already have a GTX 560 and the 6xx isn't a significant upgrade (apart from NVENC). 7xx is still quite pricey, as is 9xx.
@bertieb s/init.d/a wrapper around systemd in a shell script
don't ask why it works, just be happy
9xx is in the range where the relative performance benefit would be worth the upgrade
@allquixotic Yeah, that
Even if 6xx is cheap, it's just not worth it
7xx is relatively rare compared to 9xx, and prices are about the same (even second hand)
and 9xx will give you future proofing in the latest support for stuff like NVENC (the latest iteration thereof), G-Sync, DX12, tessellation, antitrust marketing practices GameWorks, etc.
also, I think Maxwell caught up to AMD significantly on the compute front, whereas everything in the GeForce product line before Maxwell was horrible at compute (for the most part)
their double floating point divisor is still twice what AMD's is, though, so I'm pretty sure the Fury X is the best bitcoin GPU now
Okay, time to update my 3rd and final Windows machine to 10
It's my mother's, and she knows about as much about computers as most of you do about the Belgian government (unless you're Belgian)
@NateKerkhofs I know LOTS about the Belgian government! It's run by PEOPLE!
@allquixotic Not people!?
@allquixotic do you know who the prime minister is without googling it?
@NateKerkhofs Umm... Charles Waffle?
Close enough...
@allquixotic close... Charles Michel
wow, I got the first name right?! :D
But can you name the current minister of health? hint: she's a woman
@NateKerkhofs Ummmmm..... 3.0 GHz?
is that the processing speed of your brain trying to figure it out?
No, that's me hoping my knowledge of computers will help me with the Belgian government knowledge, just like people hope their knowledge of the Belgian government will help them with computers.
Argh this buyvm is fucking annoying these days
Fucking bullshit rules
"I know all about computers! Computer-computery RAM Memory! CPU! Mouse!"
Any alternatives ?
@HackToHell similarly priced, or....?
similarly priced
trawl lowendbox.com
So many companies crop and die, too scared to get anything
Why do I get error 1935 when trying to install VC++ 2005 redistributable?
You can't have it both ultra cheap and good. Pick one.
I'm trying to install linkshell extension, and it fails when trying to install a prereq
Blah been on buyvm since 2012 and he's fucking talking policy
All the old fucking invoices have been paid from the same fucing paypal account
And still he's like wroung name
sob -_-
Taking a bunch of screenshots
@allquixotic :'(
Fuckers accept bitcoin but will only take payment from a payapl account with the same name
And the fact remains that the name is same -_-
Channel Edited: Name is now "Root Access - NSFW"
@allquixotic crap i can't edit
blah, too angry. i should probably go sleep
.... Not before composing a super long reply
Never mind.
@DragonLord It was a joke ;-)
The linked video is the user's own content and has ads. It is safe to assume that the user has an interest in not providing a summary of the video in this post. — DragonLord 2 mins ago
Ten flags in four hours.
Seven are "not an answer", three are spam.
“Your requested URL has been blocked as per the directions received from Department of Telecommunications, Government of India. Please contact administrator for more information.”
And now this shit
128MB CVZ 128 / 64 MB 1 Core 1 /64 80 GB 500 GB $15 / yr
I get 80 gb of ssd cached storage
Buyvm gives my only 15
Oh, so I upgraded my desktop to Windows 10 last week. It works great, except for funky sound issues. But I think that's resolved.
I have 5.1 surround sound, with rear, not side speakers. But when I select 5.1 surround sound in Windows 10 it only gives me the option for side speakers. Have to select 7.1 surround and disable the side speakers in the configuration.
Also had to uninstall/reinstall the driver a couple times in the meantime to get it working.
Other than that, "Hey Cortana" is pretty dang awesome on a desktop :)
I rarely talk to my computer but I love that I can. It's like Star Trek XD
Tablet has Windows 10 sorta installed but it doesn't work because I forgot to remove a hack into the window manager that caused the W10 install to crash and corrupt.
Bringing that into a MS store to get it fixed. Don't want to fiddle.
Laptop will get W10 when it gets W10 :P In no rush
I need help setting dropbox u
my old account didnt allow for sharing so Ive made a new one
I want to embed images from dropbox onto a web site
Damn, upgrading windows on a HDD takes a long ass time
I started it around 5:45. it's now 7:45 and it's about 75% of the way through (on that circle screen, that is)
@NateKerkhofs on one (slow) HDD? yes, but not on hardware RAID :D
@allquixotic I'm using a laptop, RAID is kind of rare on such devices
especially on laptops that date back from 2010
I know, I was just saying it didn't take very long on my ssytem
Some people are also cured of chlamydia quite quickly, but not everyone is so lucky
last time I told told that dropbox will work how I need and it didn't
@NateKerkhofs Well, it took about 25-30 minutes to complete the upgrade on my SSD-based machine.
is there a tool that can screenshot just a window/dialog box and nothing around it
saves cropping like 1000000000000000 photos...
@snipe Yes. Press Alt+PrtScrn (Alt and Print Screen together) to put a screenshot of the current window (the one that's "active") onto the clipboard, and you can then paste it into an image editing program
@allquixotic Or the snipping tool
which also allows you to crop while snipping, and makes saving the image A LOT easier
WOW how the hell did I not know this before
thanks, worked
I like the snipping tool. you can also paste Alt+PrtScrn into snipping tool iirc
I like how Steam recommends me Fallout 3 because I own Fallout 3 GOTY edition
@NateKerkhofs What's that? You like your 2015 Toyota Prius Four? Well I have a deal for you! Buy a brand new 2015 Toyota Prius One for only $A lot of money!
That's the laptop I installed W10 on
oh, wait, looks like it's the wrong one
the one I linked has an AMD card, but the card my one has is an Nvidia card
here's the right one
how can I make alt+A work for input field boxes
2 hours later…
So there I was thinking "gosh, RA is being awfully official and proper here". Then I realised I was in "Ask a Super User Moderator".
@bertieb heh
Okay Debian jessie, why are you making dhclient requests when you are configured statically?
> You will get this behavior if dhclient was already running when you changed it to a static configuration. Just kill dhclient
Of course
@bertieb is that guy in your avatar from Clear Skies?
@MichaelFrank His name is Gordon Frohman :D
(from a HL2 comic called Concerned by Chris Livingston)
Ahh, it's from GMod. That's why it looks familiar.
They use the same model for a character from the Clear Skies series.
Ah right
Citizen #14 or something
Anyway, I was a huge fan of the comic :D
Thank you for asking!
hmm, my simulated DDT histogram gives me a dedup = 1.04, compress = 1.00, copies = 1.00, dedup * compress / copies = 1.04 which means it would be a terrible waste to enable zfs dedup
1 hour later…
and so you're back! From outta space!
I'm going to go out on a limb and say that there's probably no issue with the filesystem itself. Perhaps the user isn't working correctly?
You probably shouldn't be using a computer. If you want any further help from any of us, you'll also need to collect your thoughts and think about forming coherent, non-verbally aggressive sentences that we can understand.
why shouldnt I be using a computer
its simple I have loads of files, and it keeps mixing the filenames up
some files used to be on mac OSX prior
Unless you can show proof, I'm hesitant to actually believe you. Do you have a screenshot?
well actually in VM first then on mac osx
How about we just ignore you until you can behave like an adult?
Only thing that would make it even better would be if it was a Schnauzer.
I think the power of the gif was too much for him
"There is also something of a rebranding taking place. The Outlook Web App (OWA) is no more; say hello to Outlook on the web. The new name is a minor change, however. " anyone find those sentence(s) hard to understand?
If a mini Schnauzers wanted to pick a fight, you'd probably lose. You'd be out maneuvered, out smarted and ninjaed.
(that or they'll cheat and get someone else to do all the work)
they are thiefs tooo
steal tp, bountry rolls, even when doors are closed they find a way
@JourneymanGeek as if you just got on... You've been on for ages! You just saw snipe and didn't want to say anything. :P
I just woke up ;p
Also, if someone had flagged him...
Oh wait
@JourneymanGeek Done.
Q: Can the mandatory update policy in windows 10 generate momentum/oportunity risk?

CMPSoaresDisclaimer: This is a followup question for Will the mandatory update policy in windows 10 bring security issues?; With the purpose to divide one broad question in two specific one, coincidentally originated due to the same policy. Thus, expecting quite different answers. Please, do read both que...

@allquixotic: someone already did
To me, it's less about his swearing and more about his behavior. Ranting, even if it's not directed to someone here, is not really something I like to see. Dunno about the others here.
@Ramhound I think that question needs a more elaborate explanation; as it stands I can almost work out what it is he is asking
There, foulmouthed rant gone ;p
@allquixotic Agreed- the behaviour fell well short of "Be nice"
(You guys need to be more specific ;p)
But yeah, you won't be seeing him a while
I don't mind the foulmothery in and of itself, more the disrespectful attitude
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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