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anyone having trouble updating from windows 7 - 10?
@ROODAY In here, or like worldwide?
ive tried twice now and it keeps automatically going to "restoring your previous version of windows"
@MichaelFrank I guess both
I have no idea why it's being so difficult. The first time I think it may have been my fault as the monitor went to sleep and I hit spacebar to wake it up. This time it went to a blank screen with just a cursor, so I tried following the thread on superuser that said try logging out with ctrl alt del and logging back in
that did nothing, so I tried rebooting, and then it went into this restore process again
@ROODAY I am having having video problems, but I didn't upgrade.
i think 10 is having a ton of video problems atm
at first when i was doing the iinstall my cursor only showed on my second monitor
so i unplugged and it showed up on my main one, but only the cursor nothing else
i eventually got into the accessibility settings and turned on narrator and hit magnifier by accident, so I saw a little corner of the install progress circle
so much for an easy install
I had to format my gf's 2-year old win7 laptop, it was unbearably sluggish
I opted for Win10 because it's the latest official release, so I thought it means it's a stable release
lol @ stability
From what I read, I'm having second thougts. I Might downgrade (unupgrade? uodowngrade?) into Win8.1, or even 7 again.
i thought so too, but its been a POS
if i cant even upgrade without it automatically reverting to 7 its nowhere near stable enough for use
i have no idea how my friends managed to get this crap installed
> i have no idea how my friends managed to get this crap installed notice the upgrade icon on the taskbar
no need to make assumptions man, i updated tried through that
stack exchange reputation for condescension hasn't changed i see
Not assumptions, it was based on my experience: none of my relatives, coworkers or acquaintances that I asked had noticed the icon on the taskbar.
anecdotes aren't universal, they're quite the opposite
In statistics, quality assurance, and survey methodology, sampling is concerned with the selection of a subset of individuals from within a statistical population to estimate characteristics of the whole population. Each observation measures one or more properties (such as weight, location, color) of observable bodies distinguished as independent objects or individuals. In survey sampling, weights can be applied to the data to adjust for the sample design, particularly stratified sampling. Results from probability theory and statistical theory are employed to guide practice. In business and medical...
(I'm not suggesting I apply scientific methods of any sorts) :P
Just that in the universe of people I know, the majority didn't notice the icon
@ROODAY And, well, you yourself is a niche kind of user. You being here is a statement of that. Tech-savvy users are a minority of the population.
@ROODAY If it makes you feel better, my system has been registered since pretty much day one and I still haven't had the update become available for it. shrug
@ROODAY - Sounds like you have an Intel iGPU. Intel really dropped the ball.
The way the upgrade system works is basically that Microsoft has a huge list of hardware specifications. They are upgrading those combinations that they know will work without a problem first.
This is all between the lines type information though.
@ROODAY "the plural of anecdote isn't data"
Was using my laptop battery as an auxiliary power source, using it to power a car USB charger.
The battery just shut down on me after dropping past 10 V (2.5 V a cell)
No, power isn't out, but at least this is known to work.
yesterday, by Pato Sáinz
and I just set up http://code.kryo.se/iodine/ in my server, IP-over-DNS
@PatoSáinz Can you expand on that?
It might interest me for... scientific reasons.
I've done this battery discharge process before and can say it works very efficiently
Time to charge it back up.
2.5V a cell isn't healthy for an Li-ion battery for more than brief periods of time, so I should put it back into my laptop shortly.
(2.5 V is the minimum allowed voltage for this type of cell under load.)
@ThatBrazilianGuy it's a way to channel data through DNS record requests (mostly TXT and NULL)
so it's kind of a pseudo-unencrypted-vpn over DNS
And since most firewalls don't block DNS requests to the outside, it's as easy as owning a domain and setting up iodine in a VPS
@PatoSáinz I was aware it existed, but didn't bother trying it. Does it work with those ISP-powered public APs with captive portals? (IIRC, those will block even DNS requests. I know for sure they redirect ANY address to their internal login page)
And is there an android client?
@ThatBrazilianGuy yes AndIodine for GUI and an official CLI binary (but then you need to set up the routers yourself, instead, AndIodine will use Android's VPN API automagically)
@ThatBrazilianGuy I think it'll work... if they don't block port 53/udp
@PatoSáinz So I assume it doesnt need root
it can bypass most captive portals
@ThatBrazilianGuy nope iirc
Perhaps more suited to a question on meta, but quick straw poll of RA: questions ending "thanks in advance" or similar: remove as cruft, or keep? I've been keeping when not too obtrusive, but have noticed my edits being re-edited (after approval due to <2k rep) to remove. Is there an official stance?
Yes they are crufty and not strictly necessary for QA format, but otoh a small amount of politeness goes a long way to countering GIFT
Q: Should 'Hi', 'thanks,' taglines, and salutations be removed from posts?

GEOCHETI edit a lot of posts every day. I often run across posts with 'Hi' and 'Thanks' on the top and the bottom of the post respectively. I also run across things like: --User Should these items be removed during the editing of the post by an editor?

Not exactly for SU, so this site stance could differ
Q: Suggested Edits add "Thanks in Advance"

jzdThis user: http://stackoverflow.com/users/750613/nik has been adding "Thanks" or "Thanks in Advance" to the bottom of a question as a suggested edit and titling the change as "improved formatting". I rejected a suggested edit and found another rejection: http://stackoverflow.com/suggested-ed...

@ThatBrazilianGuy Good link, I've seen either that or something similar in the past but a quick SU-specific search didn't find anything. I'm not sure I totally agree with the accepted answer's reasoning there but can see where that are coming from
I agree it's not necessary (and wouldn't add it to someone who hasn't included it already) but some way short of removing
One could argue that the upvotes counts as "thanks" :P
My stance is that a short "hi" or "thanks" doesn't detract from the question and add a human touch
But longer introductory / ending texts that add nothing to the question or help future visitors I tend to edit out
Heh- I see what you mean, upvotes don't quite carry the same mental meaning as upvoting :P
Argh, why does my vocabulary desert me at 3AM?! scurries off to english.SE
@ThatBrazilianGuy That makes sense to me (and is fairly in line with what I've been doing so far)
"Thanks" should be removed. Either you remove cruft or you don't, because ultimately this is about communicating appropriate style to others. "Oh, that question had a thanks so I'll make sure I really thank people that haven't answered yet"
Then you end up with yet another meta about whether thanking is appropriate or not and loads of examples in either case
I'd much prefer people put time and effort into the description of their problem than they do adding human touches
@Paul That's not bad per se (if the thanking is laconic).
@Paul I agree that people in general should spend more time on useful and clear descriptions (witness the 'unanswered' queue!), but I reckon there's scope for asking a good question and being polite about it
@ThatBrazilianGuy The problem is that it becomes immediately unclear what level of laconicism is acceptable.
@bertieb I think politeness can be conveyed in taking the time to describe the problem. Saying "My windows is broke, please help me, thanks to all in advance" is polite and useless.
@Paul I agree that example is indeed useless. But a well-described problem with a "thanks in advance" at the end is far from useless.
By stating thanks, it makes the implicit explicit
It can soften a demand for time to read, parse, understand, solve, and type out a solution into a request
@Paul I see what you mean. Being polite is nice, but non-essential. Being detailed is non-optional.
It's hardly necessary, true, demands and requests are in the eye of the beholder; but most folks that weren't raised in a barn are naturally inclined to be polite and thank people. Editing it out everywhere would seem to aim to train people against that natural inclination of politeness.
It's tricky to draw the line in any one place - too much gushing thanks here; too little, adding nothing there - but does that mean it's not acceptable anywhere?
(I think I might be over-thinking this whole thing; but if you can't overthink simple things at 3 in the morning, when can you?)
@bertieb : Its also how SE's meant to be used. I guess you can thank someone in a comment, or better yet bounty.
I'd rather someone give me all the information I need tho
@JourneymanGeek Good point. Like human-touches-in-questions, comment policy also varies by site though- some (like RPG.SE) are pretty aggressive about clearing comments.
@bertieb Yes certainly, politeness has value, of course, except when it doesn't. Removing politeness, and having a non-cruft stance makes it easier for everyone rather than leaving it to each interpreter
Comments are always to be considered transient
@Paul I'm open to that viewpoint, and things without value can and should be removed. I'm not sure that editing out all politeness makes things easier for everyone; especially the editors or the people who find their comments fall afoul of that policy, though it would certainly be clearer.
I'm not sure that clarity of policy is overall preferable to decrease in politeness/civility
You can be terse. Its fine. We don't have the room for flowery speech.
@JourneymanGeek RA, right? (in case you mean SU, or SE)
@JourneymanGeek A random example picked off the 'unanswered' pile, eh? :P
@JourneymanGeek Ah, interesting.
RA, meh, its chat.
Suppose it depends on beholder again for flowery and what folks have room for. Text isn't terribly pressing on storage :P
But mental parsing / time to read are other matters
I focused on the essential (in the order someone who is going to read it looks at) - What I need, my constraints, my setup. In that order
@bertieb I just mean that for newcomers, unless all cruft is removed it isn't going to be at all clear what is appropriate. Not that newcomers even check of course :)
Do I thank someone? Sure. I comment "Thanks, this worked (added info to make it work". Upvote, select as correct, in this case, throw a 50 rep bounty after the fact...
> Not that newcomers even check of course :)
^^ there is that
@JourneymanGeek That's a good way of doing things, sure. But - speaking personally - I wouldn't mind a "Thanks in advance" after all the important stuff.
I am all about front-loading
More folks should do it
Someone can have all the right details there, but if they're presented arse-over-elbow it's easily twice or more the time trying to understand it
@bertieb precisely why I mentioned the order things are in ;p
@JourneymanGeek Absolutely. It's a point worth repeating. I'd venture so far as to say it's worth having in How to ask a good question... but that's another discussion:P
I prefer this
actually, dumping my entire ip addr content isn't the 'right' thing here but it may be relevant
I was going to bring that up in fact :P If there was some Clockwork Orange-esque way to make sure folks read that esr essay before asking I'd consider making a feature request...
I guess the folks on RA / who have read 'smart questions' / who can type into a google search box aren't the ones to worry about asking good questions
If you know how to ask a good question, you can't not ask it in a useful way
I would assume that
And if we mess up, we're willing to own up ;p
It's like asking a pianist to hit the wrong keys
Where did the instructions for centos come from 0_0
I'll try it this weekend
I have another related question I'll ask next ;p
@JourneymanGeek Remember, be sure to read How to ask a good question first!
@bertieb They updated the instructions a few days ago!
@bertieb why, of course.
Next one would be on setting up ipv6 only VMs
@JourneymanGeek Good luck!
@bertieb: that would increase my flexibility a lot
(since I have ipv6 at home)
@JourneymanGeek I've been requesting that from ISPs for years
@bertieb: That's the only thing that my ISP does right ;p
The 'best' response I've gotten so far is "Oh you don't need IPv6, we have plenty of unused v4 IPs to spare"
Gee, thanks, <ISP> for telling me what I don't need
tho they stopped blocking port 80 so I can run services off it. cloudflare does a decent forwarding service.
@bertieb: could tunnel
@JourneymanGeek Good shout. Have tunnelled (uh, HE.net?) before; effort-to-payoff ratio not worth it any more last I calculated. Though router I have now supports v6, so hmm
@bertieb: My current secondary router would let me do that out of the box ;p
Suppose saying tunnelling isn't worth effort is pretty hypocritical; when port forwarding is so much fun and so little effort...
Q: Excel show drop-down list based on the value of the cell

Excel-AwesomeHere, I have a list of red coloured fruits, and a list below it, of yellow coloured fruits, as you can see. Here, I have two drop-down lists used to select colours and fruits. When selecting "Red", in the drop-down list on the left, I would like the list on the right to show the list of red col...

I also used to use gogo6
@JourneymanGeek Sounds like the same guy from yesterday :P
A: upstart scripts: run a task after networking goes up

Journeyman GeekApparently respawn console none start on (local-filesystems and net-device-up IFACE!=lo) stop on [!12345] script chdir /usr/local/gw6c/bin/ exec /usr/local/gw6c/bin/gw6c end script seems to work

Had to compile my own client, and learn to use upstart
@MichaelFrank 1. Post link to image of red pepper in comments 2. Say "Red fruits, like this ^^ ?" 3. Post "Oh wait, are peppers a fruit?" 4. Post image of tomato in comments 5. "Like this ^^ ?"
(and this had to be done per system. Pain in the rear)
@bertieb How mad would you be if you created a new account and get trolled by the same person again?
@MichaelFrank Haha :P I like to think I'd see the humour... but it's easy to say that here in the safety of RA
Finally my FM amplifier is shipping from China
reciever or transmitter?
Tx Amplifier
ahh k
So... anywhere between 6 to 8 weeks to reach you? ;p
(I've found shipping times vary massively)
@JourneymanGeek 25 days tops haha
@PatoSáinz: Only cause its not CNY
I've had packages reach me in a 3 weeks and 3 months ;p
at least it's coming from Singapore Post... I have had good experiences from them unlike other chinese postal services
That's new
also Singapore post, by definition isn't "chinese"
I will savage the ankles of anyone who claims we're part of china ._.
oh shit I forgot you lived there
@JourneymanGeek well the order still came from a factory somewhere in "Guangzhou, China" but I guess they delivered it to somewhere at SingPost
I've had 'local' post sent via other places
(I keed I keed. Its a pet peeve tho)
Had to send money via WTU
The tone of that is so...
I have a sudden urge to burn a few tyres ;p
@JourneymanGeek Sounds more like "My journey to growing a beard and wearing flannel"...
I'd be surprised if he wasn't doing it already
"I utilize soylent only at home and go out to eat when craving company or flavor."
@MichaelFrank: eating his own tasteless dog food ;p
I like the idea of it for stuff like military or relief, but in the first world? ... hm.
@JourneymanGeek the tone of the comments is really fucking disgusting
so what if the author is the most alt-hipster-consumer-whatever you can find, the comments are too fucking insulting
also, that guy is an excellent tech guy and he basically invented soylent... so, great
@PatoSáinz I think we agree to disagree there.
I like the general idea, but... he sounds so condescending
and.... a bit loony
No laundry? At all?
Not even handwash and airdry?
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek Wait, you're not part of China? :O (/joke)
savages ankles
Nope. Not even when they're feeling particularly expansionist.
No! Not the ankles!
@JourneymanGeek uhhh
We got kicked out of malaysia... almost exactly 50years - 5 days ago ;p
(Also, a solar panel that's 18% efficient isn't so bad. But most solar panels are only somewhat efficient when in direct sunlight. I feel that might put a bit of a damper on any plans.)
@Bob: Oh, the solar panel stuff is cool
The general hipster vibe tho... ;p
@ThatBrazilianGuy Right. The question is, how do I find out? Copying the name and then searching every possible source?
Yup? ;p
1 hour later…
hmm. Looking at a Zotac 980ti - the amp varient looks nice (slightly OCed, not stock cooler)...
DNS caching is so effing annoying!
First our DNS server has the entry cached, I clear it, then my client has it cached, I clear that as well, then my browser still has it cached, WTF?
@JourneymanGeek Can you check what fairmanager.de resolves to for you?
Its in german
rnm@sega /u/rnm ping fairmanager.de
PING fairmanager.de ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from cloud.hartwig-at.de ( icmp_seq=1
@OliverSalzburg yay DNS caching
(I'm currently migrating my ffsync server. waiting for TTL expiry...)
@Bob: could always set a short ttl, move, then set it back ;p
@JourneymanGeek would have to wait anyway
(this was entirely unplanned. default ttl is 1800, not too long)
@JourneymanGeek Cool, thanks
syncserver.db        64%[=============>        ]  63.25M   124KB/s   eta 6m 4s
so much for a fast network -_-
/dev/null           100%[=====================>] 100.00M  94.4MB/s   in 1.1s
ok, something else is screwy
Kitchen cupboard, Y U NO come off wall?
get a crowbar
Everyone needs a crowbar.
@Bob Possible answer to every problem ever
I want to preserve this unit unfortunately :-/
@bertieb: you can still use a crowbar. Just a bit more carefully
@bertieb Have you tried removing the anchors?
(screws, bolts, concrete nails...)
(I hate concrete nails. I can still smell the burning plastic from grinding some off...)
@JourneymanGeek Now, just to add fake Brazzers logo to that image...
@Bob Trying to get access to one of the anchors is proving tricky
Not a lot of space to manoeuvre a screwdriver, let alone a cordless :-/
Also need to figure out what the last chap has done as there's a rather ungainly switch for an under-cupboard light attached to the bottom of the unit
No idea where he wrangled the power from, or on what ring
@bertieb turn them all off :P
do you have a non-contact tester?
Last guy was an electrician, so of course there are slightly weird wiring issues in this house
Like my boiler switching off when I disconnected my living room's light switch
Or my entire garage being run off an outlet in the entrance hall
sounds like our house
Non-switched outlet, mind
@bertieb wait what
ok, that's even worse
@Bob At least the cable is buried
@bertieb which i guess is why you did not call him a "good electrician" ?
In this case.... that means if something goes wrong, you need to dig it up
But yeah, "interesting" wiring issues
or you set underground coal fields on fire by accident...
@JourneymanGeek Don't worry, only old mines in this area... wait a minute
@Psycogeek Never knew the chap; he passed away before I bought the house
Quite possibly he was a good electrician in that he knew exactly what he could 'get away with' in his own house
I get away with a lot in my own house too, but make anything not to code retractable.
Garage needs dismantled (carefully due to asbestos roof insulation panels) anyway; it's pretty decrepit
I found a couple robins nesting in there the other day
@Psycogeek Wanna bet this cable in question isn't nicely ducted with a guide wire for fishing it out? :P
Centralia is a borough and a near-ghost town in Columbia County, Pennsylvania, United States. Its population has dwindled from over 1,000 residents in 1981 to 10 in 2010 as a result of the Centralia mine fire that has been burning beneath the borough since 1962. Centralia is the least-populated municipality in Pennsylvania. Centralia is part of the Bloomsburg-Berwick micropolitan area. The borough is completely surrounded by Conyngham Township. All properties in the borough were claimed under eminent domain by the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in 1992 (and all buildings therein were condemned),...
@JourneymanGeek Oh, PA. Is that near the place where the creek went on fire?
It inspired silent hill
@JourneymanGeek Heh, not something I'd put on the Centralia welcome guide... well, not on the front anyway :P
Yeah. It would probably say "DANGER, KEEP OUT"
2 dogs here always haveing territorial disputes. They steal each others bones and toys. and do things like surround thier "zone" with them. One dog finnaly topped the other, and stole his dog bed , not an easy task .
Turns out that kitchen cupboard was a lot heavier than I thought
So lifting the unit off its mountings turned out to be a rather Bad Ideaâ„¢
so... you dropped it on your foot?
@JourneymanGeek Close, but way off
Fortunately it hit nothing of great value, only my head :P
alas. Did the cupboard get damaged?
And very fortunately it was a only a short fall
@JourneymanGeek Fortunately not!
Once it actually got clear of the mountings was a bit of an OSHI- moment
Sadly I wasn't recording for posterity / Youtube
The other unit to be disassembled is already on the floor (and doesn't need kept I don't think) so probably can be crowbarred :D
I'm trying to set up this new site in Google Analytics, but it keeps telling me "Tracking Not Installed" and doesn't show any events, even though, I can see the tracking events just fine in the network panel of devtools. wtf?
I don't get it :\
Didn't know NetBeans could generate Javadoc fields in comment blocks until now.
Guess I'm learning Javadoc (no big deal) as I write JavaScript code.
Nothing But Trouble is a 1991 American adventure comedy horror film, directed by and co-starring Dan Aykroyd, who also co-wrote the screenplay with his brother Peter. The cast featured Chevy Chase, Demi Moore, John Candy, with Taylor Negron, Raymond J. Barry, and Brian Doyle-Murray, in supporting roles. The film marks Aykroyd's sole directing credit. == Plot == While hosting a party in his Manhattan penthouse, financial publisher Chris Thorne (Chase) meets lawyer Diane Lightson (Moore) and agrees to escort her to consult a client in Atlantic City on the following day. Thorne's clients, obnoxious...
@OliverSalzburg neither do I , the web indicates some stuff. If there was 2 instances of the script/plug-in. If universal tracking was on at the place they are at, which sounds like a 2 instance problem too. And something about SSL , having the tracking be secure when the page isnt https . Again i know nothing, just looked.
And one guy saying why are you using the new untested plug when the old one works fine
The "new" Universal Analytics has been in use for years and works fine on other sites. I only have one instance of the script, as I just added it to a new website. I never got a point where I could select if tracking should be secure
I also tried the debugging code, and it shows that the tracking information is sent perfectly fine, I just don't see any results in the web interface of Analytics
I assume it's because fairmanager.de instantly redirects to an internationalized version of the page
YouTube UI looks funny
I think some people are suffering from Premature Installation , with the windows 10
@Bob Transparency \o/
@OliverSalzburg Actually pretty bad.
The time is unreadable when there's text under it.
Whoever picked this didn't exactly think things through.
Whoever implemented annotations didn't think things through :P
Isn't there like a shadow or glow around the elements to make them pop more?
I was only briefly on YouTube earlier and didn't give it a proper look yet
@allquixotic Greetings
@OliverSalzburg I don't see one.
Just white text that blends into some backgrounds.
Server migration progress: 1.5 complete out of ~6
...I think I'm gonna have to pay another month.
@Bob complain about the service and speed , the "retention department" will give you a free month :-) then walk out on them anyway
@OliverSalzburg Ha. These guys? Not a chance.
@Bob -_-
(Though, I've probably had enough service interruptions over the last few months to claim a couple days... bleh, takes more time than it's worth.)
@allquixotic Hey, I finally got off my arse and did some of it :P
...wait, does that phrase still make sense if the job is done sitting down?
@Psycogeek Tell them you are thinking of leaving but say that if they help speed along the migration you might consider that good customer service and consider staying. Watch heads explode.
So far, Terraria server is kinda migrated (server is up and running, but tshock is broken for the most recent game update)
ffsync is migrated but not up - still need to set up nginx (and move the cert over) and need to set up a systemd service (was previously supervisord)
everything else... I'm not sure.
TIL ffsync is not some hitherto-unknown-to-me part of the ffmpeg suite
@Bob They? Who? They don't give greetings to @allquixotic? What?
@OliverSalzburg ...pretend I pinged @Psycogeek.
@OliverSalzburg Also, that was using your keyboard reply plugin :P
geez yea pay attemtion will ya :-)
(it has this odd bug where it picks the wrong message if it was mouse-highlighted, but it happens rarely enough that I just ignore it)
@Bob: what's slowing you down?
@JourneymanGeek Hm?
Oh in terms of moving stuff ;p
For the server migration? ...just can't be bothered most of the time
Same as me ;p
The other problem is the old one was linux-vserver while the new one is kvm
enough of a difference to throw me off
linux-vserver would be awesome if it were mainlined
it seems to be keeping up with kernel changes whereas OpenVZ is basically dead
actually, not dead; just ridiculously slow at adapting to change in the Linux kernel. openvz.org/Virtuozzo_7_Technical_Preview_-_Containers
RHEL7 has been out for a long time now.
@Bob Don't blame my plugin! :D
btw @Bob you'll probably be glad you didn't buy a server with an LSI Spitfire hardware RAID card - although yes it's faster, despite switching from btrfs to XFS (which I thought would fix it), I still got a whole system crash from a failed DMA transfer on the hardware device, which threw the XFS into read-only mode, caused a kernel BUG, and made me have to reboot the box
I am trying to figure out if I have the latest firmware
and I wasn't even trying to invoke Clippy that time, gdi
> FW Package Build: 23.29.0-0016

Mfg. Data
Mfg. Date : 01/20/15
Rework Date : 00/00/00
Revision No : 07C
Battery FRU : N/A

Image Versions in Flash:
BIOS Version :
WebBIOS Version : 6.1-71-e_71-Rel
Preboot CLI Version: 05.07-00:#%00011
FW Version : 3.410.35-3698
NVDATA Version : 2.1406.03-0135
Boot Block Version :
BOOT Version :
the complexity of those version numbers worries me slightly
@allquixotic o.O
still, no guarantees on the stability of ZoL either
sometimes I consider just running Windows Server + Hyper-V
I'd much rather have ZoL than any other filesystem on Linux; that's why all my data is there
@allquixotic But for root?
the robust checksums are very helpful to detect silent corruption caused by the storage controller
Your usage is at least supported :P
@Bob for / I use XFS
@allquixotic Except when the FS code itself is bugged and deletes everything.
@allquixotic Yes, and that's why I'm concerned.
1 min ago, by Bob
still, no guarantees on the stability of ZoL either
the only features of ZFS that I actually use are the ARC and the checksumming, so maybe my use case will be more stable; no hardware RAID, no compression, no dedup
less features = less complexity = less chance of bugs
tons of flags that open up entire new codepaths if they're true are set to false
oops I meant "no software RAID"
apparently I misdetected my LSI raid controller
it's a 9271-4i, not a 9211-4i
00:00 - 14:0014:00 - 00:00

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