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01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

Anyone around that has a pc where the icon has disppeared?
There is what is claimed by one of my trusted sources for information, a command that can be runned, that will force the upgrade download to start.
WHAT IN THE WORLD? Blizzard is going to annouce a new expansion BEFORE BlizzCon?
@Ramhound what icon? superuser.com/search?q=windows+10+icon It dissapeared for many, and didnt mater for anyone :-) it was just a pavlov salivation inducer
I know..
I want to find one of those questions and indicate there might be command that can help. But want to know if it will even work.
"The process of this upgrade program is GWX.exe. I suggest that you try fire it up. Open
C:\Windows\System32\GWX and run GWX.exe (try as administrator if that doesn't do the trick)." http://superuser.com/questions/946905/windows-10-icon-gone-missing?s=4|2.7432
I don't need to know for myself
I am trying to submit an answer. I already did the upgrade, created a flash disk, and skipped the queue/phased rollout/ect.
before I did my icon also disppeared, running GWX.exe did nothing, a process didn't even start.
so we need someone who does something other than talk about it :-) and actually did it .
did what?
Ran a command that actually get the upgrade to start?
I am trying to find somebody who had the icon before the 29th, had it disappear on them, and who is still waiting for the upgrade to start.
I am trying to write an answer to one of those "where my get windows 10 /gwx icons go".
There is this superuser.com/questions/922441/… which has a answer, and a bunch of people reporting results. People and microsoft indicating there is no one answer.
Q: After Win 10 download, what happens after "agreement" page?

SamboyI clicked the "reserve" icon on July 29, thinking I was just reserving Windows 10. It immediately started to download. The download took about 45 min and then an "agreement" page came on, and I have been reluctant to agree, because I don't know if the installation will instantly start (like the...

I know I saw a question earlier that asked this question, well, at least how to stop the windows 10 upgrade part of it. I just can't find it now :$
Oh yes, there is another one of those almost exactally
(unless the user pulled it)
I think I found it. I am just not sure what the title of the question was.
"Windows 10 Shares Your Wi-Fi With Contacts" krebsonsecurity.com/2015/07/… "This brilliant new feature, which Microsoft has dubbed Wi-Fi Sense, doesn’t share your WiFi network password per se — it shares an encrypted version of that password. But it does allow anyone in your Skype or Outlook or Hotmail contacts lists to waltz onto your Wi-Fi network " OOOOhh this is your big security flaw :-) so turn it off
That article is so full of fail
Yeah you have to specifically enable the feature though
OEMs of win10 pro selling for only $139 , but what if this time they really will not allow re-activation if i change my motherboard, not to mention all the times i changed enough general hardware to reach the hash limit just from adding drives, or swapping hardware for testing.
Furthermore, who cares if somebody has the network password, if they know you, they likely already have it.
What if pigs will fly.
@Ramhound Krebs knows his shit
The EULA specifally indicates that a stand-alone versions of Windows 10 can be migrated to machines provide the previous install is removed.
The quoted sentence you provided is full of fail, Krebs might know his shit, but that statement isn't 100% truthful.
your skype callers 300 or even 3 miles away connecting to your wi-fi would be something i would like to see
Which is my point. So what if your WiFi password is shared. You do it anyways yourself. Android and iPhone devices share it also. This feature also has to be specifically enabled. Additionally, you can change your password at any point, you can also change the SSID with optout and it will NEVER be shared.
"If you don’t want WiFi Sense to connect people to your open WiFi network or allow people to share access to your password-protected network, you can opt your network out of it by including _optout somewhere in the WiFi network name (also called the SSID)."
oh god it's been a while since I last managed a VPS... I didn't even know Fedora already migrated to DNF
it's really faster
@PatoSáinz: Thats somewhat outside kreb's usual topics tho
@JourneymanGeek yes, probably... that's a topic I expect more from Bruce Schneier
well I confirmed that wuauclt.exe /updatenow most defently gets the next window prompt from th GTX application :$
I just wish I knew if it worked if it WASNT running
Suppose what I can do is, reserve it, then kill the process in a VM then issue the command.
( my SP3 was pending to get the upgrade, issued the command, and I instantly got it )
anyone know how to start the recovery process on a SP3?
do i even have a 16GB flash drive?
Is that answer okay? Does it need improving?
A: Is it possible to use a non-local proxy to connect to the Internet?

That Brazilian GuyTypically, a proxy server is located between you and the internet, like in the diagram below: In this case, the connection speed between your devices and your proxy server will be limited only by the local network speed (usually ethernet or wireless). The main bottleneck here will be the prox...

@ThatBrazilianGuy looks good, where is the part where you say Get your head out of your ass, how can you . . . nevermind :-)
Just one problem here buddy, you have to go through your slow connection, to get TO his fast connection, now get out there and run a wire :-)
Q: Looking for a Water Block for a EVGA 04G-P4-2972-KR

TarsonI been looking over and over online for a compatible water block for a EVGA 04G-P4-2972-KR. I preferably would like a water block from the following companies: EK, XSPC. Any other companies would be fine but not sure if the XSPC 670 blocks will work or not sense this card is longer then the block...

Hardware shopping request :$
@Ramhound Migrate it to SEcomputerHardware.com
I mean i know how....I am not a moderator. I can't do it.
There IS NO stack exchange computer hardware site .
So why in the heck did you suggest it?
And thats just wrong, and so therfore it should be covered on su.
Overlap, happens :-)
* slams head on desk
Is he hurting anybody?
I am not having this conversation.
Should we call out the internet police and have him shot down in the middle of the street
closed ;p
But that's what the close vote queue is for
technically I was just drawing attention to the question.
@Psycogeek - ....
Technically it is off topic , Just saying it is wrong, and we no longer can even recognise it as so.
Just one of the many reasons there is not 350million active participants on superusers
If what is and is not on topic, is changed, I will be the first to help somebody with that type of question. Until that happens I am going to vote to close questions that are not on topic.
the .0003% solution, laughable at best compared to even smaller forums.
meta.stackexchange.com/questions/92107/… pic from the origins that attempts to say they are all things to all people.
Create a meta question. Highlight how helping people pick out specific hardware for them helps somebody 3 months, 6 months, and 18 months from now. The only way something like "what waterblock should I purchase" is going to be on topic is if the answer to that question in 18-24 months will still be helpful to the community. ( Stackexchange is about the answers not the questions ).
or just complain entirely up to you.
And how possibly does windows 10 upgrade icon missing help anyone in even 30 days :-) and tons of other stuff from 2009 that literally created the site and much of the rep for the best people here
In the way back machine at the start of this site, when it was in major growth, the allowable questions were by todays standards negtive downvotes, but they have like 200+ upvotes.
(and much of it has been removed based on new standards)
good night, this discussion is boring
Place has evolved , with the only thing missing is the people
Not only is it booring, but if i put it on meta, it would get Record breaking downvotes
@Psycogeek: Its something explicitly mentioned as the reason we don't do shopping questions.
I do not dissagree with the assement that it is specificly and explicitly off topic, and would freely admit it doesnt have a chance in hell here of ever being on topic :-)
4 hours later…
@Psycogeek Ah, I recognized you quoted my post. Seems not to be in the FAQ anymore these days.
@TomWijsman it is if you konami code it :P
they probably want no association with reddit :-) It was the only place i could find the long forgotten base ideas.
2 hours later…
@Bob @allquixotic i.imgur.com/3u6th4C.jpg This is my credit on ant man ;p
meh ;p
Can't be arsed to update those things ;p
@Bob: also, moto G, in a cinema, and I was like all. WAIT THATS ME SNAP SNAP SNAP
@JourneymanGeek don't they usually disallow phones?
@Bob: er... I was sneaky? ;p
(Seriously, its not like I took a video of the Movie. I just took a photo of the boring part of the end credits)
Can we ban questions about Windows 10 yet?
@JourneymanGeek Potential copyright infringement device detected. Please put down your device. You have twenty seconds to comply.
You now have fifteen seconds to comply.
You are in direct violation of Penal Code 1.13, Section 9. You have five seconds to comply.
@Psycogeek They have a few here. Which you had? kensington.com/en/il/4493/trackballs#.Vby8JPnzq00
Four... three... two... one... I am now authorized to use physical force.
opens fire on @JourneymanGeek
@Boris_yo the expert of course, never tried the others, also there is at least one more manufature who makes the same style for a bit more money (dont know the name) I might have tried a different one as this one wore out, but kensington replaced the whole thing for a new one just because I wanted some repair parts.
@bertieb ahh that is what he was doing cnn.com/2015/07/16/us/…
@Psycogeek 0_0
225 AUD for a 480 GB SanDisk Ultra II.
I'm tempted to get one and make it my OS drive.
Problem is, it's 19nm TLC, and I don't trust that after the 840 EVO fiasco.
a sandisk SSD sounds like such a great idea, as i have great luck and speed with thier sd card items. but it does not rate as highly yet as the samsings?
@Bob So did you do the firmware update? using a windows kind of program? when attached to internal sata?
@Psycogeek Mine are mSATA. The first update was before I got them. The second update wasn't available for mSATA the last time I checked.
You realise that looks a bit like HAL from 2001 space oddesey :-)
I am sorry dave, i wont be able to click that ..
Endurance test on SanDisk Ultra II 120 GB: forums.whirlpool.net.au/archive/2340493
Apparently its rated NAND lifetime is quite low :\
So, there are basically 5 options I'm considering:
* No SSD. Either wait a bit, or just install Win10 on the RAID 1 HDD.
* Get the SanDisk Ultra II 480 GB (19nm TLC) for 225 AUD.
* Get the SanDisk Plus 240 GB (MLC) for 99 AUD. Either cope with reduced space or upgrade in the future.
* Get the Samsung 850 EVO 500 GB (V-NAND TLC) for ~250 AUD.
* Get the Samsung 850 PRO 512 GB (MLC) for ~350 AUD.
Any thoughts? (@allquixotic?)
Marvell controller, I hate marvell 2wice now.
If I do get an SSD, I'd probably break my HDDs out of RAID and just use them as independent HDDs.
the cooler thing about the samsung was they did thier own controller and it worked, at the same time others sandfarce was failing miserably (past tence)
@Psycogeek Dunno about Marvell. I'm avoiding Sandforce. Intel is good but pricey.
850 PRO is obviously the best choice here if not for the price.
I'm thinking for ~$25 difference it might be better to just get the 850 EVO over the Ultra II.
Or, I can spend less than half that and get the SanDisk SSD Plus :P
I'm currently using approx. 240 GB on my system drive, with at least 80 GB easily moveable to a HDD.
Another 40 GB+ is taken up by the OS, which would be a non-issue (~30 GB gone) after the new OS installation, at least for a few years.
so by the laws of logrythmatic hoarding you would want about 450G :-)
Some 20 GB of assorted temp files that are easily purged.
So, I can squeeze everything onto a 240 GB SSD, but it's a bit closer than I'd like.
Keeping in mind that this will be pure data storage & OS, since i already have an Intel 330 acting as cache.
Page file will likely stay on the 330.
Page file is probably going to be rarely accessed anyway, considering my memory utilisation is under 50% most of the time.
Anyway the note 5 specs leaked Bob
No fucking microsd
Galling that they are so anti-consumer.
It's hilarious that these companies ignore what everyone asks them to do. Now they're just completely out of touch with reality.
I'm very tempted to skip the Note 5 and continue onward with my Note 4 until there's a pressing need to upgrade to something like maybe the Moto phone AFTER the one they're releasing in Sept 15.
The 2016 Moto flagship will be more capable and better than the Note 4 in every way except for the pen. That may be the way forward since Moto is happy to continue offering Micro SD slots.
@allquixotic I suspect they're waiting for Android M.
But that's later this year :\
Anyway, that's supposed to have better SD support.
@allquixotic: amusing considering google era moto's stance on those things
@JourneymanGeek s/ era moto//
Does that really surprise people?
Google = 'cloud' storage provider = wants to promote their services.
I have yet to see evidence that anyone at Google has ever experienced limited internet access.
(funny thing is, the phone I'm looking at next ... has no sd card support either)
Anyone figured out how to remove "life at a glance" and "play and explore" junk from the windows 10 start menu? :)
@Psycogeek i figured out what my internet issues were.. broken content injection from my ISP
Oh I see, I can "unpin" things from the start menu..problem solved
Gmail's search functionality is a royal pain in the arse.
Rather ironic.
...I just realised, I'm out of SATA ports too
@Bob PCI sata time?
@SimonSheehan Maybe :P
I suppose I can stick something like this in:
And just use it for the HDDs
SE is down for the moment.
I got a Too Many Requests page (which was odd), then the site went read-only.
Read-only Denver data center failover test is starting now.
Chat runs on independent servers and is not impacted by this event.
There are three chat servers: chat.stackexchange.com, chat.stackoverflow.com, and chat.meta.stackexchange.com.
Quite the setup they have going
I like the serverfault downtime page
I've never done sysadmin work of this sort and I lost my last opportunity to do this.
I might get another sysadmin job, but I think it's a long shot.
Does anyone know when MoanMyOS will be updated to support windows 10?
right now, it tells me "you're a man full of mystery"
@NateKerkhofs I had to google what that was, and semi-regretted it
Do I want to flag this as NSFW?
To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what the program is really. Its an odd site. I'm closing that tab quick
@DragonLord Maybe. what's the consequence of that?
As that what that is: it's a website that has a female voice moan your OS. They also have similar sites for your IP (although only IPv4) and your local weather
One of my teachers introduced that site to me back during my college days
...and we're online again.
@DragonLord What's the consequence of y ou marking my message as NSFW? do I get banned or something?
No, I didn't do anything.
The effect would have been moderator intervention (likely removal of the message).
@DragonLord Not really.
That's assuming the post is indeed bad.
Generally, if a message is NSFW but not directly offensive, I'd prefer to tag it as such (in the message text) or ping a SU mod to edit it if it's too old.
That's for a mod attention flag; spam/offensive flags are handled by the community.
If it's offensive (where such a description is subjective), then use the offensive flag.
@Bob I doubt a female voice moaning your OS is that offensive
Offensive flags should be used extremely sparingly because it's sent to all 10k+ users across the network, it's subjective, and it carries a 30min chat suspension where such a suspension is often not warranted.
Personally, I reserve such flags for direct attacks on other users.
Be careful with mod attention flags on chat; they are brought to the attention to the entire base of mods on this chat server.
Others like to flag swearing as offensive - I personally consider that to be severely overreacting (and, again, very subjective).
@DragonLord Mod attention flags are still far better than spam/offensive.
Spam/offensive are for things so bad they must be removed immediately.
Mod attention alerts a (small!) subset of what the spam/offensive flags alert.
As above, I personally prefer to ping SU mods for minor issues (editing/deleting old chat messages).
None have complained yet...
...and that's what I normally do.
@Bob are you a SU mod?
@NateKerkhofs Nup.
Instead, try pinging Mokubai or Journeyman Geek depending on the time of day.
Sadly, we have a bit of a moderator hole in the late afternoon Eastern time.
@DragonLord Isn't nhinkle in the US? Though mods don't have to be available through a set time period.
Remember that they're volunteers.
Geek was online about an hour ago. think he's still online?
@NateKerkhofs He might be.
Almost midnight over there.
@JourneymanGeek Are you still online? I'm wondering if a chat message I made half an hour ago should be marked as NSFW
@Psycogeek Orbit™ Wireless Mobile Trackball I like more because it's the only model that is wireless.
@Bob The problem is nhinkle is a lot less active then he used to be.
(Sorry, I was working out)
The OP is not using fourth generation (Haswell). He's currently using second generation (Sandy Bridge). There's a huge difference in performance, especially per watt, between Sandy Bridge and fifth-generation Broadwell, far more than enough to make up for the slower clock speed. — DragonLord 1 min ago
Q: Does the GHZ of A CPU Make A Huge Difference

Simon ParisI am currently running an i3-2330M @ 2.2GHZ -- I was looking at 5th Gen Intel® Core™ i3-5010U processor. I understand obviously that the new one would be a 5th Gen and it's a 5010U which is obviously higher than a 2330M, BUT would the GHZ be higher? I am just wanting to make sure that this la...

> the new processor would play videos ... faster
Heh, I'd hope not.
The i3-2330M is made on a 32nm process. The i3-5010U is made on a 14nm process. The newer fifth-generation part is likely to outperform the much older second-generation processor—even though type-U processors consume far less power than type-M processors! — DragonLord 56 secs ago
Videos have a well-defined framerate for a reason :P
@DragonLord I'm just joking about the usefulness of playing videos faster
Better performance at less than half the power.
35 W vs 15 W.
ARK pages: i3-5010U, i3-2330M.
The uArch difference between Sandy Bridge and Broadwell are substantial.
More than enough to easily make up for a less than 5% difference in clock speed.
Speaking of video, MPC is unable to play 1080p video with a 12mbps bitrate using S/W decoding.
I would like to build a custom PC for around $1,200 but don't know quite where to start. Any good sites for this?
@QuestionAsker pcpartpicker
start with the CPU you want, then pick a compatible motherboard
from there the other peripherals are largely swappable
@QuestionAsker though, you can also give us your general specs and we can suggest parts here too
pcpartpicker will help you build a machine that'll work together
but you'll still have to manually figure out which parts suit your usage
Okay I'll list some basics. I want at minimum an i7 @ at least 3.5GHz. Also, it would be nice to have 4 RAM slots as well as 4 (or more) PCIe slots. This machine will be used for Video Editing so I would like a decent graphics card without going over $400.
(If there is a good graphics card BELOW that price, that'd be even better!)
@QuestionAsker Any reason for that CPU req?
What kind of actual performance are you looking for?
At some point you'll hit diminishing returns.
I want Intel for doing graphics stuff. I am looking for fast rendering. For example I will be using Premiere Pro, After Effects and Blender
As it is, you've basically restricted yourself to the higest-end 'standard' CPU
@QuestionAsker You're better off doing rendering tasks on the GPU if the program supports it.
Yes I understand that, but I feel as that is the one thing I (can) should not compromise on
Ahh I see
What would you suggest as a good combo CPU and GPU?
I don't have extensive experience with those particular tools, but it could well be that you'll get better performance by spending more on GPU & RAM & fast storage, and sacrificing the CPU a bit.
Not sure anyone in this room does that kind of rendering, though.
Understand. Hmm I'd also like to play some games so I see how sacrificing CPU for GPU might be the way to go.
(And RAM)
@QuestionAsker @slhck (if he's here) would know more about video encoding
@QuestionAsker Games are a bit more iffy, actually - some games are GPU-heavy, but others are actually limited by the CPU.
I see. Right now on my laptop I have an i3 @ 2.20 GHz and 16GB of RAM
Pretty much anything that uses an older engine (including the Source engine) tends to be rather CPU-heavy.
Okay do you think a fast i5 would do the job?
@QuestionAsker Yea, just about anything will be a large step up from that.
Lemme just do a bit of research on GPU rendering :P
Okay awesome :)
I know Adobe AE can do that. Dunno about the other two.
Yea After Effects actually technically requires an Nvidia card for Ray Tracing
Urk, depends on CUDA
What is CUDA? [Facial expression on Profile Picture exactly]
@QuestionAsker Nvidia-specific GPGPU.
OpenCL is the 'generic' one.
Ok, Blender does both CUDA and OpenCL.
But it turns out that GPU rendering is still rather limited, so a powerful CPU would still be beneficial.
@QuestionAsker Congratulations, you're one of the few people who'll actually push an i7 hard! :P
(i7 really only beats i5 in core count, and most people never use more than two cores... video editing/rendering is one of the few exceptions)
@QuestionAsker Do you know when you want this machine by?
If you can wait half a year, that might be a good idea.
Skylake (new Intel microarch) will be released sometime between August and next January.
That also marks the move to DDR4 RAM.
Relatively big break - the last few generations were all DDR3.
AMD's also rolling out DDR4-capable chipsets/CPUs, but I don't know their release schedule.
That's just throwing some random parts together.
No optical drive, no OS, no monitor.
If you need more storage, you might go for a combo SSD + HDD.
Maybe less RAM (2x8 for about $80 and expand later)
The CPU is previous-gen (Haswell), but Broadwell is more expensive and not that much better. I'm assuming you don't want to overclock.
Not too sure about the PSU and case; I just picked some random ones (Gold 80+, modular, highly rated, but otherwise nothing special about the PSU)
But, yea, that's approx what you can get for $1200
Keep in mind, though: CPU and motherboard are basically locked to this generation and must be upgraded together. RAM would also need to be replaced if you move to Skylake.
Storage, PSU, case and GPU can be moved on upgrade.
Each chipset is good for two generations of CPUs. Z97 is usable for Haswell and Broadwell.
Beyond that, you'll need to replace both.
X79 boards can accept Sandy Bridge-E and Ivy Bridge-E processors.
@DragonLord Not much point going with Broadwell, IMO
@Bob Yeah
Hasn't been out long enough to gain much momentum. And Skylake is so close now anyway.
Not much going for it, except for maybe Iris Pro.
If only NVIDIA Optimus was available for desktops...
There was that thing... Virtu?
Dunno what happened to it.
Hook up monitor to the motherboard video output and pass discrete graphics output to it when needed. Optimus isn't technically so hard to set up.
NVIDIA Optimus simply passes dGPU output through the iGPU.
When the dGPU isn't in use, the iGPU does the work.
This would be great for HTPC desktops where low noise is important and the dGPU can be activated only when necessary.
... ... ...
@allquixotic finally decided to do something about the server... using virt-builder but of course there's a bug and of course it was fixed in late 2014 but not in Deb Jessie
time for backports!
gah, it's not even in backports!
01:00 - 20:0020:00 - 00:00

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