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@barlop Unfortunately, if you want to enforce that then it depends on the hardware.
For example, IIRC Atheros chipsets expose all ports as a single interface, while Broadcom exposes one interface per port.
If you had some way to enforce a subnet/IP or tag a VLAN before it gets to the router (i.e. a trusted device you own attached downstream), then it doesn't really matter.
If not, then you'd need to perform the tagging on the router itself, in which case you'd need some way to tell the ports apart - and that's not doable if they all appear as one interface.
@Bob wow, that's great info, thanks
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek this is the cheapo version, I guess: kogan.com/au/buy/…
not even 4k
@Bob heh. Prolly one of those Korean screens badge engineered. Not a bad choice
1 hour later…
hm. Smaller colour space, and non caliberated. But a cheap namebrand caliberation thing is under 200 dollars so.... if you got a pair and that, or three, its a nice way to get tons of nice screens at a fairly nice price
Oh, and they've got decent input options!
@JourneymanGeek were you talking about the kogan one?
@Bob: those are the same displays jeff atwood was raving about
=> LG LM270WQ1-SDE5 (supposedly)
around the same price too
they're cheap cause the really high end stuff has moved on
3 years has given you an OSD and a full range of inputs ;p
@JourneymanGeek quick q, is github down?
works for me
2 hours later…
I'm having a brainfart. M4 screws are case or hard disk screws?
(this is for a vesa mount and I can't find the original screws)
speaking of screws, I just realised I have no idea where I put that big bag of laptop screws I bought about a month ago o.O
KEA writes books? Oh wait ... We write in those books.
hm... can't find the batteries either o.O
could've sworn they were right there...
Dammit, it's 3 AM and my family has to deal with a medical emergency
Just as I was about to fall asleep.
My father has not been feeling well lately.
Not disclosing additional details, though.
I'm now home by myself in the middle of the night.
Don't get me wrong, I'm a night owl and I'm used to being up well past midnight, but I was just wrapping things up for the day.
hope it works out
hope he's alright
found the batteries, but no sign of the screws. hm.
this is really annoying
I mean, I don't need them right now
but it'd be great to know where they are -_-
ah screw it (no pun intended)
was only $4... might as well buy more
spent hours searching already :S
Basically a giant bag of screws: ebay.com.au/itm/311291938703
1 hour later…
@Bob: I'd prolly lose all of em ;p
I need some canned air. Also... ALL THE PORTS! (the usb3 header to 2x female goes to my front panel header and 4x ports on my monitor which I can't actually reach), and I added 2 more usb ports to the rear ;p
@JourneymanGeek Much, much cleaner than mine.
I'm long overdue for a dusting.
funny part is?
those USB ports are behind the screen and out of reach for most part
Heya guys.
What are your feelings on overclocking a pc?
I don't bother. Too much trouble.
@Bob Why? Is it because of the minority of improvements or the short longevity of the boosts?
@Nick I prefer stability.
And not having to mess around with custom cooling, what the hardware can take, etc..
@Bob Based on the report above, is what has been done safe for the system?
I don't know.
And that's part of the problem.
It's hard to know for sure what's safe or not.
@Nick: generally you get a small amount of extra performance, for significantly higher temperatures, and risk
When it comes down to it, overclocking is best done for fun.
My computers need to last 5-7 years so meh
If you actually want higher performance, spend a bit more money.
(that's what I did. Accidentally)
@Bob You're right. It seems unsound to push the hardware beyond what it can perform on average.
@Nick: Its worth considering a few things.
@Nick The reason overclocking works is hardware variance.
Firstly, most hardware has already been binned to an extent, so hardware variance is smaller
Technically, hardware (e.g. CPUs) is binned on the minimum it can take.
That's normally done in batches, not by individual chips.
Secondly on some older hardware there were certain design features which made overclocking worthwhile. Modern systems arn't.
So in each batch you'll have some chips that'll perform better.
Those are the chips you can overclock.
The problem is, you need to figure out how much you can overclock them by.
That's not always easy.
(also, its a bit like gambling. You might win big, or set your cards on fire)
@JourneymanGeek That doesn't sound quite right :P
@Bob: Dogs do NOT make good poker players.
@JourneymanGeek Firebreathing dogs?
Naw, something about wagging their tails when they get a good paw.
(I was about to say processor, but that was funnier)
@Nick Basically: overclocking is not something you should bet on when making a purchase decision. Assume the chips cannot be overclocked at all.
@Bob: or that thing with AMD chips and disabled cores....
@Bob I see. So, should I be trusting software that tells me, say my GPU is underclocked.
Once you have made your purchase, decide whether you want to overclock or not. Then either you're lucky and you can overclock, or unlucky and can't.
@Nick: check the clock speed against the rated value
@Bob Naw, I'm merely considering this to boost old systems.
@Nick: best boost for old systems? Small hardware upgrades
(Now, at purchase time you might have to decide if you might try overclocking, e.g. when deciding between non-k and k Intel CPUs)
more ram, SSD if its modern enough....
@JourneymanGeek Haha, right :D
@Nick Depends what you use them for.
See if they're actually CPU (or GPU)-constrained.
That's not always the case.
hell, even a new spinning rust drive can make a difference
@Bob Gaming. Steam mostly.
@Nick: Actually done that
Especially with modern workloads, RAM tends to be a big issue for older systems.
@Nick Then it depends which games... some are CPU-heavy, some are GPU-heavy. Some are also RAM-heavy. But I doubt overclocking will yield enough of a benefit for intensive games on an older system.
I drifted down the new hard drive on my dumpster diva to the shared box, and it actually helped with performance
You might get a 5-10% boost at best.
@Nick There's nothing inherently wrong with overclocking.
@Bob How about simply for the issue of applications not responding or lagging too much.
I personally wouldn't bother. But that's just me.
@Nick You need to figure out why they're lagging.
See if you can get a disk queue/usage monitor.
They might be thrashing the disk.
Check memory usage. Heavy paging kills performance.
trashing the disk might be due to too little ram ;p
... what he said.
See if your CPU usage is actually pegged.
@Bob What are you using for that?
@Nick Normally just the Windows resource monitor (in 7) (or Task Manager in 8).
But if you have an older OS on there then that won't work.
I can't remember if the resource monitor was in Vista
XP? No. Just no.
there's the sysinternals one
@JourneymanGeek ProcessExplorer? or RamMap?
the former
@JourneymanGeek kay.
actually, i'd be shocked if the current task manager didn't contain a lot of code from there
Im in a pickly
a prickly pickle?
if I replace the autochk.bat file I get into an infinate chksk reboot loop but if I remove that file I get an error at bootup hpwever it dpes let me get into the OS
what's the error?
Autochk program not found - skipping autochk
then it goes to the login screen
so wierd
done a system constancy check?
I ran chkdsk, it was to fix a missing file but I did it manually so now I dont need chkdsk to run on bootup
sfc /scannow iirc
it'll ask for an installer disk
oh yeah I have
it ran once but didnt fix anything and ran it again but cancelled it as it takes ages
I OC a PC if and only if:
1) I am curious how far I can push it.
2) It is old and I want t keep it in use for a tad longer.
I never OC the main computers (as in, I MUST have one computer which I trust to be stable).
and using chkdsk in recovery console but it can only scan there not fix
Atm I OC nothing, though my 5-ish year od desktop is an i7 920 @ @.66GHz which should be able to reach 4.0GHZ and which is known to reach 3.5 without increasing voltages
I overclock my clock it has now 0.000002 GHZ as opposed to 0000001 but it doesnt speed up the time
I think my video card is factory overclocked
I played around with OC'ing when I got it.
As far as I can tell it is stable at 3.5GHz, but draws 25W more power when idle.
ive never done it but Id like to root my android though
done that. with a secondary phone ;p
cant dropbox embed images
to say a forum thread
sure. assuming the forum lets you embed arbitrary stuff
it doesnt seem to work
I cant seem to get just the image itself in the URL
@snipe Make sure the pic is in a public folder and get the url via right click
ok im in dropbox now
wheres the puclic folder
oh I deleted it hold on..
... Dude, just make sure you have the file set to be shared publicly.
when I go to share folder it says to invite people
Dammit, if you find this hard, then just use Imgur.
no because they delete your photos
if they dont get many views
I dont wanna invite people I want the folder to be publically shared
dropbox cannot upload entire folders either which is a problem as theres many many... to be uploaded
@snipe You can share files with anyone. Your intent is to use Dropbox for Image hosting.
yeah but that link fails when I try tp embed the image to it shows it on a forum thread
because theres dropbox buttons on the page for that link not just the image itself
Ill give it another go anyway but Im sure of it
@snipe Imgur keep images for ever as long as they are receiving at least 1 view every six months. If they are not they may be deleted to save space.
nah I need them as a backup as well as for sharing
so ill try dropbox again
@snipe Right click the image, click Copy Link Address, you'll get the src to the .jpg or whatevs. Dragging the pic to another tab does the same thing effectively.
@snipe Got the source to the image?
trying now
im getting red X's on some files
like in windows theres either a sync icon, a tick icon
@snipe .... Uh, these pictures are in a public folder, right?
im not using dropbox pro/buisness
@snipe Ah, you're a post-2012 user. That's why. You're discouraged from hotlinking now. Just make an account imgur and store copies.
wont imgur delete my stuff
17 mins ago, by Nick
@snipe Imgur keep images for ever as long as they are receiving at least 1 view every six months. If they are not they may be deleted to save space.
@snipe It's less likely if you have an active account there.
cant I just make a new dropbox account
and delte the old one
my laptop was starting to catch a virus
That reads as "I was starting to get a little pregnant"
No it wont embed the photo STILL
Imgur won't let me upload without an account :/
I right clicked the photo in windows and clicked share...
the image URL is stupid anyhow its about a mile long and isnt one any forum understands (.bmp, . jpg, etc)
you're not really giving information the right way for anyone to help you ;p
@Bob: heh, the monitor has an option for turning off the power light. And a driver that lets you control the stuff on the OSD from windows
The former
@JourneymanGeek LCD without a backlight? :S
I mean the power button light
hm, amusingly it turns on when the screen is off on that setting
which is probably useful.
Oh dear... I bought myself an SSD, but I forgot to buy a SATA data cable
I bought my SSD on friday, wanted to install it with my brother on saturday evening, but I can't because of this
I'd buy one online, but most stores charge more for shipping than the cable itself costs
(I don't ever buy sata cables. I have more than I need for some reason)
I also need a USB2SATA cable for my data migration
because I bought an SSD the same size of my HDD, so I should be able to just migrate everything over
both 1 TB
Question: is the magnetism from a magnetic screwdriver enough to damage an SSD?
I mean, if I have screwed the screws for the mounting bracket using a magnetic screwdriver, can that break my SSD?
okay, good to know
tomorrow I'll have to buy me those SATA cables
I assume all SATA cables are equal, so a 4 EUR SATA cable is just as good as a 14 EUR one?
Someone actually tested this
also see this earlier test pugetsystems.com/labs/articles/…
TLDR: It dosen't matter
Okay, different plan. The store where I was originally planning on going only sells 1 brand of SATA cable, and they cost 14 EUR
so I need to visit another store 30 minutes further.
I'd suggest getting one or two more than you need ;)
and if its a desktop, just put both drives in a copy over directly
My concern is that I want to use the SSD as a boot drive afterwards, but keep the HDD as a data drive
The only thing worth checking on SATA cables is if you want them straight or with a 90 degree plug.
Samsung drives come with a data migration tool
@Hennes Is there any difference aside from the angle?
Any SATA cable should work.
I also lack SATA cabes but I just use SAS.
alternate.be/html/product/… This is the store I'm planning on visiting
about an hour by buss
Actually, not quite true. Lenght.
Make sure that you do not buy a 30cm cable if ou need a longer one. :)
all my local parts store but one are in the same place
and the one in another place is strange
Does the brand I get make any real difference?
I assume not, but I'd ask anyway
I'll just get half a meter. I might not need it all, but I'd rather not have to return to get another one
I already dread going to that store though, mostly for how dumb the route I have to take is.
I don't have a car, so I need to take the bus
but there is no direct bus route from my home town to near that store, so I need to make a detour to a city in an entirely different cardinal direction
instead of southwest, I need to go northwest, then transfer to a bus that goes south
get spares ;p
Unless I wait to leave until 4:40 PM, but that means a 20 minutes of bus + another 40 of walking.
and I'm not sure if that will get me to the store before closing time
@Hennes But also buy as short as possible.
The latency and interference difference is probably negligible, but the longer ones make for messier cabling :P
My cabling is already rather messy on the inside, I doubt that getting 1 cable 20 CM shorter is going to help
how do I still use windows messeger
it wont let me sign in
im not chatting on it, I need to screendump some stuff
I hate it when an uninstaller leaves 30 GB of data behind...
So I am removing some older games from my system in preparation for my SSD install so the data copy doesn't take as long
I do this through the control panel, like most sane users would
I remove Elder Scrolls Online, but it leaves behind 30 GB of files
so apparently, what you need to do is run an uninstaller that's found in the download menu
so somewhere in the launcher
but for that option to appear, it appears you need a fully patched game
I managed to interrupt the patching and I managed to uninstall it
really crappy implementation though
yeah its shit
theres revouninstaller pro but you have to buy it
unless you want the trail version
@ nate kerkhofs ^
1 hour later…
Agreed. I tend to err on the side of caution though with longer cables.
Except for PATA who was sold in way too long cables (out of spec)
As to brands: Anything not mentioning gold plated, forged by elves below moonlight, near a great oak, after sacrificing a rooster is probably OK.
@Bob Depends on my requirements.
For Intel HEDT, I would always attempt overclocking. I'd determine the system's OC limits, then set the multipliers about 3-6 bins below the highest clock rate established as stable, based on the number of cores in use.
For Intel premium performance, overclocking is likely to be very limited. Devil's Canyon has very little headroom, and this is likely to continue with Skylake (gen 6) and perhaps even Kaby Lake.
For GPUs, overclocking is done only if the game needs it to attain full performance. I do this on my laptop, although thermal constraints (especially in the summer) severely limit sustained speeds and often lead to throttling.
In the HEDT case, a good sample for the i7-5960X might test stable up to 4.6 GHz on all cores. For daily use, I would probably set the multipliers to 43/43/42/42/41/41/40/40 (1–8 cores).
BCLK would be no higher than 101, and likely would just be 100.
Memory is expected to be DDR4-2400 or DDR4-2666.
BCLK > 100 is generally very hard.
3 hours later…
Huh... overnight I had two answers marked accepted that are more than 10 months old.

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