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Confusion say: Wise man have only one hobby, or much bigger house.
Big man can not see feet with head in cloud.
Q: How to get my files in my dead laptop?

Vignesh RajendranI am using Dell Inspiron N4010 14R Model laptop, In my laptop motherboard is dead, I want to recover my files from hard disk, how to do it myself?

Heh. Zen says "you recover files from your backup" :-)
Sounds like a job for "Zombie Computer Recovery ™ " Is your computer dead, but still walking around? Does it drool a lot and make horrible looping audio sounds? Zombie computer recovery systems Inc. will solve all your problems right after you provide your credit card information for our subscription services (Fine print monthly recurring charges will be gleefully added to your CC)
Our motto is "no computer is dead enough, till we get through with it"
If the OP want I can try to resurrect it. All (s)he has to to is pay via praypall
1 hour later…
thats not so great, to abandon hope! in themselves.
7 hours later…
@Hennes NX is only for 64-bit.
Ah. Ok. I completely missed that.
Probably because I usually ignore any 32 bit OS on anything recent.
@Hennes actually, now I'm confused
the NX bit was only introduced with x86-64
not sure if that means 32-bit Windows doesn't require it, or if it's somehow accessible in protected mode
...I think it's the former
I think it was tied in somewhere with CPU which did PEA (No NX with PEA or the other way around)
> The NX bit specifically refers to bit number 63 (i.e. the most significant bit) of a 64-bit entry in the page table. If this bit is set to 0, then code can be executed from that page; if set to 1, code cannot be executed from that page, and anything residing there is assumed to be data.
> It is only available with the long mode (64-bit mode) and legacy Physical Address Extension (PAE) page table formats, but not x86's original 32-bit page table format because page table entries in that format lack the 63rd bit used to disable/enable execution.
Ah, details. :)
So, yea. Not available on protected mode. A 32-bit-only OS can't use it. A 32-bit process can't either.
This reminds me - one of the benefits of moving web browsers to 64-bit (I've been following Firefox's move for a while now) is better security with the NX bit.
Of course, that also clashes with JIT'd JS, soo...
I'll be one happy camper when all software is 64 bits. All that mixing of 32 bit java, 64 bit browser, 32&64 bit office versions (which IIRC can not be installed at the same time), ...
@Hennes But... Windows 8 apparently requires PAE, so it does require NX (w/ PAE) even on 32-bit, I guess.
Ok then :P
Apparently I am skipping window 8.
Which in hindsight seem to match my "Win X good, windows X+1 bad,, windows X+2 good, windows X+3 bad" .... (7 good, 8 bad, 10 'good'? )
@Hennes 8 is good under the hood. The UX took a beating on desktop, though.
2 hours later…
its legal in india
culture tho
Hello, SU people. Heya @Grubermensch
@Hennes 8.1 ~= 9 good, 10 bad?
I never really managed to understand if SU is the right SE site for learning how to diagnosticate modem/router/line problems
I never even saw 8.1
SU, but depends on how you word your question
If it is better than 8 then their marketing did something horribly wrong.
everything our company produces softwarwise works in 8 and not in 8.1 because it's (they say) a different beast.
After everyone ran away from 8 (at least on desktops and without extra stuff to remove all the metro crap)
@JourneymanGeek My router keeps losing the line. The line technician says the router overheats. A friend lent me a different router, and I have the same problems. Then they work for some weeks. Then, line problems again. I'd like to diagnosticate my router(s) to be sure that the problem is on their part.
I have no idea how to turn this into an answerable Q
routers don't generally overheat.
I'd probably try seeing if a PC connected directly to the router does the same
and consider what sort of traffic
it's a modem/router/wifi all in one, no idea if this changes.
those tend to be... to use the words I usually use "Complete pieces of shit"
I also tried cable connection to my router, but I didn't disable wi-fi
with a few exceptions
overheating is unlikelyish.
You might have too many connections (which some routers hate) or such
Aye. And easily solved **if** it is the case.
Or detected. E.g. does it get hot? It is in a closed cabinet without airflow. Etc etc
I usually have only my laptop connected (usually by wi-fi. Sometimes dad has his PC on as well but the problem is there even without him.
The router is on a table and is never hit by sun rays during the day.
(Or during the night, XD)
I never measured the airflow, biiut it's not in a niche. 26 °C temperature in my house right now. I just switched from a modem to another and connection looks more reliable so it might be heat.
A friend of mine suggested using one as a modem and one as a router to decrease their workload but I'm not sure that would work
(The guy also tells me he improved his house connection by adding a hub before his router... I don't really trust him)
I tend to like having a dedicated modem, and a seperate router
(actually at the moment, I have 2 routers, a switch and a modem)
Hello, What isn't clear? Those issues are perfectly clear for me : I couldn't find how to revert my last changes nor I found what the error is about (even by comparing with working files). I didn't found at which lines it is located either.
Q: My keyboard file went corrupt after finalizing it by mapping Ctrl keys

user2284570I wanted to create a full featured keyboard layout for my language and other latin ones featuring combining characters and the possibility to use common abbreviations (which must be wrote in superscript in my language) as well as small caps. It also includes some greek letters used as mathematica...

22419603: I'm having a bit of trouble locating a version of Windgb (x86) installer for windows. It looks like I have to download the entire SDK.. then, I've got to learn this stuff... Mhh, it just seems easier to give it to a shop... but then, I'd be straying away from my journey unto 'superuser'ing. I guess, there are better times for that :(
@JourneymanGeek After seeing some information it seems homosexuality is considered as a mental disease and peoples are sent to mental hospital.
@Zachiel Did you get that degree symbol (º) by typing 'alt + 167'. If not, how?
@Nick It's a default symbol on Italian keyboards
We don't have ~ or the acute accent, tho'
@Zachiel Um, Is the italian keyboard still in qwerty format?
But we have accented vowels, which are common in our language, and... well, some symbols we never use
@Zachiel I see that one a lot in system files of Turbo C++.
@user2284570 Homosexuality is a sexual preference. Everything else is a mental disease.

Mhh, this has me wondering.
Is it Pokèmon or Pokémon?
@Zachiel Mamma mia, that's a spiçy keyb§ard!
@Nick Pokémon
According to Nintendo's wobsite
@Zachiel It should be Pockemon according to classic portmanteau logic which makes names like Okabe Rintaro into Okarin.
@Nick Vague memories of Escaflowne OST track names remind me pocket is poketto in Japanese.
@Zachiel So, poketto kaiju? Shouldn't that be pokekai?
I feel the producers must have had the same discussion some two decades ago.
Er meh gawd, my innner n3t is cw4p!!!
d4fuq is this, dammit.
Eh, it seems, I have no youtube tonight. *cwies fo-evah*
And now, I since I can't direct download the opera browser's offline install,
I have to dig out a decent torrent... which seems impossible to do.
What would a 'superuser' do in my situation?
@Nick Reboot his modem? I have no idea, first day here.
@Zachiel Oh, the clichéd reboot. Very nice. Often works in most situs.
@Nick What speeds are you supposed to get?
@TomWijsman ... 123kbps is my peak average... as embarrassing as it is.
@Nick: Wierdly?
I have a question on that...
chrome also has a data compression extention
Q: Speeding up/optimising Internet access for a slow connection

Journeyman GeekI'm currently stuck in a somewhat backwoods part of the world, with my only source of Internet being a CDMA type dongle. Webcomics are a slight pain in the rear, but work sloooowly, when they work at all. Some other stuff such as SU chat dosen't work at all. The dongle comes with some software ...

@JourneymanGeek Which is bull. It messes with my autologon to SE.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I've read this like 3 times this week. Thank you for this btw. This and lifehacker.com/tag/offline is what's helping me through this rough period of time.
@Nick Yes, it is in the SDK.
wget is what I used to download other things
(since wget -c would let you resume downloads)
@TomWijsman ... I am not fit to download anything at the moment.
Why not start with diagnosing the hardware first?
If it was running at 123 before and only at 1 now, there's surely something wrong somewhere.
@TomWijsman Because of the Indian Logic of enjoying the car while it runs.
@Nick: Well, if u want to enjoy something that's 240000 times slower than my connection, go ahead.
Even just 123 times slower than you're supposed to get, I'm still not sure how you can enjoy it.
That's like driving 1 km/h on the highway instead of 100 km/h, RIP.
@TomWijsman I can't. It's killing me. I thrive on data.
...Damn, now a power outage...
...You people are lucky..
Probably that bulging capacitor in your broken network device drawing too much power. 8-)
Surprisingly you can type out stuff during a power outage, maybe you're just connected to a 1G mobile cell network?
@TomWijsman I'm on a laptop with a battery. I think it's a battery .. and not a genetically mutated micro-rat running on a wheel.
@TomWijsman It's a 2G mobile cell network that's supposed to be 3G ... never got the 3G...
@Nick hamster.
Eh, I'm tired of victimizing myself. Until I upgrade my plan (heck, I'll switch ISPs), I'm stuck with this.
@JourneymanGeek Bhaarath, yaar. Where do you find hamsters here? ... No, seriously, I want one as a pet. Where do you find them?
I live in singapore
place where I pick up dog food has em.
@JourneymanGeek Mhh, could you send me one?
One does not simply post a hamster.
@JourneymanGeek You could poke holes in it and stuff... I don't know. I could more easily receive Shia Labeouf via post.
Oh, my battle to download this simple thing... It's preposterous.
Superstar cannibal Shia Labeouf?
@Zachiel No, that's only during Halloween. Now, he's DO IT Shia Labeouf.
@Nick I'm not interested then. I have no need of people rememebering me I'm a bad decision taker, a procrastinator and an analysis paralysis subject.
@Zachiel Aren't we all. Wait, why would you be interested in a cannibal!?
@Nick He comes with a catchy tune.
@Zachiel ... No, Rob Cantor comes with a catchy tune. Shia comes with a pedophilic beard.
Btw, DO IT has okayish autotunes out now.
@Nick That beard would be less pedophilic if not for Maddie Ziegler's fault. But that's yet another Shia Labeouf ;p
@Zachiel I feel like I could have saved that video if I were the director. The choreography and concept were beautiful. It didn't come together as imagined though. It's less of the actors fault and more about the production crew. I mean even the location of it... a warehouse? Really, I could have saved it with better coordination and camera adjustments.
A warehouse? I just remember the cage. Anyway, I like the video and the concept, young Sia having bad times with her dad, and Maddie is an awesome dancer and Shia is great but... yeah, I see why people saw somethig wrong into that. It's hard to combine something inherently sexy as dance with kids and an adult guy who makes scary faces.
@Zachiel The cage was in a warehouse. Lighting was done minimally. Dressing was too nude.
I guess it all screams for attention. This is what happens in music these days.
So much to do with getting people's attention.
Ah, right. Flesh color body.
@Zachiel Would have been okay... if it weren't skin tight.
All the ones that display this kind of getting attention tactics are, if you've noticed, they're Disney Stars.
Miley Cyrus on top of them all. Selena Gomez is not far behind.
Mhh, demi lovato, hilary duff and the jonas bros didn't portray this trend as extremely but still, it irks me how well tied to disney these people are.
Aah, what am I conversing about in the middle of the night!? I should have other things to do.
Like find where wgets been put in my system.
Ok, I manually tracked down that it's at C:\Program Files (x86)\GnuWin32\bin\wget.exe
I forget. How do I get it to command prompt.
Maybe copying it to System32 will suffice.
@ChatBotJohnCavil Yeah, there's something involving changing what directory cmd is working from or something. I don't know. I'm no power user.
Don't mind me, slipping in another image.
!!/learn taytaytayagrees <>http://i.imgur.com/wkzIOz7.gif
@TomWijsman Command taytaytayagrees learned
@Zachiel That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Zachiel Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
!!meme list
@Zachiel deskflip, fuu, iseewhatyoudidthere, no, notbad, ohyou, okay, troll, trollface, youdontsay
Oh, so, no scared badger gif
!!/learn taytaytaycatconfirmed <>https://i.sstatic.net/ge4jw.jpg
@TomWijsman Command taytaytaycatconfirmed learned
/me runs
@ChatBotJohnCavil This woman shows bad blood against apple and all of a sudden, her fanbase increases.
@Nick After doing the same to Spotify and Spotify taking the wrong step. :)
@TomWijsman Atleast she fights for stuff.
Ah, I can't seem to figure out how to get to this directory.
Ah, yes! I've figured it out. It needed spaces :3
@Nick I was about to say that.
@Zachiel It's actually quite satisfying to have figured this out by myself. Including the cd command usage. This is going to make my life much easier.
@Nick This was for replying to a comment concerning India.
@user2284570 kay. I still stand by what I said. Atleast some interpretation of it. I think. I'm not sure.
Aww, wget is just pathetic for me. @JourneymanGeek how does it usually help you? I needed guy who could overcome network interruptions. This guy can't even connect to the file.
@Nick That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@Nick Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
Mhh, let me try downloading the above gif.
boom goes the SpaceX launch
Mhh, this seems to work
@Bob Yeah, just saw the news on Opera's Discover feed. Tragic.
Where the heck is the image saved now?
...Dang, I can't find it.
It's not in the same directory. I think I've turned Taylor Swift into Waldo.
Silly people! I require your assistance!
I've set out on a quest, to use my WNDR3700v3 as a wired accesspoint to another wifi in this house.
Basically, I need the router to connect to the other wifi, and then share the internet connection with the my wired desktop PCs
I know I could just buy wireless for the desktops, but this is a temporary solution, so I'm hoping I can do it like this.
I gave up and used my laptop as the client and shared the internet through ethernet to the WAN port on my WNDR :P
In Da News:presstv.ir/Detail/2015/06/28/417802/… How do you get burned at a water park? "More than 470 people have been burned or injured at a recreational water park near the Taiwanese capital Taipei following explosions stemming from flammable powder used for fireworks"
I saw a video from that
Looked horrifying
@Bob I think i am going to retract my "dying to go to space" wish. You'da think the problems would be more like the Sci-Fi stuff running out of oxygen, running out of food, being attacked by aliens, not engines blowing a gasket.
It really sucks the fireworks incidents, when fireworks (4th of july comming) are fully illegal (even safe and sane) here in my city in california (dry dry dry). horrible things like this happening will insure that i do not get the freedom to blow shit up for fun :-(
While celebrating "independance" day, designated to be all about freedom.
Another BSOD
Seems to be a bug in the Intel video driver
It happened when I tried to play a YouTube video
The stack trace doesn't go past the NT kernel, but I've had all sorts of crashes that all seem to be related to the Intel video driver
One of the recent crashes was in the DirectX graphics kernel driver
Intel writes some pretty buggy video drivers, that's for sure.
@DragonLord Where are you getting this stack trace?
Unless it's done properly through WinDbg, I wouldn't take it as gospel.
WinDbg is the only program I've found that reliably determines the faulting module.
It's WinDbg.
The traces aren't complete because of the limited size of the dump, but I'm certain it's the Intel video driver.
Odd. Intel has a fairly good track record for reliable drivers.
(AC7260 notwithstanding)
My laptop has the AC7260 but this isn't the issue.
As I said, it happened when I hit Play on a YouTube video, and video playback is hardware-accelerated. The video had already fully buffered.
Yea, it just frequently fails to connect. No crashes.
@DragonLord Is it a switchable-graphics model?
I'll be back later... got an exam to get to.
@Bob Yes, it's NVIDIA Optimus, but the GeForce card was off (wasn't turned on by the NVIDIA driver).
It's accelerated by the Intel HD Graphics 4600 GPU.
@DragonLord "off" doesn't necessarily mean there's no effect on stability
See ya later.
So is your general intel CPu itself overclocked?
I've had random non-fatal Intel video driver crashes as well: "display driver stopped responding and has successfully recovered"
My motherboard actually allows for lots of OC control of the intel GPU (which i thankfully have off and dont deal with, because i would probably be wooping on it :-)
This does not happen with the NVIDIA driver unless I manipulate the GeForce GPU's clock rates.
@DragonLord there are certannly some reports of intel GPU drivers having issue, I would expect they are not as perfected as the other stuff that has been around for years longer.
So did you throw something at it that will shred it and see if the "hardware" borks up? like Furmark evil GPU whooper.
I tried running FurMark against the Intel GPU. No problems.
which (sort) of drivers are you using ? supplied via MS updates and WQOR certified to fail, Suplied by the manufacture of the board, and not updated since 2013, or supplied by intel or something?
They're supplied through Windows Update.
FurMark currently running on the Intel GPU. No problems so far.
It's almost certainly the video driver glitching.
No, it's not bad RAM as that would result in IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL crashes, and I've never had a crash with that code.
There was one thing I was reading a specific video scheduler error (unrelated directally) I was wondering if it had something to do with the OS changing things for media play. in the power properties. A button rarely discussed that . . . uhh ... when playing a video keeps the cpu more active or something.
@DragonLord this error has been resolved in most cases based on some "Driver" problem.
@Psycogeek My experience is that bad memory will often trigger this error. If this error doesn't come up, it's unlikely that there's a memory problem.
Ahh here it is at the freaking bottom (win7) Multimedia settings , When playing a video, Optomise video qality , balanced etc.
@DragonLord For sure any memory going crasy would toast the driver memory slots too.
I had explored that multimeda power option , long ago, and forget what it did completly, but i think it changed the stepping, or processor min stuff when playing media. While that would mean nothing itself, switching something on and off back and forth has been areas of instability at other times.
Running Memtest86+, multi-core mode.
I'm going to do this for one full pass.
This will take a while as my laptop has 24 GB of RAM
to speed up memtest86 running certian tests is hotter and harder, when out of time running tests 6&7 (i think) more times can save time.
Quad-core + HTT does help, though.
Quad core: Maybe. But HTT ?
It was either 6 or 7 that caused overclocked on the edge memory to break faster.
Ahh here it is "I'm at now is it okay just to have it repeat test #5 for a few hours. It almost seems like all the others are usless... I never get errors besides in #5. " this theme is repeated many times at OC location, But the info is from earlier 2001-2007 kind.
"I only got errors during test #5. I can't figure it out for the life of me."
"Test 5 is the hardest test to pass in memtest I believe"
"Test 5 is where you're really testing the ram"
Another thing that has displayed memory error with known "too low voltage" highly sped up ram, and was really fast, and no booting. Run prime95 torture, and select custom, and in custom select a large portion of your whole memory.
I used that prime95 custom method to tune timing and voltage on some 2800 speed ram, because the Module wanted me to run it at 1.65v , it was making it a bit hotter than desired , so instead of the XMP (cooking), I ran it lower voltage, and had to tone the speed down some to get a balanced XMP custom profile.
By torturing it with prime using buku memory, it took minutes to fail instead of hours, so i could go around and around in short time till it was error free +1 , the plus one being going down just one more notch from 99% stable so it would be 105% stable .
One pass completed without errors.
@Nick 0_0
your connection is beyond terrible ;p

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