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@Jet Except that it means too many things want me to stay up too late, which is problematic when I want to get to bed and get up for work the next day!
I also have other things but that's my most modern hardware.
I could set up a decent game room once I get a house.
That's probably what I should do, really.
Separate from the office and main living space.
Let me guess... your daily schedule is:
while (true) {
When it is, it's nice. :P I have other things too. And other hobbies. :)
@Ben If it's problem for you, you can gift me any of your devices :)
let me guess hobby, you are good at playing music?
@Jet I do make music. I also do martial arts, and like to go out to see friends a lot too.
And I have a dog, and she doesn't often let me sit down for very long. :)
@BenRichards ... enjoying the life
@allquixotic Netherlands. The grading here is most done from 1 to 10 points. (think of it of 10''s of % correct answers. A 6 (60% correct) would be barely passing. A 7 would be ok. And 8 is fine. a 9 is very good. A 10 depends on the teacher. SOme thing it should never ever be given except for absolute perfection.
And Since Einstein even had things wrong, even he should not get a 10
Other than that the grading is linear.
@Ben let me guess (i guess very well :) you have a good analytical mind, high troubleshooting skills. Also I guess you are not married. Am I right ?)
@Jet he's married
@Boris_yo dija know that microsoft states in thier TOU they do not honor DNT , then makes some excuse about the industry making descisions still.
I will never marry
@allquixotic why?
But they do say that you can download lists of trackers to block, and just like many hosts list, the tracking lists are conspiculously absent of huge corperate tracking agencies.
what is most amasing about tracking and marketing and all on the web, besides the results being about 50% wrong most of the time, is that there seems to be no end to it. It makes no sence to me that they track everybody 5-17 times over, and there is still no market saturation.
Advertisers pass to other advertisers , to other marketers, all a huge circle jerk economy, but where does anyone actually A) sell anything B) gain any competitive edge over the knowns that 98% of people point thier browser to to shop, without any marketing telling them what to do.
@Jet Complicated question. I am not going to answer. It's too complicated.
ok, I will not insist
I'll just say, I have certain qualities that would make me not a good partner for anyone.
@allquixotic don't be so sure, everyone has his own place in this world. One can always change himself,
it requires trying,trying harder, failing, and reaching (I know it on my own). However, if you don't want to talk about it, it's ok
@Jet As if: (1) my place isn't where I am now? ; (2) trying to change to be someone I'm not is something I should aspire to?
just as every other webpage that forms a question with its domain name, it needs to start out with 72 pt bold letters saying No.
> 電流電解プロジェクトの目標は、レンダリングし、メインのブラウザプロセスと通信し、単一のバックグラウンド「コンテンツ」プロセスでは、Web関連のコンテンツを実行す‌​ることです。
@ThatBrazilianGuy e--go onegai-simasu.
(or in the old romaji system: eigo onegai-shimasu.
@allquixotic (1) it is, but one can always change to better and be in a better place, (2) trying to change to be someone you want is something you should aspire to, even if it seems impossible, it's not that hard
@ThatBrazilianGuy I see squares in place of letters in your post, and only "web" word is readable :)
@ThatBrazilianGuy 英語 お願い します
@Jet Sure, and I aspire to be more like my role models... e.g. Richard Stallman, Captain Picard, Jon Skeet @Bob/@JourneymanGeek
all four of those are single ;p
though I imagine JMG is looking for a female wauzer
You should be happy being who you are, and you should be with someone who is happy with who you are too. If those two people are the same person then who cares?
and Bob is looking for a vixen (female fox)
@Mokubai haahhaa precisely
And everyone should want to be Captain Picard, because he's awesome.
@Jet Chrome?
bcs I don't like google
@Mokubay , Batman
though I don't like batman :)
Batmans only superpower is being able to throw money around
If I had a billion dollars I could be Batman. A slightly overweight and clumsy Batman, but Batman nonetheless.
it's better to be Elon Musk, genius, entrepreneur, engineer, inventor and investor
@Mokubai my favorite Captain Picard quote: "Wishing for a thing does not make it so."
Picard saw the future...
He is creator of Tesla Motors, SpaceX, Paypal, ...
Not single,43 years old.. and has 6 sons O.o
What does having children or not being single have to do with any of his achievements?
nothing, I just saw and my face became O_o
Albert Einstein saw future too...
And it's soo true...
Really, social networks make idiots from 70% of people...
@Mokubai "The first thought forbidden, the first freedom denied, chains us all irrevocably."
@allquixotic I never noticed in my younger years just how many episodes were highly morally charged, even when they seemed "just fun". I suspect a lot of them formed part of the basis of my world view without me noticing...
I must go off again, see you later! Was nice to talk with you :)
@allquixotic For example the episodes that question Data's autonomy and that of his "daughter", it wouldn't even occur to me to question that he has self-determination and the same right to free will as anyone else.
@Mokubai right
I think my favourite episode was the probe that forced Picard to live a life on a planet whose sun was expanding and was going nova. The planet was doomed and they couldn't save their people so they sent a probe and one dying wish: "Remember Us"
@Mokubai yep, that one made me cry
The Inner Light
Aye, that's the one
Annoyance of the day: pretty much all of the mobile browsers are based on WebKit, so if you hate Chrome then your only real choice is one the Big Three Desktop Browsers.
Fun fact of the day: Firefox for Android doesn't suck as much as it did.
@Mokubai I've been meaning to try it out...
@MichaelFrank It used to be slow and chuggy, but seemingly it now runs perfectly fine on my Nexus. I tried it about 6 months ago and found it painful, but now its okay.
@allquixotic I'm actually not married, and don't expect to (by choice). I also am analytical and engineering, and can troubleshoot. Hence my patronage of this site. :) (@Jet)
@Jet I can see it all just fine in IE 11. :)
@Mokubai How is Opera doing in the mobile browser space these days? Is it Webkit as well? It used to be king on mobile. I used it on my old Symbian S60 phones and it rocked.
@BenRichards not tried Opera in a few years (I have a minor phobia of it for some reason, not sure why) but I assume it isn't utter rubbish because it isn't Yet Another Bloody WebKit browser
keep in mind, Blink and Webkit will diverge over time ;p
@Mokubai lol, actually the latest version of Opera for mobile and desktop IS WebKit a Google+Opera fork of WebKit called Blink
Opera is closer to Chrome than Safari now
the Presto renderer that was in-house Opera IP is pretty much dead now, and I don't think they're releasing any new products that contain it, unless some random ISV asks to license it for some reason when they could get WebKit for free instead (or Gecko, or...)
The browser I was using instead of Chrome was UC Browser, but an update means it now has the Webkit-ism called the Link Disambiguation Popup (AKA "We believe our users are all fat fingered idiots who couldn't tap a single link in the middle of a blank page without our help")
There exists a special circle in Hull for the person who came up with that misfeature.
@allquixotic well that would explain my current feeling of mistrust with Opera, and reduces my choice to The Big Two Desktop Browsers. I'm stuck with Firefox forever, until they go to WebKit and I pray to Microsoft to give me Internet Explorer Android. What is the world coming to?
@Mokubai Was Hull a typo? Or do you really mean that? :o
Also why is webkit so bad?
I meant it. Hull is where you go when Hell won't touch you because you're just a bit too evil.
Actually yes, I agree. We lost against Hull a couple weeks ago and I was super pissed about it.
@MichaelFrank The Android version of it spends its time finding new and intriguing ways of causing me aggravation. The Link Disambiguation Popup is designed for small screens yet they arbitrarily decided everyone should have it just because a) they're idiots, b) no one has any kind of screen larger than 3 inches, c) there are no phones with Digitiser's (cough Galaxy Note cough), and d) they're idiots.
Hence I have declared war on it. I'm almost tempted to make IE my default browser at work.
@Mokubai I've been using Firefox for years, and while it's lean on system resources, it's not exactly the fastest.
At least multiprocess technology (Electrolysis) is approaching readiness.
@MichaelFrank I don't keep up with football, who did they beat?
It's now included as an experimental feature in Firefox Developer Edition (disabled by default).
@DragonLord getting the right adblocker seems to help, just changed from Adblock to uBlock and its a lot faster and a bit leaner.
Firefox is pretty inefficient doing WebGL, though.
May 3 at 17:19, by DragonLord
On Intel HD Graphics 4600 with 1000 fishes: IE gets about 50 fps. Firefox barely manages 20.
I don't block ads. I respect the choice to advertise for revenue.
Flash is ask-to-activate, though.
See the context for more information on Firefox and its poor WebGL performance.
May 3 at 17:19, by DragonLord
Something is very wrong with the Firefox WebGL renderer.
I unblock sites I use more than once or twice a year, makes for a long list of unblocked sites but adverts annoy me in general.
@Mokubai Liverpool
I've finally managed to disable Flash without any problems, most sites I use are fine now.
@MichaelFrank I drove through there once....
Malwarebytes Premium's Malicious Website Protection totally fucks with my system, but turning it off makes everything fast and smooth
it's like night and day
Yea, the Avast! link annoyifier does the same thing.
the way it messes it up though is interesting, frustrating, and hard to debug
any attempt to visit a site usually incurs a 5-10 second delay
but actual transfers, once they're going, are fast
I'd consider switching to chrome, but oneliner :/
(And I won't need an adblock at work soon ;p)
@allquixotic: basically I have my omnibar and tabs all in one row
old screenshot but something like this i.imgur.com/N10SC6e.png
I used to do that with my Firefox set ups.
@allquixotic I was experiencing this for weeks (maybe a couple months) until I changed out the DNS servers I use at work.

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