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I'm about halfway through the main missions on ACIII.
Start of Sequence 7, 34.8% sync (5939/17070).
AC3 has good scenario, it's like a film :) I liked it
what was your last played mission?
@Jet Sequence 6 Memory 4, Hostile Negotiations
Full sync on all main missions so far.
I really like ACIII's combat system.
Heh me too :) I usually go for full sync and restart the mission if not :)
I think things started to go downhill from ACIV: Black Flag, after the conclusion of Desmond's story.
At least ACIII lets you revert to the last checkpoint if you miss a full sync constraint instead of having to restart the entire memory.
I'm focusing on the Homestead missions at this time.
*restart from checkpoint ;)
Do you go for hunting? I usually hunt a lot
I do, but not a lot.
Alright, I've got work to do, so talk to you later.
OK. And I must go offline. Good bye!
Morning. While it still looks like I lost an argument with a bee , my eye hurts less this morning
(no not me ;p)
2 hours later…
@Bob Firefox Developer Guinea Pig Edition has Electrolysis support now (optional) - multiprocess is here... even 64-bit :D
Updating Firefox Developer Edition.
I'm a bit hesitant to enable e10s.
The fact that it's advanced from Nightly to Developer Edition is a good sign, though.
Next up: availability in Beta.
Generally speaking are spaces allowed in most passwords, or a few allow it, or they are rarely allowed. Passwords being stuff with log-ins on the web.
Q: How can I get wvdial to run from /etc/network/interfaces

GrzenioI am using wvdial to connect to a mobile network (I have a usb modem) and it works fine. However, I wanted to automate the connection a bit (currently I am running wvdial every time I want to connect). I was wandering if there is a way to add this network to /etc/network/interfaces (in a truly De...

bounty bounty bounty! (only a small one!) I'm stuck :(
...if no one writes a better answer, does the top answer there automatically get it as it has over 4 votes (or whatever the limit is)?
Yeah, something like that
For anyone wondering, my eye's nearly back to normal ;p
@JourneymanGeek ohhh... glad to hear... what was wrong?
@WilliamHilsum: bad eye infection
couldn't use a PC for 2 days
glad you are better!
if you got kindlitus be sure to let us know, e-paper trapped biological entities could be a concern for the cdc :-)
@WilliamHilsum the bounty is awarded by you, or it goes into oblvion. it is also given to the top answer that has at least 2 votes. But how that works when it is bountied late and answers are unchanged, i do not know.
So your in control, as long as you award the bounty within 24hours of the bounty expiring.
Thanks, and, more importantly... do you know the answer :P ? :(
me only know windows, and barely that.
heh, no worries
@allquixotic Guinea Pig :D
@HackToHell ;p
> 40.0a2 (2015-05-16)
> a
"a" for "alpha" -- this is what "Developer"s are supposed to tolerate
It's aurora I think
Which seems to be fancy alpha
Does the developer edition have anything extra from the normal firefox ?
a few things - like WebIDE
Q: New vs used computer-how to tell?

oddgirlI bought from a computer repair place what is supposed to be a brand-new laptop but under multi-media devices there is mine listed and two other devices listed as "spencerjones-PC: sally jones" and one that says "spencerjones-PC: spencer jones." There is also a router listed that is one that I ha...

Look your boyfriend stole the computer to get in your pants, just get over it , find spencer and return it ok :-)
@OliverSalzburg Drive guide's good :P
40pc cache hit rate \m/
Also crop fail
Guys, I'm sharing the netbook I'm using with my entire family and no matter what I do, they keep using the chrome browser to which my google account is linked. The don't have the courtesy of syncing in their own accounts or maybe using another browser.
create another account on the netbook?
@JourneymanGeek Um, so chrome on the other account won't be synced with my google?
its a seperate account, hell, may need to install chrome for it seperately
Mhh, still, they won't let me do that. They don't respect privacy like that.
Right now, I'm alternating between using Desktops and WinRAP
Password lock the new account and YOU use that then.
Mhh, I think you're right but they'll ask me, why did you make another account, what are you hiding and shiz like that
Whenever I'm lazy to log out from social media or the like, they go through my stuff, that's what's annoying.
Testing. Solar Flares.
Nick keep your netbook under your matress , with your porn :-)
@JourneymanGeek What solar flares? I don't see anything
You will clearly never be a BOFH
@Psycogeek No, I hide pr0n in sight (hidden in like sys32) with names like Sysfiles(x86) and use that folder icon for unrecognized .exe files.
I was wondering about some of the same things when a question came up this week about clearing certian history in the chrome browser. was wondering what happens when a person uses a Fully seperated portable browser item for thier uses, and the visable browser item gets used by the others?
@Psycogeek It's the family computer, I can't hide it :(
well then that leaves get a job, move out :-) could be why everyone seems to do that
@JourneymanGeek B****rd Operater from Hell? No, I may look like PFY but I assure you, I'm very well mannered. I'm Clark Kent without the alter ego.
@Psycogeek o-o easier said than done. Can I just password lock chrome?
If you dont have enough money to move out, there is always some Cult organisation that will do it for your Soul instead
@Psycogeek Are you satanist recruiter posing as a super-user?
Comet rider :-)
@Nick: and people will ask you about that. Seriously, anything other than using a seperate account is madness.
@JourneymanGeek Madness? No, this is sparta!
If and when I become a sysadmin, I'm not going to be a BOFH.
Q: How do I start Chrome using a specified "user profile"?

Danny TuppenyI use the new built-in "Users" feature of Chrome to switch between Home/Work accounts easily. However, Chrome remembers the "last" user profile you had selected when launching new windows. This is a problem if I close down my "Home" profile last, because when I then click the Email shortcut on my...

Really, they won't let me make a seperate account. Maybe I'll just unsync from chrome, install and sync with canary. Not my fault they won't use IE or Firefox. I just have to yield :(
@DragonLord: I occationally make jokes about solar flares when stuff randomly starts working around me ;p
@Nick: Here's the thing
You have a social problem not a technical one.
Inexperienced people who don't understand how computers work are never an excuse to drop civility.
Not everyone knows how computers work. I respect that.
@DragonLord: I was joking ._.
I'm not talking about your joke, I'm talking about the popular image of the sysadmin.
@Nick: Option 2. Put aside a dollar a day, buy yourself your own netbook ;p
The stereotypical sysadmin who hates "lusers" with a passion is doing his job wrong.
@JourneymanGeek True dat but surely there have to be technical ways to overcome social situations.
...or is it really that frustrating and stressful to be a sysadmin?
@Nick: I gave you one.
@DragonLord: most proper sysadmins rarely deal with users directly
That's up to helpdesk.
The 'Operator' is essentially dead
@JourneymanGeek I thought you were trying to resolve my social problem with non-empathetic and impractical solution of buying a new netbook or getting a job . That specified user profile thing you linked is somewhat helpful, I guess. Coupled with WinRAP and Desktops, I think I'm going to be okay.
@Nick: Its still a technical solution
Assuming it works
(amusingly I do that at work with firefox, for unrelated reasons)
I run a newer, faster build than the corporate-approved version for most things
@JourneymanGeek @Bob I'm messing around with LXD on Ubuntu 14.04 now... insights.ubuntu.com/2015/03/20/…
shiny ;p
@JourneymanGeek So, you're running Nightly?
I run current
Work runs ... old old old ESR version
@JourneymanGeek 3.6? :P
@allquixotic: I can't remember
I seem to think 22
@DragonLord I think what most sysadmins want to do at work, ultimately, is nothing -- and to achieve that, they try to shift all software-related policies and decision-making in the enterprise toward not changing anything unless absolutely necessary -- with a goal of reaching a static, or near-static configuration for years (and then laying off all the people who helped build it).
@allquixotic: close
see, the sysadmin's natural predilection toward doing nothing jives very well with the IT Management's goal of reducing their headcount to 1 (namely, themselves)
And most sysadmins don't want to deal with end users.
the other thing they want to do is ensure that all possible software that the user could want, is preinstalled on their system when they sit down on day 1
Why are sysadmins such a passionate bunch?
the sad part is that almost never goes as planned
cause it takes a special kind of person to want to work on computers all day.
users are a fickle bunch, and as soon as you try to chain them to a cage with a fixed amount of software, they're going to start finding out ways to bypass your restrictions
Work has a nice policy on that
we have a "policy", too, but I don't know anyone who adheres strictly to the policy
literally no one
Do whatever the hell you want unless 1) Its critical - in which case its on a list 2) We arn't supporting it if its not on the list.
On the other hand, our software build system is an ugly abomination that breaks all the rules....
I like the "we aren't supporting it if it isn't on the list" policy -- that gives you the option to do what the fuck you want to, as long as it doesn't bring down the network or start spreading viruses across the LAN
at work, it's "if you do something against policy, and we find out, you can get fired"
and policy is "absolutely no unapproved software"
@allquixotic: We run linux, and the way things are set up, we can pretty easily rebuild a system that's been BADLY malfed up
so I guess Start -> Programs -> Word 2010 -> Develop -> VBA -> Sub foo() <enter> ==> unapproved software ==> fired?
if that's the case, everyone in my entire department should be fired
Also, its all linux, and most of our users arn't tech savvy enough to break things.
ha.......... ha
I see being a sysadmin as a craft that demands attention to detail.
Oh, our breakages are much more dramatic.
It's not a matter of jury-rigging something that works but is fragile and fails often.
@DragonLord: There's basically 2 1/2 kinds of sysadmin.
There's the traditionalist (who runs centos 5.3 or older, and basically has stable systems that will run....) and then there's the dev-ops style of things where people do bleeding edge stuff that runs well.
With the former, most incidents are rare, but big.
But there's usually one guy who's like "Oh, this is cool. this happened last year" and starts talking everyone else through getting shit up
Devops is small things breaking often.
Have a backup plan and be ready for anything.
I did a reset on my Win 8.1 box and now Windows has lost my product key.
@DragonLord Well timed, sir.
@DragonLord: At least 2 levels of backups ;p
One is none!
@allquixotic We have cases like this. User calls up to first level with a problem running macros in Excel. They uninstall/reinstall the software and then when it doesn't work escalate it to us... We then call the user and find out they're using a custom in house macro based Excel abomination and promptly say "Sorry, you'll need to talk to whoever created this."
So I originally had a Windows Vista product key and upgraded to Windows 8. Then I installed Windows 8.1 from the Windows Store and then reset the machine earlier today. Now it's complaining about activation.
@NathanOsman Reset as in refresh?
@MichaelFrank Reset, as in revert to the base install image on the WinRE partition.
^--- this
This is equivalent to reinstalling Windows.
> "If you recently used Add features to Windows 8 to get an edition of Windows with more features, you might see this error if you immediately updated to Windows 8.1 in the Windows Store. To fix this problem, you'll need to contact a Microsoft Customer Support representative."
@DragonLord I doubt there's a WinRE partition on a PC that was upgraded from Vista to Win8, but okay.
@DragonLord huh, that's good to know I suppose.
It did ask for the Win 8.1 installation disc though.
(Which I inserted and all seemed to go well.)
Okay, a fresh install of Windows 8.1 does include a WinRE partition, but probably not an upgrade as repartitioning would be necessary.
@DragonLord That's what I thought ;p
Anyway... I dug up my email from Microsoft when I bought the Win8 upgrade (it was the Windows 8 Media Center Pack) and I get this:
Only Microsoft can make something simple so difficult.
@MichaelFrank I firmly subscribe to the philosophy, users should be allowed to break their own shit, as long as they know that it's their problem
@allquixotic Yep. So do I.
I just entered my original Windows 8 key and it worked.
Well... that was... easy enough.
You didn't try that first? :o
I was entering the product key from the Windows 8 Media Center Pack.
Prolly worth asking here. I have the old baen bundles downloaded. Some of the older books don't have 'modern' formats available - epub and mobi. They do have .lit, .prc and .rb (and in some cases, one other format). Any idea which I should convert from for best results?
I thought it superseded the old one.
@NathanOsman: er. IIRC the key is for the pack not the OS.
As silly as it seems
Anyway, good to know.
This is why I normally use Linux :P
I really just wish they would tie keys to Microsoft accounts so that this wouldn't happen.
That will probably happen, sooner rather than later
Allow the user to deregister the key if selling the system, of course, but it would get rid of all these activation hassles.
@DragonLord It still would have happened in my case since I didn't sign into my Microsoft account.
I kinda prefer not to.
Log into the account and the system fetches the key and activates automatically.
Each key would still be tied to the machine's specific parts, so that a user can't use the key on multiple machines at the same time, but it would eliminate guesswork and make things much easier.
@NathanOsman: Would be useful for people who reinstall often, and don't mind using a MS account. ;p
For users with multiple systems and Windows licenses, multiple keys would simply be registered on the account.
It would also allow for users deactivating licenses so that they can be used on another machine.
Done correctly, it can add convenience and flexibility for users while more effectively protecting against piracy.
@allquixotic Doesn't stop them from saying it's your fault, though.
@NathanOsman Same. I've completely avoided linking my OS account to any cloud crap.
I'd prefer to keep that local, tyvm
@allquixotic ...LXD? Is that LXCv2?
Q: Cannot Create User Account Named 'Con' Under Windows 7

Sharad GautamI'm unable to create an account named 'con' in Windows 7. I can create the account but each time I login, I see a notification that I'm working under a temporary account and my files are wiped off after logging off. Any Advice/Suggestions on How to Fix? This post gave me a hint but is not focuse...

Questions like this are like "Doc it hurts when i put my foot in a meat grinder" Well then dont do that.
Of course now he can make accounts for all the prisoners Con4587 con4589
Next i expect "what is wrong with my user called NULL?"
it is also a dupe stackoverflow.com/questions/30283899/… Which he acknowleges as it was "moved" more or less here.
@Bob nope - it's a daemon on top of lxc
@JourneymanGeek puppy (your RSS reader) may become unresponsive for a while here soon ;p doing some hacking
@allquixotic: K ;p
is FINALLY watching adam savage's star trek captains chair
I managed to get the baen bundle organised by filetype, going to try to convert all of them to epub, mobi and that pesky amazon format.
I'm still hunting down Application Lockers for Win7. Anyone know any good ones?
@JourneymanGeek The Sharpie "Pro" markers (aluminium tube) show exactly why an aluminium shell for phones is a bad idea :P
(it dents really easily... had it in my pocket with the fine marker, and it's got three massive dents in it now)
I can dent it by pressing hard on it :\
1 hour later…
@Bob I think, like animatronic babies, aluminum shells will teach users a thing or two about responsibility and care.
4 hours later…
@Bob @JourneymanGeek I got an SP-128 o_O "binge server buying" is now a thing... just gotta sort a few things out and I'll start bringing stuff up over on that side... I'm abandoning SmartOS because it's just too much headache to be non-Linux these days
to offset the cost I'll be canceling my AWS stuff
@allquixotic ...I thought you were already on a SP-128? o.O
@Bob nah, just SP-64
What's a SP-128?
@JourneymanGeek OVH server
the 128 is the number of GB of RAM :P
also, weren't you promoting SmartOS's stability, network boot and GNU compatibility? :P
Ivy E5
@allquixotic ahh
@Bob the first two => yes; the last one.... well........................................ !!no
for simple programs, sure. for complex shit, nope
what about running a VM inside it?
@allquixotic: hmm, need I do anything on my part? ;p
however, I've ONCE AGAIN gone rebootless on the kernel :D :D :D
? :S
better than ksplice and not anal about their choice of customers
just have to run Ubuntu 14.04 linux-image-generic-amd64 kernel and it'll automatically keep it patched
I still need to sort out my dedi :S
OVH's offerings look really nice, but the extra 100ms RTT is an issue
@allquixotic 3.95 sounds cheap
@allquixotic eww Ubuntu
@JourneymanGeek once I get my IPs provisioned and get you a container, probably.
@Bob meh - LXD is actually pretty good
Is puppy supposed to be down? ;p
puppy's not down; it's actually up
I just... uhh... >_>
I shunted the /27 block over to my new server temporarily to test some things, then fell asleep last night
while I'm waiting on the /27 for the new server
@allquixotic Why Ubuntu over Debian, though?
I may as well set it back so you can access puppy
<= has had terrible experiences with Ubuntu upgrades
OK, so I moved my /27 block (the original one) back onto the SmartOS server; puppy and cavil and etc. should be routable soon, but services may need to be restarted if they've errored out for some reason
should be able to ssh in like 5-10 minutes
@Bob because LXD is available on Ubuntu and not Debian
and actually, I had a nightmare of rpmdb problems on CentOS 7 (on the cavil VM) recentlyish
@allquixotic: heh, I'll just read everything there, and take a opml backup in case ;p
so I wouldn't jump to rpmdb as if it's definitely unbreakable
rss feeds are transient anyway.
Now, if there was a neat way to cluster up postgres servers....
@allquixotic Really? The GH page implies otherwise
LXD is ubuntu dogfood.
Also, did you actually outgrow the SP-64? o.O
Of course they keep reinventing dogfood with things like fish and fish shaped rocks and...
@Bob what do you think? :D
@allquixotic: heh, I am scared to reboot my home server cause it runs btrfs, and 2 of the 3 kernels
@allquixotic no? :P
that I have... won't boot ;p
does anyone ever outgrow a V6 (on the highway) and say "I need a V8 now so I can get to work!"?
@Bob: Yeah ;p
the answer is no ==> they buy the V8 anyway
@allquixotic I've been looking at this one: soyoustart.com/ie/offers/e3-sat-3.xml
@allquixotic: Only americans ;p
Europeans keep buying smaller cars
45 USD/month
then the smart ;p
@Bob plus 2 euro per IP PER MONTH -- unlike the SP- range, which is one-time cost for IPs
spent over his 300 dollar cap this month ;p
that's the killer for me, because I pay once for my /27
@allquixotic I'm only using... 4 IPs?
how many containers/VMs do you have, and what do you run on them?
> OVH do not have monthly fees on their SYS lineup for the first 16 additional IP addresses.
@allquixotic Hmm... lemme check
Most of my containers are behind NAT, since they only need outgoing (if that) or a single incoming port
7 containers at the moment
the only container with its own public IP is the gitlab server, because it needs port 22 for git ssh
terraria is happy with a single port
same with ff-sync
@Bob not bad, except it fails the xkcd check
blog and web downloads are forwarded over a web reverse proxy container
that is the entire premise behind my ordering of the SP-128
I have a /29, so I still have a couple IPs free
one for the host, one for the NATted containers, one for the gitlab container and one for IPMI
what's your CPU load factor?
@allquixotic probably 0? :P
 load average: 0.95, 0.41, 0.19
huh, higher than I expected
problem with linux-vserver is I don't really know how to check where the load is :P
was thinking about possibly asking if you wanted to become a tenant on my box again once I get the SP-128 built, but I gotta go to a baseball game, so we'll talk later
KiB Mem:  49558396 total,  2225908 used, 47332488 free,   225192 buffers
@allquixotic Yea, I am kinda considering that... but we run into the same problem of latency :\
could easily fit you in for $20/mo with no memory limits
@Bob is that server in the US?
It would actually save me money to move to the SYS one, and give me a more powerful server.
@Bob RIGHT, but if you aren't willing to suck up the latency, don't do it ;p
gotta go :(
@allquixotic Kansas City, yea.
Normally I go for west-coast
somehow, MO is about the same as most west-coast DCs
Currently ~225ms RTT
Huh, the OVH BHS DC is ~295ms RTT
worse, but not as much as I feared
(some US east-coast DCs can exceed 350ms)
@allquixotic have fun!
So, yea, I might switch to a SYS... or even an SP-64
I was about to complain about something sillyish but I forgot.
now I'm tempted by the SP-64 again
Lol bob
I'm in line at the swanky restaurant at Orioles Park :p
@Bob if it makes you feel better, a single proc E5 is not all that much better than an Ivy i7. It's basically a 3770 with more cache and no GPU
Going with an E3 should be fine
E5 only becomes amazing when you go multiprocessor but that is expensive even for me
@allquixotic it's more the RAM...even the single E3 is an upgrade, but I'd be going from 48GB to 32GB of RAM.
Though, I don't use most of it anyway...
Oh look it's the dota dino
> Recent Game Activity 88.8 hours past 2 weeks
Fatal SSD Flaw Discovered:
Not news.
May 11 at 16:37, by allquixotic
@HackToHell lmao, dont post those things around.
@HackToHell This can be seen as doxxing.
I would have flagged this for mod attention had it not been for a mod already having responded
@DragonLord hey chill, this display name I am using is linked to my real name anyway.
offline files isnt working
host is running 7 ultimate and client is running 7 ultimate its over LAN, directly between two NICS
I cannot see the 'avilable offline right click option'
why the hell do apple call it a glass trackpad ITS PLASTIC
macbook 2015 $1522 for a stupid 12 inch piece of
the keyboard and trackpad sucks I bet
the battery life is good except that the battery loses live faster than a non mac
no CD drive, few ports, no touch screen option, and there SLOW
To be Elysium in real life: thevenusproject.com/en
@Bob You play Terraria often?
@snipe They are made out of glass though...
2 hours later…
@allquixotic: I'm gonna see if I can get a backup of my db sometime this week, then I'd be good to move. Any timeframe on the switch?
@JourneymanGeek This month. Your instance should at least be ssh'able
(I tested my own SmartOS instance and it's ssh-able)
@allquixotic: Ahh, and what will the new instance be running?
@JourneymanGeek a modern Linux :P take your pick, but not too fancy please
Ubuntu LTS sounds ok to me
ideal choices would be Ubuntu 14.04, Debian Wheezy or Squeeze, or CentOS6... not sure about systemd in the guest... might work if trying CentOS7
That's what I was running till recently. Going to switch over to fedora on my own systems.
needs to redo his ttrss setup for the new git based update system anyway.
and I think I have a 14.04 iso already so I can do a test build/failover

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