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@JourneymanGeek @Jet Probably cause Wordpress.
@Bob ugh
I have my dB elsewhere but not sure if I can trust it
1 hour later…
@Bob: looks like the whole system is compromised. Also, there's a 1.1gb file called tabsync.exe in my other virtualhost ._.
1 hour later…
@JourneymanGeek, any idea as to what caused the security breach?
Arty: Hey man, why are we standing next to this barrel painted red and marked highly explosive?
Fisk: Were supposed to shoot that guy when he comes in.
Arty: My pont exactally, guns shooting, high explosive, doesnt seem like the smart thing to do, why would we do that?
Fisk:Because we are the artificial intelligence
Arty: Ok i get it, I thought it was because we are the bad guys
Fisk: Just shut-up and shoot.
@DragonLord: not yet
I'm focusing on backing up, and getting things back up first
I managed to log in via ipv6 (ipv4 access seems blocked, and it seems sensible until I rebuild). Got a backup of the wordpress directory (which looks fine at first glance). Currently doing a full system dump
3 hours later…
Oh hello you little **** microsoft.com/security/portal/threat/encyclopedia/… apparently I had this
@Bob: for once, it wasn't lupus wordpress fireeye.com/blog/threat-research/2015/02/…
good to know what it was, that particular MS page is about as helpfull as the One_size_fits_all SU malware viruses trojan, and anything else Q&A
@JourneymanGeek ...you left password login enabled?
I was lazy ;p
Though, I'm sure I have a (unused) VPS somewhere with a similar config.
I'll be rebuilding my VPS next week, and I'll be a lot more careful.
If it is the exact one, Avast did a legit analisis of it here blog.avast.com/2015/01/06/…
This is why all external shell access to my VPS requires public-key authentication. Password auth is not allowed.
Yeah, I done goofed.
1 hour later…
Because people are dumb ;p
@DragonLord superuser.com/questions/909158/… Another long term can be factually based, simple yet not covered well on the web. Windows somewhat laptop question, that 4 paragraphs would answer.
I think i know what all 4 mean, but dont have that method used here.
Trottle levels (vs heat) based on stepping to reduce total heat, on load
Actual power in wattage before frequency/stepping throttle under loads
Fan Speed vs Stepping under load
Some kind of stepping limit, like no turbo, although on a lappie it could also be reduced core usage, like on android
most of that stuff is configurable in (slightly) advanced settings on Overclock motherboards. Like you can pick an actual wattage maximum and the cpu will step down when a combination of the load, the core use, pushes the wattage up high.
From Burpo http://forums.anandtech.com/showthread.php?p=37250634
. . .power to the CPU vs temperature. Keeping CPU temperature down while still delivering adequate performance is its purpose. In Power Management Settings, there is a category for "Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Settings", with sub categories:
"Power Limit" with "Level 1-5" as options (1 being the lowest amount of power & 5 the highest), and
"Acoustic Limit" with "Level 1-5" as options. (1 being the slowest fan speed & 5 the highest)..
The Intel DEV guide software.intel.com/sites/default/files/managed/d4/27/… barely explains some of it in the power section.
And the guide reminded me that the GPU also would be in play. Every trick in the book that has been applied to having the cpu go up and down, plus the tricks they use on GPUs to do similar.
Intel implementing in the actual software all the control they created in the chip (hardware) again. (if you want it done right, do it yourself)
Through the Mother boards, and the operating system, they already had ability for all of this, by different names, and method.
The delicate balance A laptops cooling , and power, can handle a full cpu load for some time. When clipping wattage: The control is very fast (miliseconds fast), voltage regulators and stepping all "on" the CPU Clipping the max wattage, will mean that the "total multicore computational power" at any time would be limited. Different from Temperature vrses stepping throttle, where you can do a lot of High CPU spikes at full speeds until the cooling cannot keep up.
So if the laptop manufacture was to set a wattage max for thier design, because the curcuits can't take the power consumption. you could be paying for a $$$chip in a laptop that doesnt completly use it , when your slamming all the cores for work.
4 hours later…
@Psycogeek Wait, I think I know this stuff. I've read about cTDP and have a basic understanding of how it works, but the others, I don't quite understand.
@DragonLord unfortunately, most of those can only really be answered with some form of official documentation
the terms they use make it fairly easy to guess what they do, but it's hard to figure out the exact effects
and the question already contains reasonable guesses
Okay, so why is Firefox's WebGL performance so poor?
I understand this is probably tuned for IE, but I've read that Chrome performs better than this.
Looks like a known issue.
Q: Webgl and three.js running great on chrome but HORRIBLE on firefox

user2483894Basically I am downloading a zip file and extracting a collada file to load in the browser. This works freaking awesome in chrome but is REALLY slow with model movement from the mouse in Firefox. I cant seem to figure this out or if there's a setting I'm missing to speed up Firefox or what. Th...

On Intel HD Graphics 4600 with 1000 fishes: IE gets about 50 fps. Firefox barely manages 20.
Something is very wrong with the Firefox WebGL renderer.
Q: Why is WebGL render speed so inconsistent?

dan-manIn my application I plot about 8 million vertices with a single call to WebGL's drawarrays using the LINE_STRIP flag. I don't actually want one long line, I want about 200k short lines, so I cap all the short lines with extra vertices, and tell the vertex shader to "push" the line caps into nega...

This just reinforces the perception that Firefox is slow and bloated.
As much as I love using Firefox, I fear I may have to switch soon.
Firefox Developer Edition is not faster in this benchmark.
Consensus is that Firefox is significantly slower than Chrome.
Mozilla, please improve the performance of your browser. I am just about ready to migrate to Chrome.
This is from a user who has used Firefox since version 1.5.
I never knew Firefox was this slow until now. Good hardware was masking software performance issues.
This is absolutely not acceptable. Firefox is a performance outlier in a field of modern browsers.
Yes, Firefox has the advantage of low memory use, but this is not an acceptable tradeoff especially for a user with a computer with 24 GB of RAM.
@DragonLord Not really.
Firstly, and most importantly, I don't pick browsers for raw performance, unless poor performance is a noticeable and significant issue.
(On that note - IE11 has faster raw startup times than FF and GC too.)
And if I cared about performance, I'd probably go with the Waterfox optimised builds (cc @allquixotic).
Also, one factor does not an entire browser make.
There's far more to a browser than graphics rendering.
On UX alone - Chrome's got better crash recovery, Firefox has better tab management.
On privacy and security... well, FF lets me host my own sync server, which is a massive factor in its favour - and not something I can easily work around. AFAIK, Google & Chrome do not offer this option, and they do not intend to - and I absolutely refuse to give Google my entire browsing history, encrypted or not. Otherwise, they're reasonably equal.
Again, related: Nightly typically has far better graphics performance. Not very stable, though.
Hopefully, those improvements will stabilise and move down the pipe soon. It's an area of active development.
Also: dealing with graphics and graphics drivers is a massive pain. They've already had to have a few chemspill releases to blacklist certain drivers from hardware accel since they were causing constant crashes.
Doesn't help that some drivers will just crash even just rendering the desktop :\
On this area, I honestly don't know if Chrome's having similar issues.
A quick search suggests that it does.
@allquixotic Speaking of - how does WF compare (how does it feel)?
@Bob this is why I don't trust airlines having EFBs as iPads.
@Bob very similar on my system at least -- not much of a perf improvement
@allquixotic Hm. I honestly wouldn't expect something too noticeable unless you were doing something intensive or on a shitty system :P
Might have to try WF on the Atom tab... FF is noticeably laggy to render on it.
@Bob I've been using Chrome because it starts faster, new tabs open faster, searches are faster, etc.
@allquixotic Even with FF loading 32 tabs on start and Chrome loading none, they're about the same here.
New tabs are near-instant on both.
And I use InstantFox for search, so I can't say much about FF's built-in search :P
Searching with IF is identical - to be expected, since most of the delay is loading the results page and therefore network-constrained.
I think my biggest current issue with FF is how it responds to tabs and lag on individual tabs. Hopefully e10s moves a bit faster... I might start running Nightly primarily to help test it.
Previously, it was the lack of 64-bit support, but that's moved down a bit since it's coming very soon (TM).
@allquixotic You referring to this?
Q: Why did an iPad software failure cause a return to the gate?

SimonI was amazed to read this which implies that a software failure on iPads caused departing flights to return to the gate. I used to be an avionics engineer up until a point before the current generation of consumer electronics and now develop "field" apps for phones and tablets. I know two thing...

kinda scary thought that the pilot might be relying on an iPad in an emergency (emergency checklists = very important)
Hey guys, does anyone here have a few moments to help troubleshoot a non-booting laptop? Google yields little, and trying to repair the Win7 install with a different Win7 cd gives an error saying that the versions / types of Win7 don't match.
@BenjaminDiele what happened the last time it worked?
anything unusual? power loss? etc.
The problem is that the laptop doesn't boot, giving the following error: "Boot Failed. P1-Toshiba mk505gsxn"
what's the first indication that it failed? boot loop? stuck during boot?
@Bob No clue, got it from my aunt to fix :D
@BenjaminDiele oh joy. those are the worst best :P
The first thing I notice is the error above ^
@BenjaminDiele what happens immediately before it?
is it the win7 logo screen?
Nothing, normal POSTing
nop, doesn't get much farther than bios
@BenjaminDiele that honestly looks like it's not even getting to Windows
The Win7 cd I put it shows me that there's an install of Win7 on the HDD, so I suspect most of it still works
Windows doesn't normally report the machine model when it fails to boot
My guess is either a failing (or already dead) hdd
@BenjaminDiele Do you have a bootable Linux CD or USB handy?
But she wants as much data as possible from it. That I can do with extracting the HDD and getting the data off like that
@Bob I got a Win7 cd and a Win8.1 usb
urk... they don't provide any way of checking SMART data from preinstall
Alright, I'll make a bootable linux usb
@BenjaminDiele It would really help to know what happened last
could be as simple as power loss causing corruption to the FS
@Bob Let me call my aunt
@BenjaminDiele You can jump into the repair environment from the Win7 disc and at least verify that the boot partition is marked active and that the BCD store is intact and correct
load up the installer, click 'repair your computer' on the bottom left (after language selection IIRC), and then you should be able to bring up a command prompt... I think it was shift+f11, but you can try other f-key combos until one works :P
@Bob I did that. The problem is I don't know what kind of Win7 edition the laptop has, but my cd has a different kind.
So Repair doesn't want to repair stuff :D
@BenjaminDiele Don't worry about the auto-repair... just want to get a command prompt up
Let me try the keys
Was thinking about the cTDP issue again.
@Bob While booting from CD and selecting the "Repair" option, Win7 suggests an automatic repair thingy. I'ma try that first I think. It's talking about (translated from dutch) "This boot option will be repaired: Naam: {bootmgr} Id: {some UUID}". It also talks about adding "boot options".
Type Y processors support cTDP down
@BenjaminDiele uhm... that's not right
Haswell Mobile Extreme Edition processors (e.g. i7-4930MX) support cTDP down as well.
you can try it, but I recommend at least backing up the BCD first
@Bob Let me reboot into the repair options in english and I'll take a screenshot
(last time I had to do a repair that way, I had to manually restore the boot-to-repair option...)
it will be automagically be backed up to the recovery partition called E:\Boot\BCD.Backup.0001
@Bob yeah - except it could easily be caused by the graphics stack; I don't trust any advanced graphics drivers in use today
even "enterprise verified" ones have had bugs that I've seen
basically any D3D or OpenGL 2.x+ implementation is going to have multiple bugs, no matter how many man-hours are put into validating it
partly because the spec is open to interpretation in numerous areas, and "correct operation" of a program is little more than "hope the hell that the program and the driver interpreted the spec the same way, or that the driver knows about the program and knows which way its devs chose to interpret it"
I trust this to work because the implementation is simple, rigid, well-defined, and immaculately tested
@allquixotic And could feasibly be formally verified.
@Bob Laptop booted successfully without changing anything. I suspect overheating
it's a diesel yo. Needs to boot quite a while to get it running :D
A: Intel Dynamic Platform and Thermal Framework Settings - what exactly do they do?

DragonLordThese settings adjust the power and cooling limits of your processor. Config TDP Level (cTDP) determines the maximum power which may be used by the processor. This feature was introduced in Ivy Bridge. Not all processors support all settings. High TDP (cTDP up) increases the power limit to en...

This is the best I can do right now.
Can anyone recommend a free disk backup program, or are they all about the same?
@BenjaminDiele one-off or continuous/periodic?
file-level or disk image?
One-off is good for now. File-level would be easiest I think, but perhaps an image is good, if it works with a new hdd that's not identically the same
Ah, I'm not too familiar with one-off apart from just copying files or dding the whole thing :P
A copy is certainly possible, but that feels like a stone-age solution y'know :D
Is it actually possible to make an image from HDD1, and put it on a different SSD? (different size as well)
@BenjaminDiele Not if the destination is smaller.
You'd need to resize the partition.
@Psycogeek See above.
Some backup software can do that automatically.
@Bob So if my partition on the HDD is 232GB, would that work on an SSD of 240GB?
Hmm, a quick calculation tells me that a 240GB SSD comes down to 228GB of real space
@BenjaminDiele Perhaps. You'd have to define a GB first.
Are you using kB = 1024 B, or kB = 1000 B? Make sure it matches up.
!!tell Benjamin xkcd kilobyte
the 240 is from the store, so that'll be 240.000.000 bytes (hope I didn't miss any zeroes)
Which google calculated down to 282 real GB (the 1024-kind)
I might just be better off using Crashplan to a local machine.
FYI if you're using the Samsung 840 EVO, their 250 GB is 232 GiB
@Bob Nice, so it'll come down to a few megabytes of difference :D
Sorry, mistyped.
Eh, I know what you mean :)
Thanks for all the help man
1 hour later…
I'm planning to use this as a simple standalone air cooler for whatever device needs high-power cooling
My main concern with this model fan is the power consumption, peak current draw is 3.24 A
This is the sort of fan they use in servers
It's very noisy, I know, but that's not my primary concern.
Guess I have someone I can look up to.
@DragonLord Wow that's a fast fan.
!!/wiki Dan Dascalescu
Dan Dascalescu is a Romanian-American entrepreneur based in Silicon Valley, who co-founded the ship-based seed accelerator project Blueseed in an attempt to allow entrepreneurs to start companies near Silicon Valley without US visa restrictions. He was previously a software engineer at Yahoo! and is an ambassador for The Seasteading Institute, a think tank researching ocean communities. == Biography == Dascalescu was born in Romania and immigrated into Silicon Valley in fall 2004, after facing visa issues. He applied for a green card in 2007 and received it in April 2013. Dascalescu cited his visa...
Okay, time for me to get back to work.
2 hours later…
Testing 123, testing SMS Tweet posting.
Still on a cheap basic phone but we finally got an unlimited text plan :)
Can a quick question
Q: How to use github via HTTPS?

LoukiosValentine79I'm trying with this to create a simple static HTML website using github. I already created a repository named: "GITHUBUSERNAMEANDREPO". #!/bin/bash git config --global user.name "GITHUBUSERNAMEANDREPO" git config --global user.email "[email protected]" mkdir GITHUBUSERNAM...

should that be here or web applications since it deals with Github?
I mean the current answer is includes a picture from github's web interface
web apps
Or well.. it's about a script
So probably not then...
I know; The question is specific. "How do I use github ( not git ) via https
ya, smells like webapps to me
github is a web git service
well, it's actually a bit borderline
and not in a good way
the question title and actual question are webapps
the question body though... shrug
dunno, I'll just go to sleep
ah crap, gotta deal with enrolment first

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