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superuser.com/questions/343033/… whoever wrote that site needs to be properly smacked upside the head
it looks like the guy was being instructed to do it -- i vote smack the creator of the boneheaded policy
2 hours later…
2 hours later…
Posted by music2myear on October 5th, 2011

For the last 10 years I have been fortunate enough to experience many perspectives on IT support. From the early days cutting my tech teeth on my own first computer running Windows 98 and then Windows 2000 and being too poor to pay somebody else to upgrade the system or repair it for me when my own (or my brother’s) stupidity or clumsiness crashed the thing, to being the on-site technical presence as an office assistant in a small not-for-profit, to getting my first “real” IT job for a large-ish not-for-profit doing end user support for 150 on-site users and another 50 remote …

@JeffAtwood is on an answering spree
IMO, that should be a comment
also, what is done there isn't really wrong, IMO , he's talking of hypothetical exploits, isn't he?
I guess.. I'm not really sure, hence I pointed it to you
Let me double check it ;p
@gareth I've got an editing job for you when you're next up for one. Looks like the writer of diveintohtml5.org (among other sites) ragequit the internet (as @CodingHorror put it).
Would you interested in doing a search for all references to that site and replacing the links to point at the latest internet archive copies‌​?
we need a automatic caching option ._. , like using nyud.net or sommat
@Sathya: i'm getting someone to check it up. The original question dosen't look wrong (other than concatinating the answer at its ass end). There's an option to give reasons for rejecting an edit isn't there?
@JourneymanGeek yep.
morning all
@WilliamHilsum I tried Avast, and MSE for example, but they lack signatures against keyloggers. Nor they will detect them. Even if you enable Avast's PUP, it won't detect a thing. I'm not some kind of hate this, hate that. I bought an Avast IS subscription 2 years ago for 3 PCs. But I'm highly unsatisfied. Ever since version 5 people get locks up on their PCs, and it only got worse with version 6.
All they are adding are stupid GUI stuff, like ... let's make that corner round, let's add a Facebook button. Oh yes, that ought to protect everyone! ... Meh.
The products I've seen having signatures are: Kaspersky, Norton, ESET, so far.
@Shiki: why keyloggers specifically?
not that i have any happen to me (as far as i know). The most fun infection i've had to deal with was a rootkit
@JourneymanGeek Well, they protect about anything else so like web threat... I'm using openDNS/GoogleDNS (depends on the PC), so I don't really care. Files are the same. They protect people, even MSE ... very well.
But keyloggers are getting nasty nowadays. Even if I use KeePass, that won't help me.
And typing random passwords with a "secure virtual keyboard" is not fun :(
my friend had MSE just recently and he managed to catch a keylogger somehow
@Shiki: for me MSE tends to work well enough that it keeps shit from getting in the first place
how did he know?
that's the thing that gets me with AV. if it fails, its usually sheer dumb luck that you can isolate the infection
After getting all his passwords / accounts breached in very short time (he was using randoms too), he managed to guess
uhm yepp
I'll try Comodo again .... last time it was OK, protected me, everything. But when I opened their homepage with Internet Explorer (no adblock and stuff), I discovered, that the high price is only a marketing stuff, since you get a 'discount' (which you get anyway in internet explorer).
(i'm rusty at virus hunting, haven't had anything cool lately)
Hitman Pro is cool for example (its free to try out)
Mozilla sync is still dead :/
1 hour later…
@IvoFlipse Haven't seen that, what was it about? Welcome back!
people are unfair :/ y u no upvote my question if I offer teh bounty!
hm, this user seems suspicious superuser.com/users/100268/mark
but not too obviously so
ahh, what the hell, flag it!
3 hours later…
Q: Destroy a hard drive without proper equipment

Konrad RudolphI need to make two hard drives unreadable. Unfortunately, I have some constraints which make this harder than usual (in particular, they rule out the answers to other questions): I don’t have a computer to mount the drives and erase them (weird, right?) I don’t have a strong magnet I don’t have...

I feel like he is sailing on a boat...
or up a certain sort of creek without a paddle
or nosepegs
the no access to a computer is especially amusing
@JourneymanGeek @TomWijsman Hello
Do you guys use/know any alarm/organizer software? Like this one:


But with the ability to assign events?
hm. task scheduler? ;p
@JourneymanGeek No, more like Atomic Alarm Clock
@JourneymanGeek Well, his … explanations were kinda … hard to follow
@slhck: for not having any tools?
hi need an advice. what should i go for a 500 gb portable hard drive-- seagate or western digital?
i just need it for routine backup of notebook like movies or music
I don't think there's much of a difference @lovesh
@JourneymanGeek hi any advice on this?
@slhck i am about to buy and the shop owner gave me these 2 alternatives so asked for advice. googled it but got a mixed response
mixed response for both? @lovesh
in my office we have WD disks and they work fine
I use LaCie disks and can't complain, although they're rather loud
I don't know much about Seagate
the WD disks i have seem great
also, what do you really need? @lovesh
not much luck with seagate. RMAed a drive or too
@slhck i mean some consider seagate better and some wd
@slhck i just need it for routine backup of notebook like movies or music
from my experience I can say that WD is not bad, at least no bad experience or anything
@lovesh I know, what I meant is: reliability, speed, loudness, features, etc.
there is a difference of 4-5 US$ in prices of both. wd is costlier so which one to go for. is wd that better
@slhck reliability and speed
@slhck so the final call is wd worth extra 5 US$
well $5 is not much of a difference I'd say
I personally opt for WD, but generally … any hard drive can die
if you only use it as a backup, it's fine though
don't rely on external drives completely
@slhck ok so i ll go for wd. Thanks for the help
@slhck Strange but Power Management settings do not work...
@Borisyo ?
@slhck I mean Dim Screen/Sleep/Standby
Yes sometimes this happens.
@Borisyo What do you mean? Have we talked about this before?
Don't know why. I even enabled screensaver.
@slhck Ah no...
@Borisyo Oh I see … well, I don't know how I could help :P
Windows is not really my thing
What is your thing?
Hm, Apple stuff
@TomWijsman Many thanks for your help yesterday... sorry, I was so tired at the time! ... I have asked another question as more a of a general overview... stackoverflow.com/questions/7663989/… ... this has been my real stumbling block... once I understand this, hopefully I will be a lot better with EF!
@WilliamHilsum So, an ICollection can use virtual? Then I need to correct my answer again, going to catch some food first though...
Sorry! I think I have caught the problem - for some reason, my VS only seems to be catching half the bugs in real time. The moment I type

virtual xxx

, it comes up with the error straight away (and , it will not build), but the moment I add


it does not clear the error automatically, but, when I build, it builds fine and then clears the error
@WilliamHilsum: That's indeed weird behavior. Guess your compiler doesn't like pr0n... :)
@TomWijsman pron!?
2 hours later…
@WilliamHilsum Yeah, virtual xxx.
Does this seem spammy? It's a only answer by a registered member that's been on the site for 58 days.
A: Remote Control for windows 7 machines

darksunshamanI really like Vision App for remote desktop organization and access. http://www.visionapp.com/germany/solutions/visionapp-remote-desktop.html

Why doesn't he just use RDP...
Some users really have to express their opinion and defend it, sigh.
A: Windows 7 Explorer: how to show total size of all files in current folder?

Tom Wijsman Select your first item. Hold either CTRL or SHIFT but do it together with ALT. Select the items you want. As ALT is hold, you can simply double click any of your selected items to get the properties. Repeat the last two steps and release the keys when you're done selecting. This allows you to ...

Whatever happened to the good old days when menus in games were obvious and "Exit Game" meant the equivalent of "I've had enough of this excellent trivia, now kindly procreate elsewhere" and "Return to menu" meant just that.
Well, my last comment pretty much locks him out given Microsoft / Software Engineering knowledge. ^^
Why is it that if I click exit game I now have to wait 5 minutes for the title screen to load? Just so that I can click the "Yes, honestly I really did mean I want to exit the game."
What game are you referring to?
Just most modern games....
I suspect its some kind of brain defect brought on by console gamers
ALT+F4 usually does the trick for me.
Yeah, that's usually the fastest, but less of a "clean" exit...
@Mokubai It calls the destructors so I don't see why it wouldn't be clean.
Hmmm, perchance it may be as clean then, it's probably just that I've always felt that Alt-F4 was a "FFS, get this excretia off my screen" type finger-motion of death to an application.
Just short of opening the task manager and just ending the app
Posted by Alex Miller on October 5th, 2011

This week, Jeff & Joel are joined (in studio, no less) by David Fullerton, head of the NY Dev Department, and Jason Punyon, a developer here in the office.  Its a fast moving discussion covering all kinds of topics, like:

Stack Exchange 1.0 (which gave users wanting their own Q&A site the Stack Exchange software, without being official Stack sites) is touched on. Jeff discusses the clones that exist and their reason for existing.

Trello’s launch caused some kerfuffle on Web Apps.SE when general (and off-topic) help questions started being asked. In the larger sense, they discuss the necessity of applications and products to have their own unique help service. …

@Mokubai Yeah, Task Manager doesn't kill it in a clean way.
@DMA57361, @studiohack, you here?
Why did you one of the moderators partially delete a part of a conversation?
Q: How can I enable Internet Explorer 7 with the Utilu IE Collection on Windows 7?

SandI can't enable Internet Explorer 7 with the Utilu IE Collection. I have Windows 7 64-bit. What can I do?

It just slightly annoys me that when you press escape, then find the exit game button, that the game seemingly complies and then comes back with a "What? You mean you really wanted to exit? But I want to play!!!!"
Either delete the full conversation or leave my comment in place, thank you...
Anyhow, swapped it around to actually answering the question and removing the noise by myself.
here @TomWijsman
looks like you deleted most of them, @TomWijsman
@studiohack: I had answered on this comment, then he answered with something not constructive which I flagged, but I don't get why my comment was removed.
Yes, @studiohack, I just did that to clean up the noise.
@TomWijsman ah. perhaps I should clean up all the comments, as they now don't make sense
a mod deleted a comment 2 days ago
One or multiple?
@TomWijsman two, to be specific
I just don't get why the comment after his comment on HTML5 got removed, that just break the conversation flow and gives his incorrect assumption the benefit.
@studiohack: Anyhow, it pretty much goes off the subject further along the discussion.
@TomWijsman I don't think it is a big enough deal to worry about, I'm going to clean up all the comments at this point...
@studiohack Yeah, still, it happens over and over, I'm kind of defensive on these kind of things I feel sure enough.
@TomWijsman I don't blame you, I understand...
Yeah, we have flags and mods for cleaning it up if it goes too far. :)
@TomWijsman :) cheers!
2 hours later…
@WilliamHilsum: I think I have found a clue to my GPU issue...
Windows has something called a Paged Pool and a Non-Paged Pool which are meant for drivers.
The Non-Paged Pool can't be paged as the name says but can be accessed by drivers at a IRQL level.
The Paged Pool can be paged but can't be accessed by drivers at a IRQL level.
Both these Pools have their limits, I've set the Paged Pool Limit to it's maximum so that when I game and it creates stuff it is less likely to be full.
Now, the special part that comes into mind here is Paged.
I've never seem any system hit the limits
Not since the 16bit days
To prevent it from reaching the limit, which is nowhere near your memory limit but rather some hundred of megabyte; it pages stuff away.
So, besides that limit, I had no page file. Now I've set it back to a system managed one on my second HDD.
Yeah, it's kind of interesting.
I have 8 GB and only use like 1 - 3 GB or something.
I have 8 as well
288 MB Paged Pool and 67.6 MB Non-paged Pool are currently being used, these probably go up when gaming.
But i remember Tom's Hardware saying they've crashed 8GB RAM systems with no page file
@surfasb Yeah, I think that a combination of the two is likely to resolve my problem.
The only No page file systems that consistently have stayed running during Tom's Hardware's benchmarks are 16GBs.
Because it's not temperature related.
Glad you got it fixed
@surfasb Dunno, I'm still awaiting further crashes, but if I haven't seen one for 2 to 4 weeks I can be sure that that was the problem.
As the OS has gotten more and more complicated, I've been becoming more and more hesitant to allow system settings to deviate from Microsoft's default settings.
It's very interesting that the page file is necessary for the Paged Pool not to reach it's limit in the context of Gaming.
The OS has gotten entirely too complex for any one person to fully understand all the layers
And I'm hesitant to deviate from the settings Microsoft runs their battery of tests with.
@surfasb Learning one thing at a time, I have seen a lot already but I bet there's still areas where I don't know a thing about.
@surfasb The standard Paged Pool limit is said to be optimal for most use cases.
Yeah, I've spent more and more time relying on stress testing myself.
Sucks you had to learn it the hard way
I think it's more likely to be the lack of a page file in my case, I thought it was completely necessary but now I see it does have a function from a driver memory perspective...
You think it is the graphics driver alone?
Or any other correlations?
Dunno what driver is causing it, probably the graphics driver could be leaking or just create too much memory if there happens a lot in the game.
Eww. Driver resource leaks
The worst.
Dunno if it's that...
Had one of those back in the day. A network controller card was leaking resources.
I have to actually fetch poolmon to see what's really happening, but I doubt where to fetch a x64 version.
@surfasb The way I found it is that, in StarCraft II I managed to hit a quick CTRL+ALT+DEL once I saw it started to freeze (if I do it too late it just hangs or goes to a TDR BSOD), then I immediately went back to the game and it said it lowered the graphics because the pool memory got full. Which got me Googling behind the meaning of that...
I really hope that this discovery is not a false positive. :(
@surfasb My brother had his computer freezing for seconds when he closed his browser, because the driver had a bug in closing a lot of connections simultaneously.
Poolmon is part of the Windows driver kit
@surfasb: Maybe, but I don't feel like debugging it if it's fixed.
@TomWijsman Yeah, I feel ya. You just want to get on with life.
@surfasb: Kinda, and I do enough troubleshooting and deviating stuff as it is.
Q: How to determine what a process is doing when it's using 95% cpu

DustinDavisFor some reason, IIS process (W2WP.EXE) is consuming 95-99% CPU at at all times. I'm trying to determine what is going on but I can't see anything obvious. Last time we saw this issue it was because the website was trying to log data to a log file in an infinate loop but I dont see anythig like t...

Hmm, I wonder if that's more of a Stack Overflow question...
A profiler is the right tool in this case, if I were to only read the title I would suggest Process Explorer or XPerf for which you need to provide symbols.
@TomWijsman wow... complicated!
How did you learn all that? (sorry if you have already said..., reading up your chat with Surfasb now!)
I am glad you fixed it, but, did you make any system changes (such as disabling the pagefile) when you first got the system, or, was it just faulty with default settings?
Also... I think i fixed mine, but, mine was only every so often, so, I can't really tell, although, I haven't had any since the update, so, I think it is ok... my issue was that the BIOS was not giving enough voltage to the GPU. The latest bios (or EFI) update corrected the voltage
@TomWijsman Or push it to Server fault, which will have more xp with IIS.
This is a very sad day...steve jobs is dead.
Its very unfortunate :/
@WilliamHilsum I always disable the page file because I assumed 8 GB was enough.
@TomWijsman ahh... ok! Well, glad you got it fixed!
@WilliamHilsum Well, the next two or three weeks should tell me if I did...
Would be awesome, that means I would finally have a stable system. :)
People left right and centre are sending me Apple/Steve jokes.... I wish I could share... but, I know it's wrong :(
I may not have liked him/the company, but, what he did still deserves respect!

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