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hmm, the junker is running at about 70 degrees under load
stable tho
did you find out what the reason was for them chucking it out?
(did they discover it's evil and will end humanity once you get it fully working?)
there's some quirks, but nothing worth tossing it out for sans hard drive
right, did a clean up, unplugged the fan, and now to see how hot it'll go
if it reaches 70 i'll need to stop
@Gareth: the only obviously faulty thing is the video card, and you can pop it out and run it with integrated graphics. Its a HORRIBLE video card, and part of the same family as the nvidia laptop ones that were failing due to heat
I think...
Q: Give an user a warning when he tries to include a signature?

Tom WijsmanData Explorer - People that use their name in their post. (Well, matches rob inside a word, but that's just a matter of correcting the regular expression; it's the idea that counts...) Can't we warn people when they try to include their name in their post near the end? Some thoughts: Split th...

also, fan noise, IF its pegged at 100%
Somehow, the ability to protect questions (only used it twice where it could fit) made me ask that. Time to go sleep now...
1 hour later…
Q: Why are menus always misaligned in Windows

muntooIf you've ever right-clicked something in Windows (yes! you can do that!), and you're like me, you'll have noticed that sub-menus are always slightly higher and inset into the parent-menus. Wouldn't it have been easier and cleaner looking to make it like: (I'm not sure whether all Ubuntu vers...

I don't believe this question can be answered.
he'd be better off asking TheOldNewThing instead of Super User
I agree.
@Gareth So true. I wish all programs get rid of those accursed flyout menus.
i'm tempted to suggest ikea.com/us/en/catalog/products/00169254 as an answer to superuser.com/questions/68575/… . screwdriver, hammer. does anyone NEED anything else? ;p
No. Muscle and a hammer will do fine.
actually not a bad question imo ;p
WHAT difference? ;)
@SgtOJ: Screwdriver if it sort of works. Hammer is for.. gentle violent percussive attitude adjustment
Being is the army, my preventive maintenance is just bang on it until it works.
(unless it's a bomb)
2 hours later…
morning all
humph. School's filtering is blocking SU :/ It was allowing it yesterday but blocking SF.Chat. And now SF.Chat is fine.
@tombull89 that's a bit of a bugger :/
isn't SF chat the same as SU/SE chat?
@DMA57361 I thought it would have picked up on the "chat" keyword but obviusly not.
MSO and SO is chat.stackoverflow, while SU and SF is chat.stackexhange.
I think MSO is chat.meta.SO, but otherwise yes
it was just odd you said SF.Chat - was it just the SF rooms or their main room?
I don't know, I only tried the main room.
so you're locked out of SU now then? :(
And it's not a domain block on SU either, because I can get to M.SU.
Well, for today at any rate. Not sure what I'll have tomorrow.
are they doing a simple "look for words we don't like" filter or something daft like that?
I think it probably is.
I used to be OK...I wonder if it is anything to do with the new fb buttons?
(fb is blocked here as we're in a school)
could be I guess... are you blocked from other sites on the network that have them?
(side note: when did they appear? I hadn't seen them before :/)
WUT. I'm blocked from the SU homepage but can still access /questions, /users, /review etc.
Last week, I think. I wasn't impressed.
so can you get to individual questions?
well, sounds like a brilliant bit of filtering work then really
It's...flakey...to say the least. Hopefully we'll be moving to an in-house filter rather than one provided by the LEA...soon.
you sound...confident... that that will be happening
Q: Can I hide the sharing buttons?

Andrew GrimmCan I hide any of the sharing buttons? I don't use LinkedIn or Facebook to share questions, but I occasionally use Twitter.

@DMA57361 Well, we've got the hardware in place, it's just [my line manager, the network manager] getting around to rolling it out schoolwide.
@tombull89 ah ok, part way there then
Ah well. I'll cope for the moment. I could always, you know, go on SU at home? :P
O_o whoa now... crazy talk
For mods:
Q: Proposed flag decline reasons?

Jeff AtwoodAs a precursor to adding decline reasons for suggested edits we have added decline reasons for moderator flags. Because flagging for moderator attention can result in some fairly severe unilateral action by mods (suspension, deletion, rep loss, etc) these decline reasons are private. They are di...

@tombull89 Interesting
@tombull89 I never was a big fan of flagging. It's probably because I'm a conservative.
Let the people decide. If they are guilty, stone him!
hmm. got a 500 gig hard drive. Fan replacement (30 bucks... second hand... o0) and video card (the 30 quid one was DP only, so it was out) didn't work out
I think someone's a bit narked that I unaccepeted their answer...
@tombull89 oh dear :/ where?
Q: Double click on .doc opens Word but not the document

tombull89This has happened a few times on our staff laptops. A user has recieved a .doc attachment in Outlook 2007 but when they double click on the attchment it opens word but not the attachment (such as the image below). This can also affect word documents in the computer, i.e. desktop, and in work area...

(yeah, it's a old one)
heh, oh well, it's better than "can't be done"
snippet from his profile: Good listener, bad at losing. uh-oh.
> Out of curiosity, what does a typical "conversational" flag look like in the first place? "Vote Quimby"? "This user is a dickhead" - Pekka
apparently one of the places i asked about the fan switched it >_>
for one apparently in better shape but the wrong type
@Sathya Do you have a sec?
@slhck shoot
user posts vague question: superuser.com/questions/334963/… (revision 1)
half an hour later, user posts another question with more details: superuser.com/questions/334968/…
I tell them to supply all they know in their first question
and.. the user rolls back my edit on their first one
well I've closed the other one.
does that make sense?
> I agree with Joel Spolsky's opinion on this (from all the podcasts): that is, asking the same question with different wording and different levels of detail raises the likelihood that someone will find or understand my question (and answers in the future via google)
that makes no sense.
@slhck you are definitely in the right
I think he didn't understand that this was meant for duplicates that happen to be asked again and again, but not questions from one user
I agree with your comment. Dropped in a comment on the main question. If he still insists on the edit war, flag it.
I feel you on the rollbacks - it's annoying when they rollback to poor versions, and you give up because you want to avoid an edit war
okay, thanks @Sathya
@Gareth Yeah, I mean, I don't feel personally offended, but it doesn't help anyone to take out information we need to answer a question
the majority of people are fine with edits (they see the question/answer is improved!) but it's the weird majority who take massive offence from them - I never understand it. especially when each contribution is under Creative Commons anyway
> Cut-and-paste duplicate questions. These questions are the very definition of exact duplicates; they are typically from users who willfully take the very same question and post it again. Either they’re not satisfied with the speed of answer, or they just don’t know what they’re doing. We rely on Stack Overflow users to vote down these “questions” and flag them for moderator attention
@Gareth heh. I wrote a quick mail to Posterous to have that account deleted.
@slhck posterous?
and holy crap
> The sshuttle app makes extremely easy to get around IP based restrictions on accessing sites. You just need a host in the target country (fortunately this blog is hosted in the US, so that’s what I used)
ah you mean the weird Excel question one I flagged?
we rarely see spam like that :S old fashioned blog spam
I guess some of the spammers didn't get the memo
@Gareth it's like you killed their kittens
oh, sounds.. interesting? @Sathya
does anybody know how to link to a suggested edit?
didn't like that.
I mean, a pending one
the joys of Ajax!
@Gareth Exactly!
@DMA57361 Well, that particular button has never caught my attention!
that's cool - works but horrible UI!
it pops the link up behind the dialog
@tombull89 the slowness
DMA gets the points for freehand circles.
@Gareth heh, I hadn't even noticed that!
if I wasn't so busy I'd file a bug report, but I'm busy drinking tea
I was just middle-clicking to open it or right-click/copy link
@Gareth but think for all the reps you could score on Meta.SO ;)
yeah, but...... tea :'(
how about the suggested edit in itself anyway?
I think I preferred it more generic... and with the word "my"
@Gareth I don't think it adds anything
hm. I don't know. If he wants his question not to be closed he should mention that he's seen the other question.
And explain why it's not a dupe. Simple as that.
I'd tell him, but I can't use the super-mod-ultra-ping :P
O_o heh, didn't even read the "reason"
Passed by Ivo Flipse and the 15k mark; watch out @JourneymanGeek, I'm coming for you!
yeah, I don't think we'll be encouraging that...
Or is it a bit rude? ^^
Got it from the starred messages here...
@TomWijsman You mean your latest edit?
My comment, but I'm going to change it to reflect the chat message instead of the image so it's in context...
oooh, lol, what is that?
@slhck: Removed it because it's inappropriate there. That was an image Simon Sheehan made...
ah I see!
btw could any mod delete this question of mine here? It didn't really get the answer I wanted to hear (i.e. a more general one).
@slhck: none at all
that kind of bleeding indicates something was fitted badly or is dying
@slhck done
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I guess so, but I thought there might be a way to measure it or tell if it's still "acceptable"
rule #17: if your wife and mother in law are arguing over something, don't get in the middle of it :P
I've escaped here...
I.e. from somebody working at service departments
@Sathya Thanks!
i might know someone who knows...
well, it's not that important! :P
@slhck: It might be!
@Gareth "don't get in the middle of it" → "run and hide before you get dragged in to it"?
... took me an hour to install a drive
too late :( that didn't work! I'm going to go walk the dog...
Now that's clever. Collect leaves, put them in a plastic bag, and deposit them in a natural protection area.
what's the point of that?
@JourneymanGeek I honestly don't know.
right, the dell is as runnable as i can make it within my budget. now just need to wait for MSDNAA to see if windows 7 will run stably on that card, or if i need to go integrated.
(which means i might shut up about it soon ;p)
he COULD run a clone >_>
Is there anyway to delete a single address in Chrome history? I keep typing in "cpu ben"... then click on cpubenchmarks.com, but it isn't the real thing, it is a spoof/advert domain and it drives me mad, but, I don't really want to clear my entire history if I can help it
does highlighting it and pressing the Delete key work? that's all it needs in Firefox
1 hour later…
@DMA57361 nope :( ... but I thought it used to work... must of been remembering when I was using Firefox!
@tombull89 I love the response.
@WilliamHilsum sorry for all the editing overnight! I think apart from a couple of broken images that's all yours dealt with now
I figured I'd do them in one big run ;)
@Gareth hehe! I don't know if it is any help, but, I am happy to give you the login details to my tinypic account (I don't use it since the site now uses imgur)... I tried looking for that office one, but, couldn't find it anywhere :( tinypic is quite bad at organising/showing date... it keeps in date order but doesn't say when
... but... well done if you have done them all!
I think it should be good enough! :) I'll do a swing by on the next data dump and check if I missed any. Sorry for all the revision notifications.

No worries about the Office one, I'm guessing it was perhaps an offer image, or table of some sort. I think it made sense without it
the funniest one was probably the leaky capacitors
I think I redid that one about 11 times
ha, yeah, to clarify I don't mean editing the same answer 11 times
lots of answers using the same broken capacitor image
@Gareth hehe... sorry :( I think the question was significantly different, but... it required the same answer (or part of one) so, I did copy and paste that section quite a few times...
I thought it was more than 11!
it probably was :) 11 sounded a good guess
@JourneymanGeek look what you've started with that Swedish chef computer now...
@Gareth: oh dear.
we're doomed
.. superuser.com/questions/335060/… maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing...
@JourneymanGeek well, I thought it was a good question, just written badly... I have answered and I will try to tidy up his question after I have finished a couple of phone calls
@WilliamHilsum: not the content. how it was written, and how wide it was
DAMN YOU @Gareth!
sorry :)
feel free to ram your edit through... was just a casual clean up
nah, yours looks better formatted!
I ARRIVE. I know, you all missed me
@DMA57361 you sir! I have come here in search of your services.
what have I done now? :)
@DMA57361 lol we need your help
what with?
you know when you fry peppers -- chilis, more fully -- in the house and there's that horrible itchy, eye-watering smell in the air?
oh hey unknown one :p
@AarthiDevanathanΨ uhh... I guess so, yeah?
basically: how do you spell ghat correctly?
'cause it's not ghat
lol, you come here for that? funniest thing I have read :P!
the ones soaked in yogurt?
wut. what. WHAT?
Oh, SE. You make me laugh sometimes. and for that, I <3 you.
are all of you indian?!
and yes i came here for that! @DMA57361 is the only other Tamil guy I know!
@AarthiDevanathanΨ I'm British :P
....I HAVE BEEN LIED TO. @Sathya~!
I think you MIGHT have gotten @DMA57361 and me mixed up ;p
i'm so glad CHAOS team isn't in here right now.
i'd never hear the end of this
@AarthiDevanathanΨ don't worry - chat is forever
1 min ago, by Aarthi Devanathan Ψ
and yes i came here for that! @DMA57361 is the only other Tamil guy I know!
Aarthi...Welcome to SuperUser. We're nice people here.
this one ^
i hate all of you
especially @Sathya
@JourneymanGeek soooo can you help me instead?
i seem to remember the term nedi used for the same thing ;p
i could ask my mom but its the middle of the night ;p
rofl oh yeah
i could ask tommorrow and @ you when i know ;p
fuck it, it's a tuesday. it's a bad luck day anyway
@JourneymanGeek thumbsup thanks dude.
lol. yeah.
hola @MichaelMrozek
I think i'll try to install openindiana tommorrow
its a bit of a waste if i have hardware sitting around doing nothing
I was drawn here; I sensed people being mean to @AarthiDevanathan
by which you mean she complained? ;p
@JourneymanGeek i did no such thing! i made sadfaces
and @MichaelMrozek is probably enjoying this.
@AarthiDevanathanΨ so are some of the rest of us too :D
and reading the logs
forlorn sigh
oh well
so....this is superuser
indeed it is
what's life like over here?
yes. and every so often we kick someone down a well. then THIS. IS. SPARTA!
i mean, i thought i was good at computers, but i took one look at y'all front page and was like O_O
i feel that every time i have to go to SF ;p
... and now @DMA57341 is apparently a Tamilian ;p acc to @AarthiD http://t.co/rNz5ocm
(16K rep here. 600 there ;p)
@JourneymanGeek 20k here, 175 there :p
@Sathya you should have slapped in to in a full saved convo for maximum effect
i don't do servers, except as a hobby. desktop... i keep dad's office running ;p
@DMA57361 aww yeah..
@Sathya i hate you so much
you know why i got them mixed up? I have @DMA57361 on my twitter stream but not @JourneymanGeek
i don't use twitter ;p
updated :p
O_o wut. I've just realised my twitter tab hasn't moved since I logged in to it the morning... now I have loads of twits to read >.<
or do i?
@JourneymanGeek DUN DUN DUN
i don't actually remember ;p
sooo....what do y'all do In Real Life?
full time student. sort of
I drink tea
I'm a part time student and I drink tea
and cuss in chinese
i'd be a part time student if i had a job ;p
I'm a boring guy who leads a boring life :(
@JourneymanGeek don't worry, I might not have a job for long, so then you can be smug
boring is good. as long as it pays ;p
ha that's true Journey. I got knocked off my bike today at last :( I don't think the driver anticipated my cussing that followed!
when I say I drink tea, I mean I drink tea. it's 11.30pm but I have two full mugs of the stuff in front of me right now
yeah, tbh, I'm easily outclassed by my wife
here's my breakfast supply of tea:
so what do you do actually @Aarthi
@Sathya I'm an SE employee! I help promote and market our sites. Right now I'm assigned to Parenting and DIY.
(haha, I wish)
Hence the pitchfork in my name.
@Sathya doesn't sound so boring mate! When are you moving anyway?
@AarthiDevanathanΨ I know, but promote & market how? Surely you don't go yelling PARENTING!DIY!...
@Sathya lol that's only one of my many ideas. ;)
@Gareth this weekend :)
(everyone be prepared! this weekend we can bring down Super User, @Sathya won't be around to stop us)
parenting can be DIY,...
@AarthiDevanathanΨ that's at least Plan B, I hope ;P
@JourneymanGeek they overlap a lot actually
well i didn't know either existed until now ;p
tho, DIY is likely to be more useful in the short run than parenting i suppose
well, have fun guys
I've got to do that going home from work thing
wait, before you go!
user image
and defragging... which with my dad's systems.. tends to end up being almost miraculous...
right ladies, gents, I'm off for some Kindle time. bye for now
yeah i'm going to do my real job. @Sathya, you should probs unpin that eventually. just sain'
alright so MSFT's build keynote is starting in 10
@AarthiDevanathanΨ /waves :)
You there?
... in Cali at the Event?
@Sathya If I hear any more HTML5/Javascript from Microsoft, I may cry.
@SgtOJ oh no. I'm right here in India.
@surfasb passes some tissues
ohhh I see.
@SgtOJ :)
though I wish I could be there. Anywhooo
There is no doubt. Windows 8 will be ground breaking.
What I'm dubious about is this Azure
Show begins in 5 min...
Oh, thanks @Sathya! :)
@surfasb how so?
@TomWijsman quite welcome!
@Sathya Hyper-V 3 in the consumer edition of Windows + Steve Sinofsky
The UI Program Manager is the same guy that led the Office 2007 UI change
IMO, Office 2007 was a risky move.
That's what Microsoft needs. People with balls.
It's the Servers and Tools division that is dubious.
F-ing Lightswitch . . . really?
Do we need another Infopath?
@surfasb I agree.

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