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Having root access has a lot of perks, but you need to be mindful of security
CPU clock control is just one of these perks
Limit clocks to extend battery life, or force it to run at max for performance
The minimum usable clock speed cap on my Nexus 7 is 475 MHz
@DragonLord Eh, same principle on pretty much every system.
Don't run crap you don't trust.
Don't elevate needlessly.
Don't elevate anything that isn't hardened and accepts input from external sources (e.g. web browsers).
Having root access means you have the ability to modify system files and elevate specific programs. It is not the same thing as elevating everything.
Of course, that assumes the elevation method itself doesn't introduce a vuln.
...and that's why even CyanogenMod's built-in root access manager has access policy management and logging.
Android sudo/su generally has an unofficial control mechanism, so it's hard to say if it's secure. Windows is often targeted due to its popularity, so bugs/vulns are more likely to be found.
One of my biggest gripes with Android is the patch cycle.
It takes a long time for OS updates, even after critical vulns are found.
Windows is far ahead in this regard.
(as is desktop Linux, if that's your thing)
@Bob On rooted Android, apps don't elevate unless they ask for it or they exploit some system vulnerability
su and the root access manager are intended to be the only path to root access
Otherwise, you have a serious security hole
@DragonLord You still can run other apps elevated. It's just a really bad idea (and not easy to do).
1 hour later…
Oh wow.
IE Edge is ahead of Chrome in implementing parts of ES6 (experimental)
IE Edge?
Microsoft is finally getting serious with staying up to date with the latest Web technologies.
@DragonLord They have been since the release of IE10.
But they haven't really been ahead in the implementation of open specs. Merely keeping up (or trying to).
Looks like that's changing.
Traditionally, IE has suffered from very slow release cycles.
IE10 introduced more frequent updates.
Not quite where FF and GC are yet, but better than before.
10 hours later…
Has anyone here compiled a kernel module before ?
I am trying to the webcam drivers to my galileo/edison kernel
I have the source of the module but to make it , I need linux headers
Do I need platform specific headers ?
I was thinking of compiling the module on my PC and then shipping it onto the edison
@HackToHell Did you read the cross-compiling guide from Intel?
I didn't really find anything related to kernel stuff
They do have a tutorial for adding stuff to the kernel but it builds the kernel from the sources
And the sources are too big
I should perhaps look into yocto
And the sources are too big
That's on a custom debian build by some guy
Pointing to some custom repos
Wait that debian install will be small
I could do it on the board after installing that :D
The intel forums suck
No centralized place to find stuff
It's like XDA :/
@allquixotic You have the Anker 40W charger?
Oh, wait, no. You got the battery pack.
@HackToHell: usually build essentials and the kernel headers will do in my experience.
root@ubilinux:/home/gsca/usr/src/modules/gspca# make KVERS= KSRC=/usr/src/linux-headers-3.2.0-4-common/
make -C /lib/modules/`uname -r`/build SUBDIRS=/home/gsca/usr/src/modules/gspca CC=cc modules
make[1]: Entering directory `/lib/modules/3.8.7-ubilinux-0.9-quark/build'
make[1]: *** No rule to make target `modules'.  Stop.
make[1]: Leaving directory `/lib/modules/3.8.7-ubilinux-0.9-quark/build'
make: *** [default] Error 2
That was for uhm the Intel forum
I can't find headers for that kernel name @JourneymanGeek
That's wierd
Oh look !
Q: Getting "No rule to make target 'modules'. Stop." error when running makefile. What does it mean?

Biff MaGriffI'm trying to get a webcam working with my Raspberry Pi How do I install webcam firmware on the Raspberry Pi? I found a possible way of doing this with gspca. So I downloaded the file and unzipped it. http://moinejf.free.fr/gspca-2.15.19.tar.gz I followed the instructions in this answer (repla...

> /lib/modules/NN.NN.NN/build is conventionally a soft link to the kernel source tree used to build the modules (often /usr/src/linux-NN.NN.NN). [The 'N' there and in the rest of this post means an actual version number, not a literal N.]
I am simply going to symlink it !
> There is 0 questions in survey.
Linux headers will not do
I need the full source ._.
Specifying a block size does wonders :D
gowtham@Phlegethon:/build/galiloe$ sudo dd if=galileo-1.2.img of=/dev/sdb
[sudo] password for gowtham:
^C1109473+0 records in
1109473+0 records out
568050176 bytes (568 MB) copied, 185.794 s, 3.1 MB/s
gowtham@Phlegethon:/build/galiloe$ sudo dd if=galileo-1.2.img of=/dev/sdb bs=4M
225+0 records in
225+0 records out
943718400 bytes (944 MB) copied, 143.896 s, 6.6 MB/s
Eh the gspca version I am using is too old
It references some file that has been removed from the kernel tree
There's the latest one
Perhaps I should simply download the sources and use menuconfig and be done with it
1 hour later…
@Bob The way I understand it, root exploit prevention is universal to all Android devices, and is getting better with each successive version of Android - all Android manufacturers and carriers are on board with preventing root, because they're exploits that theoretically any installed app could use to break out of the sandbox. However...
Unlocked bootloaders are typically only granted for "Developer Edition" devices on Verizon, whereas all other devices have locked bootloaders which, these days, are ridiculously difficult to unlock, if even possible.
And yes, it is extremely carrier-specific and manufacturer-specific. Motorola would prefer not to lock bootloaders, and they don't whenever a carrier doesn't specifically request them locked, but they've been locked down for a long, long time now on Verizon, AT&T, and most other US carriers.
In fact, apart from Developer Edition phones, I have not seen a retail BL-unlocked phone sold on Verizon in a long time.
The DE phones are usually the "base model" (if there are multiple steps of NAND size or battery size for a phone release, the DE is almost always the worst of them), and have to be ordered online rather than purchased in a store. There are fewer of them, and they have a special decal on the back. Other than that, they're nearly identical to the retail phone. Oh, and no warranty for software damage ;p
1 hour later…
@allquixotic T-Mobile is friendlier to Android modders and power users than other carriers
19 hours ago, by DragonLord
As an example, the T-Mobile version of the LG G3 has a factory unlocked bootloader, all other carriers lock it down
@allen099 We're looking forward to seeing what @cyanogen does with the G2x. CM7 is great!
Of course, we don't want applications to gain root access through an exploit
When a power user gains root access, it is almost always provided to applications in a controlled fashion, where su and the root access manager provide the sole path to privilege elevation
Anything else is a big security hole
The Android community sees root as a tool only power users should have, not something for ordinary users to play around with
2 hours later…
Sad because you can't download RAM? Now you can download free 3G on Google Play
2 hours later…
@Bob SE integrated the reply helper?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Oo

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