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Obvious spam is obvious
> Our system has identified this edit as possible spam; please review carefully
You haven't told us what computer you have, what wireless card you have or what wireless router you have. Have you thought about providing this information so we can help you? How about telling what you tried that didn't work? — DavidPostill 7 hours ago
This sounds really unwelcoming to the new user.
"Have you thought about..." is not the friendliest way to explain the issue.
Ahh him
He means well ;p
> Before we can help you, we need more information about your setup. Can you tell us what computer, wireless card, and router you have? Also, please tell us what you've previously tried so that we can better pinpoint the problem.
That's probably how I would phrase it.
tho, I wonder why he posted that on top of the per forma comment
@JourneymanGeek, this is urgent (4 close votes): I need you to stop a crap question from getting migrated
Q: Designing a multi-site secure network without interfering with the remote infrastructure

madsonicI have been scratching my head about this topic for a while -- how to build a multi-site, secure and robust network where I, as controller, can access all of my devices as if they were on my local net. The problem: my remote clients' Internet connection is not specified, ranging from 3G or 4G USB...

Tho, its also cause it fails the minimal understanding test at SF
Caught this in the close votes review queue
I think there needs to be better guidance to reviewers so that low-quality questions are closed without migration
Thats a bit tricky.
Only reason I can tell outright that is off topic is cause I hang out in SF
Hiya @JourneymanGeek and Dovakhlin
@HackToHell Hello
Migrations are one of those tricky things ;p
Being a mod must be an annoying buisness ;p
@HackToHell Especially when that last flag was an urgent one
I couldn't vote to close because the majority already voted to migrate.
Hence, this required immediate moderator attention to prevent an unwanted migration.
I do this for the love of the community
Yeah unwanted migrations suck, we used to bitch about SO's migrations to us.
SF got themselves removed from SO's migration list.
Q: Please don't migrate low-quality questions to other sites

WesleyA question was migrated to ServerFault that made many of the more active members scratch their heads: What is the max bandwith of LAN and WAN network The above question has no redeeming qualities, has no potential for being expanded upon and cannot be answered because its basic premise if flawe...

Oh, absolutely
Actually, unless its an absolutely spectacular question, I wouldn't suggest VTM
but that's just me.
1 hour later…
@HackToHell: Meh, Its a lot of he said, she said ;p
Where did that fall from?
Ugh... in the queue again! :<
I really like spotify
And i do not want artitsts pulling away ;p
uhm what is happening ?
lol. I don't really stream, outside google play music.
oh, looks like my fan blew out the ram packaging I should have thrown out months ago ;p
Been using Spotify since I found it in 2012 ;p
It's been 2 and a half years :O
I got too used to 'my' way of doing things with foobar, my pretty big pre-streaming music collection, and other assorted gear to switch ;p
@JourneymanGeek Yep, haha.
Morning. I rememeber just before W8 was out, it was a 'policy' (I think) to close questions about software beta/preview. Can I assume it's the same for W10? Or are they now on topic?
EG superuser.com/questions/841158/… - Is this on or off topic?
Use the appropriate preview centric tag
and eh, that's not quite a windows 10 question
so entirely on topic
Yes, sorry, I meant if it was about w10
sorry, wasn't clear!
I will also assume, that W10 preview will probably not allow me to upgrade to W10-full (when it's released)?
No, probably not.
1 hour later…
2 hours later…
Tempted to buy a laptop skin, have no idea how it will look though ;p
Online images are very misleading
Laptop... skin? wtf?
@JourneymanGeek I appear to have left the Lamy Safari long enough for the ink to dry up -__-
Hm... I have several bottles of blue ink, but no black...
Wait, no. I have several bottles of black ink but not blue
what was I thinking o.O
@Bob Mine's probably done that ._.
@JourneymanGeek It was barely used!
A cartridge full of ink!
its probably just the nib
The VPen is still going :P
@JourneymanGeek Nah, ink cartridge is actually empty.
vpens don't dry up ;p
I pulled it out. Fine coating of blue dust on the walls, otherwise empty.
I haven't used my FPs in a whole
I'm mostly using a 78G now. It's going pretty well :P
But even then it's rarely used.
Mostly for exams. Everything else is typed.
@JourneymanGeek Now I need to figure out how to flush it.
Water? Water + detergent? Isopropanol?
@Bob: Get a converter, and water
The 'proper' flush is water with a touch of ammonia I think
@JourneymanGeek Already have a converter, but I was planning to refill the cartridge.
@JourneymanGeek Ammonia? O_O
But water is good enough, I use the flush simply cause I have it
oh, the converter is to push water in and out ;p
I use water before and after it anyway ;p
(since local water is pretty soft anyway)
@JourneymanGeek Y'know, I have no idea what local water hardness is.
Not sure it matters ;p
> Below 60 mg/L water is considered soft and above that level it is considered hard. For Sydney’s water the average reading is around 57 mg/L so the water is considered soft.
@JourneymanGeek Prooooobably overkill :P
I use it cause I have it, not cause I need it ;p
Probably overkill
> never use ammonia on the barrels of Wahl Eversharp pens from the 20's or 30's, or any other pen with aluminum parts. The ammonia eats aluminum quite fast!
@JourneymanGeek I could always grab some distilled water.
If I new where to find some -_-
Nearest hardware shop is all the way down the other end of the suburb, about 2.5km
Supermarket... urk
Kmart might have some.
school lab! ;p
@JourneymanGeek I only have access to the ones with computers :P
One can get up to all sorts of misadventures in a chem lab
Like the time I accidentally made h2s dumping chemicals properly in the sink....
wait what
@JourneymanGeek Our high-school teachers' ideas of proper chemical disposal involved pouring them all into a large beaker. To the point of overflowing. Oh, and mixing them in the process. I never did find out what they did with it.
That might be slightly better than dumping it in the sink
Good thing we never had access to concentrated acid.
@JourneymanGeek Eh, they probably ended up doing that anyway :P
We had them in fume cabinets
I don't think the fume cabinets were in working order -_-
Well, they eventually renovated the labs. Never got to use them though.
oh, I was lucky enough to be in a newly renovated building.
Which they then demolished a few years after I left.
Speaking of. They renovated the labs, but the building is literally falling apart.
In fact, EVERY SCHOOL I HAVE BEEN TO AND FINISHED AT, has been rebuilt or moved after I left
My last two years there, they put tape wrapped around bins around the building because large chunks of concrete were falling off the roof
Two of the buildings were like that. Shoddy construction. The engineering classes were shown those as examples :P
(My primary school moved to where my secondary school is, did secondary school, and a few years later, it was rebuilt. My JC was in a temporary place when I was there and moved... and the place I did my degree moved too ;p)
He's alive!
just a lot of SW:TOR this weekend... system is running well overall, and I didn't notice the memory issue either
with an uptime of about 4 days and 20+ hours of SW:TOR logged, Task Manager said physical memory usage (minus page cache, of course) was around 25%, which is as expected :)
2 hours later…
yay, I have access to an AWS account now ;p
And I get to pay in cash if use anything
if i look for an ethernet pci card for this motherboard dlcdnet.asus.com/pub/ASUS/mb/sock754/k8v_se_dx/… do i look for just regular pci, not pcie or pci 16x or anything?
@barlop Yup, regular PCI... And maybe a time machine...
@allquixotic Got the first four endings...
I got all 59
Hint on the 5th?
click on the hint for the 5th ??? to get started on the real game lol
I clicked it, but it just gives the hint, then a 'BACK' button
trying to attack it without a weapon hurts you; attacking it with the sword hurts the monster. equilibrium would be what, exactly?
I die, he dies... Or I run after I hit him with a sword after attacking with nothing...?
Repcapped again
the latter
... To both @DragonLord and @allquixotic, I figured it out
or rather, almost repcapped
It's going to happen—six hours left before the clock rolls over
I haven't repcapped since my last extremely controversial answer that got a bazillion upvotes and like 14 downvotes :P
I got the rep cap for 3 days on that silly 20GB RAM in Windows 7 Home question
Posted my answer when the top answer had a score of 20 on it
My answer now has 35 (+35/-0)
@DragonLord wow that is absolutely amazing
nobody ever posts a better answer after an earlier answer, that never happens ever
A: How to know a disk is SSD or not on Windows 8

DragonLordActually, there's a much simpler solution. Windows Drive Optimizer (formerly Disk Defragmenter) reports whether a drive is an HDD or SSD. You can access this utility by pressing Windows+S, searching for "optimize", and selecting Defragment and optimize your drives. This will generally work in...

now, your rep points, that is rather impressive!
Quite an eventful month for me...
where were you on October 29? :P
@DragonLord Are you at your rep cap yet today?
Just cleared 200 because of the accepted answer bonus. Haven't actually hit the cap from votes yet (190 of 200).
Now you should have
It was a decent answer, had to upvote it
...and I'm out of close votes for the day.
Upon a closer look, this post contains offensive content
Seems there are no mods around this time of day...
@JourneymanGeek isn't here
Many of the other mods seem to be inactive
I think we're sorely lacking in this time zone during the afternoon
Or perhaps I'm just spoiled by @JourneymanGeek's presence at night
Well, the other mods are active, just not as often as I'd like
...and yes, Ivo Flipse seems to be inactive
Well, vote for me in the next election then, @DragonLord :P
@Abu Dhabi might show up here (I invited)
If it is too spammy I can just create a new room to discuss this question:
Q: Troubleshooting processor upgrade, Paxville on Dell Precision 670

Abu DhabiI've got a Dell Precision 670 with an XC837 motherboard and BIOS at version A07. I'm trying to upgrade this from using a single-core Celeron to a dual-core Paxville processor. When I install a single replacement CPU, the computer powers on (the CPU fan taking off like a jet engine immediately) b...

It intrigues me though. Old school stuff. Not worst spending the money on these upgrades. But lots of fun to do so
This might be a lot faster and less main site polluting than a lot of comment.
@AbuDhabi, what would you like help with?
Well, I could use help in identifying processors which work with a Dell Precision 670 that has the XC837 motherboard.
It seems that the specs must be matched exactly or otherwise it won't work. I've had this same problem with RAM - only pieces which had the exact same specs as the manual said worked.
Not really familiar with server hardware
Besides, Dells from those days tend to be really picky about hardware
Proprietary parts everywhere
Aye. Which makes it not an economical thing do to.
However it also makes it more fun.
The first Paxville ( en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xeon#.22Paxville_DP.22 ) reportedly works with my setup.
Ugh. 165W TPD per CPU.
Very high power consumption
Those were the times your computer could heat your house
Noit that I should complain, my i7 920 is 133W TPD, and my Xeons 3363's (quad core2's) are 80W TPD
(My computers DO heat my apartment. Never used the wall-mounted heater.)
But for anything bar hobbying: Ditch and buy newer
Which BTW is also true for my recently bought servers (Dell R300) at Eur 50 each
How did you find your Xeon 7020?
And what is your current CPU ?
And what is the tag number of the current system ?
I found it on eBay. Current CPU is an Intel Xeon Nocona 3.6GHz (single core, two threads, 1MB L2, FSB 800).
Tag number?
Tag number is dell speak for serial number.
It is a 7 'digit' alfanumberic number
Where 42CFQ‌​4J is the service tag (which is in the BIOS and is written on a sticker)
I am considering replacing the X3323 with an E5450 as soon as I find one cheap enough. Not because I need the speed, but because it is fun.
Previous changes to it were added an extra 16GiB memory and a DRAC card.
was this the old CPU ?
In which case it is a 103W TPD. @DragonLord are the voltage regulators generic or tuned to a CPU ?
Asking because of the change in 103W TPD CPU to a 165W TPD CPU.
That does look like the thing. It matches what's written on the chip.
ark.intel.com is a wonderful site.
Looks like a common issue
As I said, the old Dells were very picky about hardware and were often deliberately designed to lock out "unapproved" hardware
Looks like the BIOS has rejected your processor
I only ran into that when they locked out perfectly fine SCSI/SAS disks until you reflashed they HBA's with generic firmware.
(There's also "SL7VF" on the chip. Which shows up on the entry you linked.)
@Hennes on those old procs, the voltage regulators on the mobo are designed to work fine with any CPU that'll fit in the slot and supported by the BIOS. new CPUs have the regulator on the CPU die so that's no longer an issue
bought a ~$400 commodity netbook in 2013 with a Pentium N3520 (Bay Trail) and it gets slightly better single-thread perf and way better overall perf while using 13.7 times less power
and that CPU is slow compared to stuff you could see in even a barebones laptop running a current-gen CPU (Ivy Bridge, Haswell or Broadwell)
I just calculated that 13.7 and came back to chat top mention that.
not sure, but that Xeon might just barely have more throughput than my phone's SoC... buuuut my phone's CPU can run for like 16 hours on a 3200 mAh @ 5V battery
I'll go ahead and guess that it'd have better single-thread perf but worse total perf with all cores utilized
In the extreme case, look at Apple's tri-core A8X.
dunno, I think the Snapdragon 805 is pretty extreme
I think we all know this is about as effective as driving an ancient Ford T car.
I should look into getting something less antique, I guess.
It depends on your goal.
@AbuDhabi if your goal is to accomplish anything useful besides donating it to a museum or showing your kids what "we used to have", I would certainly consider that.
Fun and tinkering? A working desktop? Something cheap but effective?
And if effective: effective for what task ?
My goal is to play Crusader Kings 2, and have it not feel like a turn-based game.
Early game is at maximum speed 3. My mid-game, it degenerates into speed 1.
A 2004 era game.
Woohoo got revenge voted! :) It would appear this user: superuser.com/users/2313/erase-this-account-please didn't like me asking him what he tried already: superuser.com/questions/841409/… :)
For that I would consider any new cheap desktop.
Not that I mind the -8 rep. ;)
Only problem is I live in Norway. "New" and "cheap" don't go together. I'll see about getting myself something for Christmas while in the homeland. Would save on shipping.
this would be much faster. (shipping not checked)
Back of the envelope calculations: that "Xeon 2.8" from 2005 could run at full TDP of 103 Watts on my smartphone's battery for 559 seconds, or, a little under 10 minutes. :D
Heeey, that's not bad.
Meanwhile my smartphone's SoC is very likely faster, and can definitely do a crapton more work with the same energy
Pity about that shipping costing twice as much as the machine!
That usually means that spending just a bit more on a desktop is a worthwhile investment.
could spec out a cheap gaming box for ya if your goal is just to play Crusader Kings II
I'm thinking AMD APU if price is a big concern
no discrete GPU
Well, CK2 is pretty much the newest game I play. And speccing for Dwarf Fortress/Aurora 4x is a waste of time until someone invents single core processor capable of borrowing cycles from the future.
@allquixotic Could you? I have a low-end new GPU.
Specifically, Radeon R7 240.
[AMD A8 7600 - $97.74 USD](http://www.amazon.com/AMD-Series-Graphics-Socket-AD7600YBJABOX/dp/B00LUH1N4O/ref=sr_1_1)
[Corsair Vengeance 8GB (2x4GB) DDR3 1866 MHZ (PC3 15000) Desktop Memory (CMZ8GX3M2A1866C9), because seriously don't skimp on RAM or RAM speed - $89.99 USD](http://www.amazon.com/Corsair-Vengeance-Desktop-Memory-CMZ8GX3M2A1866C9/dp/B004CRSM52/ref=sr_1_1)
[Samsung 840 EVO 256 GB SSD - $119.99 USD](http://www.amazon.com/Samsung-250GB-2-5-Inch-Internal-MZ-7TE250BW/dp/B00E3W1726/ref=sr_1_1)
Thank you!
screwed up the formatting sorry
that's a start tho
those things should at least be compatible
you could, eh, sell your discrete GPU... you're not gonna get a modern CPU, Intel or AMD, without a built-in GPU, and it's going to be sufficient to play games like Crusader Kings II and other strategy games, so you really don't need to double up with a discrete
a lot depends on your budget though, and how much of your budget gets eaten up by shipping
it's usually cheaper to assemble a box than buy a box, but sometimes special sales of whole systems can turn out to be cheaper than assembling
when comparing "regular-priced" pre-built boxes to one you assembled, the assembled one is almost always going to be either cheaper, or better specs
plus you get that little bit of self-respect and pride from putting it all together
microATX is a cute form factor, too... if your storage and GPU requirements are modest, it's highly recommended... keeps your PC out of your way
Alright. Though I think I'll first make just one more attempt at buying a processor which this ancient monster will accept.
Thank you all, gentlemen. It's been educational.
Apr 4 at 16:38, by BGM
Ha ha! Hi, allquixotic - nice to see you here! Someday I'm going to buy you a beer.
already built multiple AMD boxen for folks in here ;p
ServerFault is holding its elections again. Nominate yourself now!
I noticed. Not sure if I have the time for it.
Being a mod, i trying to become one. Not for voting
I'm just not active enough on ServerFault itself to justify running. Really not. I hate it when people from other random sites with very low rep / activity spring up out of the woodwork to run for SU, so I won't attempt to do the same for another community.
"I'm active on some other site so you should elect me" is a weak argument at best. Just smacks of someone who wants to get the blue name for the heck of it.
I would only ever run for mod on SU.
Way I see it, if you weren't active enough on that site to accumulate a lot of (1) participation in their meta, (2) involvement in their chatrooms, and (3) participation on the mainsite (flags, questions, answers, etc) in significant numbers, then something is keeping you from being properly motivated/interested to be a part of that community, so you have no business running for mod.
So if you do run, one would hope that "regulars" in the community end up winning anyway.
That's why I won't run for any other communities, even if I have a couple hundred / thousand rep there and drop by once in a blue moon.
Of course, other people can do whatever they want, and I really don't care. :) But that's my personal stand on it.
@allquixotic I agree 100% with that, which is one big reason I won't run in that election. At the time of inception, I was a freelancer, so it was obvious for me to try on that site (and hey, I won!). I would run on SU, but that would be it, I think
yeah, that's fine
@allquixotic ...EC's already thrown his name in.
the last SU election was a little silly, though. we had folks with <1k to 3k SU rep and only a handful of answers, with little or no meta participation, running for mod and trying to prop up their platform on their 50k+ rep on SO or something.
I was just like whatever
@Bob of course he has! it's a mod election, after all.
he runs in every mod election (at least on the trio sites, not sure about outside of that)
I lost by a hair (8 points!)
@DragonLord I would soo like to know if this users Photoshop problem was grafics based, or ram-scratch-paging based. I have seen it happen one time when working with photoshop and lots of layering. Then they closed it :-( To Broad? or to many stupid answers? superuser.com/questions/840718/…
Hello persons (and animal personifications)!
Meh. It seems quite common that windows stops updating [part of] the screen.
Just min- and maximize a window usually solves it
@Psycogeek Looks like it's either a bug in Photoshop, a software misconfiguration, or some other graphics subsystem problem
There really isn't enough information to actually help the user here
@DragonLord I could care less about the user :-) I want to know the likely cause , if it is due more often to how slow it was due to memory availablility , then a 32bit and free for me photoshop would be a bad idea. If it was a GPU issue , how high i run my gpu when photoshopping .
@ThatBrazilianGuy Hello, Brazilian Help Vampire personification!
@Psycogeek That particular answer is from a troll.
@allquixotic How dare you call me a help vampire! By the way, what's the best way of seting up dozens of VNC servers behind a NAT? :P
I have the same problem:
1) on my home desktop (with multiple monitors on an AMD radeom - win 7)
2) On my laptop when I connect it to multiple monitor (Dell with an Nvidia chip and win7)
3) On my work laptop (Some HP eleite book with win7 and multiple monitors)
@Bob Right, which may very well contribute to the closeing?
I can usually reproduce it at work when launching a program on a Citrix server, then then dragging it to another monitor.
@Psycogeek I'm not sure about the reasoning for the close. I wasn't involved in it, and honestly I would not have voted for a close in this case.
I found to to vague. (sp?)
I was tempted to VTC
@Hennes I rarely get a few leftovers of a window when i have like 6 layers of stuff on desktop, and the toolbars popping in over a gadget with an updating dx window layered with a overlay, with a software render inbetween :-) but not normally.
@DragonLord oh you meant 30+ votes.. I thought 30+ points! that is impressive
I just accepted it as normal and 'it is just windows' (TM)
@Bob You or @allquixotic would know does photoshop use OpenGl? and could the tripple buffer settings possibly efffect that? There are times before when tripple buffer was not the best choice
OpenGl on windows, not DX or 3D Dx
@Psycogeek I know it does some hardware-accelerated stuff, but I'm not sure how it specifically does it.
Especially CS5. That's a rather old version.
Ok. I can confirm PS CC 2014 uses OpenGL (if enabled) with an additional checkbox for OpenCL.
@Bob cool thanks.
@Psycogeek Really, in the case of rendering issues in PS the first thing I'd recommend is just turning off graphics accel.
It's caused all sorts of issues, especially with switchable graphics.
@Bob which have had layering / screen buffering issues before, thanks to the extra SB > Sb transfer . we have seen that here on SU too.
In wild speculating, could be something that intel and thier grafics cohorts are doing to make the magic of screen buffer transfer so fast? as they have claimed it to be very low overhead
Personally i believe it would have a very high bus transfer overhead, and cannot see how it wouldnt. if using a anim routine (only update that which updated) the bus transfer lag or Clogging MY bus :-) thing would be low.
Because i think it is often unexplored how important all the traffic is going on via the freeway they have going there of lanes . Earlier it was very important to getting Full speed raid & full speed 3D grafics going without latency problems , etc etc.
Benchmarks really never touched how important PCI lanes and latency are for the most part. so a person could decribe a "feeling" they had (that was me) , but it couldnt be proved on paper.
404... more like BSOD: youtube.com/watch?v=7I7Io0tk7W4
Weird issue with my father's car
Q: 2011 Chevrolet Equinox: Heater blows cold air when defroster is on

DragonLordFor some reason, when we turn on the defroster on our 2011 Chevrolet Equinox 2LT (I4 engine), the heater blows cold air. This is happening both at idle and while moving. Is this normal? If not, what might be the issue and how might it be fixed?

@DragonLord Already handled ;p
Guy who posted that was a definite troll
in faaaaaaact
yesterday, by DragonLord
Port forwarding bypasses the firewall if your using a linksys router. I'm sorry that i didn't ask for the router information before hand, and I'm sorry that I may have angered your in any war. I'm just trying to help from my own experiences in the IT industry and my Computer Science degree to solve many rudimentary but intriguing problems that people ask for solutions along with experience to help them more forward in their projects. — penn 4 mins ago
Same guy
@DragonLord Is this the windscreen defroster? Normally it is governed by the temperature set on the A/C.
@MichaelFrank Yes
Just test it out with the A/C temp cranked up.
@BGM ESXi is super picky over hardware
@DragonLord This isn't one of those vehicles that has front windshield electric defrost (the black lines going through the glass), is it?
@JourneymanGeek that was months ago O_O
I've had awesome luck with KVM myself
oops ;p
@allquixotic No, this vehicle doesn't have this feature
DRS? ;p
@allquixotic: front electric defrost?
@DragonLord assuming your vehicle's HVAC system is designed similar to ones in vehicles I've driven recently (my 2012 Honda Civic, my (previous) 2001 Ford Taurus, etc...), in order for you to get heat through the ordinary vents in the cabin (or under your feet), the entire heating system has to be working properly.
engine heats up the coolant; the coolant runs over the heater core; the heater core heats up the air.
if that whole process is working and you get quite nice (hot) air on maximum, then you aren't having a problem with the actual heating system
Updated question.
Q: 2011 Chevrolet Equinox: Heater blows cold air when set to defrost mode

DragonLordFor some reason, the heater on our 2011 Chevrolet Equinox 2LT (I4 engine) blows cold air when set to defrost mode regardless of the temperature setting. However, the heater works in any other mode. This is happening both at idle and while moving. Is this normal? If not, what might be the issue an...

it's definitely not normal
my thought is that you're having an air "routing" problem
parts inside the air ducts move when you switch from, say, heat to A/C, or vent to defrost.
a part might be stuck
a lot of things have to go right for you to be getting normal heat through the vents that are aimed at the passengers or under their feet
so, since all that is going right, anyone trying to tell you your heater core is bad is full of it
ditto with the thermostat
defrost, on many cars it is the one time when the AC is running to condence water out of the air, and the heater is ducted to there at the same time.
the A/C will attempt to compress the air and reduce its temperature and humidity simultaneously
but the heater must warm it more than the A/C cools/compresses it
My 2013 Prius C just blows whatever temp air you want through the demister.
@MichaelFrank not sure if a 2011 Chevrolet SUV is going to have a similar feature
@allquixotic How varied can blowing air on glass be? :/
It used to drive me up the wall, when people would drive around with the defroster still on miles later, and i could hear the AC cycling, some (newer) cars you now choose to turn the ac on seperate, Yay for green!
@DragonLord So does this model use all electronics door ducting ? or does it fall back to moving the doors with "vaccume" or way back where the doors were moved with cables?
@Psycogeek I don't know
@DragonLord does the rest of the re-directions to floor and vent and all that work? , and did you first check the fuses and (i donno) disconnect the battery fully for 20 seconds :-) Turn the pc on and off , to see if something resets.
It's my father's car
@allquixotic right, even with the ac on, sucking water out of the air, the heater ducted to there also should have the air warm not cool. the heater walking all over the ac on any car.
ugh... breaking inheritance on shared folders then removing ALL permissions takes a hell of a long time!
25000 files, 3825 folders...

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