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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

@Psycogeek yes copyback is the best
WTF ? enables the copy back, which attempts to keep the drives in the original slot order after rebuilds?
See manuel no good, because they are in Developer land in thier minds when they write this stuff, not operator
Like the original slot order? they must mean something there, the drives are not going to change slot or port.
cool get a full smart readout, GetSmartStats, now if they would just pour that into seperated columns it would be luvly
at least this time when i read the whole freaking book on this Fine Stuff, the card might actually work longer than the time it takes me to finish configuring it :-)
save out as XML, then load back in an edited XML , hmmm. i do not know how to do XML, but configuing the whole thing in one sheet is a start.
@allquixotic ok there pastebin.com/5jdfzQBx you make a program to parse all that, when i wake back up :-) I will test it
And be sure to highlight all the recommended speed figures :-)
A: How do I repair a corrupted Firefox places.sqlite database?

DragonLordAfter hours of work trying to recover the Places database, even reading the Firefox source code, I've managed to succeed. Here's how I did it: Download the latest version of the SQLite shell and extract it into your profile folder. On Windows Vista and Windows 7, it is in the C:\Users\<username>...

Oddly enough, I just got an email from an engineer at Avago Technologies thanking me for this post... — DragonLord 49 secs ago
write em back and tell them thier raid card sucks donkey kong for me :-)
duh , this pastbin thing can highlight the code in a way that the chango numbers are easily visable , pastebin.com/Sm7u3yaw
I knew it
I just hit the rep cap with nearly seven hours to go before the day rolls over
@Psycogeek Thanks for feedback but 7 looks like something too luxurious or too fancy. This number 10, are you familiar with this package? Seems like has another carton/paper that wraps it...
@Psycogeek Haha... Hmmm. Like Holy Bible given to Jewish?
@Psycogeek I wonder if they would send jewish inquisitor after me if I did such thing...
@Boris_yo sure to put your logo on right?
@Psycogeek No, I mean the build of package. It looks like has 2 components. 1 is this cover with logo and another is what it is wrapping. Reminds a bit sliding box which my Nexus 4 came in...
@Boris_yo you know the art of "receiving samples"? if it is company that is going to sell you 10,000 of these things, they would be happy to freely send 1 out to business address, with professional letter writing skill etc
Or you could also request a "sample kit" which they may not have made up even, but your soo professional request for such things , means they will have to assemble one for you.
Sometimes such samples can cost , but unless your credit card is already on file, any costs involved will not be a surprise
@Psycogeek For ordering 10,000 units you don't even need to be professional.
@Boris_yo only if you have already shown "good faith" or money :-)
For ordering 100,000 you can come to meeting with pijamas.
For ordering 1,000,000 they will bring you in your pijamas to Disney Land
@Psycogeek I will show them my Bible then. That's a good enough faith.
One only need believe in thiierself and the generous nature of others :-)
(i think yoda said that :-)
I don't agree about generous nature of others. Unless it's Jesus or Buddha.
It doesnt matter anyway, when it comes to free samples "do or do not, there is no try"
@Boris_yo do you ever use Jdownloader?
Coworker found this wolf. Doesn't have a home. Landlord only letting him stay for another week.
They're trying to find him a home before they have to take them to the shelter.
@JourneymanGeek looks like he might have a bit of westie or schnauzer in him...
@Psycogeek Yes but rarely... Usually when need to support pirates of the Caribbean or download from YouTube videos or extract audiotrack from them.
@allquixotic Congrats with new @JourneymanGeek adoption. I am allergic personally...
1 hour later…
Booonneerrr! Where's booonnnerr?
Which word do you miss?
One two three five six?
@Boris_yo I didn't adopt him. :(
1 hour later…
anybody here?
i have one problem.... i have like 6 admin accounts in Windows 7 but it seems like 1 of them (one that i created as first one when i was installing windows) is admin admin.... and other admin accounts have less admin priviliges...
which is pretty strange
since all of them should be admin admin accounts with equal rights, right?
so there is only 1 admin admin?
also when i am logged in under for example admin3.... i can't delete or edit files of admin4 (for example files that are on admin4's desktop)
Are you sure it's not just a regular account named Admin?
no, it's not.... all of them are admins !!!
I can't see your screen from here. ;)
There is an upload button to the right of the chatbox, you should use that instead.
it doesn't work... the upload button
actually, i don't even have the upload button... you have to have a reputation of 100 or more on SuperUser i think...
Ahh okay. Fair enough then.
@JANORTS This is normal
It's probably a permission issue, not an admin account issue. You can check that by right clicking on the folder/file and looking at the security tab under Properties.
It is very, very dangerous to have processes running with administrative privileges all the time.
In Windows, "Admin" users have two separate security tokens: Non-privileged, and privileged
By default, everything is using the non-privileged token. Essentially, you're a regular user.
You can't view other users' files, you can't mess with system settings, etc.
Any time you see a UAC prompt, that is a process being re-launched with the administrative token for your user
that one process has full admin rights while it runs
Based on your screenshot, you have at least 6 admin accounts.
If you were to start Windows Explorer with "Run as Administrator", you would have no problem browsing into admin4's desktop and deleting files.
that said, doing so is very dangerous, and I would never recommend starting Windows Explorer as an admin
the proper way to do that is to grant yourself the proper permissions on the desired files
I am on Windows XP.
Always as an admin.
And I haven't patched in years.
Nor do I have an anti-virus programme running permanently.
twitch twitchtwitchtwtich That's... twitch amazing.
It's a lovely feeling.
Of course I have properly secured my browser.
And I do not open any executable or Office files without pulling them through Virus Total first.
Let me guess... IE 6?
I don't know...
I tried to disable IE.
But I failed.
I'm also on Android 4.2 and without an anti-virus programme.
Windows XP is perfectly fine.
...if not connected to a network :)
Well, the last time I had a virus was on '98...
A large part of not getting a virus is knowing not to click in 'nude pix here!!!11!!' or similar links.
But that does not work when there is a vulnerability which does not requite user interaction and you have stupid other users on the same network.
Especially if the same network is a normal, direct (non-firewalled, not NAtted) connection to the Internet.
@Hennes Well, that's why you need to protect your browser.
Many of the most dangerous vulnerabilities are very new, so your virus scanner and your OS won't know about them yet and will not protect you even if you have updated them.
But not just the browser. Also the OS.
Even XP runs lots of network related services. And those also have vulnerabilities
Well, the chance that you will be infected by a virus without opening a page in your browser or downloading a file are negligible, I believe...
Sadly not (experience gained at work)
about 100 XP PCs. And one infected laptop from a technician.
How did that happen?
Blaster worm
And was the vulnerability known to Microsoft and patched?
How did it infect you, what was the vector?
KNown? No idea. But 90% of or PCs was updated (automated windows updates running daily).
And a freshly imaged, clean and fully updated (on another network!) PC almost instantly got reinfected
Mcafee was also fully up to date (they failed to recognize it until 30-ish hours later)
I am sure blaster was not the only worm. But just one is enough.
Okay, so that was my point:
6 mins ago, by Cerberus
Many of the most dangerous vulnerabilities are very new, so your virus scanner and your OS won't know about them yet and will not protect you even if you have updated them.
@Hennes But how did it infect your systems, what was the vector?
Someone brought a laptop into the office.
(I hate quoting myself. Except that I love it.)
So, an infected PC on the local LAN (already behind the firewall)
Oh, I see.
And it had access to vulnerable parts of the OS of those computers through the LAN?
OK that sucks.
Google blaster-worm if you want the details
I do not have a LAN.
And I do not use other people's USB devices.
We tried to ask people not to use their PCs. If it was powered off, leave it off.
At least until we gave the all clear sign.
UISB.. meh.
And what did they do?
Same workplace, real story:
Technician puts a run menu on his USB pendrive.
Other copy that (true, it was handy.)

Move to a security PC at a customer. Insert pendrive.
Hee, no menu.. That is weird.
Coworker: Can you you try your pendrive?

Second USB pendrive fails to present a menu.

Grab a third stick. Test it in your own laptop -> Works
Put it in the security desktop -> it no longer works.
Somehow they did not get the idea that that security desktop was responsible for anything.
And all three users got virus warnings when they returned to the office.
All three ignored them.
I intercepted one of them, cleaned the USB pendive. That lasted about an hour (added: One virus and some new data files from pendrive#3 in the previous paragraph)
Guess what my opinion of them was at that time?
Very high?
Perhaps people need a computer briefing about security.
That too.
But how hard can it be that "Hey, if I do this it fails".
and if I do it again it fails again.
Shall I try it again with no changes?
No computer knowledge required.
gah.. I need an excel guru. :<
@MichaelFrank Shoot
I'm trying to grab a substring from a filepath
\\server\f$\user\Group\Branch Data\REGION\City\BRANCH\Historical Data
I want BRANCH.
So the server path is in a cell, and in another cell, you want the parent folder... right?
Group, REGION, City, BRANCH, and Historical Data will vary in name length.
Just trying to think how I'd do that... Obviously by sorting into separators
But, it requires a very advanced formula... Or multiple cells
Hmm... I guess I can hide those cells on another sheet.
@Hennes You have to admit, it often inexplicably works the third time...
That is just windows.
Or maybe carefull typing the third time :)
@MichaelFrank If it is a run-once thing I would have used cut -d'\' -f 9
cut, delimited \, field number 9
Anyways. Sleep
Night all
Night @Hennes
@CanadianLuke Thanks. Now to work this into a sheet with 3600 lines. ^_^
If you learn to use Macros, maybe it'll be a little quicker...?
I don't often use Excel. Just for this particular project.
@Hennes Naaaahh it is life.
The jar your couldn't open the first two tries?
The drawer you searched for your missing keys?
@CanadianLuke - I just found out that the "Text to Column" feature does exactly the same thing... You can tell it that the \ is a delimiter and then tell it to ignore specific columns. :P
Actually, it didn't quite work out the same. :(
If you find the exact syntax, ping me, please
@CanadianLuke It does work, but you can only apply it to one cell at a time.
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