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@JourneymanGeek lol awesome
Ugh, fellas. This is primarily an opinion based question. While we're the ewok types, please don't send us the ones with fleas. — Journeyman Geek 45 secs ago
@JourneymanGeek better if you ping the guy who suggested it too
otherwise he'll probably never see that comment
@allquixotic Star Citizen AMA
> We can't wait to show you what we have worked on at PAX AUSTRALIA!
Hmm... Oct 31st... I could actually go O_O
But it's in Melbourne
that's a good 10 hour drive
there's... a KSP tournament? wut
1 hour later…
huh. I like Civilization: Beyond Earth
will be playing more of it
A: Is SELinux important if I'm the only one who uses my computers?

PoldieOne of the points of SELinux is that it can be used to ensure that you continue to be the only one to use your computers...

@allquixotic I thought that was a good summary to the rest of the answers :-)
1 hour later…
blast these answers, they always get out-of-hand
And so the story goes that the UEFI interface to the same basic hardware actions was born, giving a pathway to generational reproduction of the same idea to expand.
Once given the freedom to create a whole OS like software on the leetel storage chip on the motherboard the UEFI grows and grows (as planned).
With great beauty and great power and a vast array of resources at hand, they can make a BIOS now known as the UEFI (universal electronic fail infestation) that is capable of almost anything.
So get off my lawn? ;p
Atop the mountain the UEFI goes to speak to the burning bush , which was caused by the smoke comming out of the computer security clans.
@Psycogeek I wonder why there is no hardware switch you need to set in order to flash new UEFI firmware. It's such a risk!
And it has already been abused.
After 5 years (that is how long all ramifications take) UEFI came down from the mountain top with 2 tablets written in stone. It was known as the 10 Rules. When UEFI saw what the people had done to the hardware , he was angered, and slammed the tablets to the ground.
@Cerberus: Define risk
UEFI said , You have dishonored my hardware and my grace for having provided you the path to great destruction. I have spoken to hardware and you are all going to hell.
Considering you can generally flash in new UEFI firmware under situations where bios would fail
(just like my answer)
and there's many optional failsafes
@JourneymanGeek It has already been abused.
If there is one element in your computer that you shouldn't be able to flash at all, it is that.
What, bad bios?
No, I mean how where has it been abused?
If you really have to flash it, use a hardware switch.
Some virus managed to flash it.
Why would I need a citation?
I can Google a link for you?
That would help, yes.
It helps to back up claims like that
It's in Dutch.
@JourneymanGeek You presume that I need to back up a claim that I already know to be true.
No, I presume you need to be specific when making a claim so people know what you're talking about.
I assumed people knew.
And that sounds like you could, in theory do the same thing with bios.
Of course.
And that its a problem with a specific reference implimentation of UEFI everyone has copied.
There is Badbios and such.
Badbios seems to be a myth.
Not everyone, but many UEFI chip makers.
This is the presentation Tweakers links to.
I have only read the Tweakers article.
that's pretty good actually
and in english
A German article.
Which languages do you read?
English and Tamil ;p
At any rate, if you can alter the firmware on the chip to patch or update it or whatever, then you cannot exclude the possibility that bad guys can, too. This risk, even while it is still theoretical, should be eliminated.
A hardware switch should do it.
@Cerberus how do we then solve the issue of intel (and MB makers) having created a net connection that is capable of connecting to the internet When the computer is in the OFF state , in possible colusion with a basic hardware interface that could hve stayed basic, and instead will have to have a load of mostly unnessisry security garbage tossed in it, that will half work , .. . etc
@Psycogeek I'm not sure I understand...
@Cerberus my new nic card onboard claims it can actually download from the web, when the computer is off. (it rides off of 5v standby power)
I don't know what a NIC card is...
Intel network lan thing
The kind that can wake on LAN?
Wake, no it does not have to wake, it can work while asleep
As long as only its volatile memory is writable, I think the risk of a rootkit is absent?
I think most of the risks are low, it wont prevent some person from exploiting it, and a whole industry created to stop it.
That may be true.
Even so, I think chips like UEFI thingies just shouldn't be writable at all except with a hardware chip.
when it could have stayed simple, that is my only thing, it was not a requirement it was a cool thing that could be done.
Yes, sometimes they make the wrong things more complex.
Oh, and I think the firmware on other components of a computer should not be writable either, except with a hardware switch.
Look at how many rootkits they have found that operate on hard-drive firmware, USB-device firmware...
@Cerberus just like the section of the phones that is parts of the same flash chip that the person uses to store data on. Its no longer my grandfathers EPROM flash where you had to actually flash.
easy in, easy out :-)
Are you talking about the bootloader?
Perhaps that should be a separate, read-only chip, yes. (On a side note, you should still be able to root your phone, so the bootloader should not be locked, then!).
so yes a switch to re-write the whole base code that the hardware starts by , seems like it would have been thought up even and tossed out.
Such switches are sometimes used.
Oh lets control it instead with software
And they are good.
@Psycogeek Noooo!!!
Hardware switches just mean more work for the company servicing the thing in case they want to update the firmware.
Which I think is not a good enough reason.
they could put in a key switch , then have ignition flash problems :-)
Apply more force or the virus won't catch!
and dont forget my Footpedal firewall. press on gas to get connection, or use web cruise control.
Haha that would be cool.
3 hours later…
Q: Is it safe to stick a modem/router to the wall with blutak?

user1068446I've stuck my modem and router to the wall, to safe to save space. The wall jack is in the kitchen, they would otherwise be in the way. Is it safe to use blutak? They appear to be stuck on pretty firm, but I worry that it'll unstick and damage the modem or router.

3 hours later…
Time to google what blutak is
Ah, some unfamiliar brand.
blue tac ;p
Blu-tack is a reusable putty-like pressure-sensitive adhesive produced by Bostik, commonly used to attach lightweight objects (such as posters or sheets of paper) to walls or other dry surfaces. Traditionally blue (blu), it is also available in other colours. The composition of Blu-Tack is a manufacturing secret but is described as a synthetic rubber compound without hazardous properties under normal conditions. It can be swallowed without harm and is noncarcinogenic. It is non-soluble and is denser than water. The material has a flash point of 93 °C / 200 °F, at which it releases carbon dioxide...
oh, scoll back about UEFI stuff. Nice
I read some of it and was on the first pages of 14-2221-extreme-escalation.pdf
abei kommt es an zwei Stellen zu Integer Overflows, die ein Angreifer ausnutzen kann, um Schadcode zu diesem sehr frühen Zeitpunkt des Bootvorgangs auszuführen. Der Code muss nicht mal eine gültige Signatur besitzen.
The last seems badly coded.
First check the signature. Then attempt to parse it.
Uh, Intel NUCs had the vulnerable UEFI. Not good (tm)
@allquixotic Meelec has a slightly updated Matrix2 with MicroUSB charging :P
> Nope, sorry. The only two aptX models we have right now are the Matrix2 and the Metro2 (which is an in-ear). There will be an on-ear model with aptX towards the end of the year as well.
Two more months! :P
anyone got spare invites to googles new inbox ?
@JourneymanGeek @HackToHell
Fraid not
Nope. Not even an account at google (and no way to make one without paying)
2 hours later…
I'm sure it used to be possible to browse directories using Internet Explorer. It behaved just like Windows Explorer. When I attempt to navigate to C:\ or C:/ it just launches a Windows Explorer window. Anyone know if this is still possible?
Should have probably said, I attempted this on Windows 7 running IE8
@Fitzroy Do you need it?
> if what you want is to essentialy have an Explorer interface for files and folders from within IE7, it is not possible. The integration with Explorer was completely removed in IE7 for security reasons.
So... yea.
@Bob As it's not possible to run an elevated instance of Windows Explorer, I was hoping that I could run IE elevated and use to navigate directories. Not being able to run Windows Explorer elevated is problematic on a system with UAC enabled.
I normally just drop into an elevated command prompt.
Running IE (or any browser, for that matter) elevated is in general a terrible idea.
I'm happy to use cmd/powershell - but not all other admins are.
I don't use the Windows GUI much these days
@Fitzroy If they can't use a CLI, they don't deserve to be called an admin.
You might look into third-party folder browsers. I'm not sure.
I like to use the native OS tools where ever possible.
But it's a valid suggestion.
That's what cmd/PS are for. But if you start ruling out the native tools designed for the job, then you don't really have many other options.
Basically any third party file explorer would do the trick. The only reason Windows Explorer is useless is because it's related to the explorer.exe shell.
Explorer's a bit of a weird case. It can elevate most tasks, but not browsing itself... weird.
Hm. Might make a suggestion to MS for Win10, actually.
You'd have to run the whole explorer.exe as elevated. Yuk.
@Fitzroy You could also use the file browser dialog.
Just open an elevated Notepad and use its open dialog.
...And Windows probably doesn't let you do that anyway
@Fitzroy There's an option hidden in folder options for each Explorer window to get its own process. I don't how how that works with elevation, though.
Yes - thats a good trick! forgot about that!
The option is called "Launch folder windows in a separate process" . But it was dropped after Windows Vista. Dang.
It was? Huh.
So I've just discovered
...I have it in Win8.1
OK - just reading an article on the subject...
OK, correction - the option is still present in Windows 7. But apparently after Windows Vista you can no longer run explorer elevated. At least not without some hackery. That's according to this post: social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windows/en-US/… "...explorer has a component which blocks every request to elevate the Explorer."
There's only one way to find out - try it. Will let you know the outcome...
OK - tested it. Created a directory and gave administrators group permissions only. Using an account that is a member of administrators, launched Windows Explorer normally, tried to open the folder and as expected got the warning that "You don't currently have permission to access this folder".
I then opened an elevated powershell prompt and ran 'explorer c:\' and tried to access the folder. Same result.
Oh well - seems it's not possible...
Try the file browser dialog.
how can i invoke it easily?
28 mins ago, by Bob
Just open an elevated Notepad and use its open dialog.
You could also open one through a PS or VBS script, if you really wanted
Sorry - completely missed that suggestion!
ok - I try it.
Yeah - works perfectly. Why didn't I think of that... shamed
@Ash nope
@bob thanks Bob. That's steered me in the right direction. Without reinventing the wheel, I can just come up with a solution using the common file dialogue.
Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Windows.Forms
$dialog = New-Object System.Windows.Forms.OpenFileDialog
Invoke it using powershell, or perhaps it can be invoked with rundll. I'll see.
beat me to it. thanks.
When you look at the Common File Dialogue and Windows Explorer side-by-side they're practicaly the same thing. A very nice solution. Thanks.
The answers on this page... cringe
I'm pretty sure the wall of text is a spammer
@Bob oh cool!
am probably going to wait for the on-ear aptX model though and hope the hell it does MicroUSB, because I'm getting very tired of having to have a separate stash of MiniUSB cables. I mean, I thought they were dead and gone, but my headphones and my emergency radio both use it -_-
@Bob meowy! you're not going to change to a cat gravatar now, are you? ... or is that a fox?!?!
no. that can't be a fox. it has cat eyes and a Tabby "M" on its forehead.
Q: Are you mods always retarded like this?

Derek MancinaAre you retards and moderator cocksuckers always like this? Go suck your own dick rather than randomly downvoting stuffs and deleting user's comments without any explanations.

Such a lovely, happy fella
the great thing is, he acknowledges us ordinary users! we didn't miss out... woohoo!!!
Oh yeah... I know! That includes you all too! — Derek Mancina 3 mins ago
Either an obvious troll or a seriously psichologically damaged person.
or someone pre-coffee
I couldn't tell, I don't drink coffee.
nor me
His latest title was "No one can stop me from doing this" - before it was deleted, and yes, yes we can...
I wonder how many it takes to trigger the question ban.
Shouldn't be long now.
it looks like that user is suspended for 7 days
Manual suspension works too.
he is back!
well, he was back...lol
@Omen Yeah, he's not coming back anytime soon
Although I don't get what caused him to be so angry in the first place.
what entertainment though
Gotta go again…
no worries :)
@allquixotic Cat with a surprisingly foxlike nose :P
LMAO he is threatening legal action!
Q: My reputation is destroyed by frickin moderators

wwerwrg43f2dwqHello sons of bitches!! Give me a fucking explanation for the disrespectful behavior of your mods! You can ban me you can do whatever you can. I will keep on doing this unless i get my fucking explanation. Yes I use foul words! It is how I live on this planet. Give me a fucking explanation why y...

When I move wireless mouse, it sometimes stops moving which reminds of computer lag which is not the case actually.
@Omen Here goes the shitstorm...
Deleted already?
yup, another one is up... I am running out of flags
Ah gee…
holy crud, another one
If I could hazard a guess, I think that Derek is a tad disgruntled and rather unamused...
Hm? Did I miss one?
they all have been nuked so far
holy odd socks...
I really should go to sleep. Hmm.
but you'll miss the entertainment
If you see someone posting offensive stuff, please use your offensive flags. They count more than normal flags.
oh I am, I have used 5 so far
Tonight it's free flags for all!
But I guess he's slowed down now.
Can't keep this up forever, even with proxies and Tor and whatnot.
probably getting a coffee
he is probably also drinking an energy drink
Would be great if people stopped commenting on it.
he's back
user image
It's interesting though… I kept refreshing the newest questions list and didn't see the posts while you guys already linked it to me.
SE uses cloudflare for caching now
If you start on the page and wait for the live new questions thing, that should be faster
i am running out of flags
> 55 flags remaining
whistles nonchalantly
> Derek'sGirlFriendMercy
ha de ha
They just don't make trolls like they used to.
nope, now its ust copy and paste and girlfriends named Mercy
I have only 3 more to use
Well maybe he'll learn that it doesn't pay off.
maybe... but would this count fr a network wide ban?
How do you mean?
his persistent making of new accounts and this nonsense - would it mean that he could be banned across the SE network?
He started on answers now: superuser.com/a/831587/285825
Well, I really have to leave now – just keep flagging as offensive and link stuff here. Thanks for the help folks.
no probs
I'm linking them in the tavern. Who wants to join me there?
@Bob gone
heck, I'm actually considering an auto-flagging userscript. should be simple enough and no false positives considering the prevalence of certain words
an auto-reporting script is a good start
dumbass thinks he's being funny
old questions now
except the auto-bump kills that idea :)
1 more flag left
49 left. I could do this all night.
Except a script would be more efficient.
@JanDvorak interacting with chat is more trouble than this is worth :P
might be a good idea when I have the time though
@Bob $.post(postUrl, {text:..., fkey:fkey().fkey})
the chat window contains an fkey generator in he global scope
@JanDvorak C'mon, formatting!
@JanDvorak I was thinking of running the script on the main site, but I suppose the API would work better.
seems to be calm now
for now... it calmed as then he started again
hopefully he has tired of this nonsense
perhaps he figured out we're watching him
true, maybe just maybe, he has decided that it is time to grow up
@JanDvorak then he'll come back later, blissfully unaware that every action he can take will bump the post
well, I am well on my way to a Strunk and White badge...
We may stop watching, but my script never will
Maybe the server-side script has kicked in and learnt this IP is a naughty boy
true, he is probably on his way to an internet cafe
SE should make a nasty sound when a post is rejected
whatza happening with SE?
or play Justin Beiber songs
oh hello everyone btw
@JanDvorak never seen you here dude :D
unless it's Friday, then it should choose Rebecca
another side effect is that we can catch any new innocent non-answers
o_O looks like some person is posting pams?
Looks like all of the taverners are here. :D
@inf isn't here
oh god.... The Tavern invaded RA!?
@JanDvorak Lurking logged out
@JanDvorak true that
A: How can I stop Raid call from loading when I start my computer?

BarreAny other solution? My raidcall starts when windows starts even with that box unchecked..

@Braiam With flamethrowers, yes
@Unihedron yup
@AwalGarg NAA
@AwalGarg Batman! Nanananana
that... ping sound here is kinda ugly
@JanDvorak Then disable sounds, problem solved
@JanDvorak Yep.
SO chat rooms have better ping sound... jus sayin :D
Or dig into the source code and change the ping sound to something cool
yo @InfiniteRecursion
@Unihedron I have mine changed to \0
hiya @inf @inf @inf @inf
an inf file?
@Unihedron Current ref: https://cdn-chat.sstatic.net/chat/se.mp3
@J.Musser And here I am about to reinvent the wheel.
well all, time for me to go to bed - have a good day/evening
Night @Omen
@Omen cya dude
@InfiniteRecursion He aint here ;)
@J.Musser It doesn't work.
It gives that window which keeps changing itself back to the old sound.
^my userscript effect :D
more power to the star queue :D
@Unihedron Huh. fix it.
@InfiniteRecursion WILL DO.
@InfiniteRecursion OKAY.
Hmm, there is that timeout button... ;P
Good night then :)
This room was placed in timeout for 1 second; the topic of this room is "For all you Super Users out there." - conversation should be limited to that topic.
@hichris123 ...do that again for an observable period of time pls?


Where you can play with chat features (except flagging) and ch...
Avira is scanning and it says it has a detection. But there's nothing on the 'Events' log or on the 'Reports' log. Is that because it is still busy scanning?
@hichris123 wow nice :D
@ProgramFOX Use MSE ;-)
@bob Are you a Visual Fox Pro developer?
@Fitzroy No :\
@bob OK - just checking...
You can't be too careful.
hallo hou jquery java script not werk halp
y u so meen adn not halp
at lest ad answr
What do people talk about here anyway?
@bjb568 Things.
It's usually not this quiet at this time.
Oh wait, weekend.
So people waste employer time but not their own?
Good idea!
I luvs 2 being a gramer adn speelin nazzi

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