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good morning people
Can anyone explain to me what this question has to do with gaming?
Q: ps3mediaserver: Network error when seeking 720p or greater video

Ian BoydFor three years there's been a known issue in ps3mediaserver. Seeking, or trying to use the go to feature, on a video that has a vertical resolution of 720 or greater causes an error: A network error has occurred The issue is documented and open on the google code homepage. The author doe...

@ArdaXi: That is a rather odd choice of where to move it
My thoughts exactly.
I presume someone assumed that cause its a console they moved it over to gaming
Yeah. It'd be nice if someone asked us before carelessly migrating.
hm might want to ask @studiohack
(This isn't the first time someone sent over a question to us which is off-topic on our site)
@ArdaXi: i would suggest giving the person who modded it a poke on ask a superuser moderator
also, eh, off-topic questions get slung around to wrong places a lot
hello, studiohack here @ArdaXi
or.. ask studiohack, since the summoning worked ;p
I migrated that question
I noticed. Why?
It's got nothing to do with gaming.
that's gaming? its for consoles? @ArdaXi or is ps3mediaserver doesn't run on a gaming console?
That's a non sequitur.
Does that mean PC gaming is on-topic on SU?
@studiohack: while its a console, i do think it looks like a console being used as a general purpose system >_>
not really ontopic here @ArdaXi, @JourneymanGeek
Well, it's not on-topic here.
so I apogize if it isn't on topic at your site either?
Or, well, not according to our FAQ.
(in short, its a red-headed stepchild question?)
please delete the question...I'll close it as a simple off-topic here
I'm not a moderator, there.
if you don't mind, please flag the question over there to be deleted @ArdaXi - thanks!
For all I know we'll keep it open. It just might help if in corner cases, we communicate with each other before migrating. I know our mods always check with an SU mod before migrating.
leaving it open here @JourneymanGeek, and letting the community decide
I apologize @ArdaXi, my bad
No problem.
Thanks for responding. :)
@studiohack: I'm probably going to post something on meta.. i do think there's some room to refine the scope of things, especially considering the whole tablet brohaha. ;p
okay, use this question as an example of an edge case @JourneymanGeek - if that's all right with you :)
Yeah, I think it's a grey area at best.
interesting that it is a gray area for both sites @ArdaXi @JourneymanGeek
Point is, if it's a problem with the encoding of the video for example, Super User might be better equipped to handle it IMO.
It would be great if we could have a question appear in two places at the same time, and show answers (and comments) under the same question too.
Evening everyone
6 hours later…
/via flickr
Morning @DMA
@Sathya morning
@Sathya damn, that's a good photo
@DMA57361 yep.. spotted it in my TL
where was it taken?
Canada, it is.
f/e, I'd assumed to was US East Coast or thereabouts
captured by a friend of mine
nice, impressive :)
Posted by Kyle Cronin on August 29th, 2011

This is the eleventh episode of the Ask Different Podcast. Your hosts are, as always, Kyle Cronin, Jason Salaz, Nathan Greenstein.

We have a special guest today: Long time Apple user, speaker, and author Tom Negrino!

Tom was introduced to Macs by accident. He got a Macintosh after seeing the 1984 commercial, and has been using them ever since. He tells the story of how Macs have factored into his life over the years.

Tom has been a professional writer for more than 20 years. He tells us how he accidentally started writing, and how that’s lead him to where he is today, with more than 40 books published. …

well afternoon
My day is more or less over :/
2:30-4 meeting. 4:30-5:30 meeting. 6:00 - leave. Tomorrow 10-6 training. Wed, Thurs holiday.
damn my week is over.
hey @KyleCronin
hmm, toying with a 'new' ripper/converter software for CD ripping. its a wee bit slow to rip, but seems interesting otherwise
well, not really new, i posted on g+ some time back about it ;p
@JourneymanGeek the cueripper whatever? forgot the name
ripping was a little iffy, it was throwing random errors on some of my mom's cds. conversion works well, and it supports alac, in case
(mostly indian classical, and slightly scratched up)
i've been using boncencode/fre:ac so far. mp3tag for tag management
@JourneymanGeek nice
also, it uses 3-4 different databases for tagging, including musicbrainz and accurip
3 hours later…
strictly NSFW! - youtube.com/watch?v=VR4O68kUj5c Clitter!
great time for it to appear - I'm off to home :p
@WilliamHilsum o.O
Someone sent me the link, thought I had to share with someone! funny, bad and weird!
@WilliamHilsum Yeah on on "The Only Way is Essex" they actually do it. Called "vajazzling"...
kill me now
yeah... this... goes one step further!
I have tried not to watch that show... apart from the odd few seconds when someone else is here, I have managed to miss it!
Jersey Shore, Geordie Shore and The Only Way is Essex is something that I will refuse to watch.
What the heck is Jersey Shore, I saw a game parody of it on CollegeHumor but no idea what it actually is...
@tombull89 You seem to know some bits about it for someone who refuses to watch it!
ARGH, I will never understand this site!!! I write a quick answer for someone that I think is just general knowledge and I get +10... I spend 5 hours programming something which I think is really cool and I get +1 or +2!!
Geordie shore?
-15 reputation... not sure from where tho >_>
@WilliamHilsum I work in a school, plus I have friends who watch it.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, the UK equivalent of Jersy Shore. Follows some...people...in newcastle.
@tombull89 I'll believe that... many wouldn't! :P
learnt something new again... if you click control + shift on an empty part of the Explorer Start Menu, you get an "exit Explorer" option :/ Not sure when I would need it, but, interesting!
@WilliamHilsum It's useful when you use McAfee at work, it seems in Vista there's a weird bug with certain versions that makes explorer use an obscene amount of memory when McAfee does certain things (like updates) and that way to close Explorer is a bit cleaner than using task manager...
I hate McAfee
Change then :P
Really hate McAfee
It's work, and it's mandated
BTW, to all of you... if you work in schools or are responsible (in the UK) for purchasing... come to me next time! Especially if it is things like licensing - I am sure I can save your school a lot of money!
If I had a choice I'd consign McAfee to one of the more "interesting" circles of hell
When I got my current PC it had McAfee on it and it almost felt like a downgrade compared to my old PC... one uninstall later, New PC!
Anti Malware is always evil, for me, MS Security Essentials is easiest, but, it is an entire market sector that shouldn't have to exist... companies make millions just on fear...
Aye, would be nice to not have to have antivirus/antimalware....
At the moment I've got AVG, was tempted to move to MSE a while ago. You got any opinions on it? @WilliamHilsum
Works well, I use it all the time
With AVG I have a lot of fun with false positives especially with World of Warcraft and it's updates...
to be honest, last time I did a full compare (scientific, with spreadsheets, timers and more!) was about 3-4 years ago... The two that beat everything were Nod32 and MSE - Nod32 was simply the best at EVERYTHING, but, despite me selling licenses, the company turned much more serious (as you may have seen from all the adverts!) and they stopped giving NFR software, and, my account manager turned a bit funny, so, I stopped selling all together and for end users, I just use MSE now.
Annoying I don't make any money, but, I sleep well knowing that I have done a good job and not making money from selling crap like Dell or HP loading up so much crap on computers!
fair enough, might give MSE a go if I reinstall my PC
FYI, when I do my machine, I now use ninite.com - it is brilliant!
Oooh, neato
Dang, the updater is paid for
You don't really need the updater, just rerun the main program and it will update the apps
When I am doing a new PC for myself, I always do this one - ninite.com/… .. I have that installer on my USB keychain... plug in the internet and it starts downloading and makes the machine pretty much ready for use!
@WilliamHilsum NFR? . Also, ninite is just awesome. I tend to use that, and wsus offline update on most of my new boxen
@JourneymanGeek Not for resale / free licenses
It was more about the account manager just turning nasty rather than them stopping the NFR... with their recent advertising, I guess they had targets and things... but, I had been selling them for years and they just turned bad! It is a shame as the company was so good before then
wasn't familiar with that term XD
Hello all!
Finally got some internet after 36 hours' worth of blackout
@digitxp I would of been shivering in a corner!
... or just got on with tidying the house! lol
i'd leave it for after the hurricane
What I miss?
@digitxp boring weekend.
Jeff & Joel came here and he said everyone who is online last night got $100,000... That was pretty big news, sorry you missed it.
@WilliamHilsum I was, but I didn't catch the message. Oh, wait a minute...
@TomWijsman I think it was just for people with over 14,605 reputation...
@WilliamHilsum: Which I had, until moderators decided to take 20 reputation away from me.
Guess it's just the weekend...
mystery rep loss?
Boo Hoo to you... My /reputation shows 60358 ... I seem to loose like so much all the time :( - Close to 1k!
Its not the rep loss, its the 'not knowing where from' ;p
@WilliamHilsum /blame me
@JourneymanGeek No, just what seems to be trivial flags being handled.
Q: Help us clean up Super User

Ivo FlipseWaaaay back in the early days of Stack Overflow Jeff wrote a blog post about the Stack Overflow Question Lifecycle. Who decides what questions don’t fit? Trusted members of the Stack Overflow community decide which questions belong on Stack Overflow. Every question goes through a communi...

Ω moderators, do they exist, what do they do, what moderators will we have next?
Q: Can Apple Lossless audio files (ALAC) be converted to FLAC audio files with no loss of fidelity?

Kev ΩCan Apple Lossless audio files (ALAC) be converted to FLAC audio files with no loss of fidelity?

i thought those were phi?
@JourneymanGeek: Yeah, φ moderators are CHAOS. Just having a Ω in your name and nothing listed on their profiles is not something I buy, even if it's true...
Perhaps we could post up on meta to have some official mark on their profile instead.
uhh, the Ω is just someone joking around.
and the Ψ's aren't mods unless they have a ♦ as well, which I don't think any of them have any more
@DMA57361 True, but they are still moderators from a Stack Exchange point of view rather than from the system point of view.
i thought they were meant to bootstrap specific sites?
@TomWijsman they're employees but they don't have mod rights nor powers
@DMA57361 As for the joking, check the deleted comments in the last question I linked. It might be note-worthy if he is giving himself out like that. Or did he say Stack Overflow instead of Stack Exchange?
@JourneymanGeek yeah, arrange community events, advertising, etc
@TomWijsman no, Kev is a SO ♦ Mod
@DMA57361: Oh, makes sense now.
Stack Overflow isn't really the place where they care much about titles...
I wouldn't even change them there given that it won't have any effect due to the volume.
I wonder whether we should promote superuser.com/unanswered some more (from a general view, not just SU).
Q: What to do about unanswered questions that are actually answered?

Tom Wijsman(This is not a duplicate of What to do with questions that are answered with no answers? which is from the owner's perspective) On the Super User Unanswered Tab, I get to see which features two questions that are actually answered: Why does Cygwin slow down after it has been running for a w...

I feel like I'm the only one going through them with occasional random visitors...
@TomWijsman quite possibly
our answered % sits just above 80% thou, so it's not abnormal
Perhaps we need to make a guideline too on when specific problems are still answerable.
Because there are a lot of questions where people most likely have reinstalled their PC, or no longer are on Super User, or...
It has mostly been handled with the big clean up we did a while back as well as the meta question Sathya linked.
19 mins ago, by Sathya
Q: Help us clean up Super User

Ivo FlipseWaaaay back in the early days of Stack Overflow Jeff wrote a blog post about the Stack Overflow Question Lifecycle. Who decides what questions don’t fit? Trusted members of the Stack Overflow community decide which questions belong on Stack Overflow. Every question goes through a communi...

@TomWijsman if a question has lost its purpose it can be shut down as too localised
@DMA57361: like the windows 7 RC related questions?
@JourneymanGeek that's a slightly different scenario, but potentially yes. It's not like people can now install Win 7 RC any more... is it?
nope - Unless the question is something that's not specific to the RC
@DMA57361 Right, I don't automatically vote for such questions but rather click away.
Should make myself a list of close reasons for the close reasons.
Like a bullet list of reasons for too localized.
Sometimes I'm like what close reason should I use for not an actual problem...
@WilliamHilsum Woops. My boss (network manager for a UK school) is still thrashing out a agreement with his supplier at the moment, he said something about being charged for each full time member of staff rather than per computer or something? Should save us £25k. There's been a few "colourful" phonecalls from his side of the office.
@TomWijsman - long question titles are discouraged and mine is now wrapping which is not good i.e. too much to read at a glance: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/10647/…
@Kev: Welcome! I've accidentally read SE instead of SO, I see you are a moderator on SO.
that is correct
Anyhoo...the original title was succinct and to the point. Also that ALAC tag is redundant, and should be a synonym of apple-lossless.
@Kev: Moment, what exactly do I need to read there?
Also please respect the rule of OP has last say and the general rule of minor edits being discouraged. Finally one of the SU mods edited in the conversion tag and seemed perfectly happy not to change any more.
which bit?
The meta question on good titles.
Jeff's guidance and the accepted answer: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/10647/…
@KevΩ Okay, can you tell me how PostgreSQL Long VACUUM is a good example?
Doesn't tell me what the problem of the question is.
If I see such title in the search results or on Google, I can't tell if that's the same problem is that I have.
Or a problem is that I can answer.
My title + tags + body summary in the question list (I'll give you the apple-lossles tag) should be sufficient to see what the question is about. that title is just noise now.
@Kev: Similarly, Converting ALAC to FLAC does not mention with no loss of fidelity.
@tombull89 It really depends, in schools, Educational licenses are much cheaper and a per user CAL is probably cheaper than a per device CAL (If you have a few computer rooms and some that are empty) (See here - en.wikipedia.org/wiki/… but... If it isn't sorted, Email me... I swear you won't regret it! ... Also, there are other agreements such as the MS campus agreement, which is very interesting for schools
@TomWijsman - it will in the question list superuser.com/search?q=alac
@TomWijsman - and it would in a google search result
@KevΩ But not in general, because in general questions have longer bodies.
@WilliamHilsum It's an interesting one as we've got three static computer rooms, (plus one 6th form one) and then the small matter of ~500 laptops.
I've removed alac and changed the title to Can Apple Lossless audio be converted to FLAC with no loss of fidelity?.
Conversion between formats is still something that you can Google.
Which is why your question body is so short, because it's a simple question.
Not that I want to close it for that reason, I just wanted to improve the question.
well as i pointed out, i didn't get a conclusive answer on google
and what more is there to improve upon...adding useless waffle?
@KevΩ The question did not point out that you searched Google, that's one way the question body could be longer.
Well, you need 1 CAL for every client who is connecting at once to a server... if you have anything less than 100% utilization, per client usually is cheaper, but, per device is easier to manage!
you wanted more padding when there was no need for it?
@Kev: answer is "yes"
why should i add that I searched google...thats just noise?
if you asked how... it appears foobar does it, or ffmpeg, or cuetools or....
@Kev: Questions should be based on actual practical problems.
Your question with a short title and a single question doesn't show that you really have a problem, but rather a lack of searching for the solution of what is not yet a problem.
And again, I don't want to close it for that reason, I just wanted to improve your question.
@WilliamHilsum ok, I'll pass your e-mail (in your profile?) onto my manager when we go back for the new school year, although it would probably be a couple of weeks until everything has settled down until he says anything.
well....having no experience of ffmpeg why would I ask about that? ll i wanted to know was if I could convert between two formats without loss of fidelity...why witter on about tools i don't know about?
@KevΩ And that's where the do some homework part kicks in.
@tombull89 Do you have an email address I can use quickly/email me and I will respond.. Yeah, profile is accurate
@TomWijsman are you trying to teach me to suck eggs? :)
Super User is not a manual or a discussion corner for that matter.
@KevΩ To remove the shell of the egg, blowing works better.
@WilliamHilsum yeah, bear with me a second.
@TomWijsman there is no elicitation of discussion...there is a yes or no answer to that question
@KevΩ You ask: Could I convert? I answer: Depends on whether you do your homework.
@Kev: Why would converting from lossless to lossless have lossiness?
@JourneymanGeek That's a point there, it's not an actual question that way too...
@TomWijsman @JourneymanGeek - well that's what I don't know and why I asked? what is so difficult about that question for you?
with lossy formats, it could be due to different psychoacoustic models, but the space savings from lossless is due to data..
Anyone know if there is a difference between ln -s /path/to/folder/ and ln -s /path/to/folder?
note the missing /
@KevΩ What is difficult about doing your homework instead?
@Kev: actually, thats your answer in terms of a question. Short answer would be 'no loss, since its from lossless to lossless' - as slhck answers.
@JourneymanGeek psycho who what now? :/
@JourneymanGeek - and there you go I have my answer. job done.
@DMA57361: the trickery involved deciding which bits to throw away, in lossy audio formats
@KevΩ You got your fish, but you haven't learned to fish. That's not going to learn you anything.
@JourneymanGeek ah ok
Remember, the Stack Exchange network is all about learning, not about doing your homework.
@DMA57361: also known as "why you shouldn't convert from lossy to lossy."
While part of me feels bad about joining what.cd, I'm glad that it taught me all this stuff about compression and music file formats.
@Mana: hydrogenaudio is good for that
@Mana: But if you have to ask everything about Mathematics on Mathematics.SE, it's going to take you a long while to learn Mathematics. While reading a book instead gets you there straight away...
and i'd note, and i don't want to sound like a snob here, without a half decent kit (and that means, not your built in sound card), there's no point in lossless, or very high bitrates ;p
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, I read their wiki a bunch when I was prepping for the interview to get an invite.
@TomWijsman: he means, he learnt a lot about compression from a piracy site ;p
@TomWijsman (not really relevant to the conversation, but I hate that usage of the word "learn" >.<)
@Mana: accidental audiophile in my case. Happened to throw together a bunch of random kit,... and whoa...
@JourneymanGeek Two conversations cross here... xD
@TomWijsman: sorry, audiophiles. we're almost as bad as furries in injecting our own brand of wierdness in chat ;p. I assume that was aimed at @Kev tho
To prevent the cross, I'll silently fade away...
@JourneymanGeek hurrah! justification for me only bothering with 64kbps MP3s :P
@JourneymanGeek Gonna take a rest of Super User today; too much discussion in the morning...
@DMA57361: 128 kbps isn't too bad if your gear is fairly crap. i tend to go 320 vbr for my lossy stuff tho
64 tho.. would bother me ;p
Actually, I disagree so much with writing good titles, I wish I was part of the actual forming of that question.
@JourneymanGeek I actually have no idea what bitrate my stuff is... probably a mix of 128 and 196 I'd guess, but I don't listen to much anyway
Just an example: This is a question site, and people will understand your titles are questions. <== People don't read that our network is that way, first time visitors won't even know.
@JourneymanGeek I too am an audiophile, hence I prefer my digital media purchases to be FLAC, but I genuinely know little about what effect converting between lossless formats has (I am well aware of the problems going lossy to lossy).
@DMA57361: eh, most people don't. I didn't for quite a while, and there's some stuff i can't get better quality
And 1. Make the topic stand out. should be 1. Make the problem stand out....
@Kev: you use the same music player i do ;p
@JourneymanGeek foobar ? :)
@JourneymanGeek still the coolest player on a PC ever
@Kev: ASIO support was the kicker for me. I was using a maudio mbox2 as my primary music sound card for ages
mine isn't all that customised, simple playlist and not much more
@JourneymanGeek yeah I keep mine simple as well except for the audioscrobbler plugin.
oh, i have that, and a few others - WASAPI, ASIO, win7 integration
most foobar setups i've seen are.. cluttered tho
@JourneymanGeek but I need to sort out a new sound card or buy a decent DAC this year, I think my B&W's will appreciate that.
@Kev: internal/pci-e based or external?
@JourneymanGeek dunno yet, need to audition some
@JourneymanGeek that said I am also tempted by a Cambridge Audio Sonata NP30
I'm currently running a udac2, since i'm on a fairly limited budget for now
that is.. shiny
@JourneymanGeek pretty colours :)
@Kev: i'm a sucker for VHD displays, and knobs.
well, mostly, My mom's sound system has both, and i think its a horrible piece of junk...
@JourneymanGeek heh...their UK reseller is just up the road from where I used to live in Scotland
@JourneymanGeek do you play vinyl?
no, my setup is entirely digital - lack of space + money
being a 28 year old, still living with the parents, and still in school can be a bit of a damper ;p
maybe in future, i love older technology ;p
@JourneymanGeek yes...i remember that feeling :) i just moved to ireland to live with g/f and kids and I'm slowly trying to re-establish a space just for me, the kit and the tunes.
I'm off to sleep, but before I go - Happy Birthday @Kronos!
@Sathya - nighto...catch you in the morning
i'm going to zzz too ;p
@KevΩ yep - have a good evening!
its half past midnight ;p
sigh just one or two more good questions....
@Mokubai ?
oh! you're nearing 10k :)
So close
Took my time getting there, but so nearly there. Had to do a couple of rep-recalcs which lost me like 300 due to deletions and migrations...
still, shouldn't be long now :)
@TomWijsman You have to learn when your edits do a question no favours beyond an edit war
Aye, just keep refreshing, hoping a nice easy question pops up
@random Excuse me, what are you basing yourself on?
About 30 minutes ago in this room with @kev as well as flags against your actions
@random Ah, that one did favor to the question.
Seems I have no power to magically read all flags in the system...
No, but we do try and bring it up with you. You just continually dismiss it while trying to point the finger at others for things you're doing as well
My external HDD has been Super-User-ified! :D
@random Excuse me, what are you trying to bring up?
7 mins ago, by random
@TomWijsman You have to learn when your edits do a question no favours beyond an edit war
3 mins ago, by Tom Wijsman
@random Ah, that one did favor to the question.
Short circuited, no leakage to others...
It really doesn't help if you are not concise and clear in an objective way, rather than based on your own personal opinions.
A: How to install OS on a laptop with its DVD drive not working

RiaDYou can install the OS from a flash drive. You need copy files from CD(using other PC) or disk image to this drive and make it bootable.

You can point as much as me in that way as you want to, but all I'll do is ignore.
You harassing a user through comments pretending you don't know where the power switch is was not called for. If you wanted them to expand their question, ask them to. Don't go into pantomime
@random: I don't see any comments of me there.
Had to purge them all because of the derailment
Thus, this problem is solved.
And what did that have to do with edit wars?
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