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Spider monkey spider monkey, friendly neighbourhood spider monkey......
Brainfart. Question referred to "Oracle Unix" And I didn't realise OP meant Solaris
NetWorker User
64163:winworkr: Maximum number of groups exceeded, some groups may be    dropped from the
I also think I just sent the file restore system into an infinite loop... D:
@JourneymanGeek It's really weird trying to picture that face on a little dog
@JourneymanGeek Managed to kill the process. It obviously doesn't have a maximum number of retries set....
@Bob: Especially when terriers are utterly fearless
apparently there wasn't enough space to recover this 130KB file.
@MichaelFrank Of course, do you think storage space grows on trees?
@JourneymanGeek what in the sam hill
Evenin hackers.
Hello @JourneymanGeek
oh rapture. There's no manual
@JourneymanGeek NO GODS, ONLY MEN
Bah, this isn't detecting my correct resolution in linux
@MichaelFrank: actually, SUPER obscure b5 reference
I used to watch B5 when i was kid.
Anyone familiar with xrandr?
Whats the card
I just added a custom resolution to a screen, is it persistant, or do I need to set it each time?
Best practice: sudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf and tell it what kind of monitor it is
or; set your customs there.
I thought generally xorg.conf was depreciated?
thats why i asked what the card was
ugh... stupid IE11.
@MichaelFrank why?- AND OMG! Tab autocomplete works here!
Its an intel HD graphics, as part of a bay trail celeron. Its using the intel official i915 driver
On HDMI/DVI/Slimport?
srry "Display port"
Ah... there it is...
Welcome to my Hell
@TardisGuy Because the corporate doesn't want to support multiple browsers.
HDMI on linux.
VGA would be an option, but It adds a lot of bulk
@MichaelFrank you can put your own browser + cache on a memory stick.
(I have both HDMI and VGA plugged in, troubleshooting)
Bad resolution, I cant tell what im looking at
@TardisGuy USBs disabled by policy. I work at a Bank. Data security is BIGSERIOUS.
@JourneymanGeek I havent used an intel card on linux since 2005, but if they did anything like AMD + Nvidia did, then you should have an option to write a new configuration file. Find where Intels keeping it, and edit it.
@TardisGuy: on most modern systems the xorg file is empty
Blah, it seems oversimple.
and lol, the back of the LCD panel lights up white.
Serious tho, HDMI on linux is so bad, I just bought a second card
not an option here ;p
no, actually
its a NUC-type device
looks like I need to mess with config files
Im afraid i dont understand what you mean.
@TardisGuy I.. :|
I just got a second card.
I need to work out how to mount the control bits next
You know how they say "There's more than one way to skin a cat" ?
well its not true.
A: What is wrong with Comic Sans?

RyanComic Sans MS scores extremely well in readability, particularly for educational content (like Higgs-Boson announcement): Fortune favors the bold (and the Italicized): Effects of disfluency on educational outcomes Which Fonts Do Children Prefer to Read Online? Only designers really take issue ...

those quotation marks...
Yeah the whole ["What do you like?" "Its called ____ you probably never heard of it" "Oh actually I have. I really like it" "Shame they suck now."] effect
When [someone] need to Share the internet connection of their [Wifi Adapter 1] into an [Ethernet] and [Wifi Adapeter "Accesspoint Mode" ] Do you bridge the ETH + Wifi AP and ICS into it? Or do you Bridge everything?
Depends. IIRC if you have a router somewhere in the setup, you don't need ICS
@Bob: eh, one of the comms rooms guys actually prefers it
@Bob to be fair, they're called quotation marks, not sarcastic marks.
(for the same reasons I prefer monospace, sans fonts)
@JourneymanGeek I was remarking on the quotation marks in the photos.
lol. Sorry, I'm a little bit passionate about dyslexic friendly fonts
@JourneymanGeek ICS if you want another NAT layer (layer 3), just plain bridging if you want a layer 2, well, bridge.
double nat is just vile.
Triple nat should need a licence ;p
@JourneymanGeek ...I think I have quad-NAT at the moment.
Wait, no, 'just' triple.
And three completely isolated networks (two guest, one primary)
I have a double NAT at the moment... Only because I can't bridge my modem to my router.
I had triple nat because I was using an old modem router as a second router and had a VoIP device connected to that
My primary network is through double NAT.
The two guest networks are behind triple. The middle layer is used purely for monitoring and throttling.
aa@JourneymanGeek The Ethernet is plugged into another computer directly, and its GB lan, the only routers I have laying around are 10base 100.
Q: Is it possible to disable the 'Activate Windows' screen that appears in Windows 8 at a particular interval of time?

Manu Jacob After the installation of Windows 8 I was unable to activate it, because of this at a regular interval of time the 'Activate Windows' screen appears. Is there a way to permanently disable this screen from appearing?

@JourneymanGeek what's a good close reason for 'violating licence terms'? -_-
This might be a dumb question, but on sites like AskUbuntu when official support for the OS ends questions involving them become off-topic. Does the same apply here on SuperUser.com? I've been perusing the help section, and meta but I am not finding an answer.
@RobinHood I don't think so.
We've had a few recent questions related to Win3.1.
And a couple of other 'retro' systems, too.
people still using that?
@RobinHood Industrial controllers...
though the question itself was something pretty stupid (IIRC about web browsers; if you're connecting your giant industrial machine controller to the internet you're doing something very very wrong)
Q: Is there a modern browser that runs on Windows 3.1?

hydroparadiseOk, so I know what you are thinking: "What on earth are you doing still running Windows 3.1?" Here's the situation. The computer running 3.1 is also the controller for $150,000 bandsaw made in Germany, so any chance of upgrading the actual computer without spending quite a bit of money up fron...

actually, there's no explicit close reason for that.
@JourneymanGeek still not allowed per prior discussions on meta and the ToS, IIRC
this becomes pretty much a very small step away from "how do I pirate Windows"
@Bob: custom close reason then
I wonder if "subscriber represents, warrants and agrees that it will not contribute any Subscriber Content that (a) infringes, violates or otherwise interferes with any copyright or trademark of another party" counts
I feel for the guy. I too am getting that activation screen all day today, but I'm to lazy to take the 20 minutes to fix it just yet.
@RobinHood It's annoying, sure, but it's there for a reason.
And the only real solution is to activate properly.
If you can't activate, then sort out the problem with activation.
I'm not siding with him.
Dealing with the symptom (hiding the prompts) doesn't really help.
(incidentally, you'd also end up with hourly restarts at some point)
I won't. He will.
Mine is not caused by the same problem as his.
Mine was activated, but due to corruption caused by a program I'm running it has become unactivated.
It takes about 20 minutes for me to do an OS restore, but I'm just feeling to lazy to boot up winpe right now.
A: Inverting direction of mouse scroll wheel

RichardThere is a registry setting named FlipFlopWheel that does this! HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Enum\HID\VID_???\VID_???\Device Parameters. There might be multiple mouse entries. The default value for FlipFlopWheel should already ready 0. Change into 1 to invert scrolling. Reboot or p...

who named this thing?
@Bob Ballmer? :P (he did the BSOD text...)
This totally explains the ballmer peak
Probably that
jpc.sourceforge.net/dsldesktop.html <--- a program that's so cool it's frozen.
I see your java and raise you an even more unsuitable language!
good find
it has busybox and dd.
lol, this is the guy who develops QEMU
which is pretty damned impressive too
@Journeyman, do you know why some AV's perform a scan? I mean, to me, if the AV should detect threats in real time; if it's doing its job, why scan?
Maybe when you first put the AV on a machine you need to do a scan though
hmm. different level of scanning and/or making sure stuff that was added to the database later didn't sneak in?
Ah... interesting point. Yes of course... You sir are some form of genius (or vampire, based upon your previous post of the cartoon), either way I'm grateful (or scared)
naw, thats weregeek. Its an awesome, geeky comic ;p
I used to read a few; geek and poke was probably my favourite although I admit to only getting about 25%! Dilbert, xkcd...
also, I'm a cyberforensics/information security management major
So mild paranoia comes naturally ;p
Ah, I see, he he!
Is it a good job? I would imagine that most programs leave a lot of 'meta data' around, even long after uninstall?
donno, still looking for a job
eheh. Nearly everything leaves a trail
and tools that clean up after you are a sign something is going on
hmmm. Wow. I'm a dev, working on R&D for 4G/5G mobile phone technology and so never got a chance to venture into the security world... To be honest, I've never even set up a SSL when I do web projects ha ha, but I do listen to DownTheRabbit hole podcast (or used to) but it's hard work as they can't talk about their clients or go into details... It makes it quite a daft idea for a podcast really he he
Well, a lot of security isn't 'technical' in the sense most people assume
its common sense
Common sense after you know it or before though?
lol. Thats why you have people trained to do it.
Sometimes its not even after tho ;p
he he
Yes, I need to start doing SSL - I know SO sites had concerns when moving to SSL because of the SEO impact, but they seemed to have worked round the issue...
@Dave because the goal is to make real-time checks unintrusive
actually, I don't think MSSE does 'full system scans' on a schedule...
@Dave The SEO impact? Heck, SSL is an advantage as far as Google is concerned
@Bob, not sure I understand (sorry.). If I have a virus, I want the AV check to be intrusive to alert me of the issue :)
@Bob, is this well documented (that SSL is good for Google?)
Or your own findings/experience?
@Dave: You don't want your system slowed down when nothing is wrong
> For these reasons, over the past few months we’ve been running tests taking into account whether sites use secure, encrypted connections as a signal in our search ranking algorithms. We've seen positive results, so we're starting to use HTTPS as a ranking signal. For now it's only a very lightweight signal — affecting fewer than 1% of global queries, and carrying less weight than other signals such as high-quality content — while we give webmasters time to switch to HTTPS.
But over time, we may decide to strengthen it, because we’d like to encourage all website owners to switch from HTTP
In short: making your site HTTPS will give it a better ranking.
@JourneymanGeek yes, this is why I can't understand why AV do a full scan. I'm not a fan of AVG and the free version by default runs a scan on every boot of the machine
@Dave AVs actually account for a rather large chunk of your typical disk access latency already
@Bob, beers on me, thanks. I will investigate further
I don't even use an AV past MSSE/MSWD
@Bob, yes I suspected as much, and have had issues in the past accessing files due to AV keeping a handle on a file etc (via .net)
I use Kaspersky at home. Although I work only with Microsoft, I don't use their free AV simply because I feel too many people will attack them for being MS!! Not sure if that's founded or nonsense though :) I've heard some great reviews about it
@Dave Yea, the more popular AVs tend to be targeted
a couple years ago MSSE was great
now, more malware is specifically circumventing it
OTOH, I can rely on my own non-stupidity (mostly) to keep me out of trouble
which is a sign that it works ;p
computer security 101: don't run random programs from dodgy sources
also, disable Java and Flash (and all other) plugins
@Bob yes, I have a PC for music only I don't have it connected to a network and as expected, no issues... Never.
there you go, you're pretty much safe now
Actually, I've been reading a lot about the drive by cache (I think that's the term) which is quite amazing really.
music only pc?
thats pretty hardcore
@Dave ...seems pointless
I spent a while doing music production, spent 5 years as a sound engineer and still rock out in bands (although the last mix was terrible)
> 1) Download the payload to the browser cache
2) Compromise the PC with an exploit
3) Download the malware to the PC
4) Execute the malware which will in turn execute the payload that’s in the cache
as Raymond Chen would say, step 2 puts you on the other side of the airtight hatchway...
1. download payload, 2. break in, 3. download more malware, 4. HEY LOOK WE USED THE CACHE IN AN ATTACK
I really don't see the point.
Yes, there is source code to do the drive by it freely available (although this was from an old attack which (so it claimed) modern browsers wouldn't allow to be executed ). I don't see the point of this either but, I was interested in how it was achieved...
those are good reads
@Dave it's pretty much 1. download crap into cache, 2. ???, 3. profit!
the problem is the ??? step
#1 isn't an exploit. it's not a security hole.
he he, yes, the drive by I read was use javascript to push something into cache, then use flash to push a vb script or similar in... I can't remember fully now, but at the point remember thinking "this is fine, but, how do you get the javascript/exploit on the PC first? Dodgy plugin etc but this means, user error!"
@Dave yea, Flash and Java are notorious for their security holes
disable the plugins and you're pretty safe
It's odd, I remember learning bits about IT, realising how complicated it was, to then within a year or 2, thinking I knew it all (since I knew what I needed for the firm I worked at, and being young and arrogant (I still stand by being arrogant :) )) and now realising the insane vastness of the IT world and yet how small as most things rely on a handful of technologies (or at least, what is built upon a handful of technologies)...
Right, I have to go, thanks for the chat and the links Bob and Journeyman :)
@JourneymanGeek What extension?
The chat reply shortcuts?
@JourneymanGeek Ah, cool
I'm still on the train
It's taken twice as long as usual
never had it quite this bad before...
whole hour on the train, and still not there yet
Video drivers dont work on 14.04, and the touch screens buggy in 12.04, I just cant win
@Bob Where are you going?
@Oliver home
(12.5, 10.1 and 20.0 inches)
nice posters
Most of them I printed out ;p
@JourneymanGeek dalek :D
that plunger tho
I can't remember where the R2D2 blueprint is from
and heh. The back of the new screen lights up
My workstations a mess, an embaressing one
that self repair manifesto has a USSR-esque font
@TardisGuy can't be worse than mine :P
a literal mountain pile of crap
Mine's usually cleaned up for photos ;p
ill show you one part of it.
@JourneymanGeek I don't think I can clean it up for photos in a reasonable amount of time :P
yay, USB current measuring doohickeys arrived
I am so not putting all these screws back in this laptop
Dont even need half these, its rediculous.
leaving screws out is a bad idea
the left out parts start flexing more than usual, and eventually snap
Nah, not these scres.
its like... meh, they migyht all be going in by accident.
But it was a free laptop, and its barely alive anyways
what's the download folder location for windows security updates? thought it'd be in softwaredistribution but not finding it
looking for the .cab
you might be better off manually downloading from the MS website
Thought it was a kb
oh yeah it is a kb
found it nm
I see a bunch of update files under servicing
Hey @JourneymanGeek , you have any experience with MXM cards?
oh hes dead.
anyone else?
I've read about them a fair bit to answer questions ;p
well this other computer i have is an A ii x4 430u... a 2.6gh quad
it would be mmmmostly decent had it not had an integrated card thats not compatible with anything.
the board does contain one MXM 3 slot
I keep looking up this site that used to sell mxm cards, and happen to have a great resource on em ;p
all i know is they would be the laptop form factor for VGA cards
pretty much, they're basically a nvidia designed PCIe formfactor
compatibility can be a bit odd. Sometimes stuff worked, sometimes it didn't
Putting my SSD raid back together.
cfdisk /dev/sda
wrong keyboard * herd derp *
I have been doing that all day
the fail of a board I have hasn't a proper UEFI raid rom.
3 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek sanity check please; isn't 27 AWG quite thin?
though I suppose it might be enough for audio
still... 10m...
I've read enough
@OliverSalzburg jv's... that site's version of EC
A: What's the difference between mobile and desktop processors?

allquixoticLet's get one thing straight: MHz / GHz and number of cores are no longer an indicator of the relative performance of a processor. They were dubious numbers at best even in the past, but now that we have mobile devices, they are absolutely terrible indicators. Today, the best numbers to conside...

@allquixotic: I'm half certain there's a dupe for the question ;p
Its constantly "My phone has the same clockrate as my old PC, OMG!"
@JourneymanGeek Perhaps, but the dup'd question would be hard-pressed to have a better answer.
@DarthAndroid: precisely why I upvoted that, and can't be arsed to hunt down a dupe
sorry, unfamiliar keyboard ;p
@JourneymanGeek funnily enough, once you go past, say, Core 2 era, phones having the same clockrate / higher clockrate can actually out-perform the older desktops, because the platform factors, # of cores, etc. start to take their toll on the ancient FSB stuff, DDR1, etc.
"past" == older than
And I would imagine because power increase year-over-year is still non-linear.
I/O bandwidth becomes a limiting factor after long... I'm sure there are some 4 GHz CPUs from 10 years ago that are much slower in real world benchmarks than a 2 GHz quad core SoC
OMG. 19,995 REP!
this might be my 20k answer! :D
@allquixotic Congratulations on hitting 20K ;p
@JourneymanGeek yay :D thanks
man, I've had to much with fedora a lot
enabled sub pixel rendering, added corefonts, and set FF to use them
going to install the source fonts, set up samba and see if I can install sublime text tommorrow
@allquixotic OTOH, quad-core is entirely useless if you're only running a single single-threaded program :P
so then you'd be comparing a single core on the new SoC to the decade-old proc
@Bob or, to consider the other scenario, if you had a CPU-hungry process and a significantly less hungry process playing audio (so, time-sensitive, it can't afford to wait unless you like dropouts), a dual-core would be worlds better for your actual needs than a single-core unless the single-core were so fast that it could easily interleave both processes
an O(1) Linux kernel scheduler might help :S
or rather, an O(expensive) Windows kernel scheduler might hurt :P
(not actually sure what the runtime of the Windows scheduler is, but it must have been pretty terrible in the 9x and XP days because music dropouts were a problem for many years)
@allquixotic was the Linux scheduler that much better in 2002?
I can't say I ever tried it.
@Bob dunno -- the O(1) scheduler is certainly a 2.6 phenomenon, which would indicate that it wasn't available in 2002
incidentally, I think I still have that dual-pack of XP tour CDs from before the release somewhere
Linux didn't have cgroups or an actually good I/O scheduler in 2002 either
Q: Setting up a virtual window in a house

MikeSo my wife's birthday is coming up and she love's our kitchen except she has mentioned it would be nice to look out the window while doing the dishes. So I had this idea of a virtual window I can get a wall mount webcam or something pointing out our bedroom window. That part was easy someone in...

that's a pretty silly idea, and off-topic
> it would be nice to look out the window while doing the dishes
oooooor invest in a dishwasher and go take a walk or something
wonder if my answer made it to Hot Network Questions :P
@CanadianPuke (oops typo and my backspace key doesn't work) what's up? isn't this usually when you say "Good morning" and I say "Good afternoon"?
hey, L and P are close enough. it's plausible at least. -___-
more cheap-ish SDDs! :P
but not msata..
@Bob Solution Development Divisions...?
@allquixotic SSDs* -_-
@allquixotic I think so?
thinking about recommending closure with ENOREPRO
try it on someone who isn't a room owner
huh. I could unban before
!!ban Braiam
@Bob Braiam added to mindjail.
Eh, seems to work.
!!unban Braiam
@Bob Braiam freed from mindjail!
bot.isOwner = function ( usrid ) {
var user = this.users[ usrid ];
return user && ( user.is_owner || user.is_moderator );
where is user.is_owner set?
@allquixotic can't find any other reference to it
I'm assuming that comes straight from SE
	function addUser ( user ) {
bot.users[ user.id ] = user;
cb( user );
	function finish ( resp ) {
resp = JSON.parse( resp );
resp.users.forEach( addUser );
the JSON parse probably does it
method : 'POST',
url : '/user/info',
data : {
ids : ids.join(),
roomId : room || bot.adapter.roomid
complete : finish
see the roomid
looks fine to me
not sure what Lemming @rlemon is on about then :P
@Bob it's apparently only a problem if you have one instance of the bot in multiple rooms
the concept of whether or not a user is an owner is only given for a single room -- the primary room that the bot was created in
@Bob since the users data structure is shared between each room the bot is in, and there's no Map between room and owner flags, the bot literally does not store the data of whether each user is an owner in each of its rooms... so that's a valid defect, it's just being mischaracterized as being a hard-coding of 17 when it's not that at all.
2 hours later…
!!awsm I have no idea what I'm doing
@allquixotic I hv n id wht I'm dng
hey guys... any words of wisdom on this... I have a MySQL db running on Azure VM Windows Server 2012. Once per second the log db gets about 2K inserts through LOAD DATA INFILE... once a day I need to run stats and when that is crunching through the data the LOAD DATA INFILE times out. I'm already using disk stripping to help with the write load, also the temp tables for stats are saved to another DB on a different disk but the timeouts are still happening.
@Kate @___@ once per second 2K inserts? holy canoli catwoman.
Hi everyone, quick question. Im doing some research on router vulnerabilities. I'd like to know if I can get a list of devices running on the ARM architecture as opposed to the more popular MIPS
@gandolf I'm not touching that with a 200ms pole until I know what color your hat is!
@Kate you could always increase the timeout on the LOAD DATA INFILE? I don't know what tunable would do that, but there's probably one...
@allquixotic yeah, and it's humming along until I have to run the stats... short of pausing the service that is doing the insets I'm out of ideas of how to help MySQL handle all of the work. The disk striping and saving the temporary stats tables to different disk helped a little, but I'm still getting time outs.
@allquixotic unfortunately, that is not an option as the programmer that wrote the service doesn't have time to make the change.
> doesn't have time to make the change
sounds like your problem is a human problem
PEBKAC (KAC of another body, not you)
@allquixotic Im a security researcher
Not sure what other creds you'd like :) I can definitely ease your mind via pm or something
@allquixotic sigh
@gandolf I don't think there's a canonical list of routers by processor type. Perhaps try the DD-WRT list of supported routers and manually pick out the ones with arm processors
!! s/DD-WRT/OpenWRT?/
@allquixotic @gandolf I don't think there's a canonical list of routers by processor type. Perhaps try the OpenWRT? list of supported routers and manually pick out the ones with arm processors (source)
there actually aren't all that many ARMies at all, for either WRT
yea, the list is shorter than I initially imagined :/
Most of the ones that do run it are very expensive
My next thought would be to see what popular IoT devices run on ARM, I think that list might be more pleasing.
The dd-wrt list doesnt seem to include arch information.
You would need to look up the platforms and what they run
each entry says the platform, and then you can filter them out by saying "broadcom uses MIPS, so filter out all the Broadcom platforms"
00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

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