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02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

@TheUnhandledException: If it were only a Javascript-based password... xD
LOL. It wasn't 12345, I tried that :-(
Checks for SQL injection...
LOL, just got this question from Aardvark:
> My URL is missing so I am not able to even copy and paste a URL
> What browser are you using? Look for a "Show Address Bar" menu in the "View" menu
I can send her more detail if anyone has better suggestions
Anyone know the key equiv of "Show Address Bar" for Firefox?
:184008 Ha ha. Or ones that are just simple checks to go to a second page - just enter index2.php and it works.
@TheUnhandledException Don't think there is one.
But well, I guess they wouldn't store the password in the database.
In the Tavern, Shog9 got it
:184084 "Try Alt+V,T,N"?
That was what Shog9 said
:184083 Menu use hacks. Won't work on Macs. ;-)
she responded:
> youre a genius! I swear Ive been trying everything for about 3 hours, it just disappeared and Im trying to send a url to someone! Let him know I said thank you:)
No mouse?
No brain maybe ;-)
ID10T error.
For ServerFault it was... alt.sysadmin.recovery
wonders if there is an alt news group related to Super User
At least we can see room names and starred messages!
Do I get cookies now? :P
YEY @Tom!
I like the sound of
> Starred posts for Root Access
Mw ha ha ha!
Hmm, maybe the password involves root and access?
:184059 hitting ctrl+k goes to address bar IIRC
ah yes
:184228 Ah, yes... but you're too late! @Shog9 is already her hero :-)
> youre a genius! I swear Ive been trying everything for about 3 hours, it just disappeared and Im trying to send a url to someone! Let him know I said thank you:)
dang. I was driving
We want you in here tomorrow!
hehe! I was driving, just got home :)
I'm on aardvark too
oh whew
:184262 Oh? Cool!
Now I can refer all the crazy questions I get to you! HA!
that'll be fun! :P
Aardvark is an awesome service
I've been using it before it was acquired by GOOG
@TheUnhandledException one of the more memorable conversations
Although the transcript I posted shows that while vark is cool, SO chats are way better :-)
:184282 Really? I always thank other Varkers
and get thanked like 75% of the time at least
:184284 undoubtedly
haha I like how your areas of expertise include "slashdot", @Sathya :-)
:184308 ehehe :D
I truly have no idea slashdot featured there!
Aardvark looks nice
Can hairs pick up signals from the cosmos? >_<
:184338 It's fun
:184339 Was that a question you received??
No, it's on the right when I hovered over one of the labels.
:184338 Somehow I read that as "Andreja"...
Hmm, any suggestions on the amount of labels I should choose? :D
> 7:48:02 PM Josh: What makes the StackOverflow chats so addictive?
> 7:48:05 PM Aardvark ([email protected]): Got it.
> *Hint:* Short questions like that don't often get answers.
> You can rephrase it by typing 'detail:' followed by a sentence.
> I'm looking for someone who knows about **addictive** now.
> (Type 'tag' to fix that label, 'more' for options, or 'cancel'.)
25 so far
damn, no multiline blockquotes
@Sathya, let me know if Aardvark is able to know you can answer that question :-)
dang I wasn't online on IM
Hmm, I'm wondering about adding relationships labels... Just for the funny stories.
Let me find a classic gem :-)
:184392 LOL great
:184390 do one thing
relabel it to Stack Overflow and let me know
I'll "try" it
I got this back:
> (From Valor P./M/Seattle,WA, Re: addictive) What makes curiosity such a strong motivator?
That's actually a pretty good answer :-)
recreation -> games
only lists Pokemon and Puzzles
Sorry @Tom, I've given 170 answers, looking for the gem
:184425 computer - >games
Uh well...
40 labels so far, should be enough.
:184439 consumer electronics -> video game systems -> PC Games
I should follow up and ask if he got the girl XD
recreation - >videogames @TomWij
when chat.superuser starts
we'll have a love shack room
where @TheUnhandledException will offer his pearls of wisdom :P
:184460 ROFLMAO it would be a very quiet room!
:184462 not if we add aardvark questions :p
comes an question
Q: Is it possible to cook a whole fish in a dishwasher?

AttilaNYCI heard that there is a way to cook a whole fish in a dishwasher - any techniques, tips??

Works now. :-)
:184479 That was so great
02:00 - 23:0023:00 - 00:00

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