wonder how many downvotes i could get for this question: Title How can I tell what time i put the pie in the oven , using my computer when i hopped onto the computer right after putting it in.
found it, the time/date on the first file that came into nettemps around that time. The pie has been in the oven for 58minutes.
Deleted questions are permanently deleted when we go to that page it says 'Page not found'. while in case of deleted answer it shows that answer deleted but that is still available there. they should be deleted permanently too. It may ask for confirmation to user who answered if someone else is d...
My question does not containe any code but it's a question i'm interested to know it's answer , which is who is write The kernel of OS ? does it necessary to know hardware ? is he an engineer or just a computer programmer ? what it's scientific degree ?
superuser.com/questions/764707/are-sata-cables-interchangeable/… I want the point for that one. the other answers all said "sure go ahead" I said "Check first, What could it hurt" and the manufacture said "Oh no can do". (although we still dont know for sure).
Pls help, men. I do want to place my website. For instance, if anything is searched by somebody in "google.com", I'd like my site to look. I've this site about "PTC [settled-to-press] sites". As well as for instance, if somebody looked for " sites ", I'd like my website to ensure that several may...
What is appropriate community for my following question?
"I am working in a room where a lot of noise is heard from outside. I suppose music that improves productivity and focus could help me in order to concentrate and work calmly. However I don't know where to get that music."
There was some study done of what music helps people to study, it was "classical"
but classical just sort of means it doesnt get you out of your seat (boooring) and does not have lyrics creating a mental involvment.
There is a lot of "new age" , "ambient", and "light jazz" music that should be about as effective. CDs made for massage parlors (not sex parlors) CDs claming "nature sounds" which is usually accompanied by slow light music.
Musak , that is the stuff they piped into stores to keep people there, it was both one time pay music , to cover copyright, and bland mello non-descript stuff. Luckily it was only a passing fad. Elevator music.
Hey all, I'm not sure if I'm in the right place, but I have a little brother who is actually addicted to video gaming and has lost motivation in making friends, doing homework, going outside, etc and it's really gotten so bad that my single mom can't handle it anymore. I'm only home for a few more days until I go back to work and I was wondering where I might start if I wanted to code a watchdog timer.
I figure there's many ways to go about it and probably requires some knowledge of networking if I want to go that route, but I figured it also has something to do with root privileges? Anyway, sorry again if I'm in the wrong place. Any help would be appreciated! Thanks
I might add that I would be letting my little brother know that I'll be doing this, and maybe make it a little competition between us (i.e. try to figure out how to bypass it while I learn how to make it better)... anything to take his mind off video games T_T
One approach to conditionally adding and then removing a class to an element was discussed in this question:
Angular js - Highlight dom when value changes
The accepted answer includes a directive, called "highlighter", that temporarily adds a class when a watched value changes. The directive ca...
The reason why I started memtesting is because my laptop crashes every once in a while - BSOD in windows, kernel panic in Ubuntu. I have encountered two errors, and I think if maybe this is related to those errors
In case anyone has any idea: http://superuser.com/questions/769881/why-does-memtest-show-two-dimm1-locations
@JourneymanGeek but this dialog and these settings are closely tied to IE, right?
e.g. i can't go into control panel -> network and internet -> internet options and set my "home page" to "http://google.com" and expect my firefox browser to read it?
@JourneymanGeek that's interesting... so unless i am an IE user, i have really no business in there? except, and only in case i want to set proxy server address?
@JourneymanGeek this is one of the weirdest setting dialogs i've seen in windows
it controls both IE and non-IE stuff like system stuff, all in one weird dialog box
so messed up
all the stuff on general, security, and privacy tabs, etc. are IE specific
there are only some shortcuts to things like "family safety" on content tab, and of coruse the proxy settings on connections tab, that are not IE-specific, but rather system wide
so this means that there must be a way to set the proxy without using IE and without using the internet options dialog, without using any gui at all
How do I change proxy settings from command line in Windows 7?
I'm not talking about just the http_proxy. I need to set system-wide proxy settings (the ones in Internet properties setting). How do I do that?
Hi, sorry for my ignorance about graphics cards. I am shopping for one now. Are the AMD/ATI Firestream cards useful for display, or just for computing?
I've been lucky enough to not have to deal with SharePoint so I don't really know enough about it. I'd suggest seeing what access your credentials DO give you, otherwise perhaps someone else will know more about SP to help you out.
@EinsteinsGrandson so i'm afraid it's not possible to do what you're asking for, because it's a sharepoint site or "server", which does not use ftp protocol, but regular http
Im using Centos with httpd apache. So i have dedicated server with a lot of domains, i can do virtual hosts VirtualHost *:80 on the same ip but when i change to a static ip VirtualHost it redirects to domain1.com which is VirtualHost
domain1.com =
see if you can find any helpful info here: https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-set-up-apache-virtual-hosts-on-centos-6 http://www.centos.org/docs/5/html/Deployment_Guide-en-US/s1-apache-virtualhosts.html
@EinsteinsGrandson check this out and see if it helps: http://mvark.blogspot.se/2012/08/how-to-download-multiple-documents-at.html http://www.sharepointanalysthq.com/2012/10/download-multiple-documents-for-sharepoint-2010/
Problems with power supply and motherboard compatibility appear to be common.
My power supply/motherboard nightmare
Power Supply Too Big?
Can a +5VSB supply rail value of 5.4V prevent a PC from starting
Understanding why a 450W power supply is destroying my ATX motherboards but not mATX
I completely agree with slhck's answer, but I wanted to expound a bit more on a topic I feel is important.
This issue boils down to something called cross-community etiquette.
When you migrate a question to another site, you are asking volunteers to spend their time reading and then dealing wi...
@sammyg exposition is a common term used in English classes to describe the process of presenting some information to someone -- you write prose; to actively present the prose to someone is to exposit it... but expound sounds nicer to my ears, and means basically the same thing, so I used it.
exposition covers any style of writing where the primary purpose of the writing is to convey information (as opposed to creative writing, where information content is less important than how it's written, aka style)
@cyberSecurity you mean like FireStream 9250? well they do have a display port, don't they? they can do both - display and computation. for any new build i would recommend going with gcn (graphics core next) enabled card like hd7000, r7 or r9
According to balpha, the SE chat sites may have individual Easter eggs, depending on the site. If you find them, please post.
Because it's so easy to make this stuff up, a screenshot as proof would be nice. (Although Photoshop ain't that hard either...)
@jackopen i have "heard" about it from the good old friend called google web search, i was looking for video editing software for android when i stumbled upon "magisto"