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00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

/me reads up and chuckles
@JourneymanGeek apparently Bob is no longer a fan of me because I said non-negative things about Beats Music for Android :P
Lol. You orrible orrible little man
ooh. I got robocalled spam to my GV account
... what the hell was that o0
@JourneymanGeek asdfmovie7 :D :D :D
watch 1-6 too :D
Youtube doesn't work at work. :(
oh my
superuser.com/review/suggested-edits/232513 this was nearly a worthy review audit
Someone updated something and broke my ability to search in Outlook >:(
that looks like a really difficult thing for the computer to do there :-) which outlook is it superuser.com/questions/573439/cannot-search-in-outlook-2010
That link in the answer is dead :/
It's outlook 2010
we dont need no stinking link, how is the registry set for this inclusion of that info in indexing? And why the dependency on indexing, that is so lame :-)
I don't use Google Apps, that dword isn't in the Registry.
ok, then it would not apply.
it could provide a clue that indexing might effect it though?
I don't follow.
indexing is the search thing for the whole freaking system, file names and internals of documents and e-mails, if they are dependant on it for searching within the e-mail program, then it could be a fault of indexing?
hi @HackToHell did you get it working ?
@Psycogeek Yea, I rebuilt the Index and it seems to be working now.
"I can rebuild the search index manually (Options --> Search --> Indexing Options --> Advanced --> Rebuild), and it will work for the next time or two that I open Outlook, but it then stops working again." superuser.com/questions/573439/cannot-search-in-outlook-2010
Yea, that worked.
Well, it's still indexing 5000+ emails. ^_^
So i wonder what is needed to "fix" indexing so it is more permenent?
I think it was due to an exchange upgrade to an enterprise vault system.
@MichaelFrank Oh, well wadaya expect :-) poor thing
5000 e-mails probably makes it cry and run off to a corner.
Yeah I'm in @JourneymanGeek 's box now
trying to figure out if I can exclude some stuff from rsync
You could just delete them
Its a pretty crappy box I'd warn
For 5 years chinese hackers have been hacking into american computers and stealing valuable trade secrets documentcloud.org/documents/… <-- this is the indictment on them. 5 hackers , bet that was a portion of them so small.
I will say that the clones have improved a lot though :-)
Oh god it's 20 gigs
@JourneymanGeek It has RAM !
@HackToHell: ram is maxed out ;p
did something that should speed things up a little. There's a bug with that systems
What down/up speeds would you need for a build box?
@MichaelFrank: processor speed is pretty important
that system has a gig-e ethernet port... that is processor limited
Right, but if it takes a week to upload your build then surely it'd be a waste of time.
@JourneymanGeek Is a rsync server running
First time I'm using it :D
@allquixotic It already thinks I'm female. I don't even.
Oh wait, my gender is "unknown" now.
So... female => unknown. ok.
Ha @bob is awakw
...do you want to know what apparently tipped the scales?
> Vehicle Shopping
... -_-
You can remove the key, JMG downloaded it
gowtham@gowtham-hacktohell:/media/fd/home/gowtham/cm11.1$ rsync -vz xx@xx:~/cm11 /media/fd/home/gowtham/cm11.1/
x@xx's password:
skipping directory cm11
Why does it keep skipping ?
@HackToHell -r
@HackToHell: do you need an rsync server? >_>
It keeps rendering websites without any layout
@MichaelFrank something's blocking the css files
hit f12, go to the network tab, see what happens
@Bob It's not every website.
But it was happening with Zam Network sites today, and it just happened with Twitch now.
@JourneymanGeek Apparently not
@Bob thank you
@HackToHell: how fast/slow is it?
1 hour later…
Some people don't deserve to be using a computer
@JourneymanGeek Dunno power cut from 9-6 today
@HackToHell lol
@HackToHell, Btw, did you hear about ARR's AMA on reddit?
Hi guys!
Is this a general SU room like AU General Room?
I can't login to SU via Google and Facebook =(
did you do the 'ol clear the cookies thing (with browser closed) and try again?
hmm I shall try
nah, I get Suspicious Request message
oh great.
does that mean that my provider is compromised?
not at all. this has happened before to people . meta.stackexchange.com/questions/198598/… meta.stackexchange.com/questions/212802/… No solutions shown.
For google it is when the stuff seems obfusticated (ok i cant spell it) , the stuff seems odd?
@Danatela Can you log into another SE site?
Well, obviously you can, you're in chat...
He's logged into Ask Ubuntu.
@jokerdino Which still uses the SE authentication system, right? Should SU just log him in automatically?
Always seems to work for me.
@MichaelFrank It should. But he needs to have an account in SU first.
@MichaelFrank yep I just switched from AU and refreshed the page... And I was logged out. Logged in only by SE account
@jokerdino and I have SU account
@jokerdino yeah saw it
Doesn't work if you browse through https
is there a windows program that can display the contents of firefox json bookmark files?
maybe some firefox extension?
importing into firefox is not optimal because it replaces whatever is inside already
installing json view 0.7 addon for fx now
@sammyg json is pretty much human-readable
not exactly what i expected... it shows markup and everything
it needs to be more readable
just chuck it in jsbeautifier.org or something to make it look all pretty
wait, bookmarks json?
preeeeeetty sure they use sqlite for that
ok, so what do you suggest then? sqlite butifier? :)
i have a handful of old firefox bookmark json files and i just want to check them out and see what bookmarks they contain
no need to go crazy on it and start editing and stuff
html bookmarks were so much easier...
@sammyg json is a plain text format. beautify it and read it
sqlite is a binary database format
there's many sqlite viewers. grab the official one or something.
@sammyg FF has used sqlite to store their bookmarks for years now
I have no idea where you got these... files... from, or what they actually contain, or what makes you think they're json
they have json extension
can be viewed in notepad
so they are plain text then
json is the new default filetype for bookmarks in firefox since version 4 or something i think
Version 4 of FF sounds ancient
released some time in 2010
and version 29 some time in 2018
wonder what they will do when they reach version 99
version 100.0 maybe?
lol, it's all silly if you ask me
chrome version numbers are even more silly... like version 34.323.
@sammyg places.sqlite is where the current copy of bookmarks is stored
that's kind of fun
error message in some old HP software installer, on windows xp
looks like driver installer for hp deskjet 5100
ahh everyone knows what an 11-58 is by now :-)
(10-4 good buddy)
@Psycogeek of course, Ecclesiastes 10-4: "If the anger of the ruler rises against you, do not leave your place, for calmness will lay great offenses to rest."
or else?...
10-4 is CB (citizens band radio) means Ok or Confirmed answers.ask.com/reference/dictionaries/what_does_10_4_mean
@sammyg more likely next year ;p
Or it could mean hundreds of other things? the 10th day of the 4th month, or the 4th month of the 10th day. Or a medical term for a really bad blood pressure. or?
i hate date formats like 03/08/10
what is a VNC? ventral nerve cords or vestibular nucleus complex . What is DNS ? deviated nasal septum or direct vagal nerve stimulation What is SMTP Stachybotrys microspora triprenyl phenol
@Psycogeek LOL =)
and why will medical people never understand computer techs
@sammyg I like the european system of proper progression. Day Month Year , the us has it screwey. But i find the best system is year month day , i use that system to organise by date because it is always in order.
@Psycogeek i use YYYY-MM-DD
that's the official or recommended standard... here in sweden
some european countries use YY-MM-DD or YYYY-MM-DD
hm. I wonder what standard we use
using four digits for year takes out one of the variable out of the guesswork
I am still waiting for them to give us (a sort of) metric minutes, and have 100 degrees be a full circle. 360? who dreams up that stuff? i could see if it had been 314 :-)
@Psycogeek 314? explain
dd-mm-yyyy is apparently the most common in Finland
PI , Who could possibly have a problem with there having been 100 smaller units of an hour unit?
We use DDMMYY.
@Psycogeek that got me thinking. Would 1000 degrees be better than 100 for a full circle?
And which would be better, having 100 units for each earth revolution replace an "hour" or 10?
see! why can't they agree on a standard, international format for dates?
simple things... they can't do it right
having four digits in year like YYYY is important, regardless if you have the year at the end or at the beginning, it helps identify what is the year in e.g. YYYY-MM-DD, or e.g. MMDDYYYY, so you know how to read it
Heck we still measure using the kings arm (yard) the kings foot (feet) and the kings penis (inch)
don't forget the kings foot.
It is very unhelpfull when the divisions are fractional on the measuring instruments (ruler for example) .
Because the humans are well trained in base 10 for thier numbering from even long ago, whomever thought up this stuff probably did it to shortchange people . Uhh yea the king says he wants 12inches of your property not 10.
12 inches of your property. cue the innuendo
@Psycogeek i was not aware that you have a king in the US
neither were they.
@sammyg Oh we do, but the one they got that stuff from was the european kings, before we shipped out.
Isn't the US sort of (ish, kind of) leaning towards the metric system?
And what is with Troy ounces? 12 in a troy pound (instead of 16) . that surely was to shortchange people.
in the sense that they're all like "We want to use it and all but herpyterpty implementation"
naah... i don't think the US will fully adapt to the metric system any time soon
@Leathe They had a big move towards the metric system. it went as far as to raise prices , and short change people, then it seemed to just basically end.
The high input of chinese goods has put us more into the metric system , than the education system that was going to assist in conversion.
So which would you prefer 10 or 100 "hours" for a earth rotation day?
You could go to work for 3 units or for 30 units of the day?
isn't the us measurement system based on metric?
i read about the failed attempt to introduce the metric system in the us, and this was some time ago, and i think i read that the us system is somehow based on the metric system...
it's not like the imperial system
it is originally called the imperial en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Imperial_units
i was probably thinking of "customary units"
United States customary units are a system of measurements commonly used in the United States. The US customary system developed from English units which were in use in the British Empire before American independence. Consequently most US units are virtually identical to the British imperial units. However, the British system was overhauled in 1824, changing the definitions of some units used there, so several differences exist between the two systems. The majority of US customary units were redefined in terms of the meter and the kilogram with the Mendenhall Order of 1893, and in practice...
Metric time is the measure of time interval using the metric system, which defines the second as the base unit of time, and multiple and submultiple units formed with metric prefixes, such as kiloseconds and milliseconds. It does not define the time of day, as this is defined by various time scales, which may be based upon the metric definition of the second. Other units of time, the minute, hour, and day, are accepted for use with the modern metric system, but are not part of it. History Although part of the decimal metric system, the second derives its name from the sexagesimal system...
The French Republican Calendar () or French Revolutionary Calendar (calendrier révolutionnaire français) was a calendar created and implemented during the French Revolution, and used by the French government for about 12 years from late 1793 to 1805, and for 18 days by the Paris Commune in 1871. The revolutionary system was designed in part to remove all religious and royalist influences from the calendar, and was part of a larger attempt at decimalisation in France. Overview and origins History The days of the French Revolution and Republic saw many efforts to sweep away various trapp...
That's probably my favorite though :P
Avoirdupois? It is a lot like them hard drive numbers, whatever glorifies the products most, and can be justified somehow as being the correct measurement unit.
how do they manage to mix english and swedish on fully localized swedish windows?
If a butterfly had flapped its wings at the correct moment, we would have 10 earth rotation days as a "week" , so would we have 2 days off or 3?
@sammyg Part of it comes from another library which doesn't care about localization
@OliverSalzburg ahh... name of this library?
so it's not fully localized anyway
I will be right back in 18 milidays .
but i can understand that from one point, english is the lingua franca of programming and computing
@Psycogeek 25 minutes? and 55.2 seconds?
yes that is about what i get.
like "leap year" oh we just shove a day in there an fix that.
@Psycogeek so how about "i'll be back in 5.2 half-life of uranium 241"
about 25 minutes.
yeah, that would make sense
@Psycogeek what secret code should we use for months?
Do you think that time changes in space ? or that there are unanticipated changes of the things used to measure time , like when gravity differs, or something else?
@sammyg how to divide out 365.25 earth rotations, so seasonal changes are still aligned in similarity? I think seasons are "shifting" i cannot be sure of this earth axis deflection is accurate?
@Psycogeek those are all great questions! but you are probably in the wrong place! =)
try the physics chat
@sammyg but they already "know" the answer.
The math makes them correct too.
10 months, with 36.5 days in each ? that is so un-metric still.
would it be so bad to have the eighthly month change mid day?
Imagine all the dated things that would require much thinking because the month changed in the middle of some day.
the oddest one in the US system, was gasoline still measured by gallon. These people would have loved to charge us $5 a liter .
measurement system in the us won't change to metric any time soon
sure it has to do with trade and what not, but it also has to do with simple american stubornism
Don't like change, and I do not blame them. It was weird when i went to the machine shop, had everything measured in metric (calipers and such), the guy had to convert everything Phhht back to inches. And instead of fractional inches (1/4 1/8th etc) he had the system of milinches.
I had thought that i had it all worked out, before arriving.
And of course half the components i was using, were from around the world, and using metrics system.
"milli-inches" lol
european car then?
How are computer cases measured? (meaning the standards for motherboard mounting) It has been wonderfull how all that stuff lines up properly most of the time. How big is a 17" or 19" RackMount for things like servers in the rest of the world?
as an american, you should always buy american cars... or that's at least what the big companies would like you to think
something from general motors...
American car, metric socket set, but then parts of it use the old system??
poor things are more confused than i am when trying to work on them.
whaaat?? for real??
haha oh man...
so confusing
@sammyg for real, but way back in time when they were still "converting" over which they never did.
i don't know what to say
In the US a person pretty much has to have both sets of tools metric and inch type to do all the handy work. much of the cars are now metric, much of the home stuff still inches. A hardware store will carry both for simple things like nuts and bolts lag bolts and so on.
2 hours later…
@Psycogeek here's some more metric fun:
user image
Some computers don't deserve to have people. superuser.com/questions/756594/… Can't get the computer/monitor combo to show the bios.
from: Oliver Salzburg
"Some people don't deserve to be using a computer"
yeah... that computer does not deserved to have a user
I have a serious problem here. How do i get enough Jam on a PB&J sandwitch so it doesnt fall out of the side of the sandwitch. I have tried texturing the peanut butter surfaces, i have tried soaking up some of the jam into the bread, but it still happens.
And yes this is a computer problem, Jamed keys :-)
rice paper layering?
@Psycogeek Not enough information. Are you using a knife? A spoon? A spork? How much jam do you have right now before it falls off? Do you have the force field up on the sandwich? VTC as Too Broad
@CanadianLuke no, don't VTC! I have a brilliant solution involving a cat.
you have to take advantage of the Over-Unity Device to swizzle the jam for ~20 minutes to get it properly spread out
tape the bread with the jam facing outward to the back of a cat, pick up the cat and drop it; the Over-Unity Device will cause the cat-bread body to spin indefinitely, thereby distributing the jam perfectly
once it's spun enough, grab the cat and take your finished bread
Sorry, but as it is currently written, it does not meet our high quality standards set out by the Stack Exchange Quality Standard Committee of The Meta (the SEQSCTM).
heh, human flesh has a density of 1 part per trillion in the planet's atmosphere :D
therefore human flesh is the most toxic substance in the world
@allquixotic Ahhh this works because cats always land on thier feet, and the bread always lands jam down. But i only have a dog to work with?
1 ppt is enough to cause global warming etc
@Psycogeek that's easy; rewrite the dog instance to be a subtype of cat!
it doesn't take rocket science, just simple duck typing...
your dog eventually inherits from the common class carnivora with cat, so just break the links up to carnivora then inherit from felid and felis and finally domesticus.
what's wrong?
this happens to me sometimes, not all the time
using firefox 29
@sammyg Nothing wrong NSA intercepted the communication.
haha lol
@sammyg Not that they intercepted, they stole the information. You can see people talked, but no idea what they said!
Either that, or it leaked out of the hole in the Intertubes going to your house
ha ha, so now he has to go out with the zombies to find what leaked out of the intertubes, and patch them up.
00:00 - 16:0016:00 - 00:00

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