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> election ended 4 secs ago
@JourneymanGeek and @Mokubai won!
> Loading ballots from file superuser-com-2014-election-results.blt.
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 1501 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 1501 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Super User Moderator Election 2014 using Meek STV.
10 candidates running for 2 seats.

R|Journeyman Ge|Mokubai |Canadian Luke|Raystafarian |DragonLord |Malachi |Moses
|ek | | | | | |
^^ from OpenSTV run using the MeekSTV method (the one that SE uses)
Congrats @JourneymanGeek and @Mokubai
Congrats to the winners! Looking forward to seeing your diamonds soon.
@CanadianLuke aww, no emoticons or "!"? don't be sad, Bambini :(
your name is already blue anyway :P
Barely elected moderator and they already broke the site!?
Where's JG?!?
@Mokubai it's 3 am local time for Mr. Geek. and congratulations! I am somewhat surprised that the primary results didn't equal the official election results, but nonetheless I'm very happy you got elected :)
hope to see you around a lot more :P
now I have to start calling you guys "Mr." because you have authority :P
Mr. Ravi and Mr. IdunnoyourfirstnamesoI'llcallyouMcNamara
@allquixotic Likewise, I had fully expected to be third behind DL
@Mokubai surprising is that DragonLord ended up 5th!
Oh dear lord I have soooo many new buttons!
Raystafarian almost ran away with the election, judging from his positional ascension between the primaries and the finals
he landed in 4th, behind Luke
@allquixotic DL is 3rd
@DanielBeck oh. then the OpenSTV run I did is misleading :S
@allquixotic You're not wondering why "Surplus" and "Threshold" didn't get elected, are you?
@DanielBeck :D
no, haha
@allquixotic these things look better if you put them in a code block
I was like "who's Surplus? OHHH"
huh. DragonLord got the second most first-choice votes but still lost
the race between Mokubai, Luke and DL was quite close all the way
@allquixotic You first-past-the-posters wouldn't be used to that, would you? :P
@allquixotic See, that makes no sense to me...
@Mokubai I think you got enough second and third choice votes to edge him out
that's what it appears to be
@Mokubai >
> An STV election proceeds according to the following steps:

1. A candidate who has reached or exceeded the quota is declared elected.
2. If a candidate has more votes than the quota, surplus votes are transferred to other candidates. Votes that would have gone to the winner go to the next preference.
3. If no-one new meets the quota, the candidate with the fewest votes is eliminated and those votes are transferred.
4. This process repeats until either a winner is found for every seat or there are as many seats as remaining candidates.
SU is going to have 10 mods after the mod transaction to remove Troggy goes through
in Super User 2014 Election, 22 mins ago, by Daniel Beck
First round: M 145 DL 193
in Super User 2014 Election, 21 mins ago, by Daniel Beck
Then JG gets elected and M 269 DL 266
in Super User 2014 Election, 18 mins ago, by Daniel Beck
Looks correct. Mokubai got 380 second votes (298 from JG #1 voters), DL 253 (176 from JG #1 voters).
super close O__O
wow, 3 votes in it.
although Mokubai got way more second votes than DL
STV always confuses the heck out of me.
Okay, so because JM won the first choice place, all his surplus votes go down to the candidates in the second choice tier?
so now we have, what... 2 US mods; 5 Europe mods; 2 South Asia mods; and 1 "Pacific Ocean" mod (random; wherever he is)?
@MichaelFrank Come on, you should know at least -_-
turns out this election did okay for balancing out the time zones, but not great
still pretty heavily balanced towards Europe
@allquixotic What would you consider great? :P
@Bob you and me as mods :D
And me and studiohack, being the only US mods, have not so much time lately.
@allquixotic Heh, I'd probably contribute more to the US timezone than AU :P
@Bob Why should I know? o.O
> This system is currently used for some local elections in New Zealand.
@nhinkle well, I'll run next time :P
@Bob ha! That doesn't mean I understand how the system works.
run for the hills! I have a mini-question
@badp go away! (j/k)
The floor here is parquet
@allquixotic Do it. Or I'll make you regret it. ;)
is that a problem re: static electricity?
Burn it!
Whoa!!! What happened to the site?
@badp how in the world is this on topic for SuperUser? :P
oh: grats to the new mods!
@KronoS The new moderators broke it.
Yes, blame the new moderators.
@DanielBeck knew it!
Isn't it obvious!?
I didn't do it, nobody saw me do it, you can't proove anything!
in The Bridge, 25 mins ago, by OKAY, PANIC.
The Stack Exchange read-only test is starting now, DNS failover will happen over the next 5 minutes.
I love that
@badp are you an SE employee?
I can't remember
@KronoS No.
Maybe the moderators will be given their diamond during read-only mode; so, they won't become moderators as it can't be written... Muhahaha.
@badp almost regardless of what your floor is made out of, you're going to need a static wristband or similar (or just shock yourself intentionally on something you know is capable of doing it) before working on a computer
@allquixotic I don't have one
also, what's the temperature outside?
about 20°C?
@allquixotic @badp honestly I've never had any issues with static electricity and PC parts
well, during the day
!!convert 20C to F
@allquixotic 68F
that's fine
I don't have a memory of getting shocked in here
but I also never built a computer!
The parts arrive tomorrow!
usually, static electricity only becomes super dangerous if you've got a house heated by convection (warming the air, as opposed to radiative or black body heating) and the outside temperature is much, much colder than inside
at 68 F you're unlikely to experience that as your heat is probably off
yeah, heaters are off
I shocked my phone, laptop, PC and TV (without damaging them; good grounding) all winter long when it was below freezing outside
@allquixotic what
Static wristband, bah.
Just keep a hand on the case.
@Bob What's that?
Or touch it before picking anything up.
@Bob oddly enough, my case never shocks me
@Bob but the case will probably be on this wooden table, or on the wooden ground
even if I know I'm more statically charged than a damn thundercloud
@MichaelFrank Dodgy device that claims to prevent a static charge from building up. I don't believe any of those claims.
@allquixotic Neither.
@badp So?
@Bob so it won't actually be grounded?
You want to be grounded with respect to the case.
You do not want to be earthed.
@badp If you want the case to be grounded, leave it plugged into the wall ;)
@badp The ground depends on some reference. The earth is, well, Earth.
@MichaelFrank In this case, the case is your "ground" reference.
thing is, if you approach the case and you're extremely charged and you touch it, it's going to have to ground it somewhere -- it'll probably end up grounding it (poorly) through the rather poor conductor that is wood, eventually leading to the actual ground
but if you approach the case and you aren't extremely charged and you touch it, and you don't get a shock, and you leave your hand on the case, it's impossible to shock it as long as you keep touching it
anyway, at 68 Fahrenheit, unless your house is depressingly and unhealthily low on humidity, you don't have to worry about static electricity
increases in humidity and temperature severely inhibit static electricity buildup
cold and dry = zap
warm and moist = no zap
@allquixotic That would explain why I've never been shocked working on my computer.
@MichaelFrank it doesn't have a built-in PSU
On the other hand, I've been shocked in >70% 30 degree weather.
@Bob I've been shocked (many years ago) by just barely touching a sound card with the top of my hand while installing a GPU or something, in the winter, in a low-humidity house with convective heating (convective heating sucks the moisture out of the air, making the problem worse)
it didn't destroy the sound card, but it scared the crap out of me
the PSU was off, but the plug was in the wall (3-prong plug with a grounding pin)
@allquixotic Eh, I've been shocked a lot by sound cards and RCA ports on TVs. There's something funny about them. I don't count those :P
@allquixotic 62% humidity
actually I misspoke: convective heating doesn't suck the moisture out of the air; it just expands the air, which means per unit-volume of air, there's less moisture to go around
@badp that's decent
I've seen a few graphs here and there about static electricity and temperature, and basically what you see is this sort of exponential increase in the severity and likelihood of static buildup below roughly 30% humidity and/or 60 Fahrenheit
so even if I put things on this table (red = wood, purple = plastic, black = metal) I would be fine?
those numbers may be wrong but that's the general ballpark
well yes I guess I can touch the metal things with my feet
that would be more effective than touching the case through the wood
...I think
@badp Are you trying to create a circuit?
@allquixotic I tried, but the community doesn't want me wearing blue here as well. Oh well.
@CanadianLuke you've got enough blue for one person! :P
@MichaelFrank I'm trying to make sure that I don't damage anything I touch through static electricity, given that it's basically the only thing people do warn about in building computers
that and moving the motherboard without holding it with two hands I suppose
@badp given your environmental conditions, I'd worry more about dirt than static
finger oils + semiconductors = bad
wash your hands with soap and dry them before you start working, and keep dust/dirt/debris away from your build area
@badp I built my last computer on the carpet. Your described situation is basically a clean room in comparison.
@MichaelFrank There's also a cat normally in this room.
never touch the bottom of the CPU; that's probably the most sensitive
I'll try and keep her out throughout the day but...
@badp tell the cat, "shoo! and stop being curious about what I'm doing! I know you know how to design CPUs; quit being such a smartypants!"
@allquixotic Don't touch the top, either.
You don't want to mess up the heat paste
having the cat in the room after the computer is put together is fine, but if she tends to shed a lot (I have a medium-hair cat, so I live with that every summer), you should have hepa filters on the vents in your case
my cat likes to get under my feet and sniff around behind my computer so i'm always cleaning the vents
i caught her biting a (thankfully thickly shielded) HDMI cable once and had to grab her by the scruff of her neck and give her a lesson on safety
i don't know if she understood, but i told her very sternly :P
@allquixotic It's may.
She's doing the bulk of shedding in these weeks
@badp It's may everywhere...
@MichaelFrank but it's not mid-spring everywhere :P
@badp ...............he's from NZ
do cats shed massively in may also in NZ?
@badp no, they shed backwards; any hair that may be laying around the place gets picked up and attached to their fur coat
everything there is backwards
@allquixotic ooooh that sounds mighty useful.
Get two cats along the border of the emisphere side by side and, as one cat sheds, the other grows fur
@badp yeah, and instead of drinking water, they drool out purified water into their bowls
@allquixotic sustainable!
I'm not sure how going to the litter box would work with this model though
you have to put lumps of poo into the litter box for them to...
The reign of madness begins!
@Mokubai that's scary. are you abusing your powers, or laughing at the discussion?
oh god oh god don't ban me don't ban me please please please
@allquixotic No that's my work shirts.
@allquixotic Can't it be both... ;)
@Mokubai now that you're a mod, you know you are required to participate actively in RA, right?
it says it right there in your job description ;)
participate? you mean delete everything?
@Mokubai *sigh* I think you need to have one of the veteran mods explain to you how this works.
@Mokubai Hi. I am a veteran mod. Yes, that's what it means.
dear god
@ChatBotJohnCavil +1 picard
@badp That's the ad for an energy drink, isn't it?
did... did you just... edit one of Cavil's posts?!?!!
I call abuse.
(taking a page from Heavenly Nostril's book. I blame Yi Jiang)
(Hm. That ruined a pretty long streak. Bad @badp!)
@Bob Streak of what?
@Bob "bad badp"? isn't that redundant?
59 secs ago, by Bob
I call abuse.
@Bob So you've stopped calling abuse?
Aww :(
*swats @badp with... wait what does one swat a purple ball with eyes with? o.O
It's an open question.
Oh I know. I'll help you out and touch another knob or two so you may resume your streak
I can only assume the silence is caused by people running en masse to sign an online petition to stop my reign of terror
I can see all the things o.O
!!learn taytaytay i.imgur.com/SYvAqgs.gif
@TomWijsman Command taytaytay already exists
Heh, I thought it was removed; who's being manipulating ChatBot John's memory?
@Mokubai Enjoy the endless bedtime reading material. :)
(You must read deposit material to train your deposit sensor to be able to deposit depositable material.)
@TomWijsman so many new toys, much wow.
@TomWijsman it definitely wasn't a moderator. Paragon of virtue those lot are.
@Mokubai Don't worry, I have an arsenal of TS GIFs available.
@TomWijsman Go on!
@TomWijsman oh that's who that is.
@TomWijsman Amazing.
just curious but can I mess with the bot like that?
is there documentation on this lovely bot?
@Malachi Input not matching /(\w+) (\d)/. Help: User-taught command: Searches for a manpage http://linux.die.net/man/$encode($2)/$encode($1)
@JourneymanGeek Information on interacting with me can be found at this page
@Malachi Each hair in Chuck Norris's beard contributes to make the world's largest DDOS.
@Malachi That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@TomWijsman I'll check when I get off mobile :)
I am going to have to set up it up on my linux box that I always have running when I get home
speaking of which
the SE chatbot?
looks like it is just Javascript running on a page
its a bit messy
pretty much
thats about the only way to get a bot on SE
though I think @allquixotic does some stuff with odd javascript engines
what do you mean, Messy? I will be back within a couple of hours ,
and probably drippy candles and incantations.
@JourneymanGeek LOL
@Malachi right now I use so-chatbot-driver to launch Firefox, get to the chatroom, then inject the so-chatbot code into the browser
yeah I have just enough knowledge to get this thing downloaded and then I have no idea how to run the script.
@badp ROFL
@allquixotic ok so how do I do this?, damn I am dumb
@Malachi I'm the operator of Cavil, so I don't really have an incentive to spend time helping you with it, unless you want to run a bot in a different channel -- I can't envision any situation where we'd need another bot in this channel. But anyway -- for starters, it's just Javascript; all you have to do is load the bookmarklet's JS into your browser using the JS console or similar.
@allquixotic I do want one in another channel.
oh, cool then
lemme check on the Aviation chat real quick :P
eventually I want to work on the bot too. and see if I can do some other things with it too, make it do things with unanswered questions and stuff
let e wait until my family goes to bed though
@Malachi do you know JS?
I know programming, I know what JS is and some of the syntax.
I don't know all the fun languages and stuff, but that is part of why I want to start with this project.
that's not really gonna work (as far as "working on the bot") unless you learn a lot, then
you can USE the bot without knowing JS, sure
I know VB, C#, some VBScript, a little PHP, little bit of Python, and some other things.
I also know XML XPath XSLT HTML CSS etc.
so i really should learn Javascript to make it all well rounded and bring it all together.
learn Javascript more I guess

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