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So nineteen hours until you hand out a few new diamonds, eh?
I'm kinda nervious about that ;p
I have a fairly non trivial chance of winning, but still
yeah. elections are nerveracking :P
@Undo: silly thing is, I'm fairly certain of winning
(high rep users generally have an advantage, and I'm roughly 200-300 votes ahead on primaries)
@JourneymanGeek if you don't win, then the acceleration due to gravity on Earth is not -9.8m/s^2.
it'd be a violation of physics for you to lose
@allquixotic: unless everyone assumes the same thing and picks me as third choice ;p
yesterday, by allquixotic
user image
Thats remarkably similar to how I voted
(though I admit, voting for myself feels wierd)
!! s/ie/ei/
@allquixotic (though I admit, voting for myself feels weird) (source)
ugh, I hate it when record labels do this: I am a US citizen and Warner Brothers Benelux doesn't want my money: itunes.apple.com/be/album/inside-outside/id822218931
I want to legally buy that music, but every single store I look at, requires you to be in Belgium. WTF?
when will these music labels realize that the economy is a global thing now, and releasing albums with geographical restrictions is like only allowing skinny people to buy donuts at the store?
and people wonder why piracy happens
@allquixotic: I wonder if you could pay someone in the benelux to buy it for you and gift iy
@JourneymanGeek I'm sure I could, but it'd also be in a very murky area of the law :P but I might just do that rather than pirate, in the hopes that the artist gets a small fraction of the price
@allquixotic: or maybe buy a cd? ;p
then rip it?
I wonder if @Hennes could get it? Novastar seems to have a significant presence in both the Netherlands and Belgium.
@JourneymanGeek asking me to buy a CD is like asking Linus Torvalds to hand-deliver you a copy of the Linux kernel source code printed out on reams of 8.5x11 paper.
extremely unwieldy and outmoded
@allquixotic: meh, you can rip it to whatever format, and they're more likely to ship it ;p
@JourneymanGeek oh, I know. I found one store that will ship it in CD format, but (1) the entire site is in Dutch or Belgian only (no English!), and (2) the shipping costs more than the entire album
until Poets of the Fall started making their releases globally online, I had to import physical CDs for new Poets of the Fall albums too. it always ended up being like $50 once you tack on the shipping
oh, thats fairly normal. One reason I used to use a transhipper buying stuff from the US ;p
well, you aren't alone in having hideous costs: here in the US, trying to import stuff from Europe (by air; if you have the patience to wait weeks for a boat, it's less) is extremely expensive
getting a padded envelope here in less than a week? that'll be $25.
silly thing the chinese can send anything with trivial shipping
@JourneymanGeek well, China would delve into a depression deeper than the U.S.'s Great Depression if their export economy were at all constrained
@allquixotic: true, but this is regular post
(or occationally courier for SLIGHTLY bigger items)
I may end up waiting in hopes that Novastar releases their record "officially" in the US, because right now, I'm not feeling the need to spend a ton of money for it.
17.99 euro, and that doesn't include shipping
that's a LOT for music, when I can get most globally-released or US/UK-released material for $9.99 or $7.99 on Amazon MP3
even iTunes is $11.99 per album, and they won't even sell it to me
@JourneymanGeek exactly :P
except their reaction to that gif is, "no thanks, we have plenty of money over here in the Benelux countries"
That makes even less sense than preferencial pricing
Its cheaper for me to get certain textbooks in india
(though in the old days this was cause indian books were printed on horrid paper)
preferential pricing is annoying; unavailability of items is downright hostile
likewise singaporean textbooks are cheaper than american textbooks
and someone got sued for smuggling textbooks from singapore to america ;p
@JourneymanGeek I hope that isn't an indication of the quality of bought goods in India >_> coworkers who come back from India are always pressuring me to try their "Indian sweets"
VERY SAME BOOKS these days
and indian sweets are usually fine
well, I love the papadoms imported from India :P
I bought 10 packs of 20 online :D
impossible to find in grocery stores anymore
anything exported is usually of better quality than local goods ;p
You like those ;p
YES, yes I really do :D
that cumin-lime-sunflower taste
just so unique and good
this product is incredibly international
product of India; packed in the UK; and distributed out of Connecticut
how's THAT for globalization
sharwood is super common in the UK ;p
and quite often its india -> UAE -> UK -> elsewhere.
Which is wierd when you're in singapore
I love being so multicultural and enjoying the best stuff from other places
lol. I have a wierd soft spot for olives.
to think, some Americans only just eat McDonalds and Panera and stuff like that -_- totally "normal" food, and never go outside that
@allquixotic: indians tend to be like that, just indian food ;p
@JourneymanGeek oh, I eat olives either in stuff or just alone like 5 times a week
green ones, black ones, or green ones with pimiento
my sister in law dosen't like soya or cheese >_>
which is annoying since we can't buy from that awesomesauce vegan burger place since quite a lot of their dishes are all soya based
I've eaten very good vegan burgers out :) in fact, Oriole Park at Camden Yards has a great vegan burger place
last place you'd expect to find good vegan food: at an all-American traditional sport where they sell hot dogs and fries and pizza mainly
the most galling thing about OPACY is that bottled water is like $4.50 - $5.. they make it more expensive than soda because it doesn't contain salt, so it really quenches your thirst instead of making you hungrier/thirstier
last time there I bought 2 bottles of water and felt satisfied instead of buying their salty soda and wanting to keep going
these guys don't sell soda. AWESOME fruit juice though
and fries dusted with seaweed
@JourneymanGeek ?
what's ugh, puppy?
I need to log into my dad's email, print something, then mail it to him
I can't seem to find it though
there it is
(and I need to print this out and courier it to india)
@JourneymanGeek o0
Can't you just send a email
but nooooo
2 hours later…
@Sathya morning
Re novastar. uhm, no idea.
Itunes is some musci thingy? Right?
Re buying a CD. Muhahahahaha. Not a penny of that goes to the artists
hi guys, do you know what everything is deleted when i do SYSTEM RESOTORE in Windows 7?
how about my home folder?
for example the history of visited sites
in firefox
or bookmarks
or it only affects the installed programs?
but my files are preserved?
what everything?
but what do you mean by that?
That which is not nothing
so nothing will be deleted
none of my files?
Chris Z answered 6 years ago
System Restore works a lot like the Undo command in Microsoft Word. You can use System Restore to remove any system changes that were made since the last time you remember your computer working correctly. System Restore does not affect your personal data files (such as Microsoft Word documents, browsing history, drawings, favorites, or e-mail) so you won't lose changes made to these files.
Hopefully, even after 6 years, it holds true
you could... I donno... back up first.
i wont
i dont have time for that
time is precious
but thank you for help
data is precious.
hey, anyone wanna play some tagpro? we are short of players. :D
backups are a parallel process, and the time spent in a backup is a investment
@jokerdino whats a tagpro
@Sathya it's a ruddy silly CTF game
at work, will pass
looks like the USB 3.0 front panel connector on my case is having issues
Its jerryrigged somewhat so probably just a loose connection
now i realized
i cant do the system restore from 3 months ago
only like 2 weeks ago
i will have to fix it different way
turns out my external HDD will work with my moto G ;p
my problem is that i deleted some c++ libraries
from Windows 7
I'm an idiot
what can i do about it?
reinstall the whole system from scratch?
i dont even remember what their name was
Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64) ?
@JourneymanGeek sure why not
that's what OTG is for
@Bob: power draw I'd guess
@JourneymanGeek you said external
external has its own power supply
@Bob: external dosen't necessarily
@EinsteinsGrandson: you back up before you do anything else stupid
ok portable hdd ;p
yes, thats true
i never back up
@JourneymanGeek hehe
that said, assuming I didn't need a load of battery life, that sort of solves my media player problem ;p
Those are basically installers for libraries that other apps need and were installed because some of the apps you have were built with Visual C++.

If you remove them, some of your apps may stop working and will need to be reinstalled or repaired. I wouldn't advise removing them, unless you are willing to go through the reinstall / repair route. Windows 7 will only install updates to the original packages, not the packages themselves.
@EinsteinsGrandson: backup
otherwise there's no helping you
and don't lie about it. It'll take at least an hour.
let him not back up
I enjoy a good crash & burn like most
just when it's not mine
@Sathya: At least it should keep him quiet a while
I'd have one of those. Looks like one of my external drives is dead
lucky I backed it up. Twice. In seperate locations.
i have really never backed up
so far, nothing happened
it has been like 11 years
Yanno what
just do whatever.
@JourneymanGeek your phone can charge with a current of at least 1A
it should be able to supply 500mA over the same line juuuuust fine
@Bob: I didn't know this!
don't forget this is the first phone I've gotten that does OTG right
@JourneymanGeek 'course, some phones won't do it
but there should be no hardware issue with supplying that current
most don't
my phone charges with 2.1A o.O
@JourneymanGeek I need to get an OTG cable and try it sometime :P
its partially a driver thing. I'm using fat32 as well
I still have the cable from my N8 but that thing is rectangular for some reason
@Bob: OTG cables are useful
charging with 500mA cables is pointless, esp with something like GPS on
it'll drain faster than phone can be charged
my potentially pyrotechnic powerbank does 1A
@Sathya the current has nothing to do with the cable, you shouldn't exceed 500mA when charging from a PC port, many phones charge just fine with that current, and we're talking about output current to a USB HDD at 500mA, not charging at that current :P
(and in india that was useful as heck. I charge it when there's power, then use it on my phone during power outages)
@JourneymanGeek I just use my laptop.
It has a good 5+ phone charges in it :P
(and it can charge while powered off)
@Bob: I didn't bring my laptop this time
@JourneymanGeek I did it just to have something to do on the plane
cause the stupid airline allows laptops but not phones
@Bob I'm not disputing it doesn't charge fine.
ahh ;p
Mine would have allowed tablets...
@JourneymanGeek I don't have a tablet...
(and I left mine in my bag ;p)
What the heck is the announcer badge?
lots of people clicking on a share link
superuser.com/q/379917/10165 <- the last part of the url is my userid on superuser
Q: How to bridge/enable (ICS) to a 3G modem?

Dawod KhanI have two 3G modems, I want the first modem to bridge it with an Ethernet or wifi connection on my friend's computer which has a high speed and unlimited DSL internet. I do it in order to share the computer’s internet with my second modem which I would use it on my own computer for browsing a...

This question has me completely confused
@MichaelFrank psa: that's disregarded for Stack Exchange sites
@Sathya: >_>
would you mean MSE or everywhere ?
@JourneymanGeek everywhere within Stack Exchange
only works when referrer is outside Stack Exchange
OH. misparsed.
user image
@jokerdino ^
+1 lol
time to change gravvy
@jokerdino g00000000000000d dino
Q: cant login in my kali linux authentication failure

user320774I installed Kali OS for the first time.Now at the time of log in it ask for Localhost username and password.I tried the username and password I entered during installation but I get authentication failure.

If you can't work out two ways to break into your own system, you really arn't cut out for hacking.
@JourneymanGeek LOL
the irony
I'd also google the default username and password first
@EinsteinsGrandson You can solve that be deinstalling the appliucation which also installed the library. Then reinstall it and the redist should be reinstalled alongside with it.
Q: What is this "FBI SURVEILLANCE", SSID located all over Southern California, USA?

Bill McCloskeyI have noticed this same SSID, FBI SURVEILLANCE in three locations in the greater Southern California area (Garden Grove, Santa Ana, and San Juan Capistrano, California, U.S.A.). Is this one heck of a strong Wi-Fi signal, or is their some kind distributed "private" network overlaid on our great ...

(I know its going to get closed, but I couldn't resist)
@JourneymanGeek you should quit doing that now that you're a mod you know
@Sathya: I have at least 8 hours before that happens ;p
@JourneymanGeek tomato tomaato :p
@Sathya: I can't ka-smite spammers yet ;p
I'm flagging them like a plebian!
(not to be confused with a replicant or a thesbian.)
@Sathya crackpot
We have passwords on every access point to our network. Passwords on our routers, and maybe, to be considered: passwords on our firmware, forensic recovery review, shadow-memory wipe algorithms, acid dissolve tanks, etc. Security is tightening quickly around here, but should we live in a cave, or just tighten the screws a little? ;-) — Bill McCloskey 29 mins ago
check the latest edit, @Jou @bob
That totally changes the question
@JourneymanGeek Not really.
You shouldn't be joining an unknown network regardless of name.
Heck, you shouldn't be joining public networks, period.
The name doesn't make the network any different from another.
@Bob: yeah ;p
It's a human problem.
you guys want this? askubuntu.com/q/461371/169736
Don't join the network, set a WPA2 pass on your own, turn off WPS, there.
pretty much
@JourneymanGeek If you wanna amend your answer to include disabling WPS? :P
WPS PIN can be brute forced within a day.
@Braiam still not sure what the question is
@Bob: done
@JourneymanGeek Thanks.
Though, (pedant alert) it's probably not good to group WPS with WEP and WPA
@Bob: meh, It would make my answer more complex unless I went into depth
Also, because of my security concerns for our personal Wi-Fi security, I've returned both an Apple AirPort Extreme gigabit wireless router, and an ASUS 802.11ac compatible Wi-Fi router, and have disabled my ancient Airport Extreme's WiFi signal from all devices, except so as to allow our iPhones to connect via WiFi. So, yes, I do take our security very seriously. — Bill McCloskey 1 min ago
(and heh, I've considered setting up a guest network before)
I'd actually prefer 5ghz for security
shorter range ;p
paranoid much?
@Sathya uhhhhhhhhhhhh
(granted, if I thought someone was listening in to me, I would totally fuck with him)
I'd say "a little knowledge...", but I'm not sure if that qualifies as even a little knowledge
> disabled my ancient Airport Extreme's WiFi signal from all devices, except so as to allow our iPhones to connect
The hell does that even mean?
He doesn't mean MAC filtering, does he? MAC filtering is about the most useless crap ever.
I'd assume MAC address filtering
Even WEP is more useful.
It's... painful.
WiFi security is simple to do right, assuming your vendor hasn't completely botched the firmware.
But once you start overcomplicating it like this, you end up making it less secure -_-
honestly, wifi security is simple. Setting it up is hard in a place like this
ooh, that unsecured router vanished
@JourneymanGeek Heh, client isolation. I went a step further and put it on a separate AP that's completely walled off from the main router everyone uses :P
Different subnet and all.
No ARP poisoning, etc., going on here.
@Bob: i'd consider doing both
@JourneymanGeek Nah, the people on the guest network actually need to communicate with each other sometimes.
meh ;p
(Most people I allow on my network are trustworthy. ;p)
@JourneymanGeek Ya, but two reasons I do this.
they're throttled so they can't flood the connection.
@Bob: >_>
And I trust the people but not their computer knowledge or ability to avoid malware.
If anyone does unspeakable things to my connection, its usually me.
and most devices that use wifi on my network are phones and printers. ;p
@JourneymanGeek Our upstream is limited to about 80kB/s, and if someone saturates it, it makes everything unbearable.
Some people on the network like watching videos with p2p stuff (something called pps, actually).
not a problem for me. Other than basically having to download stuff for people ;p
@JourneymanGeek I ended up throttling them to 100kbit/s upstream
considered making it 56k :P
they mostly watch videos, etc., that need down more than up anyway
and 100kb is sufficient for that
hm. Looks like mod election results will be up at 3 am my time ><
also, 3 more flags and I'm at exactly 2.2k helpful flags ;p
@JourneymanGeek I'll call you to make sure you won't miss it!
larry the moron
@OliverSalzburg dammit you beat me to deleting ravi's NAA
The one time I'm checking the queue! :D
@Sathya Ravi had a NAA? :O
our Ravi? the puppy?
Q: A picture is a thousand words. Let's make use of that more. Promote Pictures in SuperUser

PathfinderI've been to so many forums on computers over the years an one thing always stands out. The Lack of information. Take this recent question for example: How can I decrease the boot time in my laptop? The person is obviously not a computer enthusiast so did not include basic info about the compu...

> Apprentice Programmer, Javascript Business Applications
bio of the guy above ^
Votes: -3 Status: [status-declined] Why: [STATUS-DECLINED]
@allquixotic better than qbasic!
@allquixotic I flagged that ;p
and thats probably my last flag ;p
@JourneymanGeek ever? D:
o rite, you'll be a mod
and I probably am in the top 10, all time in terms of helpful flags ;p
(all @jokerdino's fault ;p)
you're probably #1 in everything except rep (harrymc has you beat there)
I think he had like 1K flags on AU, wanted to catch up ;p
also, I hate spam
@JourneymanGeek In the future you can handle your own flags
Raise them, then handle them
@OliverSalzburg: On the contrary, in the future, you don't need to handle mine ;p
@OliverSalzburg: or just cut out the middleman ;p
my foot hurts :(
It's how I tried to get my Marshal badge after being elected :P
too much walking back and forth from customer (long parking lot) and walking with people in afternoon and walking at store and walking walking and walking walking walking and walking walking walking walking
and then? ;p
@OliverSalzburg: marshall flag is... 500 flags, right?
@JourneymanGeek Right
yo dawg, we herd u like to walk, so we are letting you walk while you walk so you can walk while you walk
or something
I think I got that shortly after the last election
also the twisting dreamy melody of Keane - Russian Farmer Song has me in a weird trancey mood this morning o_O
worth a listen if you have spotify
@allquixotic Please post a link, searching is too exhausting
@OliverSalzburg oh no!
I wouldn't want to exhaust you!
If you want to configure a modem that gives an external ip, how would you do it safely?
open.spotify.com/track/3OrX7szGHfHZ8uFEIunh5B (if that 6th to last character isn't an I, it's a lowercase L; I can't tell the difference in gmail on android and I don't have spotify on my work machine)
@OliverSalzburg spotify:track:3OrX7szGHfHZ8uFEIunh5B

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