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when did superuser come out of beta? is there somewhere where I can find that information?
I found that CodeReview is about a year younger than superuser, I am thinking that some of my activity was from before Superuser actually became a site, but I can't tell for sure
I'd like to know why this function in excel isn't working:
=if(Z2=TRUE AND Z3=TRUE AND Z1=FALSE AND Z4=FALSE AND Z5=FALSE,"Well done!", "Wrong")
The Z cells are the output by the checkboxes
I was thinking that && is only for concatenation. but I think it is the correct syntax for this situation as well
try using && instead of AND
you're not using AND correctly
@Malachi Thanks, but this appears ^^
AND is a function, not an operator
you have to call AND(exp1,exp2)
if you have many things to AND together, you have to nest them
you might have to nest if statements
in your case, looks like it'll be AND(AND(AND(AND(...
actually wait, you can use more than 2 parameters in an AND
=IF(AND(Z2=TRUE,Z3=TRUE,Z1=FALSE,Z4=FALSE,Z5=FALSE),"Well done!","Wrong")
@TimTimmy you're still doing it wrong. this isn't SQL or VBA.
you can't just put a space between two different functions and expect that to work
@allquixotic Yes yes, I get it!!! Really thanks
no, you don't.
I agree with allquixotic
Excel function names are not case sensitive.
Malachi, no offense but if you don't know the most basic things about Excel formulas, please do not try to help.
I know VB and VBScript
this isn't VB.
@allquixotic @Malachi Big Big thanks
Excel formula syntax has absolutely nothing to do with VB.
what language is it in?
it's not a programming language. it's an expression syntax for Excel formulas in cells.
he's not in the VBA IDE. he's in Excel itself.
O.O Oops I started an argument
Yes I'm in Excel, not VBA
no, no you didn't. I'm just trying to explain to him that Excel formulas are nothing like VB/VBA/VBScript and the syntax is completely different.
don't worry Tim.
if you don't believe me that Excel formulas are a different syntax, feel free to open Excel or LibreOffice Calc, go into a cell in the spreadsheet, and type some VB/VBA/VBScript code. I'll even give you a little hint: it has to start with = or else it'll just be interpreted as plain text and not evaluated as code.
VBA is what the functions are written in that are used in the spreadsheet formulas, so yes you are correct and I am correct, just I was trying to use VBA Syntax in the formula where it didn't belong
@Malachi spreadsheet formulas can call VBA code, but the built-in Excel functions are implemented in C++.
Even that isn't really right.
also, Excel spreadsheet formulas existed in Excel long before VBA existed, and the syntax and functionality of Excel formulas has maintained more or less 100% backwards compatibility since then.
You can call VBA macros from a formula. But it's very unlikely the built in ones were written in VBA.
VBA is literally a tack-on that came about around the time of Windows 95, which by Excel historical standards, is just a couple of weeks ago (Excel is damn old)
annnnnd I'm too slow
I stand corrected
What's a better word for "disk cost" in terms of disk space required for installation of a certain application software?
the argument you give makes complete sense, and I am wrong
at work, I actually call VBA functions from Excel quite a lot, but in this guy's case, VBA isn't in the picture at all.
the "linkage" between the two was added around Excel 95, IIRC
Disk cost?... that's the first time I see this use.
@sammyg disk cost is alright. alternative, not necessarily better, would be required disk space, etc.
"disk cost" is very common
it's somewhat of an unusual terminology, because it's missing the operative word "space"... the program doesn't send you a bill asking for you to mail them a number of hard disks or anything like that, so "disk cost" is just a little bit odd
@Bob yeah, disk space required would be better, imho
if it did send you a bill asking for hard disks, then Microsoft SQL Server would ask for about 5000 of them :P
i have not come across this usage before
it doesn't cost me anything to install that software
Malachi or my real name?
@allquixotic it's in a lot of installers
@Malachi <-- that one
@allquixotic lol :)
@Bob lol, that is not my real name, BTW. I am sure there are a lot of "Malachi"s in the world
"Malachi, Malachias or Mal'achi was a Jewish prophet in the Hebrew Bible. Malachi was the writer of the Book of Malachi, the last book of the Neviim section in the Jewish Tanakh."
@Malachi I meant the username. It just happened to work when I swiped it.
@sammyg means something to the effect of "messenger of God"
a lot of names don't work
"100 Firefighters Battle Laptop Battery Fire"


Is it me or title is odd?
@Malachi "From the Hebrew name מַלְאָכִי (Mal'akhiy) meaning "my messenger" or "my angel". This is one of the twelve minor prophets of the Old Testament, the author of the Book of Malachi, which some claim foretells the coming of Christ. In England the name came into use after the Protestant Reformation."
oh god, @Bob
Apache Struts zero-day. I wonder if we patched against it. I need a proof of concept!
@allquixotic huhwhat
heh, thankfully we don't use struts
@sammyg Look. Religion was manipulated and distroted for fear mongering and control of humanity. The truth is out there which is slowly surfacing through channelers. DNA of first humans were mmanipulated and combined with Pleiadian's DNA. That's how Adam and Eve were born. 500,000 BC came Orions - aggressive, selfish and dominating race who interbred with descendants of Adam and Eve and tainted what was once kind and beautiful race. Today we have 80% of Orions DNA.
There, I have said it all and can continue my day with a piece of mind.
@Bob Why are you happy? It's your government.
@Boris_yo Who said I was happy?
@Bob "weee"
@allquixotic I'm really sorry to disturb, I got an issue with some VBA
I was trying to make a STARS function
This should take in a number between 1 and 5 and output that number of *s.

=STARS(1) shows *

=STARS(4) shows ****
@TimTimmy now you have an issue with VBA? heh, ask @Malachi :P (j/k)
@TimTimmy stop getting me to do your homework! (this is obviously homework)
I'm not, I'm asking help to do it ;)
ok. what did you try so far?
Public Function STARS(number As Integer)
If number = "1" Then
    STARS = "*"
ElseIf number = "2" Then
    STARS = "**"
ElseIf number = "3" Then
    STARS = "***"
ElseIf number = "4" Then
    STARS = "****"
ElseIf number = "5" Then
    STARS = "*****"
    Print "Error"
End If
End Function
First thing's first, please indent the function body.
ok... and what happens when you try to call it in an Excel formula?
(you may have to put this in a new standard module instead of in a worksheet module to get it to recognize it)
Second thing: you're comparing an Integer to strings... is that even allowed in VBA?
@Bob no, that would produce an error
Compile error: Method not valid without suitable object
you'd have to CStr(number) to compare it to a string
@allquixotic In this case, just compare it to numbers.
Though, there's a far better way to do it.
well yeah
Oh, I just need to remove the quotes
Heck, there's a built-in function to do this :P
So I'm comparing an integer to a number so it should work...
no need for VBA
Sorry, but I kinda have to do VBA ;)
@allquixotic I was trying not to give that away so easily :P
ARRR! Nope, the computer is stupid...
Or is it me?
Though, I'm surprised they abbreviated this one.
@TimTimmy why do you have to use VBA to implement a function that's built-in to Excel?
Not very consistent.
!! s/computer/user/
@Bob ARRR! Nope, the user is stupid... (source)
whoever required you to do that should be fired
I have to: "Write a function called STARS"
@allquixotic Probably a beginner's course or something.
That's what the end result should be:
@Bob still, I don't even consider this... whatever it is to be education
If it's your employer giving you that requirement, go slap them.
this isn't education; it's busy work
"find the Excel function" is not education
that's using reference documentation
@TimTimmy Doing this in Excel is just so freaking wrong.
Excel is a spreadsheet application.
also, that's terrible music
@Bob Law of the instrument.
also, I don't think the VBA Print function does what you think it does
I find the music OK
you can just set STARS to "Error"
@allquixotic Heh, does it open a print dialog? :P
@allquixotic Then I must be confusing this with other coding languages
it'd be hilarious if it does, but no
I think it just prints it out to the immediate window
Anyway. @TimTimmy what's your actual problem?
What happens when you try it?
@TimTimmy considering what you've demonstrated so far, I wouldn't be surprised in the least if that were the case
ok, you're stepping through it... and?
We can see several problems with your code, but are you even at the point where you can run it?
What happens when you try?
Hey wait
Not much point giving you all the answers. Better that you learn to read error messages and follow them.
This is phenomnomnomnimal! It works
Ahhh... Well sorry for disturbing then
> read error messages
VBA's error messages are terrible
@allquixotic Oh, ok :P
if he were using Clang and not reading error messages, I'd slap him upside the head
but he can be excused for not understanding VBA's cryptic errors
At least I hope it's better than JS errors inside minified library functions?
Those are fun.
Error message? Heck, stepping through? More luck looking at the last change.
@TimTimmy Preeeetty sure that's not real.
You know there's error music too
anyone can construct a funny looking message box with a few lines of code... the hard part is deciding whether they're in production software, or just someone dicking around to show up on Error'd
I know that it's easy to make one
@TimTimmy I wouldn't be surprised if that was done in Java.
Absolutely best, recommended music - Windows
I've yet to come across any other language with such a blatant disregard for standard Windows UI controls.
@Bob well, actually, SWT shows a blatant regard for builtin Windows controls
@Bob It's actually worse on other platforms.
Hmm... What about Ubuntu?
Swing's aim was just to be maximally portable, so they said, "give me a pixel canvas with which to draw upon and I'll make my own GUI controls, which may or may not look similar to the native controls"
@allquixotic Pity no one seems to use it.
'course it's bad for performance when you have things like WPF and Direct2D accelerating rich GUIs to insanely fast speeds (at low power usage, too) in modern Windows
@Bob Eclipse does, but you hate Eclipse
@allquixotic That's probably the one good thing about Eclipse.
Oh yea, the team stuff (VCS integration) is alright too.
NetBeans uses those bloody awful file selection dialogs.
Voila Mac
@allquixotic WPF demonstrates that you can draw things yourself and look native.
Apparently this is a computer virus:
@DanielBeck except that WPF controls look pretty non-native compared to Windows Forms or ATL
But I can't believe that
It's just html
or rather, since WPF is part of Windows, WPF is the "new native" in some sense
and it's Microsoft, anyway, so of course they'd put a lot of effort into making WPF look at least mostly similar to standard Windows desktop GUIs
Swing's native look and feel isn't all that bad these days either
May I point to another issue which was that I don't know a possible way of recuperating the score, without being complicated with an abundance of ifs.
i.e. How do I get the score out of this? (without using lots of ifs):
You start by not using Excel for a quiz.
@allquixotic I sincerely hope that I have not been disturbing you in any way
In fact, when I was posting this question, I was quite startled by this:
Anyway, there's a number of COUNT* functions.
Where's the code for that?
How in the world did it recognise that I was posting such a question, as it was not immediately recognisable that my question was as such?
A: What Easter Eggs do the chat sites have?

PopsMeta Stack Overflow/(any room): red tags Send a message consisting solely of [status-SOME_PLAINTEXT_STRING] and it will appear in chat like a moderator tag. Doing this as a reply to another message is okay, but other text or formatting will not work. The plaintext string cannot be longer than 50...

@allquixotic what was this about VBA or VB?
@Bob Were you referring to COUNTIF?
sorry I was away from the computer eating Breakfast at noon.
@TimTimmy Connect USB keyboard and press.
@Bob @DanielBeck ^^ that's Swing. hard to tell from the look and feel
@allquixotic Are you sure that's a recent screenshot?
@DanielBeck I took it about 3 minutes ago on Java 8u5 x64 on Windows 8.1.
so, yes, I'm certain
@TimTimmy Another revolution would happen before this will be real. And it won't.
@Bob Unfortunately the idea you have provided seems invalid unless complicated code and complicated theory is readily available.
@allquixotic Excuse me, may I ask whether you have any simple response to the latter question, if you wouldn't mind?
@allquixotic IMO the tabs and tree don't look too bad. The scrollbars are Windows 8.1 I assume? So the parts that seem weird are mostly the parts they wrote themselves. When you build a "lowest common denominator" UI, it shouldn't look too bad.
It seems that a question on RA would be better
Therefore one will get the potential e.g. @allquixotic and answer the question, gaining reputation
Yes, that seems ideal
@DanielBeck yeah, the scrollbars are Win8.1
@TimTimmy I've lost the inclination to do so, and the Orioles game is coming on in a sec, so I'll be AFK
oh god, I'm turning into one of those cranky old men who says "when I was a kid, we didn't HAVE chat; we had to look up our homework references in textbooks!" and drones on about "kids these days"
oh well, so be it...
Do you believe that I am or I am not a "kid"... That is the question
Which has been dismissed by Orioles
That may well be the meaning of life.
Who knows
Demoralisation plays a vital part
Man...I wish I didn't upgrade my version of DD-WRT ever since I did I got crap for download speeds.
and now...my sinus pressure...wow
When the heck are doctors going to cure allergies?
@Ramhound Which one do you have?
My router? E4200
I upgrade to the K3 and it did something to my network bandwidth
speedtest is fine but anything tasking..
Results in odd behavior
I did purchase the WRTAC1900 but a working OpenWRT image is several months away thinking my $250 could go to better use.
* WRT1900ac
Holly Cow the linksys website is horrible
@Ramhound No... Your allergy
Oh..what i dont have
my eyes, my sinus pressure, my nose runs
ga 9/12 of the year
the other 3 months its cold
@Ramhound GA?
Sore loser sends SWAT team storming into Long Island home of rival as revenge for beating him in ‘Call of Duty

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/teen-sends-cops-home-foe-beat-call-duty-article-1.1765656#ixzz3076Hkwrc
Doesn't matter now ;)
Sniggers. Sometimes to best way to beat advertising is to take it a step furthur.
It is 2030. The war rages on. Gillette's razor has 26 blades. Wilkinson Sword use real swords. Braun accidentally reinvented the lawnmower
is there no way to use viber unless you install it on your android device?
don't you need a login for viber?
i'm new to this
got it now
but how does this work anyway?
how do they know who you are and how do they connect your android with your desktop?
i see they send a 4 digit code for you to type in
they say they will send you sms to your phone number
but i only got an in-app message with the code
so they are in fact sending it over the internet?
i had the android app activated first, because simply activating the desktop app first by typing in the phone number didn't get me anywhere, didn't send an sms
It registers an account against your mobile number.
Then it sends you an activation text that viber will pick up and use to confirm your number.
@MichaelFrank is this account they create temporary only?
this activation code they send, they send it as sms text to my phone number?
do you have to reply on it with a confirmation as sms?
It's been a while since I checked, but probably.
No, the app should ask for permission to read sms messages and pick it up as it comes in.
ok, then the app needs to be configured first?
then the desktop app?
I gotta shoot off to work, but viber.com/faq should answer most of your questions.
@MichaelFrank ok, thanks!
unfortunately the faq didn't cover these configuration or "behind the curtains" workings of viber
i will check out support.viber.com
"Make sure that you are checking your Viber messages, not your SMS message inbox. The activation code will come in as a Viber message from the sender "Viber""
"Ensure that your mobile device is receiving a stable and strong internet connection via Wi-Fi or 3G/4G"
so the it does seem to work as i suspected
1. install android app first
2. activate android app
3. install desktop app
3. activate desktop app
you can't go the other way around and start with desktop app first, it won't work
even if the desktop app prompts you for phone number and you click the big SEND button. it won't send anything.
because, if your android app has not been activated yet, your phone will not be able to receive the activation code from desktop, because it can't receive "viber messages".
so it's not an actual sms, it's "viber message"
it's completely internet based
and when you activate android app, the way it works is, you get a missed call from 0054319641xxxx (last digits censured)
this activates the android app
that's all there is to it
i'm not sure i like this idea, where you don't have an account you can log on with, like with some other similar services, like skype
@sammyg were you looking for old chrome yeasterday?
@Psycogeek yes?
@sammyg Bunch of them here oldversion.com/windows/google-chrome but not the version you wanted.
@Psycogeek ok, thanks, will check it out
@Psycogeek looks like they stopped publishing new releases right after Chrome 26.0.1410.5 Dev
that's unfortunate, because they do in fact host these files on their own servers
probably because they got threatened by google to remove or to stop doing what they were doing
it's sad to see google deteriate like this
Right they only have the versions they are allowed to post.
it could be they have slacked off, and do not have some up yet, it is a small operation.
for every passing year google becomes just that little bit closer to m$ and the bunch
@Psycogeek just did a search on tpb and found 70 results
haha lol
open source software pirated ^,^
haha, why bother with chrome even
this is a truly open source web browser: ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/releases
all binaries freely accessible, from version 0.8 to 29
source files too
correction: chromium is open source, chrome is freeware based on chromium
@OliverSalzburg hi!
Anyone here is knowledge of PCI configuration and BARs ?
I am torn between trying to read up on this interesting topic and answering,
and on the other side on slamming down on it with a "What is your practical problem" ?
uhh yea, the memory for the device can be seen in the device manager, now go away :-)
It does snag up blocks of memory right at the start of the memory, and it is all laid out perfect in system info, if you want to get brain rot trying to understnad it.
Yes! I finally finished integrating tests into our CD \o/ ...and they're passing :P
What a good deed for a Sunday night
ahh see now that makes sence (not) there are a bunch of different addresses, for differerent things. "registers" thats what they mean when it is set a certian way for being able to read what is in the ram? the device sets the ram a certian way, thing can read the ram for how it is set?
The Bios, on init of the device , says ok you there, and you there, and put that there, i assume based on what the device asks for and type.
all that memory for the low level part of the device , get locked into the memory, long before the OS does it virtual stuff? so it is actual locked in physical addresses , not virtual memory addresses?
The I/O memory i dont understand so much. Device data---> ram registers <--- read these registers to see the data (like constantly over and over again)? kinda like a ram hunk is an endpoint for the data. And it says Depretiated, by what ?
Looks like just more memory for the same thing, not any change in operations?
Once all this is handed to the OS, there is only so much of it the OS could even mess with in any way. Or i assume they would have done so long ago? things that can be started and stopped without disruptions (iO)? Then the os probably could/does translate some of it, pick it up and drop it where it would want it as desired?
The original physical addresses aquired back when there was no OS doing virtual addresses , are already used up. the point of moving that stuff ? would be to complicate things and have it crash more often? they should get on that right away :-)
Well that sucks
I purchased a new router thinking the reason my network speeds were poor were because of the firmware
looks like my provider is just throttling me
@Ramhound Bastards!
I would rather upgrade my modem to get more channels :$
tell me about it
Now i got to decide
I have to remember what my network names were :$
pretty cool 404
these guys are not trolls and can help you Factory reset and loose all you apps :-) a troll would never do that :-)
Psycogeek: Good to see more questions at the end.
Sadly I do not know the answers.
the url i typed in is actaully not that far off...
i typed in htc.com/sv instead of www.htc.com/sv
what's the big deal?
when will companies stop adding www all the time?
oh, i see now that i did made a poo poo
used "sv" instead of "se" at the end
well... i might as well take that proudly, like a troll
@Hennes superuser.com/questions/746822/… i suspect that he does have a specific problem. Ammount of memory set aside for the video (which is usually available anyway)? some bios that isnt fitting in the memory, has happened when there are a lot of device bioses, and sometimes you can get a re-location of it through firmware.
Learn while you burn, i never would have known anything about any of that stuff , if it didnt seem odd, or something did not work right.
Downvote is because of "ask a stupid question" & Get a stupid answer :-) or because "i hate that question because i do not know the answer" .
What ever happend to "there are no stupid questions" ?
(there is just a lot of bad teachers:-)
Looking at his entire quest superuser.com/users/260911/… he is either becomming a board developer, or he still didnt get his board working :-) and once he does he will know Why? (not just how)
"And for God sake never put it under the sun to dry faster" i am assuming that guy would also have a problem with me firing up the oven to dry computer stuff too :-)
Probably the same people who never hosed off a computer in the driveway.
Pictures like this can always get someone shreiking and throwing thier hands up in the air. Saing things like "what the f-- are you doing"
The next day someone will post a water cooling picture , admitting that they have a few leaks still :-) and the same people will say "ohhh that looks great".
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