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@HackToHell What?
If you want something deleted, flag it
You reply to a specific message, tell me to delete it but also post a link to another message that just asks a question
Very confusing ;D
@OliverSalzburg done.
@OliverSalzburg I didn't want a torrent a blue guys coming in
I gave been shouted at before for flagging minor stuff ...
@HackToHell Too late! Mwahahahaha
@rolfl thanks :)
@allquixotic, yes, what you said? Really? Your intent isn't to write 700 page textbooks? Who asked that? Me? I didn't really ask it to you! If my question seems to be wide, you have to respond widely, that's all! And do not come here, everytime, telling me that these or those ones are too wide as question to respond to! Just respond as wide as the question is, and don't be so squared, or you will have seriously problems in the future! Just decrease the quality of this question, who really cares about it? — Spiderpork 8 mins ago
@Malachi are you done reading it?
> or you will have seriously problems in the future!
yet another guy who comes in like he owns the place, doesn't take time to learn the rules and gets angry when we show him the door
@jokerdino I forgot all about it last night
That's staring at me with its eerie eyes.
Now, who was the 3rd person to star it?
@jokerdino I starred it of course
@jokerdino me ^_^
It's just someone talking about respecting people's privacy and not dig too much into PII.
@HackToHell :&
@HackToHell always the secret starrer :P
you're the one responsible for starring JMG's "ahh"s, aren't you?
He probably is.
poker face
it's you!!!
poker face yet again
@allquixotic WTF is up with that question and its comment chain?
looks like jr, high fighting in the playground over the nerdy kid who asks stupid questions.
@Bob guy asks bad question -> posts in comments "why is this bad" (every single question he asks has a similar first comment) -> barlop says "it isn't bad, i love you" (or similar) -> techie007 says "it's bad, but..." -> back and forth -> i try to explain -> guy threatens me -> barlop agrees with me. in a nutshell.
Tomorrow they are going to shove his head in the toilet
this sums up the mentality of the OP in a nutshell (from another Q of his, which is also downvoted and closed):
Yes, I could have written what he has already done, of course, but I ask this question in this way to have many possible answers, many possible solutions. Why are you so squared? — Spiderpork 22 hours ago
that's... just not how the site works
also, "squared" is apparently some Czech jargon of some sort (assuming his google.ch hugeurl indicates he's from there)
actually I rather think I'm cubed, not squared
I have volume, not just area
@allquixotic Well, many answers isn't necessarily bad. There's always going to be multiple solutions (especially with perl questions...). This just happens to be too open-ended.
Morning all
@Bob programming questions are likely to have many solutions, but that isn't so common on SU, unless someone asks a subjective question. problem is, this isn't even a subjective question; it's an objective question, but it's asking for a very detailed account of a very broad topic area
if it were a (good) subjective question I could understand it having many answers...
That was posted in a class discussion area.
7 hours before submission deadline.
An assignment that's been there for weeks.
Better yet, it's a networking class. And he's doing it in C (Java was the other option).
@Bob can I preemptively ban your classmate from SE?
Conclusion? He's pretty screwed.
if you tell him to post on SU, I'll never forgive you
@Bob uhm isn't that easy
or am i missing out osmething
@HackToHell Isn't what easy?
Removing the first character off a string and changing it into a index ?
@HackToHell ...that's not the question at all.
Is it?
Holy shit, that might actually be it.
But the bigger issue is he's asking an utterly basic language thing seven hours before deadline for a somewhat complicated networking assignment.
well he wants to remove the first character and change it into an index, and then also capture the remainder of the content into a string
I spent a whole day on it, in Java. This guy? Yea, he started some weeks too late.
> line number and line content
@allquixotic I'm not confident he's even aware of C's lack of a string type.
@Bob also, is this a junior or senior level course?
if this course is at all higher level than sophomore, and he doesn't know how to read lines from a file, he should be barred from ever entering the software industry
@allquixotic 3rd year undergrad. So, not basic. At all.
Quite a few prerequisites.
But not all students are coming from COMP, some are from other programs.
They had the option of a non-programming assignment.
@Bob it's incredible that people are allowed to sail through the education system without understanding the most basic things about their profession
is this a guy who chose to do a programming assignment while his main major is Biology or something?
@allquixotic No idea. Probably? :p
a little more forgivable then
Considering how late he seems to have started, perhaps he just didn't look at the assign specs.
Oh, not non-programming, just a simpler one.
> Only available to approved non-CSE/EET students (e.g.: Mechatronics). Such students should e-mail [email protected] before 28th March expressing their desire to work on a scale-down version of the programming assignment. Approved students will be e-mailed the alternate assignment specification.
@allquixotic some biology courses requires at least some programing related knowledge
@allquixotic Forget reading a file, he's going to have to deal with sockets and threading. In C.
principally chemical biology
Anyone who chooses to do that stuff in C for this kind of task is probably a masochist.
Not even C++. Not even the STL.
@Bob cringe
C makes everything hard
sends @HackToHell to write a kernel module
@Braiam That music thingy kernel module was understandable enough
I'm trying to find out about this
Q: Open Source Driver for Windows to create PDF

alexusI'm need to create .PDF from webpages, excel/word document and etc. How should I go about it? I used to use some software long time ago I just don't remember name of it and since there is so many to choose from I'd like to see recommendation from StackExchange community for open source PDF driver...

can someone help me w/ this, please?)
@alexus If you just want freeware, see PrimoPDF Printer.
Debugging in C is hard.
Excel/Word can save as PDF natively as of 2010.
The 2007 version has a Microsoft extension to do that, too.
@alexus or Google "open source PDF Creator"
there are several of them on the first page of results
don't look for a driver, look for an application
@Bob ouch. is he allowed to use dependencies? GLib's networking is reasonably easy, but raw libc is quite awful
@Bob or CutePDF Writer
@allquixotic Here's the example server code they provided for C:
/* fpont 1/00 */
/* pont.net    */
/* tcpServer.c */

#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h> /* close */

#define SUCCESS 0
#define ERROR   1

#define END_LINE 0x0
#define SERVER_PORT 1500
/* change above port number if required */

#define MAX_MSG 100

/* function readline */
int read_line();

int main (int argc, char *argv[]) {

  int sd, newSd, cliLen;

  struct sockaddr_in cliAddr, servAddr;
@allquixotic For our lab programs we are supposed to use TurboC's standard libraries
@Bob this is the professor/TA's code?
@allquixotic From the textbook, I believe?
I don't have the textbook.
But it's the example TCP server code alongside the assign specs.
Here's the Java example code:
 * tcpServer from Kurose and Ross
 * Usage: java TCPServer [server port]

import java.io.*;
import java.net.*;

public class TCPServer {

	public static void main(String[] args)throws Exception {

		// see if we do not use default server port
		int serverPort = 6789;
		/* change above port number this if required */

		if (args.length >= 1)
		    serverPort = Integer.parseInt(args[0]);

		// create server socket
		ServerSocket welcomeSocket = new ServerSocket(serverPort);

		while (true){
Structures again !
(and both have the corresponding client sides, but meh)
@Bob anyone who is dumb enough to write new code like that for an application in 2014 should be fired before they finish writing #include <sys/socket.h>
Why does C have to involve a lot of Structures :/
the only place that kind of code belongs is in middleware libraries like GLib and Qt and Boost
Clearly Java wins :P
that stuff is too complicated; there are enormous risks of buffer overflows, crashes, security issues, etc
the Java code is better, but I'd still recommend doing something with a wrapper like apache HttpCore (if it's http) if possible
@allquixotic It's raw TCP.
The assign was to come up with an application layer for some forum thing (make posts, read them, poll, push, etc.).
oh, okay
well it's actually a lot easier to "come up with an application layer" (on top of TCP) in Java, and I can't see a justification for not at least using a friendly wrapper around TCP sockets instead of the godawful mess (and standards compliance mess) that is "libc"
> You may of course have additional header files and/or helper files. If you are using C, then you MUST submit a makefile/script along with your code
No mention of third party libs. I assume they're not allowed. They usually aren't.
I don't see anything too horrendous about that :)
@Bob but that's rather unfair, since Java SE itself is a massive "third party lib" that the C guys won't have access to
@allquixotic Hence why I said you'd have to be a masochist to choose C here.
I'd sooner rip out the majority of mono and embed that than use raw C w/ libc.
there's a simple TCP listener in GLib. you could do that in "C" and it would be no conceptually harder than using Java, except for the occasional malloc/free
the docs are nice, too
@allquixotic Trying to maintain state would be somewhat painful, though.
@Bob that's what global variables are for! :D (I'm not kidding; for a project of this scale, global variables in your primary/only translation unit are fine)
That's the networking side sorted, but it's also lacking all the nice data structures (maps, vectors, etc.).
don't have to worry about stack space, either, because all the big hefty objects are allocated on the heap by the g_whatever_new() calls
I think I had a Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Map<Integer, Set<Integer>>>>
Never have I missed IntelliSense more than when I was trying to create the third level down.
@allquixotic That's all assuming they even let you use those :P
But, yea, if they do then it wouldn't be that bad.
remember, I've done a non-trivial bit of coding with GLib, so I'm sort of bias. I don't find it convenient by any stretch of the imagination (the canonical truly convenient library is pretty much only .NET / C#, as far as I'm concerned) but I understand and can use it
then again, Vala is a nice wrapper around GLib/GObject that makes it almost as easy as actually using .NET itself o_O
late last year, I was lauded for developing a fairly high-impact utility to do some automated verification of some stuff (mumbles about details...) for my employer, and they were very happy, because it "found" an error with a potential financial impact in the 7 figures (USD)
I developed it in C# in 48 hours. I needed to be so fucking sure of my correctness that I actually wrote unit tests o_O
I was awake for about 40 of those hours, too -_-
@Bob that's a lot of boxing :)
@allquixotic you got a bonus of 4 figures, I presume?
@alexus Where did you go? did you find what you were looking for?
the thing that ended up really making my program sink or swim is that, in about hour 15 of coding, I realized I had some absolutely horrible code that was severely lacking in abstractions, so I sat back in my chair, scrolled through code for about half an hour until I wrapped my head around the needed abstractions, then wrote some pretty awesome data structures and wrapper functions and cleaned it up enormously
later on, they needed changes in my program at about hour 42 that would have demanded a severe re-write had I not done that refactoring
but since I had, I just changed some constants and was like "WHEEEEEEEEEEEEE DONE :D"
I started out with a YAGNI approach, but ended up making a fairly involved OO design that accounted for some potential future additions; i.e., "YGNI"
@allquixotic Yes, yes it is.
I wonder if a future release of Java will optimize away the boxing somehow, or maybe even allow primitives to be keys or values in collections? they would have to break backwards compat though, so... unlikely
the core problem is that when they first introduced javax.util.Collection (the interface), it assumes that everything in the Collection is an Object
similarly for the Map interface
they could introduce a "nutil" (like nio = new I/O, nutil = new utils), but it'd still be ugly and untidy
@allquixotic I wonder how the CLR manages that. And why the JVM apparently can't.
@Bob different bytecode specs
for one thing, generics did change the bytecode and runtime behavior in .NET, whereas generics in Java are a purely compile-time phenomenon, with no runtime effects
@allquixotic I forgot the JVM doesn't support generics :\
also, System.Collections.Generics is a separate namespace for the (incompatible) generics classes
Kinda ironic Microsoft is the one breaking backwards compatibility.
if java had done that, they could have easily supported Map<int, int> or so, but they chose to allow existing code that isn't aware of generics to continue to run fine (backwards and forwards compat) with code that is aware of generics
on the whole, Java is extremely tightly specified and against breaking backwards compat
Thread.stop() was never a good idea and never implemented quite right to begin with, and it's deprecated; there are a few bugbears like that in Java -- but hey, if you have code from JDK 1.1 that uses Thread.stop(), it'll probably at least kind of work, one would hope, on Oracle's Java implementation... though perhaps not on other JVM impls
LOL @Bob
a Java Thread can catch the ThreadDeath exception and keep on going :D
"No! I don't wanna die!"
A: Does it make sense to catch ThreadAbortException and perform no action?

JonThreadAbortException cannot be caught "completely"; it will automatically be rethrown at the end of the catch block (see the linked MSDN docs page) unless Thread.ResetAbort is called first. So, the only sensible catch block would be: catch (ThreadAbortException) { // possibly do something h...

I really don't like how you can't catch the StackOverflowException or OutOfMemoryException on C#...
> unless Cthulhu is rising
that about sums it up
@Bob huh! another 150k+ rep "Jon" on SO who's not Skeet. neat.
he's also a C# guy :D
What the hell were you even doing that required you to work with either base-19 numbers OR division by zero!? — Jack M Jul 5 '12 at 13:19
@allquixotic From his top answer ^
@slhck can you remove hold from my question please? superuser.com/questions/745597/…
Interesting. All the more reason for me to rage against style guides that require single point of return.
A: Where did the notion of "one return only" come from?

kevin cline"Single Entry, Single Exit" was written when most programming was done in assembly language, FORTRAN, or COBOL. It has been widely misinterpreted, because modern languages do not support the practices Dijkstra was warning against. "Single Entry" meant "do not create alternate entry points for f...

uh oh. SU just gave me a cloudflare error that the "host" is offline
502 bad gateway
@SEFolks is the network ok? :/
@alexus I'm afraid your question won't be getting reopened any time soon. It's asking for a software recommendation, which is off-topic for Super User.
in The Comms Room, yesterday, by Shane Madden
superuser working well, by the way? We sent it through cloudflare earlier :)
(I just pinged him.)
why'd they send SU specifically through cloudflare?
nah, if he wants to come here that's fine, i don't want to take up his time though
i'm sure he has more important things to do
in The Comms Room, 12 secs ago, by Shane Madden
@Bob Not sure on that, it was before my time
@allquixotic Was that one-off or still ongoing?
one-off, AFAICT
there was a really long delay then 502 Bad Gateway, now it's ok
i access all SE services over https, if that helps :)
@allquixotic You could just go over there yourself :P
Orrrr not, meh.
no worries, the problem isn't relevant since it was only a one-off
i'm a little afraid of the comms room
by and large my statements over there get ignored, though
Surprising question from a high-repper:
Q: Why does this code produce 3 in JavaScript?

Mathew FoscariniWhy does the following code produce a == 3? var x = "abc"; var y = 3; var z = "xyz"; var a = x && y || z; http://jsfiddle.net/thinkingmedia/qBZAL/ I would have expected this to result in a == true. Why is the logical operator evaluating "abc" as true but doesn't evaluate 3 as true. Instead i...

@allquixotic Yea, I kinda am (was?) too.
Got used to it. Mostly.
@alexus there might be a solution to your predickiment. You have software that prints to PDF, with the fatal flaw of it being relativly useless to doing anything :-) You could therin make a question with a problem. which will be a duplicate of the previous time somone had a PDF printer that would only print the first page. Heck frames gets to be a issue also. Some of these thing might be solved in the primo $$$ software for doing the same thing.
@alexus Or you could roll over to Software recommendations site, and ask there where they Desire that you have a few specifics in the recommendation. Knowing what you know now, you could go there and create a question, Insureing that you specify the full needs. Covering all the bases Which could already be a duplicate. (meaning to search there first)
May I ask english grammar question?
"Yes you may Boris"
!!tell 15138444 meta
@Boris_yo Please don't ask to ask; if you simply ask your actual question, we will help you if we know the answer or can help you find it. This is much faster and simpler than asking if it's OK to ask. As a rule, it is always OK to ask in this channel. Please go ahead.
also, it's:
"May I ask **an** English grammar question?"
If I want to ask if something sounds stupid, which of the following is correct?

1. Doesn't this sound stupid
2. Isn't this sound stupid
@allquixotic Oye oy kneu tha!
*pirate talk
@allquixotic Thanks
@allquixotic Irish people are hard to understand, aren't they? Remind me pirate talk.
@Boris_yo I don't find them particularly hard to understand
@Boris_yo Keep in mind that starting with doesn't implies the negative (probably a better way to phrase that...) - you're more asking for confirmation of a "no". does this sound stupid is better for an actual question.
@Bob actually, what you're expecting is a yes :D
"Doesn't this sound stupid?" the natural answer is "Yes, yes it does [sound stupid]!"
@allquixotic Whoops, I mixed it up.
Eh, it's 3 AM :P (yay excuses)
Might as well sleep.
@Bob :P
Doesn't this bird have wings? ==> in my head I'm really expecting you to say "yes, this bird does have wings"
Don't birds have wings? ==> same thing, except plural format
Do birds have wings? ==> I'm honestly asking, and I don't really expect a "yes" or "no" because I'm uncertain
Does this sound stupid, if the bird does not have wings, why is it still flying?
@Psycogeek lol. you are mixing together two separate things :D
I think I was still "asking for it" By prefacing it with a need to observe the stupidity in it.
posted on April 24, 2014

We will be performing a read-only load test of our Oregon data center at 2 PM EST today. The Q&A sites will be in read-only mode for the duration of the test; when DNS redirects traffic to Oregon users will start seeing the read-only version of the sites hosted there. We expect to test load for about 15 to 20 minutes then direct traffic back to the active data center in New York. If you s

@allquixotic a.k.a nobby gravatar dude.
so premature excitement on my part
still not 100% stable.
@rlemon what "stability" are you looking for, exactly? yesterday we were talking about zombie server sockets; now we're talking about stability?
I use it as a blanket term to mean "working as expected" :P
do you know much node.js?
@rlemon enough to be dangerous, but not enough to make major sweeping changes to the chatbot
as a refresher:
BeagleBone runs an ssh command connecting it to the server.
when a user logs into the server I first check the port to see if there is a connection there and if not display an error page. if there is a connection I pass them along to their dashboard.
now, SOMETIMES when the device boots and sends the ssh command the server doesn't listen on that port
like it ignored the SSH command.
it will work 10/10 for me, then an hour later 5/10
frustrating as hell.
:face-palm: okay, now its showing me in those 5 times the ssh command wasn't successfully run :/
@rlemon exit code? or?
i'm green on all of this. the clients are interrupted (power down, or similar) - so I presume no exit code is passed
but what is "showing you in those 5 times the ssh command wasn't successfully run"?
but the ssh command from the client isn't successfuly sent. I need to investigate this
what indicator do you have that that is the case?
@allquixotic on those 5 clients there is no ssh running
the 5 that work show it in a ps -ef |grep ssh
@rlemon that doesn't mean necessarily that it wasn't successfully run; it could've started successfully, but died somewhere along the way, maybe even after it successfully connected at first
for instance, the connection could've dropped out
you need some kind of a log file on the clients that logs when the ssh process starts, including any verbose output from the ssh command, and then logs any process termination including the exit code
where could I find logs for that?
@rlemon it depends on how your ssh command is being launched -- you may not have any log of it at all if you started it certain ways
what mechanism is making your clients run ssh when they power on?
init.d script launches node.js - node.js execs the ssh command
in that case you need to do the logging within node itself
basically, first of all, create a log file on the client's persistent storage somewhere, using Node's API
write a message and flush the buffer immediately before you invoke the ssh command
then once you launch the ssh process, redirect its stdout and stderr streams to the log file
then monitor the ssh process for it eventually exiting, and when it exits, write its return code to the log
all of that should be possible using Node's API, or some modules
I could do it in 5 minutes in Java or C# but I don't know Node well enough
I need to change the exec and use a spawn-command to return the childProcess
so a little bit of work, but i'm on it!
@ThatBrazilianGuy what about your Internet Bill of Rights? is this more pro-consumer, or pro-corporation? it looks muddied with bad stuff
Anyone want a meager 50 points?
All the bloody answers mumble about nvidia.
No idea how to do that on other hardware without a connector monitor.
@Hennes disregard my last post
I answered it
No screen means no resolution to change. (Despite that there is no screen limitation).
A: Teamviewer remote computer 640x480 screen?

MalachiThere is no Screen, so Windows Detects that there is no screen. all you have to do is connect a monitor to it, you don't have to use it, just connect it.

That is what I do now. Drag the laptop to a proper resolution monitor.
Sadly I do not yet have a fake monitor dongle
Just some hardware with the ability to tell windows "I am a monitor with X by Y resolution" would be great. No actual output is needed
@Hennes does my answer qualify or were you looking for something a little better than that answer?
I am looking for a way to do this without needed to install a monitor.
Either via a fake (sfotware installable) monitor, very small (less than thumbdrive sized) monitor with high resolutions (e.g. 3840x1200. No actual output needed) or via a trick like RDP'ing from a host to itself and connecting teamviewer to that RDP session.
RDP from outside the laptop is blocked by the firewall. Corporate rules.
Teamviewer is not blocked.
No idea why. I just use it.
I've seen different ones, this is the only one I could find quickly
I did look for them, but my google-fu failed
Bookmarks for now.
@Hennes so you need a edid dongle forum.arcadecontrols.com/index.php?topic=96780.0 this guy makes VGA ones (scroll to picture) Notice he said that stuff changed , being the maker trying to get the stuff to work. It is also odd because not long ago people were purposfully Pulling the EDID pin out of VGA, to purposfully configure without it (which would provide no data back)
So it would seem, that it is possible to configure completly without a screen or a dongle, although i have never done so.
I just stole all those links from you guys.
As long as you write a proper post with enough information to be useful to everybody (not just us on the channel) and nobody comes along and posts a better answer I am happy to have played with a bounty. (First time I ever tried those)
@Hennes they are fun. check out the answer and let me know what you think. I am used to writing Code Review Answers so my answers may be a little rough around the edges
the main purpose for a bounty is to get more attention to a question, at least that is what I have used them for
The laptop I am currently using it on is a work laptop with an attached screen (low res display 1400x1050)
I usually leave the lid closed and connect a displayport to HDMI 'cable' to it and a IIyama 2607 (1920x1200) display
And then switch the display to DVI input which is connected to my main work desktop
That way I have one mouse, one keyboard, and no need for a third monitor
I can attach a third monitor. And maybe set it to an out of sync resolution.
But it annoys me that I would need a monitor at all.
I just want to render (and the laptop has the hardware for that). I do not care about the output part.
sounds like a complex operation there?
@Hennes what are you rendering?
Setting it to 2x 1920x1200 would be ideal because then I could switch between the laptop (full screen on both LCDs) and the normal desktop
Just a windows explorer with normal programs. (1x firefox with the EPAL webpage I am coding on, 1x PRFcat with the model I am copying to EPAL, 1x Siebel suite with more rules)
@Hennes that sounds like something I should look into. I have 2 laptops at home (1 Ubuntu and 1 Windows 7) and then I have a desktop (windows 8.1 pro) with dual monitors
Add a few needless things (lync, outlook, my homedir. Large spread sheets
@Hennes I don't know what some of these acronymed programs are
I need to get some work done though. I will be back later
PRFcat is a 1983 designed program at Philips. Ot is used to make quotes.
@Hennes that is old, and they are still using it?
It has lots of models. E.g. you buy an MRI scanner. Configure all parts, field strength, coils, vent pipes etc etc
Being replaced.
From a 16 bit platform
To a modern application (which is where Sofon/EPAL comes in)
I am doing the translation of the models
sounds like lots of fun.
Basically I open the model in PRFcat, display all the rules on a section and then code an equivalent of that in EPAL
Fun work. Partially done by mindlessly copying stuff.
But also a lot of puzzling (why did they do it that way. Which options should I disable or enable).
E.g. Make an eartquicke kit mandatory for Japan
Force adding a Polish manual for poland (and an English one)
Ask people if they have a smart power supply or if they smoked somethign when a device accepts both (simultanious) 50Hz, 60Hz, 220v and 110v
@Hennes so the Iyama 2607 plugs both the hdmi and DVI and then you use the iayama menu to switch between them?
Which always turns out to be an error in the old model. :)
@Psycogeek Nods
Which work after using a EUR 40 'cable' which has an active DP to HDMI convertor
(brain explodes)
At least thus far
I plug the IIyame (HDMI) into the DP laptop. Booth the laptop and it runs at 1920x1200
I then go to the desktop. (Using two DVI connectors to two 1920x1200 displays, one of them being the same IIyama)
And then I teamviewer to the laptop
Which allows me a single window on the laptop with a 1920x1200 resolutions
I would like to do that without plugging in the laptop into the IIyama
Esp. Since I do not alway happen to carry a 26" display in my backpack
So I can work around it at home.
I nice solution would be to 'download a monitor'
As long as windows thinks it has a monitor and I can render to it all is fine
Esp. if it is configureable or at least 1920x1200
The only output on the laptop are truly ancient VGA and DP.
Yes certannly if they are just communicating to software, it shoudl be possible to do it just with software. or some "force" switch in the drivers own software, registry hack or something.
Lawyers are good in such a wordplay. Something like questionably asserting facts can make difference between winninf and loosing case.

For example:

"Isn't he the guy from school who always made a douchbag of himself?"

Questioning and asserting facts

Tell that about any guy to people and they will think you are saying truth.
Which was the answer I expect to get from the Super User post
As for hackish solutions. I can get a free passive DP to HDMI convertor at work (I already got a dozen on my name since kicked out all the VGA cables from my coworkers computers) and then use the 49 pound DVI dongle which Oliver posted.
It just does not feel elegant though.
@Hennes It could be some of the previous work done on hacking in new resolutions, and getting monitors that stay "blank" to work. Say 20 hours searching i might find it :-)
Because some crasy nutjob out there (genius that they are) has already spent days and days messing with that stuff, Where Are You Now?
At home. (grins)
yay for read-only mode
> This site is currently in read-only mode; we’ll return with full functionality soon.
> This company practices dev-ops; we'll return with the waterfall model soon.

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