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@Bob only Australians are allowed to shake their heads? (smh = shaking my head?)
@allquixotic the website
sydney morning herald
my Firefox is being wierd.... I'm on a site with a domain that doesn't match the cert... I click "Add Exception" and it comes up with "Unable to obtain identification information for this site", and the confirm security exception option is greyed out
However, the plot thickens if i use a different domain that leads to the same server. I get the same issue with the domain not matching, but it lets me confirm the exception just fine
oh cool, its a 3 year old bug that nobody has fixed
@WilliamLawnStewart o.O
@ThatBrazilianGuy saved
@WilliamLawnStewart ouch
2 hours later…
@Bob O_O that bug was reported by the Red Hat guy who went to sleep during the Heartbleed reporting period :P
@WilliamLawnStewart can you provide a link to test (self signed for example, since the one in the bug is no good)
Yup, can do
Well, I can if I turn off IPtables rejecting access to everyone else
hah, this'll do i think
@allquixotic wut
Holy shit.
didn't realise my shared hosting actually enables https even though it doesn't allow clients to put in certs
although the site it serves up definitely isn't mine, so no SNI going on there
@WilliamLawnStewart Your shared hosting sucks. Get off it :P
Shared hosting with HTTPS must do SNI, otherwise... well, this happens.
also thats really strange, Firefox lets me confirm it there, so its not reproing the bug
The plan I'm on doesn't support HTTPS, they spelt it out explicitly on their plans page
I wasn't expecting it to be listening and reply with someone else's site though
@WilliamLawnStewart That's because they fucked up the configs.
@WilliamLawnStewart There's a difference between "not supporting it" and "doing something random when you try it"
Odd that I can't repoduce the bug there
Encountering it constantly on the site I'm working on though
And the scenario is exactly the same in that the certificate it presents is valid, just for the wrong domain
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
Oh god this comment chain... noknok.tv/2014/04/11/…
Hello !
Hey there Kwaio :)
I was going to ask a question, but that is worth submitting it to SU instead, even if I'm pretty sure that's a bug.
@Kwaio Well, you could describe it here?
@allquixotic using Java, I find myself missing LINQ a lot :(
Instead of a nice .Where, I have to manually filter shit :(
foo.Where(f => f.user == u && f.room == r) would have been so easy
Q: Hardcoded default values for sudoers' env_keep?

KwaioI'm experiencing some strange behaviour. My sudoers file is very short and looks like this : Defaults env_reset Defaults mail_badpass Defaults secure_path="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" root ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL %admin ALL=(ALL) ALL %sudo ALL=(ALL:AL...

@Kwaio Are you complaining that = overwrites? Isn't that expected behaviour? Isn't that what += is for?
But what does it overwrite ?
Where is the default value ? manpage doesn't say anything about that
@Kwaio Whatever is originally there.
In C-like programming languages, = means set to this value, += means add to or append to.
Yes I understand that, but there is no definition for this value elsewhere in sudoers file
And having this variable defaulting to like most of environnement variables is stupid when you have "env-reset" beside
     By default, the env_reset option is enabled.  This causes commands to be
     executed with a new, minimal environment.  On AIX (and Linux systems
     without PAM), the environment is initialized with the contents of the
     /etc/environment file.  The new environment contains the TERM, PATH,
     HOME, MAIL, SHELL, LOGNAME, USER, USERNAME and SUDO_* variables in addi-
     tion to variables from the invoking process permitted by the env_check
     and env_keep options.  This is effectively a whitelist for environment
Agreed. than why do i have my full environnement trasnfered while not defining env_keep and setting env_reset ?
I should have a minimal environnement
relevant hover text
I didn't remember this one ^^
     As a special case, if sudo's -i option (initial login) is specified,
     sudoers will initialize the environment regardless of the value of
     env_reset.  The DISPLAY, PATH and TERM variables remain unchanged; HOME,
     MAIL, SHELL, USER, and LOGNAME are set based on the target user.  On AIX
     (and Linux systems without PAM), the contents of /etc/environment are
     also included.  All other environment variables are removed.
Oh I think you've got it
I think /etc/environnement is included UNLESS you set env_keep
4 mins ago, by Bob
     By default, the env_reset option is enabled.  This causes commands to be
     executed with a new, minimal environment.  On AIX (and Linux systems
     without PAM), the environment is initialized with the contents of the
     /etc/environment file.  The new environment contains the TERM, PATH,
     HOME, MAIL, SHELL, LOGNAME, USER, USERNAME and SUDO_* variables in addi-
     tion to variables from the invoking process permitted by the env_check
     and env_keep options.  This is effectively a whitelist for environment
     env_reset         If set, sudo will run the command in a minimal environ-
                       ment containing the TERM, PATH, HOME, MAIL, SHELL,
                       LOGNAME, USER, USERNAME and SUDO_* variables.  Any
                       variables in the caller's environment that match the
                       env_keep and env_check lists are then added, followed
                       by any variables present in the file specified by the
                       env_file option (if any).  The default contents of the
I'll try -V
sudo sudo -V :

Environment variables to preserve:
That's it. Undocumented default value for env_keep
@Kwaio Is your http_proxy set in /etc/environment?
but i have other variables not going through when setting env_keep like COLORS and XAUTHORITY
You can answer the question if you want credit for that. you've made me find it =)
@Kwaio Better that you self-answer :P
@Kwaio Yea, seems like enabling env_keep does something funny there.
+= works

       These tags override the value of the setenv option on a per-command
       basis.  Note that if SETENV has been set for a command, the user may
       disable the env_reset option from the command line via the -E option.
       Additionally, environment variables set on the command line are not
       subject to the restrictions imposed by env_check, env_delete, or
       env_keep.  As such, only trusted users should be allowed to set vari-
       ables in this manner.  If the command matched is ALL, the SETENV tag is
1 hour later…
Thanks, bob =)
1 hour later…
oy, one of my eyes is super blurry this morning
@allquixotic XD
@allquixotic some ink has more dots than other ink, duh
@Bob the worst part about that is I can see some totally clueless office drone who just graduated college with an English degree (with "honors", of course) 3 months ago, who has only ever used a computer to do term papers, writing those instructions -- in Word -- and then having some process to convert it into a webpage -_-
@allquixotic Frontpage?
and the person probably heard their manager briefly mention "dots per inch" and misheard it as "dots per ink" and then they never properly reviewed the document and put it online -_-
@allquixotic from reading that stuff no doubt :-)
@Bob please don't even suggest that, it makes me hurt.
4 mins ago, by Bob
@allquixotic Frontpage?
1 hour later…
which is correct : they hardly puts any thought or they hardly put any thoughts , I know its not the right place to ask but answer with former or later.
@Ash neither
they hardly put any thought
(singular "thought", not plural)
i missed that thoughts.
@jokerdino it's ok, your thoughts and words will last forevermore in SU chat ;-)
@jokerdino did @Journ get ahold of you? he's got you ;p'ing!
where is that damn dog, anyway?! I haven't seen him in what seems like 2 days!
@allquixotic: he's my role model. ;p
oh, I think he went to India
he's in the old country.
yeah... I remember him mentioning that
poor guy. I hope he and his family will be ok. someone broke a hip, as he mentioned
his grandma
why do you call it "the old country"? as in, within a part of India that's not very developed?
because of its long history
I need to study that sometime
I wonder if there's a coursera or khan academy course on the history of India
I mostly only know the 20th century history of India
yeah. I also want to learn it.
and then, not extremely well
but i am not sure if it is worth learning the entire history.
i am probably more interested about the polar expeditions.
I hear people saying If you will like in, my house is a mansion,if you will, and.. so, my doubt is that do you use this only verbally , or do you write it ?
hmm, if you are writing the dialogue, then yes.
@Ash you would only write that if you were quoting someone, like in a novel or news article... it has also be used by writers such as Mark Twain when the entire book is written from a narrator's perspective, like he's talking to you
we use different diction when we're writing prose versus dialogue
prose is designed to cut out words or phrases that are only included in dialogue for "pacing" or "stylistic" purposes. when we talk, there's a certain rhythm to it, and having pauses helps the listener follow along. when we write prose, we're trying to make it as short and clear as possible, and pacing phrases like "you know" or "if you will" are omitted.
I know some people who always use the dialogue style, even when they should be writing prose, and it gets really annoying to read their prose when it's filled with stuff like that
!! s/also be/also been/
@allquixotic @Ash you would only write that if you were quoting someone, like in a novel or news article... it has also been used by writers such as Mark Twain when the entire book is written from a narrator's perspective, like he's talking to you (source)
I just realized I made a typo above and you're apparently trying to learn English, so I didn't want to throw you off... ^^
@allquixotic thanks :)
Its just that I am still reading..
my english comprehension is a little weak.
If you aren't a native speaker of a language, you pick more books and read the hell out of it until you can feel it.
thanks for the suggestion @jokerdino and I will try to do it.I am not a reading person
except for saved articles in my pocket
or a few web pages
or text books (occasionally)
you could also listen to books on Audible -- that will improve your listening comprehension as well as help you with vocabulary and grammar
I always wondered if listening to audiobooks counted as reading one.
@jokerdino No
@jokerdino depends on how much you pay attention to it :P
some people also read very poorly, skipping entire sentences or paragraphs that seem "complicated", and their reading comprehension is quite poor
I generally listen to audiobooks with the physical book in hand. :P
I guess it's easier to tune out someone talking than words on a page, but still, "I read X" doesn't imply that you know or were even exposed to every piece of information in the book
@allquixotic oh those. I try my best to read cover-to-cover. Even if it takes 3 minutes to read a page of fiction on average.
Non-fiction is relatively an easier read if it is not a technical book.
I hate reading fiction, in general... but I constantly read non-fiction, from Wikipedia and Slashdot mainly lol
I hope to buy a Kindle soon-ish.
which I hope forces me to
@jokerdino I got my mom a Kindle Paperwhite for Christmas. she loves it. she had like a 4 year old Kindle DX before, but it was hard to read because the screen wasn't illuminated
amazing battery life for a device with wifi and a backlight... dat eInk
whoa. a couple days at once?
@jokerdino she usually only charges it like every 2-3 weeks
but the wifi is only on when she downloads a new book
@allquixotic that is.. something.
@jokerdino the display is nothing like an LCD, though. it's like a really fast etch-a-sketch. it's black and white only, and the screen can re-paint in about 1 second, so don't expect to play 3d games on it or anything
there are "apps" that run on the Kindle Paperwhite such as card games, and they work OK, but the games can't be real-time because the screen doesn't refresh fast enough... just turn-based
I didn't know there are games made for it.
Yeah. My gran.
there's Scrabble and Solitaire at least. I bought the Scrabble for my mom
@JourneymanGeek how are you and your grandma? are you still in India?
do kindle support pocket / read it later ?
And 'old country' is probably an american Russian joke.
@Ash not sure what you mean -- once you buy a Kindle book, it stays on the device, and it picks up where you left off when you turn off the device
And yeah in India. Have WiFi, but only my phone and tabler
@allquixotic i think he is talking about the pocket app..
ahh. I was wondering why your sentences are starting with capital letters. dat Android autocorrect :)
where you can send in links from the web for reading later. etc
hope everything is ok, man doggy...
hope everything is not doggy, ok.
@jokerdino oh, yeah, there's that too... I installed a plugin that does that on my mom's web browser
even works on Linux :D
not on chromium / iceweasel i guess.
did professor at Carnegie-Mellon send a winky face ;-) or did he send a smiley face :)
@allquixotic yeah, she's a bionic granny now
@JourneymanGeek did they put a plate?
1 hour later…
Hi all. I am looking for a site to ask the following question: are there any alternative download sites for hibernate as all my downloads are slow and abort before the download gets completed? I figure SuperUser is not the correct place but maybe the closest place?
Uhhh, huh? I don't understand what you're asking for, @demongolem
@CanadianLuke I need to download Hibernate 4. Sourceforge, where it is hosted, is hard to download sometimes from because of speed and downloads getting cut-off. So I need to get Hibernate 4 and I would like to find out if I can get it from anywhere else?
@demongolem just try some other mirrors on sourceforge
the closest isn't necessarily fastest
@allquixotic I will try more but I have tried a good 6-7 already
@demongolem also, hibernate is on github; you can always clone the repo and build from source
Yup, GIT would be good
why do people feel the need to capitalize Git like it's an acronym? it's not an acronym; it's a name. I don't write SUPERUSER or CANADIAN LUKE...
(not singling you out Luke, you're far from the only one who does it)
just a pet peeve of mine
maybe it's the "all VCSes must have TLAs" line of thinking? since there's CVS and SVN, which are at least abbreviations (in the case of SVN) or acronyms (in the case of CVS)...
@allquixotic I recently caught my boss capitalizing APP
I was like
@OliverSalzburg lol. ackkkkk even worse
3 hours later…
@OliverSalzburg The UPS guy came with my Chromecast today. I returned the Media Markt version and got it from Google (also shipped from Netherlands just like yours).
@sammyg Adaptor included?
@OliverSalzburg Yeah, USB power adapter included! :)
So, did you use it yet?
@OliverSalzburg How do you set this thing up? Just visit chromecast.com/setup from any computer on the LAN?
@sammyg Yeah. It's a pretty nice mechanism
What is that "wi-fi needs to be turned on" crap?
It first acts as a wireless hotspot, you connect to it from your phone, then tell it which hotspot to connect to
@OliverSalzburg I used Firefox on my PC to go to chomecast.com/setup, downloaded some chromecastinstaller.exe which installed some "Chromecast App". Where do I go from here?
@OliverSalzburg So I can't reach it form my PC because it's wired?...
@sammyg Right
You have to connect to the hotspot it opens
OK, getting the Chromecast app from Play Store now on Android.
@OliverSalzburg What good is the Chromecast App on Windows PC? It doesn't work on wired connections?... or not at all on Windows 7?
@sammyg I guess for your laptop, when on WiFi
@OliverSalzburg I haven't tried it with Netflix yet, but it works great with YouTube. I just didn't expect it to work in WiFi hotspot mode.
@sammyg So far I used it only for YouTube. But that's basically why I got it in the first place :P
@OliverSalzburg Did you have any luck with Videostream for Chromecast app?
I just love coming home and watching my favorite channels on the TV when I get home. That's how I like TV
@sammyg Haven't tried anything beyond YouTube yet
I brought my laptop home several time to at least try streaming tabs to Chromecast, but I never got around to it
I was hardly ever in my living room before I got the Chromecast :P
Shit, debuggex.com is just awesome
@OliverSalzburg Tab casting is currently only available for Chrome browser, right? I think Mozilla was working on something for Firefox, but I think it will be software based only solution, it won't use Chromecast or even Google Cast.
@sammyg I guess it's a Chrome thing, yeah
@OliverSalzburg Don't forget to check out Videostream. It's a really cool project aimed at bringing local file streaming to Chromecast.
They currently only support mp3 and mp4 files, but they are working on AVI and MKV files.
They also have a remote app on Play Store so you can control playback from your Android device, not having to sit by the computer (or bring the laptop home from work).
@sammyg I looked at a lot of stuff already actually. I just don't get around to using it
It's all browser based, and you can use any browser.
I just get home, watch some Youtube and then I'm off to the desk for some real computering
And the living room is downstairs, so I don't switch between the home office and the living room often
Haha, OK. That sounds a bit like me, there are just so many tech gadgets and things, and so little time. Well, I will actually try out Videostream tomorrow. I'll let you know if it works.
I really have a "lot" of Youtube channels subscribed. So I was always looking for a solution that would let me watch them comfortably on my TV. Chromecast does that
Watching a lot of videos in your office chair thing isn't relaxing
Couch is much more comfy :)
So I'm just glad that this area of my life has improved
For casual watching YouTube I think Chromecast is great. Just come home from work, crash down in your sofa and cast off some You Tube clips from the palm of your hand to the big TV.
@sammyg Exactly
@OliverSalzburg Hehe, alright. :) Nice talking to ya. I gotta go now.
@OliverSalzburg Thanks for your help!
@OliverSalzburg Bed with a phone or tablet :D
@Bob I have no tablet and the phone is OK in bed, but not optimal
@OliverSalzburg Eh, I just use my phone :P

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