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00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

@allquixotic Just cancelled Play Music subscription, may or may not get Spotify Premium soon :P
(Spotify just added two more albums - as I was listening! one turned up after reloading the page - to an artist while Play Music is still missing one from last year)
Same price, anyway.
2 hours later…
If I change my domain password using ctrl+alt+del, when does that take effect?
@MichaelFrank Immediately, I believe.
@Bob cool
@MichaelFrank That's assuming everything is currently connected, of course.
If you're on, say, a laptop off the network...
@Bob Yea, just trying to troubleshoot a password replication issue.
2 hours later…
oh hey, 2 years Yearling Badge. :D
2 hours later…
Figured out the issue with my site... Should be up tomorrow
@CanadianLuke Was just about to come here and ask what was going on. :)
1 hour later…
Does anyone know if AutoArchive in Outlook preserves my original folder hierarchy?
@slhck Yes
Yes, I know and yes, it does
@OliverSalzburg Ok :P
And, yes, you should disable it because it's a PITA when your mails get archived at home and you're missing them at work ;D
@OliverSalzburg Well, it would archive them to my work machine, and that's the only place I can access them from anyway.
Plus, if your inbox on the server is limited to 250MB... you don't have a choice.
@OliverSalzburg Moving emails off the server into a local folder just feels dirty :P
@Bob Exactly! :D
/me stabs nodejs repeatedly with a pitchfork
Oh hey Oliver, did Clonezilla work out for copying that Windows install onto the SSD?
@WilliamLawnStewart Yes and no. It copied it, but when I tried to boot, the Windows partition would be assigned the D: drive letter, so I wasn't able to log in
At least that's what I think was the cause for it
Worked great on my desktop though, but that was just HDD to SSD. The other machine was a completely different hardware to migrate to
The most annoying part about it was, I booted the machine and I could log in with my domain account. But it would be a temporary profile. So I tried logging into the clients account and Windows told me no logon servers were available. Okay, sure, because I wasn't in the clients domain
So I drive over there, thinking, hey, I just need to connect it to the LAN and everything is great
But then I realized, shit, this Windows install doesn't even have the driver for the NIC of the new hardware :P
And then I realized the whole installation is fucked because of the drive letter thing
After logging in can't you change the assigned letter?
Oh right, can't log in
Well, there was a local administrator account, but nobody had the password
At least it boots up I guess
So I changed the password and logged in. That's when I realized the drive letter thing
Well, we just installed a fresh copy of Windows at that point because it wasn't clear how long it would take me to fix this and how well the system would work afterwards
I'm surprised it booted up, all my previous "lets try copying Windows over to different hardware" has resulted in painful death for the OS
About the dual-DVI issue with the same machine and client
Where I opted for a VGA-DVI adapter solution instead of buying that card I thought I must have
Turns out, the machine doesn't have a VGA port. It's a serial COM port :P
There were a lot of fails that day
I had a similar fail trying to get a server with no PS/2 port to work with a KVM that only had PS/2 ports
Bought some adapters and cables, but of course they don't work for adapting in reverse
Then I wanted to at least upgrade to Windows 8, but it cost 300 € from MS, so that was out of the question. Okay, then at least install a trial of Office 2013 until we get the key. Oh, there is no trial for Home and Business? Well...
@WilliamLawnStewart :D
So what about those Node woes?
It couldn't find packages I installed via npm, turns out its installing to /home/william/node_modules/ and looking inside /home/william/.node_modules/
That's weird
node_modules is kind of a fixed thing
I did install the Debian package, maybe the Debian devs mutilate it a bit
They also changed the name of the binary from node to nodejs, so I had to symlink that as well
At least its working now, looking forward to using it :D
@WilliamLawnStewart That's because it conflicts with node another package. IIRC you can install node-legacy to fix that
We install Node from source though. Can't live without the bleeding edge :P
I usually run with the prepackaged stuff, except when its old enough to be annoying
So do I. Except for our JS application stack :P
My work runs entirely on PHP, although I'm looking to try some new stuff
company director explicitly told me "use as many exciting new technologies as you can"
I don't like PHP and I have been using it for years :D
Benefits of having my ex-web dev as company director
@OliverSalzburg . . .
no words
Also hoping to chuck Ruby in somewhere
@Bob Yes, I know
@WilliamLawnStewart Python! :D
We use a MEAN stack (not based on mean.io though). It's really fun to work on an application where almost all parts are written in the same language
@WilliamLawnStewart I learned to live with nodejs... until I had to run some script or other that expected node, and it broke :P
Here everything is CodeIgniter / Laravel with JQuery, except for some obsolete PHP 4 stuff I'm trying to get rid of asap
using the same language on the server and client does sound amazing
Great, I just fixed a bug in our application. The line of code that caused it had the following comment above it:
//HACK: I don't understand why subtracting half a cell width is required or where this magical offset comes from,
//      but it definitely solves any issues in regards to positioning the markers.
Turns out it doesn't solve shit, it breaks everything
@OliverSalzburg Hacks break when something - anything - else changes.
Yesterday, I was working on some demo data generator on our backend, and it would simply not work and get hung up after a couple of records. I traced it down to a method in chancejs, a random data generator. It was an infinite loop, which had the following comment above it:
// Probably a better way to do this...
The author was correct
Oh cool, and I see they already fixed that
I had some fun today, discovered the session library I was using in CodeIgniter was dropping the session data in some circumstances
Anything like that Chrome bug? :P
Wouldn't be surprised if it was related to that :P I changed it to use php native sessions for now
Ugh. My German Excel uses German names for the functions in formulas
And the English ones aren't valid
1 hour later…
@OliverSalzburg AKA internationalisation gone wrong
so terribly terribly wrong
@Bob It's seriously insane. I was trying for several minutes to figure out why it wouldn't accept CONCAT(). Turns out it has to be VERKETTEN() wat O__o
1 hour later…
@Bob like that website that was broken (I think this was on TDWTF) because a translation program translated everything, even the source code, and JavaScript didn't know about the pour keyword? (in French, pour = for)
> This question has been deleted - no more answers will be accepted.
the question was this and it was deleted by "community" -- looks like the user themselves was eaten
Hey. I have an interesting problem. I just reset my password on reddit and logged out. Now I can't remember what the password was. Can I do something with the cookies?
@jokerdino if reddit's "logout" feature is at all functional, the session cookie was invalidated server-side, so you're hosed
if hitting "back" a bunch of times didn't work, then either your client-side session cookie was deleted, or the server-side session was invalidated, or both -- in either case, there's no way you're going to be able to recover that data
there's a 0.00001% chance that a reddit logout is client-side only, and that you could dredge up the cookie by poking around in the heap of your browser's address space, but finding the cookie would be difficult, error-prone, and unlikely to find it 100% intact (most likely it's been clobbered partially or entirely by now)
and if it's server-side, no amount of client-side poking is going to help anyway
I am going back to remember what the password might possibly be.
I can remember the first part but no idea what else I typed after that.
this is why you use lastpass, folks
i actually wanted to logout and back in to "save" the password. Distracted for a good minute and ..
@allquixotic Spam
@OliverSalzburg that specific question didn't seem much like spam...?
maybe other Qs by the user were spam, but I didn't see those
@allquixotic when changing passwords? bah.
that's why you set a recovery email
I think I remember my password now. But let's wait for another 22 minutes before I can retry.
@allquixotic Spam bait
@Bob throwaway email account
@jokerdino why do you need to use "throwaway" email accounts? I'll never understand why people do that. I have more space than I'll ever need in my gmail; people are more than welcome to send my real email copious amounts of spam. Gmail's spam filter is so good that the only spam I still get is from Amazon, despite creating like 9 million filters trying to get rid of it
lol. It became throwaway because I can't remember the password to that email account. Or maybe someone else flipped the password around
oh wow, you are one of those users
yeah. I only hope more sites start using the OpenID.
you need to have some kind of password vault, dude -- something -- even if it's KeePass, or a 3x5 card file with hand-written passwords
I mean, I recommend LastPass, but even a card file is better than just hoping you remember all your passwords
I mostly rely on Firefox remembering my passwords. I get caught out when I create accounts on other machines
@allquixotic There were similar questions originating from similar accounts, all as spam bait, like Oliver said. It's not really apparent for "normal" users, but there's a pattern.
Generally, if you see really basic questions involving recovery of corrupted things, be cautious.
@jokerdino do you have a master password on firefox's password manager?
anyway, I just downloaded LastPass. Can't afford to lose track of so many accounts.
That's good at least. Lastpass integrates with your browser and replaces the FF manager. It will also migrate the user/pass combos from it into lastpass. And you can use it anywhere.
I am just not too confident about lastpass.
keepass, I think, will allow you to store your own database if you're not happy about the cloud. It's also open source if you're not happy about the corporate aspect
@jokerdino Why?
@Raystafarian ya, I prefer KeePass.
Don't really need nor want that level of browser integration.
@slhck the online aspect + logging in from elsewhere.
Yeah, I understand why people prefer both. I like lastpass personally.
(even then, KP is capable of auto-passwording anyway)
LP can be more convenient in some instances.
@jokerdino They do ask for e-mail confirmation if you log into the accuont from elsewhere.
Almost got me logged locked out because I didn't have my phone with me for Gmail's two factor auth.
how do you login to your email without lastpass?
@jokerdino With a password I remember? :P And phone for verification.
For that matter, how do you login to your gmail if you use google authenticator and get a new phone. You can't get into the play store to download it.. IT'S CIRCULAR!
@Raystafarian You can create a one-time password
@slhck Righto. Was thinking too much.
yeah I have my backups printed out somewhere..
oh backups.
@slhck oh, OK -- they're trying to get you to answer linking to their software product or so?
@allquixotic No, they'll wait a couple of days and come back with different accounts promoting their own product. Then they'll accept the answer and generate reputation, etc.
@allquixotic they leave the question around and come back with a fake answer
I forgot my PIN while shopping today.
Random memory lapse :\
Once I almost completely locked myself out because I turned off my phone on a flight and didn't remember the PIN. And I didn't remember my girlfriend's phone number -- or any number, for that matter. And without phone, no Gmail. Without Gmail, no contact outside. Without Gmail, no LastPass.
and that is the worst nightmare to wake up to
except for this part:
> girlfriend
the best part of the worst nightmare.
I'd abandon everything, move and start a new life
first world problems: I had a nightmare, and my sympathetic girlfriend was there to help me through it
@Raystafarian Well, I was on a flight to the U.S. and had 1000$ in travel checks with me, so I could've done that :P
@jokerdino LastPass is really secure... security is a core part of their business model... especially if you lock down your account with a YubiKey
my whole digital life is tied to my YubiKey now, pretty much. bad if I get robbed because someone else can use the yubikey, but that's a physical layer problem -- I'm pretty heavily protected from digital attacks
@allquixotic Can you revoke it if it gets stolen?
Is it the same as an RSA key that generates a code, or is it different?
@Raystafarian the default behavior of the yubikey doesn't have a time-based password, it's just a static (long!) password that gets "typed" into the device by a USB keyboard. but the yubikey is programmable, and you can enable OTP using the YubiCloud
@slhck sure!
actually the yubikey is quite advanced in terms of what you can do to its programming. it doesn't have a battery, but it has a small security chip inside of it that gets powered either by the energy of an NFC field (e.g. from a phone), or from the USB port. you can flash custom functionality onto it
I have both the OTP and LastPass on it, and they both work either via USB or NFC
Very cool
I have my Google and Microsoft accounts' 2-factor auth tied to the OTP of the YubiKey
although the YubiKey doesn't have a timing chip included inside it (that would require a battery to keep track of time), so it can't by itself generate time based keys like the RSA devices, so, what they do instead is use the YubiKey password as the basis for a one-time password that's generated by your client device (e.g. Yubi authenticator app on Android, or Windows)
Great news! Pretty soon I'll be teaching WordPress classes for my coworkers! :D
(and getting paid for that)
@ThatBrazilianGuy congrats
@allquixotic and, thus, open an avenue for leaking the key
I have Google and Microsoft account backup one-time passwords stashed away at home, so even if I lose my YubiKey, I'll be able to recover
@Bob the way I see it, if I've got a key logger on my client (either android or windows), I've got much bigger problems than my yubikey key getting leaked
almost irrespective of what your security model is, if you're operating under the assumption that you can't prevent people from installing keyloggers onto your systems, you are basically unable to prevent people from gaining access to all kinds of your stuff
you have to trust something
@OliverSalzburg @Bob I remember back in Office 95 and 2003, the English copies would select all with <kbd>CTRL + A</kbd> ("All"), and local copies would use <kbd>CTRL + T</kbd> ("Tudo")
@ThatBrazilianGuy lol
then Microsoft realized that non-English-speakers want to be able to follow English instructions for using the programs, right? :)
por que no funciona "Ctrl+A"?????
!!s/por que no funciona "Ctrl+A"?????/Por que "CTRL+A" não funciona????/
@ThatBrazilianGuy Could not process input. Error: invalid quantifier on line 302
@ThatBrazilianGuy Ugh
@allquixotic in which case, there's no point having the yubikey
@ChatBotJohnCavil Great, John. Thanks.
What I don't get in this office is why they put Mac keyboards on docking stations for Fujitsu laptops. I constantly keep hitting Ctrl-W to delete the last word, and I end up closing all windows.
@ThatBrazilianGuy lrn2regex
@Bob wrong. someone could steal my LastPass or Google password (e.g. Heartbleed), and they would also then have to successfully sniff a YubiKey OTP transmitted to the YubiCloud during the short period when it's valid, then use that OTP to somehow commandeer my YubiKey (note: the YubiKey's own key is never transmitted over the internet, ever)
@Bob Module lrn2regexcould not be installed. Dependencies lrn2dev and logicthinking not found.
@slhck That's revenge for all the times PC users tried to send a mail using Apple Mail...
The most important part of the yubikey security model is that the long password of the yubikey itself is never actually transmitted over the internet. Yes, it is transmitted to client devices, but these days any client device compromise by a malicious actor is a huge problem no matter what. It's designed to mitigate network-based attacks which don't have local client access.
(of which, Heartbleed is a fortuitous example...)
@allquixotic which could be done without a hardware security token
you could just have the same client program with a locally saved private key
the yubikey is effectively a glorified flash drive
@OliverSalzburg :P
@slhck I'm referring to the part where the window will close when you try to AltGr+Q your way to an @
Just in case that wasn't obvious ;)
@OliverSalzburg I know, I know. On the other hand.. how often do Mac users hit Win+L and lock the PC instead of getting an @?
The most annoying thing is Home/End though O__O I'm in XCode and it constantly jumps to the start and end of the document. Drives me insane
I wasn't aware that there are so many differences
So I guess it's a tie in terms of being a dick to users of the business rival's product.
And it's almost impossible to get used to both
@slhck That sounds plausible, yeah
@Bob It's just defense in depth. Since the device doesn't store the key, it increases the number of things a thief would have to grab -- and then know how to use -- to gain access. I have LastPass automatically lock itself out on my phone as soon as the phone goes to sleep, and the power button instantly locks the device. Plus FDE and remote wipe via McAfee. Thief grabs phone -> IDGAF.
Congratulations, @allquixotic. You get the award of being more paranoid with passwords and accounts than me.
There's a difference between a thief and a robber. A thief (or pickpocket) takes your phone while you're not looking, if you negligently leave it in an opportune place. Robber takes all your physical possessions (likely including your keys). Both types exist.
Just an informal poll: What would you say if the IT department asked you to write down your password when they need to fix something on your laptop?
@allquixotic In which case, you could use any old NFC tag or flash drive. Or a NFC tag stuck to a flash drive.
(If it's my personal laptop, of course. If it's my work laptop, then I'd have only work-related information on it.)
@slhck I'd tell them they're violating their own security policy -- which they signed when they hired on, and then made me sign when I hired on -- by asking me that question, and escort them to the nearest C-level executive to explain the problem.
@ThatBrazilianGuy So you'd give them the password because it's just work info?
@allquixotic Unless the device itself can generate a varying key (time-based, or you enter a code), it's nothing more than dumb storage. With a brand and some polish.
@slhck That would depend on the security policy of my workplace.
Ultimately, they have phisycal access to my work machine, so nothing unencrypted is truly hidden from my employers. And they have admin access to all the servers, so they can, theoritucally, access all info on any accounts on servers here
Heck, a little NFC sticker is less conspicuous than a yubikey, and therefore less likely to be stolen.
@slhck I worked infosec at a company whose policy it was to do exactly that, I just banged my head against the wall.
@ThatBrazilianGuy True. Nothing is truly hidden. If an admin wanted to see something they could.
you have to trust some thing one.
@slhck I would question why they needed MY password. It says a lot about their competence.
"Dear Desktop Support, you have Active Directory and perform password reset requests, is it really that inconvenient to do this for help desk tickets?"
> I would question why they needed MY password. It says a lot about their competence. it's actually a phishing message.
@Bob actually, it looks like it does use a clock... interesting -- TIL
> The YubiKey has no battery but features a built in clock that uses the power from the USB-port. This clock can be used to measure the time between two OTPs, verifying user presence and that pre-recorded OTPs cannot be used.
@allquixotic ...I'm having trouble understanding that statement.
I should open Notepad on my desktop tonight and have the YubiKey type in passwords several times and see if it's the same one every time... if it's different every time, or different every 30 sec or so, that's good... if not, hmm
so far I've only ever had it enter its password into password fields with "*" masking characters :P
@allquixotic Well, you'd have to isolate it from any software running on the computer.
@allquixotic Not so much a clock as it is a timer.
@Bob in HID mode, it's a USB keyboard -- it has no ability to interface with any software on the computer
only in CCID mode does it have any interface with the system, and that's only for programming it (flashing new functionality)
@allquixotic Then I don't see why it would need to measure time between requests, nor how that provides additional security.
it looks like, each time you generate a password by authenticating using the YubiKey, it writes a counter or something to the internal NAND (or whatever type of storage it uses; I presume it's a tiny amount of flash memory because the device is programmable)
that seems to be what they mean by "clock"
> When a YubiKey is validated, the Session and OTP Counter values are compared to last values submitted. If the counters are less then the previously used values the OTP is rejected. Copying an OTP will not allow another user to spoof a YubiKey – the counter value will allow the validation server to know which OTPs have already been used.
In that case, it's actually somewhat useful.
@Bob better than nothing -- the last 32 characters of the key transmitted by the device (that is, "typed in" by the USB keyboard) are effectively random from an attacker's perspective, unless they're able to physically break into the YubiKey device and extract its NAND, which they claim is very difficult to do without breaking the YubiKey totally
because the counter is used as a sort of salt for the encrypted OTP
so, somebody has a keylogger and captures the OTP -- they may be able to use that plus my password to authenticate once into one of my services, whatever service that happens to be, but it doesn't let them access any of the others (unless it's LastPass they captured -_-)
but if they keylog my Google account, for instance, they won't be able to get into my Microsoft account, or LastPass
because having the OTP does not reveal the counter itself to the attacker, so they don't know what the next key will be
*chases @OliverSalzburg around with a sign saying "default"*
> The tag has no wiki summary, can you help us create it?
@allquixotic *asks a new question tagged *
@ThatBrazilianGuy sure, I'd love to! :D
@allquixotic There is still to keep me busy :P
@allquixotic So I assume you don't use your google / microsoft / etc account's to OAuth into other services
@ThatBrazilianGuy only SE
whoa, potentially NSFW. bad Atwood! ;p
who'd have thought linking to the SE blog would be so...
@allquixotic Our definitions of NSFW differ greatly
@OliverSalzburg I'm using NSFW in the American sense, which is much more socially conservative than over there :P
heck, msn.com is probably NSFW nowadays at American companies
Hmm. Just found out I have 82 services OAuthing on Google, 19 on G+, and 95 on facebook. O__o
NSFW is a term I only see in the US, that shifted from an euphemism for "porn" to... whatever it means now. Probably "stuff we don't want you to see".
@allquixotic They show ladies with exposed ankles on that site!!!
@OliverSalzburg you shouldn't even be sending that information to me over this link! it's https, but still, don't say such things!!!!
if I don't come back, it's your fault!
yeah, because someone can type on keys that small
@allquixotic Well, it's the Small Systems Journal, what did you want?
we were wondering about that. now it seems the details are public
@allquixotic It probably has autocorrect
@OliverSalzburg lol. that'd have to be some pretty good autocorrect!
If I have 70 million handles is it bad?
@Boris_yo handles open by what?
for what it's worth, most systems I run tend to have between 20,000 and 100,000 open handles, depending on how much work I'm doing.... 70 million seems like a ridiculously high amount
@allquixotic rtvscan.exe - Norton EndPoint Protection
@Boris_yo eww
looks like Norton keeps an open handle to every file on your system?!
@Boris_yo do you have filezilla installed?
@OliverSalzburg behold, that tag is still suggested D:
@allquixotic Yes...
@Boris_yo is it up to date?
filezilla installs a windows explorer extension that can cause file handle leaks with a virus scanner
try uninstalling it, or installing the very latest version
@allquixotic Updated it.
@Boris_yo just now?
@allquixotic Yes
Apr 8 at 15:23, by allquixotic
@HackToHell wait, there's a smartphone that costs $1000 USD? I've never seen one
@ThatBrazilianGuy is cheating, they are Reales
he was talking about US Dollars
USD 671, USD 895 and USD 1209, respectively.
See? Even when measured in dollars, prices here pass the WTF mark.
Brazil is ripping you off
(well, I'm not one to talk either)
@ThatBrazilianGuy if you came to the US, I would collude with retail store employees or hotel clerks to give you a fake, ridiculously high price to see the look on your face :D
"I'd like a coffee, please"
"That'll be $294 USD"
@allquixotic o.0
@Braiam If you consider the dollar is more expensive than the real, and a dollar costs more in workhours here than in the US, then yeah, we're really being ripped off.
@allquixotic I've seen the opposite. Usually with a comment like "Oh! So cheap!" by the gringos.
@ThatBrazilianGuy you're being ripped off 3 different ways! and you're a member of the "elite"!
@allquixotic Sigh. I used that term in a veeeeeeeeeeeeery vague and broad meaning
More accurately, I'm in the lower strata of middle-class.
Lower section of the lower strata
just as near as you can get from the low-class D:
@ThatBrazilianGuy yeah, but there's another big gap between you and the people who live in poverty in slums or homeless, right?
to them, you're "rich"
But I own my own house, I have a job on a public institution (there's a whole industry for "concurseiros", people who apply constantly for exams just for the chance of a job like this, -- hey, they can't fire you!), I'm literate, I read books constantly, I speak English, I even speak proper Portuguese, I entered a university...
@allquixotic Exactly.
@ThatBrazilianGuy you're doing pretty good :)
You guys know what is the meaning of those tags?
How do I find out about these tags badges
@Boris_yo where is that? Quora? get that non-SE community nonsense out of here!!
good grief! my eyes!
But Quora has some extremely relevant topics, such as:
> What are some of the most mind-blowing facts that sound like "BS" but are actually true?
> What are some witty and amusing things you have heard on an airplane?
> My girlfriend left me for another guy when she found out that I'm poor. Now I have won a big lottery (no joke) and she wants to come back. What should I do?
> What is something useful I can learn right now in 10 minutes that would be useful for the rest of my life?
@ThatBrazilianGuy Quora is great for people who get mad at SE folks for closing/deleting their questions :P
we should make it part of our closed question blurb
WTF those titles... The Upworthiest is killing sane title-writing.
"If you can't take it here, you might want to try Quora. There's less pressure there."
Oh boy, I don't understand Git ._.
@ThatBrazilianGuy gold-digger
I added my SSH keys to github, so if I push it mustn't ask for my password right ?
@jokerdino "What should I do"??? he has to ask that question?
So already created a local repo by running git init
@allquixotic yeah that guy is an idiot
@HackToHell assuming you have pageant or ssh-agent running with your key loaded, and you're pushing over ssh:// and not https
Now I should do git push "name" "github url" right ?
@allquixotic: I was thinking the same thing. It sounds like he is using https
@HackToHell you have to commit something first
@HackToHell There, there. Easy, now. The hardest part is admitting it, and you've done a great job. Now there's just 11 steps left. A great cheer for @HackToHell. Thanks, @HackToHell!
you can't push a bare repository with no commits
@allquixotic I created the rep from the web, it has a README
@HackToHell: you want to clone the repo or what?
@HackToHell if you created the repo from the web and you called git init locally, YDIW
you need to git clone it
(to a new directory)
@ThatBrazilianGuy lol
@allquixotic No not Quora. Just one shaving forum.
shaving forum?
never git init with github unless you are initializing the repo locally then making the first commit from your local repo
@jokerdino I am trying to understand this git thingy, creating a new reop
@Boris_yo That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@allquixotic okay
@HackToHell you might want to checkout the git 101
(no puns on checkout)
or just try sourcetreeapp.com @HackToHell :D
and stop using the command prompt entirely :D
@HackToHell codeschool.com/courses/try-git is pretty good. And free.
let's train him like a pet animal to push buttons on the GUI and never learn how git actually works :D :D :D his avatar is a cat, so why not
now kitty, click the "clone" button! GOOD BOY!
Yeah fine. Let's rob him
@allquixotic That's not learning >.<
git clone <url to repo>
SVN is simple :P
@jokerdino I am trying to push changes :D
@HackToHell I know it's not, silly Gowthie. :P (can I call you Gowthie?) But it would get the job done anyway.
@allquixotic One of my cousin calls me that :P D:
@HackToHell ok. you need to commit the changes. and then push. Push harder.
@HackToHell evidently it's a good name :D
Cousin. */rings a bell. */
00:00 - 17:0017:00 - 23:00

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