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,,, oh dear god
Q: Laptop doesn't recognize operating system after being punched

ArramuMy laptop was annoying me and I punched it. My mistake. Now, when I turn it on, it enters in something called "Aptio Setup Utility - Copyright (C) 2012 American Megatrends, Inc." It's a blue and white menu. Not sure of its proper name. I think it doesn't recognize the windows or hard drive becau...

@Paul That time is the sum of CPU time on all processor cores
@CanadianLuke so, it turns out the VBGenius has already figured out how to pull all the diskdrive models AND run the script.
I feel like that should be "has figured out how to run the script AND pulled all the diskdrive models already."
@BenRichards heh. asked a SO question about porting to OpenGL ES, and apparently it's going to require a lot of rewriting of your code, and pushing most stuff you want to do on the GPU into shaders
would there be any improvements in doing integer math in the GPU vs CPU?
@Bob just had a situation similar to your strip man... I wanted to figure out what touch did. Then I remember you and decided I would just look it up at home. ;)
@allquixotic probably going to abandon debian
netinst gave me gnome3, which was horribly unresponsive on 256 MB of RAM
I mean, it kinda works on 512... but that's a bit much for just a term emulator
"The West struggled to find a way to get Russia to back down, but with little beyond already threatened diplomatic and economic sanctions, global markets fell sharply over the prospect of violent upheaval in the heart of Europe. "

Well... no shit? They can barely get their own government to agree on any one topic, what makes them think they'll get Russia to just up and turn around on an obviously very well planned occupation.
They being The US.
@PatoSáinz it's not about the type of math but the quantity, and how much data-dependency there is
@allquixotic english please
the type of math that's usually done on the GPU is the type where you need a lot of math operations done in a very short period of time, and most of the results don't depend on any of the other results, so it can all be done at once
if there are too many results that can only be calculated after some other result, forming a long chain of result dependencies, the CPU does it better
@allquixotic also, memory requirements
(for gpu processing)
@allquixotic let's say, fizzbuzz
would a CUDA fizzbuzz be better?
@Bob u wot m8
@PatoSáinz well, probably not, because there's too much control flow
also, the purpose of fizzbuzz isn't for performance, it's to demonstrate a concept.... if you extended it to say the first 10,000,000,000,000 integers, you might be able to split it up into little groups of integers and have each group worked on independently by a shader core, in which case you may get higher performance due to the raw throughput of a GPU
that's assuming you have a GPU installed that gets a higher TFLOPS rating than your CPU, so, something like a Tesla card, or a HD7970, or a GTX680, or maybe slightly weaker, but nothing mainstream, since those tend to be much weaker
point is, it's a lot easier algorithmically to realize the total throughput of your CPU; all you have to do is split up the work so that each hw thread is occupied... control flow isn't much of an impedance to a CPU since a huge portion of its logic is dedicated to branch prediction and so forth... but to use the total throughput of a GPU takes very careful algorithm design
@allquixotic you'd have a bit of trouble storing the results/extracting the results, though
Anyone understands microwave ovens? I have noticed that spinning glass plate started to become very hot after cooking for over 6 minutes. Recently the plate has cracked in two. This is not normal, is it?
Could it be it absorbs the most radiation or there's something with direction where radiation goes? Could it be concentrating it on plate only?
...no. Definitely not.
@Boris_yo if the glass plate has water on it, the microwaves will heat that water to boiling point (212 F) after which it'll evaporate; I doubt 212 F is enough to crack a glass plate that's meant to have hot stuff sit on it...
on the other hand, any microwave energy hitting the glass should just reflect off
imperfections or small fractures on the surface of the glass can sometimes cause it to absorb energy, which you can sometimes notice with mugs.... a new mug's hangle might not get hot when you heat its contents, but an older mug's handle might get too hot to touch
generally you want glass or cookware to be smooth on all surfaces to increase the chance of reflection
@allquixotic Recently placed glass bowl with food on it. I heard cracks going on while cooking. After cooking I have noticed circular crack hole in once specific place of glass plate. I think glass of bowl cracked and some parts of it merged with microwave's glass plate...
@allquixotic reflect off? really? I thought glass was mostly permeable to ~2.4GHz EMR
@Bob help, listen, eval, coffee, refresh, forget, info, listcommands, tell, afk, awsm, ban, unban, color, convert, define, doge, domain, export, findcommand, forgetseen, github, google, hang, inhistory, import, jquery, learn, test, why, ok, hello, friday, after5, theanswer, caution, nicethings, europe, goaway, status, idk, thatword, poptart, routertroubleshooting, networkingproblem, meta, rlemon, no, foxno, yes, orlmente, fixit, uio, taytaytay, ping, maybe, say, facepalm, hv, ohhh, whocares
snore, toostupid, bababababat, plz, whee, lol, test1, ittts, gates, potato, pissed, evil, ohmy, cance
!!help test1
@Bob test1: User-taught command: <>!! test
@allquixotic Cavil is getting close to 100 rep :P
Is that by mistake?
@MichaelFrank Nah, he needed some rep to be able to post on chat, so allquixotic answered a question or two as him
it accumulated rep over time
AHh yes, of course.
Well, home time for me. Fingers crossed I don't get into another car crash. :<
woo, WoW: Mist of Pandaria Collector's Edition is mine :D only $40 as well.
Will go nicely with my collection.
@Boris_yo That happens here with plate items that are from china, because of the lead in them. If there is a lot of food or other stuff to adsorb the energy they are fine, and only heat a little.
I made this ;p
It is all part of chinas plan to kill all stupid cheap americans and take over the expansive continent, so i am wondering how you ended up with em :-)
@JourneymanGeek they let you have a dog in jail? :-)
!! s/you have//
@Bob @JourneymanGeek they let a dog in jail? :-) (source)
@Psycogeek: we bought over the little bit of space in front of our apartment and put a grill there
and we have spare leashes in case of rain and stuff
That screenshot of Bodhi is awful!
Lol, google your so dumb, do you really think your going to squeeze out my real name anyways ?
ahh I see.
@Psycogeek: I've had mail address to journeyman geek before ;p
@JourneymanGeek this is the second round of rejection, it was holding for some time.
@MichaelFrank hm?
They know everything else about me, including where i live, everything i buy and sell, everything i have ever said , everything i have ever searched for. That should be sufficient to keep thier 200Billion dollers. My name is the only thing i got left, they got everything else.
@Psycogeek Here's a name: "Fuck Off"
@Psycogeek: I have someone who's using my realname as a username on SR.SE
presumably as a troll
@JourneymanGeek and could one assume who that troll probably is?
oh its clear who he is.
Its just bloody amusing to see all his questions downvoted without any intervention whatsoever.
@Bob In that list you posted. The screenshot they use for the "Most beautiful Linux" is really not beautiful.
heh, it uses e17
someone obviously didn't theme it pretty well cause the enlightenment window managers DO tend to be beautiful
@Bob They foiled my plans again. I had the whole world signed in as "Guest" with the password "FreePass" and suddenly a human noticed :-)
eww, updating to debian jessie brought in something that looks like the unity launcher
so much for lightweight
@Psycogeek really quite annoying how they try all those stupid things to enforce a "real name"
1. why the hell do you (they) care?
2. it is well known in programming that you cannot know what format someone's name takes
nor what words are in there
trying to whitelist names like "John" is just plain stupid
Thats it the Klingon empire. ahh, i will just be William Shatner thats a real name :-)
(now it is under review) hey I can just keep changing it , i dont use the dang goople+ anyways.
If i get rejected enough times they will say "your never comming back here again" I will say "you Promise?" :-)
Eight O. Nine, wonder if that would fly . I will appeal and tell them my parents were not really creative, just ask my sister Two.
just set your name to John P Smith.
P stands for Psudonymn ;p
Also, my legal name, and the way I write my name are inverted
@JourneymanGeek Hm?
That in India too?
I know China and Japan tend to say the family name before the given name.
@Bob: my legal name is <Father's first name> <My name>
I use it the other way around.
I have no idea why its like that. My nephew's name is the correct way I think
of course, I've occationally joked about getting a name change
@JourneymanGeek which one :-)
which one what?
Which name would you change? Aka disowning family.
To parents that is like a divorce :-)
Oh yea there is a link for that too wikihow.com/Disown-Your-Family
Hmm , i might be able to find a way to Disown Google+ if i look hard enough.
The restraining order might mean i would have to stay 300 feet from my own phone.
Why would Ubuntu suddenly stop recognising left-click on more than one mouse? :S
@MichaelFrank did you turn it off then on again? :-)
I just turned the PC on.
@Psycogeek: I'd just switch the order ;p
@MichaelFrank do you got utilities running? remote app (like for htpc) , macros, hotkey utilities? Is it switched for lefties? switch it for lefties anyways and see if the right one doesnt work too?
That would provide more of a clue that it was a software issue.
Is there any other input device connected anywhere ? or even wireless or remoted or anything?
There hasn't been a software change in months. We hardly use the PC. I plugged the mouse in and turned it on. Right click works perfectly, left click doesn't.
2 hours later…
> The original RA did not support TCP/IP, IPX only
seriously, IPX-only in 1996?
I predict SO many users at work are going to see something like this and freak out.
@JourneymanGeek should try with his OS/2 :D
(and send the screenshot to @allquixotic)
@JourneymanGeek I tried this, didn't work.
@Bob: absa-fucking-lutely
oh dear god
@Bob are they checking if the OS is older than XP?
@Bob: its... broken
@allquixotic ^^^
I'm sorry. A mere png could not begin to show how horrifically broken that was
@Bob sure and the world ended after 2012 , just like xp will end and become virus infested waste pile in 2014.
@jokerdino: I think they are just checking for xp
Windows XP is a 12 year old operating system. That works pretty damn good, and had less features and less bugs , less complications and less holes. If you would toss out your good wife after 12 years of bliss, then why are you still using XP :-)
(do it for the kids)
same computer, same monitor, side by side.
@JourneymanGeek hehe
I love how you're supposed to type javascript: into the address bar just to view error details.
I should probably try it
blah , pastebin dosen't work off os/2
have fun
@JourneymanGeek lol
try/catch/throw were reserved but not implemented, it seems
Last one honest :-)
2 hours later…
> lemonade
> Ingredients: Water, Reconstituted Fruit Juice [Apple (31%), Lemon (4%)], ...
That's an interesting lemonade.
@Bob: and its probably de-natured apple juice
so its sugar free, but its sweetened
@Psycogeek Microsoft will what?
@ThatBrazilianGuy: get off his lawn?
Oh, stop supporting WinXP
And the huge majority of users here won't give a damn. Because they use mostly Win7? That too, but when XP had the bigger market share, it was due to RAMPANT piracy.
Pratically the only way to get an official Windows on your computer is if you buy a laptop with it preinstalled, or if you buy a finished, entire PC from a retail store. This trend grew a lot on the latest years, I've even saw supermarket selling PCs, but years ago you'd either mount a PC yourself, or hire a person to do it, or go to a tech support store, or a PC stand on a tech mall that would be little more than
a reseller for imported China products with a guy that knows just the basic for formatting and installing the same pirated Windows copy with the same serial on every machine sold.
@ThatBrazilianGuy: most folk get windows that way
VERY few people actually bother installing windows on bare metal or from scratch
@JourneymanGeek ...denatured apple juice? wtf
@Bob: dead serious.
Things became interesting for tech support individuals back in 2007 (IIRC) when Microsoft started installing that windows update that checks for authenticity.
@JourneymanGeek please elaborate
Suddenly every support call was "OMG I HAVE A VIRUS THERE'S A LITTLE STAR ON THE TASKBAR!!!!!11ONE"
@JourneymanGeek With the purchasing power of the population getting bigger each year, and more credit cards, and computers becoming eletrodomestics like TVs and laundry machines and stuff, nowadays almost everyone but geeks and aficionados buy their PCs on retail stores, malls and department stores (walmart-like etc).
But it's a majority only from the last 5-10 years, most. I might not be correct, but this is the impression I have.
I have seen incountable times non-official Windows installed on home computers. Heck, I have almost never seen official Windows installed on home computers when I used to do tech support until 2008.
People would buy computers and either have a technician go to their house to install XP, or the small specialized store that sold it to them would have bought the pieces from China, or other reseller, and installed a pirate XP and then sold the PC
@ThatBrazilianGuy: we used to have lots of piracy when I was a kid
now less so
There's also the fact the usual way of fixing a computer is "oh, just format it".
@Bob: IIRC they heat it or something so it dosen't taste apply.
Video card drivers lacking? "Oh, just format it"
Letters comes all in caps? "Oh, just format it"
Wifi is off? "Oh, just format it"
One of the reasons I stopped doing home tech suport is most home users expect tech support to be a 16-yo kid that will format your PC for $20. Because that's what non-enterprisey tech support looks like.
@JourneymanGeek that's just weird
@ThatBrazilianGuy the disk was accidentally formatted? "Oh, just format it"
thats the food industry for you though
cause sugar is evil and shit
@ThatBrazilianGuy enterprisey tech support is basically s/format/reimage/
@JourneymanGeek isn't it? more than fat, anyway
eh, everything in moderation ;)
and there's smarter ways to reduce sugar in lemonade
wierdly enough, like a pinch of salt.
eh, everything in moderation ;)
@ThatBrazilianGuy pong
@ThatBrazilianGuy That didn't make much sense. Use the !!/help command to learn more.
@ThatBrazilianGuy I awoke on Tue, 04 Mar 2014 05:00:31 GMT (that's about 9 hours ago), got invoked 2 times, learned 63 commands
@allquixotic after upgrading to testing and installing build-essential + kernel headers + vmware guest additions, the debian installation is now.. 11 GB
@ThatBrazilianGuy yup, but when you say, well to clean up this bloody mess you made it is going to take $200 , then they say format it :-)
(but backup all my stuff first, wherever the hell it is)
@Bob clean the apt repo? why would you upgrade after install? that's gonna add a lot of bloat
also the object files for the vmware compile are probably pretty big
it takes a TON of effort to get the footprint of something like DSL or Tinycore down to a few megs -- you can expect almost any desktoppy distro to bloat to 10+ GB to get something in X11 besides fvwm
also not sure if they compile the distro with -O2 or -Os
@allquixotic do you know when is the KDE 5 planned launch date?
@allquixotic needed to get the damn tools to install
analysing disk usage now
@PatoSáinz no, I don't... but I'm pretty sure KDE 4.x is going to be better for a very long time, if KDE 4.0 is anything to judge by :D
@allquixotic installing Lubuntu now, hopefully it goes better
unless 5.x is just an incremental improvement over 4.x, in which case, cool
not very high hopes, considering I had to restart the installation once already
at least I didn't run the ia64 installer this time -__-
@Bob why are you so worried about disk space anyway? is this on your personal hardware? if so, why is 11 GB bad?
get a freaking hard drive :P
@allquixotic because this is on a laptop with a near-full drive
and the drive performance absolutely sucks too
wonderful, half a gigabyte of locale files -_-
when the fuck did libreoffice get installed
yea, apt cache is using a gigabyte
@allquixotic it is a freaking hard drive :(
I think I regret not going SSD now, considering just how ridiculously slow it is
my desktop HDD is 3-4x faster
seems like a waste of time to try to spin up a VM for a better ssh GUI when you can install Terminator on Windows
@allquixotic but there doesn't seem to be a particularly good mosh client for windows
maybe I should just abandon that idea
depends. if you can part with the disk space, it'll probably be fine
@Psycogeek No, actually they want you to format it (because the term/idea is now popular to laymen), while keeping every program installed, every setting, every customization, every icon position on the desktop. Just get rid of the problems. Oh, and quick. And keep all my photos and stuff. On the same folders.
Oh, and the same mail on Outlook. And the same cookies on IE so I don't have to relogin, because I don't have the password to any of my accounts.
but trying to build your own TinyCore is going to take a lot of work
@allquixotic oh, it's not the disk space that's the main issue
it's the large amount of completely unecessary bloat
you could probably save another gig or two by compiling your own kernel with all builtin functionality (no modules or very very few), -Os, and no modules you don't need
which kills performance with the rather measly specs I gave it
@Bob if Lubuntu seems bloaty to you, then you have a different definition of bloat than I do
@allquixotic Still installing Lubuntu, it's Debian that I was having bloat issues with :P
@allquixotic might do that another day
@allquixotic I got space out the wazoo, and i still hate extras trash plopped into stuff and hard to remove. It's such a small thing, but it is like having a living room full of great stuff, and in the middle of it the dog pooped. Its very small, but the desire to remove is high :-)
Why, Its like having a bad song in a music collection, you know your going to end up hearing from it. Its like downloading a program , and realising they just installed some fine software alongside it. Its like a great Android game that you start to play, and 1/2 way in you realise they want $9 before you can upgrade the "broken Knife" to a gun. its like . . .
. . . Biting into a peanut butter and jelly sandwitch, at a wonderfull picnic on the grass , under the trees, and realising it is now host to an ant farm.
-Its like dating a chick for 6 days and on the 7th day you realise she is completly insane , and not the fun kind.
Getting a free trip to accapulco, and when you get home you realise you own a time share .
Finnaly eating the last bowl of sugar cerial, and realising your brother already got the toy out of it.
Like rafting down the river in an inflatable boat, then suddenly realising there is a hole in it, right before you hit the white water.
@Psycogeek except that I don't ever notice bloat files "stinking" on my machines... sure, they're there and annoying if I ever happen to be low on disk space, but I always over-specify my disk space requirements by a factor of 4 so I can handle that
I have 8 TB of usable space on my desktop, and I only really need or will ever use 2 TB, but in case something decides to be really bloaty, IDGAF
I'd rather use software that is well rounded and can support all use cases, than software that takes 6 KB of disk space but "oops", we didn't plan to support that feature
@Psycogeek look it up :P
too naughty to say here
talk about bloat, I have two versions of Microsoft Office and three versions of Visual Studio on my desktop, as well as the entire Adobe Creative Cloud suite... do I care that just that set of programs takes up about 100 GB of space? no.
couldn't care less
but what about the mess in your registry?
@Psycogeek haven't noticed any slowdowns due to it
@allquixotic I wouldn't care, but I'm rapidly running out of space. And it's a laptop :P
registry slowness seems to have been resolved on or around Windows Vista due to the implementation of better-scaling lookup algorithms for the registry API
The desktop is plenty. In the order of 4 TB free.
@allquixotic It's hierarchical anyway.
the whole thing about "you can't have more than X number of registry entries or your registry will be slow!" is a very Windows 95 problem
Registry bloat is a myth.
The only way a large registry will slow you down is if you're searching through it.
that's been solved definitely as of Vista, if not even earlier (XP)
If you know which key you want to retrieve (99.99% of operations), it's very fast.
@Bob and IIRC the registry stays mapped in memory so it doesn't make the disk grind either
Huh, apparently it's not hierarchical. Wut.
I wonder where I read that.
@allquixotic But you choose to install that? what if in the future of accepting this behaviour of forcing stuff apon us, you get 100G of Itunes software with every install, and it is integrated into the system?
@Psycogeek by the time that happens, I'll have 32 TB of usable space on my desktop, and I'll care even less
programs have grown in size steadily since programs started being developed -- this is an indisputable fact; it is not to be debated
just compare the footprint of any software as it has evolved over time
@JourneymanGeek (or anyone), any idea of what's going on here?
A: Can't see or browse SMB file shares depending on the router

That Brazilian GuyI've found out if I either (1) disable the DNS Relay option on the "Local Network" tab and manually set valid DNS servers such as Google's and DNS Relay means in this case that all your machines send their DNS queries to the relay. The relay sends the queries to the DNS se...

Windows? bigger. GNU/Linux distros? bigger. even Android has grown from the days of Froyo up til KitKat.
even BSD distros have grown larger and more complex
@allquixotic But that's just OSes.
the way to win is to keep ahead of the curve
Programs in general have not all grown.
Many (most?) do.
@Bob OK, compare the download size of Acrobat 5 to Acrobat XI then... guarantee you XI is 3-4x bigger
But some have put in an effort to slim down.
Why take away the users choice, with Windows installs? when the user could easily choose to have or not have something? Why put an extra gig of stuff on a Phone, if the user could pick and choose what they desire it to be like. Why are people having to spend Days hacking up a system, that they are paying for. When that same system could easily come with a Kernal and choice?
the Creative Cloud is about 100 GB... Adobe CS3 wasn't anywhere near that, I'll bet
@allquixotic You are providing specific examples; I could just as easily provide counterexamples. There's also alternative software emerging with very similar functionality that tends to have much smaller footprints.
@allquixotic This is a sad truth.
@Bob "slimming down" is only possible if you either (1) reduce features; or (2) break backwards compatibility while moving to a more efficient framework
Foxit reader is just as good as Adobe Reader, if not better. IIRC it's rather smaller.
@allquixotic Or just happen to have started inefficiently :P
Yea, the general trend is larger programs.
@Bob alternative software with very similar functionality is often (if not always) missing significant features that are present in the de facto software; has poor compatibility with existing data/media/files from the old software; and also tends, over time, to get larger
What worries mo more isn't the annoying fact that software (and OSes) want more and more disk space, is that it grows heavier and resource-intensive. Whereas Office 2003 took literally a few seconds to load, damn, less than 3 secs probably, on the same hardware Office 2007 took dozens.
But it's not universal, thankfully.
think of LibreOffice... you were complaining about its bloat of locale files just today! yet when OpenOffice.org was new, it was the hero of de-bloating the desktop office suite for being so tiny
@ThatBrazilianGuy Actually, 2010 has always loaded faster than 2003 for me, on similar hardware.
@Bob I'd argue more along the lines that, while there may be specific examples of software either getting smaller or alternatives doing the same work with less disk space and more efficiently, that's more of the exception than the rule
Similar meaning 2003 on Nehalem i5, 2010 on Sandy i7, 8GB RAM each - close enough for that kind of software
Haven't used 2010 for more than a couple minutes (total sum).
@Bob 2010 has a loader that's always resident in memory (unless you disable it from startup) that reduces load times :P
@allquixotic Locale files were actually part of Debian, I was complaining about libreoffice being installed at all :P
@allquixotic well, that explains a lot
the argument I always like to make to people who complain about "bloat" is that Virtual Memory (having a memory abstraction layer on top of physical memory) was once argued against staunchly by old hands who felt that the additional translation layer provided no benefit and just slowed down the system
now there are no systems that I know of that use direct access to physical memory in the operating system that are the size of a smartphone or larger
the old version of word, loads as fast as a notepad now, thank to the new hardware. One blink and its up.
I'm sure anyone here who knows what virtual memory actually does would be able to argue staunchly in favor of it and that we need it (one of the biggest benefits is security, and another, userspace processes can't trample on the kernel or on other processes' memory)
but no, people in the 80s would call you some kind of name for supporting such a slow, high overhead system function
@allquixotic And now there is finnaly enough memory to revert it back to real addressing, but i do not see that ever happening again.
and they would want you to not make this the default and to make it optional to have virtual memory or not
so people who want to run on the bare metal can choose to do so
things change; overhead increases; this is a fact of computing
live with it or get stuck in the past
@allquixotic Old software , new hardware, that is a great combo, when they seem to suck up all the power as soon as they get it.
@Psycogeek the goal should rather be to use the latest software while keeping your hardware ahead of the curve -- the software is generally increasing bloat at a slightly slower rate than hardware is getting faster and more spacious, so it's getting easier and easier (relatively speaking) to keep ahead of the curve
10 years ago, staying ahead of the Windows/Office bloat curve with current hardware was insanely expensive
now you can be ahead of the curve with an Ivy Bridge i5 and 8 GB of memory and a 1 TB disk, which is pretty mid-grade and certainly not high-end
@allquixotic In other words, GEEKS NEED MOAR HARDWARE!!!
@ThatBrazilianGuy bingo
@allquixotic Again, I don't care until I actually start running out of resources :P
Or it's obviously far worse than a direct competitor of similar functionality...
Only now normal-people won't be so terribly affected because laptops now are just facebooking machines and smartphones are just whatsapping machines.
(hint Chrome stop eating RAM hint)
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